#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702)
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
#warning "This module is not using SafeHaskell"
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- |This module abstracts the basic 'FileHandle' methods provided by
-- the system library, and provides an 'LHandle' (Labeled Handle) type
-- that can be manipulated from within the 'LIO' Monad.  Two lower
-- level functions, 'mkDir' and 'mkLHandle' may be useful for
-- functions that wish to open file names that are not relative to
-- 'rootDir'.  (There is no notion of changeable current working
-- directory in the 'LIO' Monad.)
-- The actual storage of labeled files is handled by the "LIO.FS"
-- module.
module LIO.Handle ( DirectoryOps(..)
                  , CloseOps (..)
                  , HandleOps (..)
                  , LHandle
                  , hlabelOf
                  , mkDir, mkLHandle
                  , readFile, writeFile
                  , createDirectoryPR, openFilePR, writeFilePR
                  , createDirectoryP, openFileP, writeFileP
                  , IOMode(..)
                  ) where

import LIO.TCB
import LIO.FS

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702)

import safe Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
#warning "Did not safely import Data.ByteString.Lazy"
import qualified System.Directory as IO
#warning "Did not safely import System.Directory"
import safe System.IO (IOMode)
import safe qualified System.IO as IO
import safe qualified System.IO.Error as IO


import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified System.Directory as IO
import System.IO (IOMode)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Error as IO


class (Monad m) => DirectoryOps h m | m -> h where
    getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> m [FilePath]
    createDirectory      :: FilePath -> m ()
    openFile             :: FilePath -> IO.IOMode -> m h

class (Monad m) => CloseOps h m where
    hClose               :: h -> m ()
    hFlush               :: h -> m ()

class (CloseOps h m) => HandleOps h b m where
    hGet            :: h -> Int -> m b
    hGetNonBlocking :: h -> Int -> m b
    hGetContents    :: h -> m b
    hPut            :: h -> b -> m ()
    hPutStrLn       :: h -> b -> m ()

instance DirectoryOps IO.Handle IO where
    getDirectoryContents = IO.getDirectoryContents
    createDirectory      = IO.createDirectory
    openFile             = IO.openBinaryFile

instance CloseOps IO.Handle IO where
    hClose               = IO.hClose
    hFlush               = IO.hFlush

instance HandleOps IO.Handle L.ByteString IO where
    hGet            = L.hGet
    hGetNonBlocking = L.hGetNonBlocking
    hGetContents    = L.hGetContents
    hPut            = L.hPut
    hPutStrLn h s   = L.hPut h $ L.append s $ L.singleton 0xa

data LHandle l h = LHandleTCB l h

instance (Label l) => MintTCB (LHandle l IO.Handle) (IO.Handle, l) where
    mintTCB (h, l) = LHandleTCB l h

instance (Label l) => DirectoryOps (LHandle l IO.Handle) (LIO l s) where
    getDirectoryContents d  = do
      root <- rootDir
      node <- lookupNode NoPrivs root d False
      rtioTCB $ getDirectoryContentsNode node
    createDirectory path    = do
      root <- rootDir
      l <- getLabel
      mkDir NoPrivs l root path
    openFile path mode      = do
      root <- rootDir
      l <- getLabel
      mkLHandle NoPrivs l root path mode

instance (Label l) => CloseOps (LHandle l IO.Handle) (LIO l s) where
    hClose (LHandleTCB l h) = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hClose h)
    hFlush (LHandleTCB l h) = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hFlush h)

instance (Label l, CloseOps (LHandle l h) (LIO l s), HandleOps h b IO)
    => HandleOps (LHandle l h) b (LIO l s) where
    hGet (LHandleTCB l h) n       = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hGet h n)
    hGetNonBlocking (LHandleTCB l h) n =
                                  wguard l >> rtioTCB (hGetNonBlocking h n)
    hGetContents (LHandleTCB l h) = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hGetContents h)
    hPut (LHandleTCB l h) s       = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hPut h s)
    hPutStrLn (LHandleTCB l h) s  = wguard l >> rtioTCB (hPutStrLn h s)

