(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * *) (***************************************************************) (**** This module implements constraint indexing ***************) (***************************************************************) module H = Hashtbl module F = Format module BS = BNstats module Co = Constants module C = FixConstraint module Misc = FixMisc module IM = Misc.IntMap module IS = Misc.IntSet module SM = Ast.Symbol.SMap module SS = Ast.Symbol.SSet module P = Ast.Predicate open Misc.Ops let mydebug = false (* TODO: Describe the SCC ordering scheme! *) (***********************************************************************) (***************** Index Data Structures and Accessors *****************) (***********************************************************************) type rank = { id : C.id ; scc : int (* SCC number with ALL dependencies *) ; iscc : int (* SCC number without CUT dependencies *) ; simpl : bool (* Is the RHS simple ? *) ; cut : bool (* Is the RHS a CUT-VAR *) ; tag : C.tag; } let string_of_tag t = Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (Misc.map_to_string string_of_int t) let pprint_rank ppf r = Format.fprintf ppf "id=%d, scc=%d, iscc=%d, cut=%b, tag=%a" r.id r.scc r.iscc r.cut C.print_tag r.tag module WH = Heaps.Functional (struct type t = int * rank let compare (ts,r) (ts',r') = if r.scc <> r'.scc then compare r.scc r'.scc else if ts <> ts' then - (compare ts ts') else if r.iscc <> r'.iscc then compare r.iscc r'.iscc else if !Constants.ptag && r.tag <> r'.tag then compare r.tag r'.tag else compare r.simpl r'.simpl end) type wkl = WH.t type t = { cnst : FixConstraint.t IM.t (* id -> refinement_constraint *) ; rnkm : rank IM.t (* id -> dependency rank *) ; depm : C.id list IM.t (* id -> successor ids *) ; pend : (C.id, unit) H.t (* id -> is in wkl ? *) ; rts : IS.t (* {rank} members are "root" sccs *) ; ds : C.dep list (* add/del dep list *) ; rdeps : (int * int) list (* real dependencies *) ; kuts : Ast.Symbol.t list (* CUT KVars *) } let get_ref_rank me c = Misc.do_catch "ERROR: Cindex.get_ref_rank" (IM.find (C.id_of_t c)) me.rnkm let get_ref_constraint me i = Misc.do_catch "ERROR: Cindex.get_ref_constraint" (IM.find i) me.cnst (***********************************************************************) (******************** Building Real Dependencies ***********************) (***********************************************************************) let refa_ko = function C.Kvar (_,k) -> Some k | _ -> None let reft_ks = function (_,_,ras) -> Misc.map_partial refa_ko ras let lhs_ks c = c |> C.lhs_of_t |> reft_ks |> SM.fold (fun _ (r:C.reft) l -> (reft_ks r) ++ l) (C.env_of_t c) let rhs_ks c = c |> C.rhs_of_t |> reft_ks let make_kread_map cm = cm |> IM.to_list |> Misc.flap (fun (id, c) -> lhs_ks c |>: (fun k -> (k, id))) |> SM.of_alist (* >> SM.iter (fun k ids -> Co.bprintf mydebug "ReadIn %a := %a\n" Ast.Symbol.print k Misc.pprint_pretty_ints ids) *) let make_deps cm = let km = make_kread_map cm in cm |> IM.to_list |> Misc.flap (fun (id, c) -> rhs_ks c |> Misc.flap (fun k -> SM.finds k km |>: (fun id' -> (id, id')))) |> Misc.pad_fst IM.of_alist (* >> (fst <+> IM.iter (fun i js -> Co.bprintf mydebug "DepsOf (id = %d) = @[%a@]\n" i Misc.pprint_pretty_ints js)) *) (* IM.fold begin fun id c acc -> List.fold_left begin fun (dm, deps) k -> let rd_ids = SM.finds k km in let deps' = List.map (fun rd_id -> (id, rd_id)) rd_ids in (IM.adds id rd_ids dm, (deps' ++ deps)) end acc (rhs_ks c) end cm (IM.empty, []) *) (***********************************************************************) (************* Adjusting Dependencies with Provided Tag-Deps ***********) (***********************************************************************) let delete_deps cm dds = let delf = C.matches_deps dds in let tagf = fun x -> IM.find x cm |> C.tag_of_t in List.filter (not <.> delf <.> Misc.map_pair tagf) let add_deps cm ads ijs = let tt = H.create 37 in let _ = IM.iter (fun id c -> H.add tt (C.tag_of_t c) id) cm in ads |> Misc.map C.tags_of_dep |> Misc.map (Misc.map_pair (H.find_all tt)) |> Misc.flap (Misc.uncurry Misc.cross_product) |> (++) ijs let adjust_deps cm ds = let ads, dds = List.partition C.pol_of_dep ds in !Constants.adjdeps (add_deps cm ads <.