(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. *) (** This module implements a fixpoint solver *) module BS = BNstats module F = Format module A = Ast module Co = Constants module P = A.Predicate module E = A.Expression module So = A.Sort module Su = A.Subst module Q = Qualifier module Sy = A.Symbol module SM = Sy.SMap module C = FixConstraint module Ci = Cindex module PP = Prepass module Cg = FixConfig (* module TP = TpNull.Prover *) module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops let mydebug = false type t = { sri : Ci.t ; ws : C.wf list ; tt : Timer.t (* Stats *) ; stat_refines : int ref ; stat_cfreqt : (int * bool, int) Hashtbl.t } module type SOLVER = sig type soln type bind val create : bind Cg.cfg -> FixConstraint.soln option -> (t * soln) val solve : t -> soln -> (soln * (FixConstraint.t list) * Counterexample.cex list) val save : string -> t -> soln -> unit val read : soln -> FixConstraint.soln val min_read : soln -> FixConstraint.soln val read_bind : soln -> Ast.Symbol.t -> bind val cone : t -> FixConstraint.id -> FixConstraint.tag Ast.Cone.t (* val meet : soln -> soln -> soln *) end module Make (Dom : SolverArch.DOMAIN) = struct type soln = Dom.t type bind = Dom.bind let min_read = Dom.min_read let read = Dom.read let read_bind = Dom.read_bind (* let meet = Dom.meet *) (*************************************************************) (********************* Stats *********************************) (*************************************************************) let hashtbl_incr_frequency t k = let n = try Hashtbl.find t k with Not_found -> 0 in Hashtbl.replace t k (n+1) let hashtbl_print_frequency t = Misc.hashtbl_to_list t |> Misc.kgroupby (fun ((k,b),n) -> (n,b)) |> List.map (fun ((n,b), xs) -> (n, b, List.map (fst <+> fst) xs)) |> List.sort compare |> List.iter begin fun (n, b, xs) -> Co.bprintf mydebug "ITERFREQ: %d times (ch = %b) %d constraints %s \n" n b (List.length xs) (Misc.map_to_string string_of_int xs) end (***************************************************************) (************************ Debugging/Stats **********************) (***************************************************************) let print_constr_stats ppf cs = let cn = List.length cs in let scn = List.length (List.filter C.is_simple cs) in F.fprintf ppf "#Constraints: %d (simple = %d) \n" cn scn let print_solver_stats ppf me = print_constr_stats ppf (Ci.to_list me.sri); F.fprintf ppf "#Iterations = %d\n" !(me.stat_refines); F.fprintf ppf "Iteration Frequency: \n"; hashtbl_print_frequency me.stat_cfreqt; F.fprintf ppf "Iteration Periods: @[%a@] \n" Timer.print me.tt let dump me s = Co.bprintf mydebug "%a \n" print_solver_stats me; Co.bprintf mydebug "%a \n" Dom.print_stats s; Dom.dump s let log_iter_stats me s = (if Co.ck_olev Co.ol_insane then Co.bprintf mydebug "log_iter_stats\n%a" Dom.print s); (if !(me.stat_refines) mod 100 = 0 then let msg = Printf.sprintf "\n num refines=%d" !(me.stat_refines) in let _ = Timer.log_event me.tt (Some msg) in let _ = Co.bprintf mydebug "%s\n %a\n" msg Dom.print_stats s in let _ = Format.print_flush () in ()); () (***************************************************************) (******************** Iterative Refinement *********************) (***************************************************************) let is_solved s c = let sol = read s in c |> C.rhs_of_t |> C.kvars_of_reft |> List.map (sol <.> snd) |> List.for_all ((=) []) let refine_constraint s c = try BS.time "refine" (Dom.refine s) c with ex -> let _ = F.printf "constraint refinement fails with: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string ex) in let _ = F.printf "Failed on constraint:\n%a\n" (C.print_t None) c in assert false let update_worklist me s' c w' = c |> Ci.deps me.sri |> Misc.filter (not <.> is_solved s') |> Ci.wpush me.sri w' let rec acsolve me w s = let _ = log_iter_stats me s in let _ = Misc.display_tick () in match Ci.wpop me.sri w with | (None,_) -> let _ = Timer.log_event me.tt (Some "Finished") in s | (Some c, w') -> let _ = me.stat_refines += 1 in let (ch, s') = BS.time "refine" (refine_constraint s) c in let _ = hashtbl_incr_frequency me.stat_cfreqt (C.id_of_t c, ch) in let _ = Co.bprintf mydebug "iter=%d id=%d ch=%b %a \n" !