(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONSy. * *) (* This module implements basic datatypes and operations on constraints *) module F = Format module H = Hashtbl module A = Ast module E = A.Expression module P = A.Predicate module Sy = A.Symbol module So = A.Sort module SM = Sy.SMap module BS = BNstats module Su = Ast.Subst module Co = Constants module Misc = FixMisc module MSM = Misc.StringMap open Misc.Ops type tag = int list * string type id = int type dep = Adp of tag * tag | Ddp of tag * tag | Ddp_s of tag | Ddp_t of tag type refa = Conc of A.pred | Kvar of Su.t * Sy.t type reft = Sy.t * A.Sort.t * refa list (* { VV: t | [ra] } *) type envt = reft SM.t type wf = envt * reft * (id option) * (Qualifier.t -> bool) type t = { full : envt; nontriv : envt; guard : A.pred; iguard : A.pred; lhs : reft; rhs : reft; ido : id option; tag : tag; } type soln = Ast.Symbol.t -> Ast.pred list exception BadConstraint of (id * tag * string) (* type soln = Ast.pred list Ast.Symbol.SMap.t type soln = { read : Ast.Symbol.t -> Ast.pred list ; kvars : Ast.Symbol.SSet.t } *) let mydebug = false (*************************************************************) (************************** Misc. ***************************) (*************************************************************) let is_simple_refatom = function | Kvar (s, _) -> Ast.Subst.is_empty s | _ -> false let is_tauto_refatom = function | Conc p -> P.is_tauto p | _ -> false (* API *) let fresh_kvar = let tick, _ = Misc.mk_int_factory () in tick <+> string_of_int <+> (^) "k_" <+> Sy.of_string (* API *) let kvars_of_reft (_, _, rs) = Misc.map_partial begin function | Kvar (subs, k) -> Some (subs,k) | _ -> None end rs let meet x (v1, t1, ra1s) (v2, t2, ra2s) = asserts (v1=v2 && t1=t2) "ERROR: FixConstraint.meet x=%s (v1=%s, t1=%s) (v2=%s, t2=%s)" (Sy.to_string x) (Sy.to_string v1) (A.Sort.to_string t1) (Sy.to_string v2) (A.Sort.to_string t2) ; (v1, t1, Misc.sort_and_compact (ra1s ++ ra2s)) let env_of_bindings_ meetb xrs = List.fold_left begin fun env (x, r) -> let r = if meetb && SM.mem x env then meet x r (SM.find x env) else r in SM.add x r env end SM.empty xrs (* API *) let env_of_bindings = env_of_bindings_ true let env_of_ordered_bindings = env_of_bindings_ false (* let env_of_bindings xrs = List.fold_left begin fun env (x, r) -> let r = if SM.mem x env then meet x r (SM.find x env) else r in SM.add x r env end SM.empty xrs *) let bindings_of_env = SM.to_list (* let bindings_of_env env = SM.fold (fun x y bs -> (x,y)::bs) env [] *) let split_ras ras = let cras, kras = List.partition (function (Conc _) -> true | _ -> false) ras in cras |> Misc.map_partial (function Conc p -> Some p | _ -> None) |> (function [] -> (None, kras) | ps -> (Some (A.pAnd ps), kras)) let kbindings_of_lhs {nontriv = ne; lhs = (v, t, ras)} = let xkss = SM.to_list ne in let _, kras = split_ras ras in (v, (v,t,kras)) :: xkss let map_env = SM.mapi let lookup_env = Misc.flip SM.maybe_find (* let lookup_env env x = try Some (SM.find x env) with Not_found -> None *) (* API *) let is_simple {lhs = (_,_,ra1s); rhs = (_,_,ra2s)} = List.for_all is_simple_refatom ra1s && List.for_all is_simple_refatom ra2s && !Co.simple let is_conc_refa = function Conc p -> not (P.is_tauto p) | _ -> false (* API *) let is_conc_rhs {rhs = (_,_,ras)} = List.exists is_conc_refa ras >> (fun rv -> if rv then (asserts (List.for_all is_conc_refa ras) "is_conc_rhs")) (* API *) let kvars_of_t {nontriv = env; lhs = lhs; rhs = rhs} = [lhs; rhs] |> SM.fold (fun _ r acc -> r :: acc) env |> Misc.flap kvars_of_reft (*************************************************************) (*********************** Logic Embedding *********************) (*************************************************************) let canon_ras ras = match split_ras ras with | None, kras -> kras | Some p, kras -> Conc p :: kras (* let non_trivial env = SM.fold begin fun x r sm -> match thd3 r with | [] -> sm | _::_ -> SM.add x r sm end env SM.empty *) let non_trivial env = SM.fold begin fun x (v,t,ras) ((ne, ps) as acc) -> match ras with | [] -> acc | _ -> let po, kras = split_ras ras in let ne' = match kras with [] -> ne | _ -> SM.add x (v,t,kras) ne in let ps' = match po with None -> ps | Some p -> (P.subst p v (A.eVar x)) :: ps in ne', ps' end env (SM.empty, []) (* API *) let is_conc_refa = function | Conc _ -> true | _ -> false let soln_read s k = s k (* SM.find k s *) (* API *) let preds_of_refa s = function | Conc p -> [p] | Kvar (su,k) -> soln_read s k |> List.map (Misc.flip A.substs_pred su) (* API *) let preds_of_reft f (_,_,ras) = Misc.flap (preds_of_refa f) ras (* API *) let meet_solution s1 s2 = fun k -> s1 k ++ s2 k (* SM.extendWith (fun _ -> (++)) *) let empty_solution = fun _ -> [] let apply_solution_refa f ra = Conc (A.pAnd (preds_of_refa f ra)) (* API *) let apply_solution f (v, t, ras) = (v, t, List.map (apply_solution_refa f) ras) let preds_of_envt f env = SM.fold (fun x ((vv, t, ras) as r) ps -> let vps = preds_of_reft f r in let xps = List.map (fun p -> P.subst p vv (A.eVar x)) vps in xps ++ ps) env [] (* API *) let wellformed_pred env = A.sortcheck_pred Theories.is_interp (Misc.maybe_map snd3 <.> Misc.flip SM.maybe_find env) (* API *) let preds_of_lhs_nofilter f c = let envps = preds_of_envt f c.nontriv in let r1ps = preds_of_reft f c.lhs in (c.iguard :: envps) ++ r1ps (* let preds_of_lhs f c = let env = SM.add (fst3 c.lhs) c.lhs c.full in let wfp p = wellformed_pred env p >> (fun b -> if not b then F.eprintf "WARNING: Malformed Lhs Pred (%a)\n" P.print p) in let ps = preds_of_lhs_nofilter f c in let ps' = List.filter wfp ps in if !Co.strictsortcheck && List.length ps != List.length ps' then raise (BadConstraint (Misc.maybe c.ido, c.tag, "Malformed Lhs Pred")) else ps *) let report_wellformed env c p wf = if not wf then let msg = F.sprintf "WARNING: Malformed Lhs Pred (%s)\n" (P.to_string p) in let _ = F.eprintf "%s" msg in let _ = SM.iter (fun s (_,t,_) -> F.eprintf "@[%a :: %a@]@." Sy.print s So.print t) env in let _ = F.eprintf "@[%a@]@.@." P.print p in if !Co.strictsortcheck then raise (BadConstraint (Misc.maybe c.ido, c.tag, msg)) (* API *) let preds_of_lhs f c = let env = SM.add (fst3 c.lhs) c.lhs c.full in preds_of_lhs_nofilter f c |> List.filter (fun p -> wellformed_pred env p >> report_wellformed env c p) (* API *) let vars_of_t f ({rhs = r2} as c) = (preds_of_reft f r2) ++ (preds_of_lhs f c) |> Misc.flap P.support (**************************************************************) (********************** Pretty Printing ***********************) (**************************************************************) let print_refineatom ppf = function | Conc p -> F.fprintf ppf "%a" P.print p | Kvar (su, k) -> F.fprintf ppf "%a%a" Sy.print k Su.print su (* (* API *) let print_ras so ppf = function | [] -> F.fprintf ppf "true" | ras -> begin match so with | None -> F.fprintf ppf "%a" (Misc.pprint_many_box false "" "; " "" print_refineatom) ras | Some s -> let ps = Misc.flap (preds_of_refa s) ras in (match ps with | [] -> F.fprintf ppf "[]" | _ -> F.fprintf ppf "%a" P.print (A.pAnd ps)) end *) (* API *) let print_ras so ppf ras = match so with | None -> Misc.pprint_many_box false "[" "; " "]" print_refineatom ppf ras | Some s -> begin match Misc.flap (preds_of_refa s) ras with | [] -> F.fprintf ppf "[]" | ps -> F.fprintf ppf "[%a]" P.print (A.pAnd ps) end (* API *) let print_reft_pred so ppf (v,t,ras) = F.fprintf ppf "@[{%a:%a | %a}@]" Sy.print v Ast.Sort.print t (print_ras so) ras (* let print_reft_pred so ppf = function | (v,_,[]) -> F.fprintf ppf "@[{%a | true }@]" Sy.print v | (v,_,ras) -> F.fprintf ppf "@[{%a | @[%a@]}@]" Sy.print v (print_ras so) ras *) (* API *) let print_reft so ppf (v, t, ras) = F.fprintf ppf "@[{%a : %a | %a}@]" Sy.print v Ast.Sort.print t (print_ras so) ras (* API *) let print_binding so ppf (x, r) = F.fprintf ppf "@[%a:%a@]" Sy.print x (print_reft so) r (* API *) let print_env so ppf env = bindings_of_env env |> F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (Misc.pprint_many_brackets true (print_binding so)) let pprint_id ppf = function | Some id -> F.fprintf ppf "id %d" id | None -> F.fprintf ppf "" let string_of_intlist = (String.concat ";") <.> (List.map string_of_int) (* API *) let print_tag ppf = function | [],_ -> F.fprintf ppf "" | is,s -> F.fprintf ppf "tag [%s] //%s" (string_of_intlist is) s (* API *) let print_dep ppf = function | Adp ((t,_), (t',_)) -> F.fprintf ppf "add_dep: [%s] => [%s]" (string_of_intlist t) (string_of_intlist t') | Ddp ((t,_), (t',_)) -> F.fprintf ppf "del_dep: [%s] => [%s]" (string_of_intlist t) (string_of_intlist t') | Ddp_s (t,_) -> F.fprintf ppf "del_dep: [%s] => *" (string_of_intlist t) | Ddp_t (t',_) -> F.fprintf ppf "del_dep: * => [%s]" (string_of_intlist t') (* API *) let print_wf so ppf (env, r, io, _) = F.fprintf ppf "wf: env @[%a@] @\n reft %a @\n %a @\n" (print_env so) env (print_reft so) r pprint_id io let print_t so ppf c = let env, g = if !Co.print_nontriv then c.nontriv, c.iguard else c.full, c.guard in F.fprintf ppf "constraint:@. env @[%a@] @\n grd @[%a@] @\n lhs @[%a@] @\n rhs @[%a@] @\n %a %a @\n" (print_env so) env P.print g (print_reft so) c.lhs (print_reft so) c.rhs pprint_id c.ido print_tag c.tag (* API *) let to_string = Misc.fsprintf (print_t None) let refa_to_string = Misc.fsprintf print_refineatom let reft_to_string = Misc.fsprintf (print_reft None) let binding_to_string = Misc.fsprintf (print_binding None) (***************************************************************) (*********************** Getter/Setter *************************) (***************************************************************) let theta_ra (su': Su.t) = function | Conc p -> Conc (A.substs_pred p su') | Kvar (su, k) -> Kvar (Su.compose su su', k) (* API *) let make_reft = fun v so ras -> (v, so, List.map (theta_ra Su.empty) (canon_ras ras)) let vv_of_reft = fst3 let sort_of_reft = snd3 let ras_of_reft = thd3 let shape_of_reft = fun (v, so, _) -> (v, so, []) let theta = fun subs (v, so, ras) -> (v, so, Misc.map (theta_ra subs) ras) (* API *) let env_of_t = fun t -> t.full let grd_of_t = fun t -> t.guard let lhs_of_t = fun t -> t.lhs let rhs_of_t = fun t -> t.rhs let tag_of_t = fun t -> t.tag let ido_of_t = fun t -> t.ido let id_of_t = fun t -> match t.ido with Some i -> i | _ -> assertf "C.id_of_t" let is_tauto = rhs_of_t <+> ras_of_reft <+> List.for_all is_tauto_refatom