hlabelOf                  :: (Label l) => LHandle l h -> l
hlabelOf (LHandleTCB l _) = l

mkDir                   :: (Priv l p) =>
                           p        -- ^Privileges
                        -> l        -- ^Label for the new directory
                        -> Name l   -- ^Start point
                        -> FilePath -- ^Name to create
                        -> LIO l s () 
mkDir priv l start path = do
  -- No privs when checking clearance, as we assume it was lowered for a reason
  aguard l                     
  name <- lookupName priv start path
  dirlabel <- ioTCB $ labelOfName name
  wguardP priv dirlabel
  new <- ioTCB $ mkNodeDir l
  _ <- rtioTCB $ linkNode new name
  return ()

mkLHandle                        :: (Priv l p) =>
                                    p -- ^Privileges to minimize taint
                                 -> l -- ^Label if new file is created
                                 -> Name l -- ^Starting point of pathname
                                 -> FilePath -- ^Path of file relative to prev
                                 -> IO.IOMode -- ^Mode of handle
                                 -> LIO l s (LHandle l IO.Handle)
mkLHandle priv l start path mode = do
  aguard l
  name <- lookupName priv start path
  dirlabel <- ioTCB $ labelOfName name
  taintP priv dirlabel
  newl <- getLabel
  mnode <- ioTCB $ tryPred IO.isDoesNotExistError (nodeOfName name)
  case (mnode, mode) of
    (Right node, _) ->
        do nodel <- ioTCB $ labelOfNode node
           let hl = if mode == IO.ReadMode
                    then l `lub` newl `lub` nodel
                    else nodel
           aguard hl
           h <- rtioTCB $ openNode node mode
           return $ LHandleTCB hl h
    (Left e, IO.ReadMode) -> throwIO e
    _ -> do wguardP priv dirlabel
            aguard l           -- lookupName may have changed label
            (h, new) <- rtioTCB $ mkNodeReg mode l
            mn <- rtioTCB $ tryPred IO.isAlreadyExistsError
                  (linkNode new name `onException` hClose h)
            case mn of
              Right _ -> return $ LHandleTCB l h
              Left _  -> mkLHandle priv l name "" mode

readFile      :: (DirectoryOps h m, HandleOps h b m) => FilePath -> m b
readFile path = openFile path IO.ReadMode >>= hGetContents

writeFile               :: (DirectoryOps h m, HandleOps h b m,
                            OnExceptionTCB m) => FilePath -> b -> m ()
writeFile path contents = bracketTCB (openFile path IO.WriteMode) hClose
                          (flip hPut contents)

createDirectoryPR :: (Priv l p) => p -> Name l -> FilePath -> LIO l s ()
createDirectoryPR privs start path = do
  l <- getLabel
  mkDir privs l start path

writeFilePR :: (Priv l p, HandleOps IO.Handle b IO) =>
               p -> Name l -> FilePath -> b -> LIO l s ()
writeFilePR privs start path contents =
  bracketTCB (openFilePR privs start path IO.WriteMode) hClose
             (flip hPut contents)

openFilePR :: (Priv l p) =>
              p -> Name l -> FilePath -> IOMode -> LIO l s (LHandle l IO.Handle)
openFilePR privs start path mode = do
  l <- getLabel
  mkLHandle privs l start path mode

createDirectoryP :: (Priv l p) => p -> FilePath -> LIO l s ()
createDirectoryP privs path = do
  root <- rootDir
  l <- getLabel
  mkDir privs l root path

writeFileP  :: (Priv l p, HandleOps IO.Handle b IO) =>
               p -> FilePath -> b -> LIO l s ()
writeFileP privs path contents =
  bracketTCB (openFileP privs path IO.WriteMode) hClose
             (flip hPut contents)

openFileP :: (Priv l p) =>
             p -> FilePath -> IOMode -> LIO l s (LHandle l IO.Handle)
openFileP privs path mode = do
  root <- rootDir
  l <- getLabel
  mkLHandle privs l root path mode