(me.stat_refines) (C.id_of_t c) ch C.print_tag (C.tag_of_t c) in let w'' = if ch then update_worklist me s' c w' else w' in acsolve me w'' s' let unsat_constraints me s = me.sri |> Ci.to_list |> List.filter (Dom.unsat s) let simplify_solution me s = Dom.simplify s (***************************************************************) (****************** Pruning Unconstrained Vars *****************) (***************************************************************) let rhs_ks cs = cs |> Misc.flap (Misc.compose C.kvars_of_reft C.rhs_of_t) |> List.fold_left (fun rhss (_, kv) -> Sy.SSet.add kv rhss) Sy.SSet.empty let unconstrained_kvars cs = let rhss = rhs_ks cs in cs |> Misc.flap C.kvars_of_t |> List.map snd |> List.filter (fun kv -> not (Sy.SSet.mem kv rhss)) let true_unconstrained sri s = sri |> Ci.to_list |> unconstrained_kvars |> Dom.top s (* let true_unconstrained sri s = if !Co.true_unconstrained then let _ = Co.logPrintf "Fixpoint: Pruning unconstrained kvars \n" in true_unconstrained sri s else let _ = Co.logPrintf "Fixpoint: NOT Pruning unconstrained kvars \n" in s *) (* API *) let solve me s = let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Validating Initial Solution \n" in (* let _ = F.printf "create: SOLUTION \n %a \n" Dom.print s in *) let _ = BS.time "Prepass.profile" PP.profile me.sri in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nBEGIN: Fixpoint: Trueing Unconstrained Variables \n" in let s = s |> (!Co.true_unconstrained BS.time "Prepass.true_unconstr" (true_unconstrained me.sri)) in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nDONE: Fixpoint: Trueing Unconstrained Variables \n" in (* let _ = F.printf "create: SOLUTION1 \n %a \n" Dom.print s in *) let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nBEGIN: Fixpoint: Initialize Worklist \n" in let w = BS.time "Cindex.winit" Ci.winit me.sri in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nDONE: Fixpoint: Initialize Worklist \n" in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nBEGIN: Fixpoint Refinement Loop \n" in let s = BS.time "Solve.acsolve" (acsolve me w) s in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nDONE: Fixpoint Refinement Loop \n" in (* let _ = F.printf "create: SOLUTION2 \n %a \n" Dom.print s in *) let s = if !Co.minquals then simplify_solution me s else s in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nDONE: Simplify Solution \n" in let _ = BS.time "Solve.dump" (dump me) s in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Testing Solution \n" in let u = BS.time "Solve.unsatcs" (unsat_constraints me) s in let _ = if u != [] then F.printf "Unsatisfied Constraints:\n %a" (Misc.pprint_many true "\n" (C.print_t None)) u in let cx = if !Co.cex && Misc.nonnull u then Dom.ctr_examples s (Ci.to_list me.sri) u else [] in (s, u, cx) let global_symbols cfg = (SM.to_list cfg.Cg.uops) (* specified globals *) ++ (Theories.interp_syms) (* theory globals *) (* API *) let create cfg kf = let gts = global_symbols cfg in let sri = cfg.Cg.cs >> Co.bprintf mydebug "Pre-Simplify Stats\n%a" print_constr_stats |> BS.time "Constant Env" (List.map (C.add_consts_t gts)) |> BS.time "Simplify" FixSimplify.simplify_ts >> Co.bprintf mydebug "Post-Simplify Stats\n%a" print_constr_stats |> BS.time "Ref Index" Ci.create cfg.Cg.kuts cfg.Cg.ds |> (!Co.slice BS.time "Slice" Ci.slice) in let ws = cfg.Cg.ws |> (!Co.slice BS.time "slice_wf" (Ci.slice_wf sri)) |> BS.time "Constant EnvWF" (List.map (C.add_consts_wf gts)) |> PP.validate_wfs in let cfg = { cfg with Cg.cs = Ci.to_list sri; Cg.ws = ws } in let s = if !Constants.dump_simp <> "" then Dom.empty else BS.time "Dom.create" (Dom.create cfg) kf in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nDONE: Dom.create\n" in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nBEGIN: PP.validate\n" in let _ = Ci.to_list sri |> BS.time "Validate" (PP.validate cfg.Cg.a (Dom.read s)) in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nEND: PP.validate\n" in ({ sri = sri ; ws = ws (* stat *) ; tt = Timer.create "fixpoint iters" ; stat_refines = ref 0 ; stat_cfreqt = Hashtbl.create 37 }, s) >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug "DONE: Solve.create\n") (* API *) let save fname me s = let oc = open_out fname in let ppf = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" Ci.print me.sri; F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" (Misc.pprint_many true "\n" (C.print_wf None)) me.ws; F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" Dom.print s; close_out oc (* API *) let cone me = Cindex.data_cones (Ci.to_list me.sri) end