> delete_deps cm dds) (***********************************************************************) (**************************** Dependency SCCs **************************) (***********************************************************************) let string_of_ints is = is |> List.map string_of_int |> String.concat ", " let print_rank_groups f rs = rs |> Misc.kgroupby f |> List.sort compare |> List.iter begin fun (g, rs) -> Format.printf "Group=%s size=%d ids=%s\n" g (List.length rs) (string_of_ints (List.map (fun r -> r.id) rs)) end let string_of_cid cm id = try IM.find id cm |> C.tag_of_t |> Misc.fsprintf C.print_tag |> Printf.sprintf "%d: %s" id with _ -> assertf "string_of_cid: impossible" let make_rankm cm ranks iranks = let rm = IM.of_list ranks in let irm = IM.of_list iranks in IM.domain cm |>: begin fun id -> let c = IM.find id cm in let r = IM.find id rm in let (ir, cut) = IM.find id irm in id, { id = id; scc = r; iscc = ir; cut = cut; tag = C.tag_of_t c ; simpl = (not !Co.psimple) || (C.is_simple c) } end |> IM.of_list (* >> (IM.range <+> print_rank_groups (fun r -> Printf.sprintf "(%d/%d)" r.scc r.iscc )) *) (* returns a predicate which is true of ids whose RHS kvar is a kut-var *) let is_cut_cst cm kuts = let id_cstr = fun i -> IM.find i cm in let is_cut_kvar = let ks = SS.of_list kuts in fun k -> SS.mem k ks in List.exists is_cut_kvar <.> List.map snd <.> C.kvars_of_reft <.> C.rhs_of_t <.> id_cstr let inner_ranks cm deps irs = function | [] -> (* if no kuts specified, use dummys *) irs |>: (fun (i, r) -> (i, (r, false))) | kuts -> (* else, redo the SCC computation without cut-dependencies *) let is_eq_rank = let rm = IM.of_list irs in fun i j -> (IM.find i rm = IM.find j rm) in let is_cut_id = is_cut_cst cm kuts in let is_cut_dep = fun (i, j) -> is_cut_id i && is_eq_rank i j in deps |> List.filter (not <.> is_cut_dep) |> Fcommon.scc_rank "inner" (string_of_cid cm) (IM.domain cm) |>: (fun (i, ir) -> (i, (ir, is_cut_id i))) let make_ranks cm deps kuts = let ranks = Fcommon.scc_rank "constraint" (string_of_cid cm) (IM.domain cm) deps in let iranks = inner_ranks cm deps ranks kuts in make_rankm cm ranks iranks let make_roots rankm ijs = let sccs = rankm |> IM.to_list |> Misc.map (fun (_,r) -> r.scc) in let sccm = List.fold_left (fun is scc -> IS.add scc is) IS.empty sccs in List.fold_left begin fun sccm (i,j) -> let ir = (IM.find i rankm).scc in let jr = (IM.find j rankm).scc in if ir <> jr then IS.remove jr sccm else sccm end sccm ijs (* A constraint c is non-live if its rhs is a k variable that is not * (transitively) read. * roots := { c | (rhs_of_t c) has a concrete predicate } * lives := Pre*(roots) where Pre* is refl-trans-clos of the depends-on relation *) let make_lives cm real_deps = let dm = real_deps |>: Misc.swap |> IM.of_alist in let js = cm |> IM.filter (fun _ -> C.is_conc_rhs) |> IM.domain |> IS.of_list in (js, IS.empty) |> Misc.fixpoint begin fun (js, vm) -> let vm = IS.fold (fun j vm -> IS.add j vm) js vm in let js = IS.fold begin fun j js -> IM.finds j dm |> List.filter (fun j -> not (IS.mem j vm)) |> IS.of_list |> IS.union js end js IS.empty in ((js, vm), not (IS.is_empty js)) end |> (fst <+> snd) >> (IS.cardinal <+> Co.bprintf mydebug "#Live Constraints: %d \n") let create_raw kuts ds cm dm real_deps = let deps = adjust_deps cm ds real_deps in let rnkm = make_ranks cm deps kuts in { cnst = cm; ds = ds; kuts = kuts; rdeps = real_deps; rnkm = rnkm ; depm = dm; rts = make_roots rnkm deps ; pend = H.create 17} (***********************************************************************) (**************************** API **************************************) (***********************************************************************) (* API *) let print ppf me = List.iter (Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" C.print_dep) me.ds; IM.iter (fun _ c -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" (C.print_t None) c) me.cnst let save fname me = Misc.with_out_file fname begin fun oc -> let ppf = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in