let make_t = fun env p r1 r2 io is -> let p = A.simplify_pred p in let ne, ps = non_trivial env in { full = env ; nontriv = ne ; guard = p ; iguard = A.pAnd (p::ps) ; lhs = r1 ; rhs = r2 ; ido = io ; tag = is } let vv_of_t = fun t -> fst3 t.lhs let sort_of_t = fun t -> snd3 t.lhs let senv_of_t = fun t -> SM.map snd3 t.full |> SM.add (vv_of_t t) (sort_of_t t) (* let make_t = fun env p ((v,t,ras1) as r1) r2 io is -> let p = A.simplify_pred p in let po, kras = split_ras ras1 in let ne, ps = non_trivial env in let gps = match po with Some p' -> p' :: p :: ps | _ -> p :: ps in { full = env ; nontriv = ne ; guard = p ; iguard = A.pAnd gps ; lhs = (v, t, kras) ; rhs = r2 ; ido = io ; tag = is } *) let reft_of_sort so = make_reft (Sy.value_variable so) so [] let add_consts_env consts env = consts |> List.map (Misc.app_snd reft_of_sort) |> List.fold_left (fun env (x,r) -> SM.add x r env) env (* API *) let add_consts_wf consts (env,x,y,z) = (add_consts_env consts env, x, y, z) (* API *) let add_consts_t consts t = {t with full = add_consts_env consts t.full} (* API *) let make_wf = fun env r io -> (env, r, io, fun _ -> true) let make_filtered_wf = fun env r io fltr -> (env, r, io, fltr) let env_of_wf = fst4 let reft_of_wf = snd4 let id_of_wf = function (_,_,Some i,_) -> i | _ -> assertf "C.id_of_wf" let filter_of_wf = fth4 let intersect_maps m1 m2 = SM.filter begin fun k elt -> SM.mem k m2 && SM.find k m2 = elt end m1 let intersect_wfs (e1, r1, id1, qf1) (e2, r2, id2, qf2) = let _ = assert (r1 = r2) in let env = intersect_maps e1 e2 in (env, r1, id1, fun x -> (qf1 x && qf2 x)) let reduce_wfs wfs = wfs |> Misc.groupby reft_of_wf |>: (fun wfs -> List.fold_left intersect_wfs (List.hd wfs) (List.tl wfs)) (* API *) let matches_deps ds = let tt = H.create 37 in let s_tt = H.create 37 in let t_tt = H.create 37 in List.iter begin function | Adp (t, t') | Ddp (t, t') -> H.add tt (t,t') () | Ddp_s t -> H.add s_tt t () | Ddp_t t' -> H.add t_tt t' () end ds; (fun (t, t') -> H.mem tt (t, t') || H.mem s_tt t || H.mem t_tt t') (* API *) let pol_of_dep = function Adp (_,_) -> true | _ -> false (* API *) let tags_of_dep = function | Adp (t, t') | Ddp (t, t') -> t,t' | _ -> assertf "tags_of_dep" (* API *) let make_dep b xo yo = match (b, xo, yo) with | true , Some t, Some t' -> Adp (t, t') | false, Some t, Some t' -> Ddp (t, t') | false, Some t, None -> Ddp_s t | false, None , Some t' -> Ddp_t t' | _ -> assertf "FixConstraint.make_dep: match failure" (* API *) let preds_kvars_of_reft reft = List.fold_left begin fun (ps, ks) -> function | Conc p -> p :: ps, ks | Kvar (xes, kvar) -> ps, (xes, kvar) :: ks end ([], []) (ras_of_reft reft) (***************************************************************) (************* Add Distinct Ids to Constraints *****************) (***************************************************************) let max_id n cs = cs |> Misc.map_partial ido_of_t >> (fun ids -> asserts (Misc.distinct ids) "Duplicate Ids") |> List.fold_left max n let max_wf_id n ws = ws |> Misc.map_partial (fun (_,_,ido,_) -> ido) >> (fun ids -> asserts (Misc.distinct ids) "Duplicate WF Ids") |> List.fold_left max n (* API *) let add_wf_ids ws = Misc.mapfold begin fun j wf -> match wf with | (x,y,None,z) -> j+1, (x, y, Some j, z) | _ -> j, wf end ((max_wf_id 0 ws) + 1) ws |> snd (* API *) let add_ids n cs = Misc.mapfold begin fun j c -> match c with | {ido = None} -> j+1, {c with ido = Some j} | c -> j, c end ((max_id n cs) + 1) cs