F.fprintf ppf "//Sliced Constraints@."; F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" print me end (* The "adjusted" dependencies are used to create the SCC ranks ONLY. * For soundness, the "real" dependencies must be used to push * "successors" into the worklist. *) (* API *) let create kuts ds cs = let cm = cs |>: (Misc.pad_fst C.id_of_t) |> IM.of_list in let dm, real_deps = make_deps cm in create_raw kuts ds cm dm real_deps (* API *) let slice me = let lives = make_lives me.cnst me.rdeps in let cm = me.cnst |> IM.filter (fun i _ -> IS.mem i lives) in let dm = me.depm |> IM.filter (fun i _ -> IS.mem i lives) |> IM.map (List.filter (fun j -> IS.mem j lives)) in let rdeps = me.rdeps |> Misc.filter (fun (i,j) -> IS.mem i lives && IS.mem j lives) in create_raw me.kuts me.ds cm dm rdeps >> save !Co.save_file (* API *) let slice_wf me ws = let ks = me.cnst |> IM.range |> Misc.flap C.kvars_of_t |> Misc.map snd |> SS.of_list in Misc.filter (C.reft_of_wf <+> C.kvars_of_reft <+> List.exists (fun (_,k) -> SS.mem k ks)) ws let pp_cstr_id ppf c = F.fprintf ppf "%d" (C.id_of_t c) let pp_cstr_ids ppf cs = F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@.@]" (Misc.pprint_many false "," pp_cstr_id) cs (* API *) let deps me c = (try IM.find (C.id_of_t c) me.depm with Not_found -> []) |> List.map (get_ref_constraint me) (* >> (List.map C.id_of_t <+> Co.logPrintf "Deps %d = [%a]\n" (C.id_of_t c) Misc.pprint_pretty_ints) *) (* API *) let to_list me = IM.range me.cnst (* (* API *) let to_live_list me = me.cnst |> IM.to_list |> Misc.map_partial (fun (i,c) -> if IS.mem i me.livs then Some c else None) *) let sort_iter_ref_constraints me f = me.rnkm |> IM.to_list |> List.sort (fun (_,r) (_,r') -> compare r.tag r'.tag) |> List.iter (fun (id,_) -> f (IM.find id me.cnst)) (* API *) let wpush = let timestamp = ref 0 in fun me w cs -> incr timestamp; List.fold_left begin fun w c -> let id = C.id_of_t c in if Hashtbl.mem me.pend id then w else begin Co.cprintf Co.ol_solve "Pushing %d at %d \n" id !timestamp; Hashtbl.replace me.pend id (); WH.add (!timestamp, get_ref_rank me c) w end end w cs let wstring w = WH.fold (fun (_,r) acc -> r.id :: acc) w [] |> List.sort compare |> Misc.map_to_string string_of_int (* API *) let wpop me w = try let _, r = WH.maximum w in let _ = Hashtbl.remove me.pend r.id in let c = get_ref_constraint me r.id in let _ = Co.cprintf Co.ol_solve "popping (%a) " pprint_rank r in let _ = Co.cprintf Co.ol_solve "from wkl = %s \n" (wstring w) in (Some c, WH.remove w) with Heaps.EmptyHeap -> (None, w) let roots me = IM.fold begin fun id r sccm -> (* if not (IM.mem r.scc me.rts) then sccm else *) let rs = try IM.find r.scc sccm with Not_found -> [] in IM.add r.scc (r::rs) sccm end me.rnkm IM.empty |> IM.map (List.hd <.> List.sort compare) |> IM.to_list |> Misc.map (fun (_,r) -> get_ref_constraint me r.id) (* API *) let winit me = roots me |> wpush me WH.empty (***************************************************************) (*********** A Operations for Constraint Cones *****************) (***************************************************************) let rec cone_height = function | Ast.Cone.Empty -> 0 | Ast.Cone.Cone xcs -> xcs |> List.map (snd <+> cone_height <+> (+) 1) |> Misc.list_max 0 let rec cone_size = function | Ast.Cone.Empty -> 0 | Ast.Cone.Cone xcs -> let ns = List.map (snd <+> cone_size) xcs in List.fold_left (+) (List.length ns) ns let cone (cm, dm) = let rec go seen cid = if IS.mem cid seen then Ast.Cone.Empty else let seen' = IS.add cid seen in match IM.finds cid dm with | [] -> Ast.Cone.Empty | cids' -> Ast.Cone.Cone (List.map (Misc.pad_snd (go seen')) cids') in begin fun id -> (Ast.Cone.Cone [(id, go IS.empty id)]) |> (Ast.Cone.map (fun i -> C.tag_of_t <| IM.safeFind i cm "Cindex.cone")) >> (fun c -> Format.printf "CONE: %d size=%d height=%d" id (cone_size c) (cone_height c)) end let data_sliced_deps cs = let cs = FixSimplify.WeakFixpoint.simplify_ts cs in let cm = cs |>: Misc.pad_fst C.id_of_t |> IM.of_list in let dm = make_deps cm |> snd |>: Misc.swap |> IM.of_alist in (cm, dm) (* API *) let data_cones cs = cs |> data_sliced_deps |> cone