(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * *) (** * This module implements a DAG representation for expressions and * predicates: each sub-predicate or sub-expression is paired with * a unique int ID, which enables constant time hashing. * However, one must take care when using DAGS: * (1) they can only be constructed using the appropriate functions * (2) when destructed via pattern-matching, one must discard the ID *) (* random touch *) module F = Format module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops module SM = Misc.StringMap let mydebug = false module Cone = struct type 'a t = Empty | Cone of ('a * 'a t) list let rec map f = function | Empty -> Empty | Cone xcs -> Cone (List.map (f <**> map f) xcs) end module Sort = struct type loc = | Loc of string | Lvar of int | LFun type tycon = string type t = | Int | Real | Bool | Obj | Var of int (* type-var *) | Ptr of loc (* c-pointer *) | Func of int * t list (* type-var-arity, in-types @ [out-type] *) | Num (* kind, for numeric tyvars -- ptr(loc(s)) -- *) | App of tycon * t list (* type constructors *) type sub = { locs: (int * string) list; vars: (int * t) list; } let tycon_string x = x (* let is_loc_string s = let re = Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+" in Str.string_match re s 0 let loc_of_string = fun s -> let _ = asserts (is_loc_string s) in Loc s let loc_of_index = fun i -> Lvar i *) let t_num = Num let t_obj = Obj let t_bool = Bool let t_int = Int let t_real = Real let t_generic = fun i -> let _ = asserts (0 <= i) "t_generic: %d" i in Var i let t_ptr = fun l -> Ptr l let t_func = fun i ts -> Func (i, ts) let tycon s = s let tc_app = "FAppTy" (* let tycon_re = Str.regexp "[A-Z][0-9 a-z A-Z '.']" * function | s when Str.string_match tycon_re s 0 -> s | s -> assertf "Error: Invalid tycon: %s" s *) let t_app c ts = if c = tc_app then App (c, ts) else List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> App (tc_app, [t1; t2])) (App (c, [])) ts (* let t_app c ts = List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> App ("FAppTy", [t1; t2])) (App (c, [])) ts *) (* let t_app c ts = App (c, ts) *) let loc_to_string = function | Loc s -> s | Lvar i -> string_of_int i | LFun -> "" let rec to_string = function | Var i -> Printf.sprintf "@(%d)" i | Int -> "int" | Real -> "real" | Bool -> "bool" | Obj -> "obj" | Num -> "num" | Ptr l -> loc_to_string l (* Printf.sprintf "ptr(%s)" (loc_to_string l) *) | Func (n, ts) -> ts |> List.map to_string |> String.concat " ; " |> Printf.sprintf "func(%d, [%s])" n | App (c, ts) -> ts |> List.map to_string_arg |> String.concat " " |> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" c and to_string_arg t = match t with | App (_, _) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (to_string t) | _ -> to_string t let to_string_short = function | Func _ -> "func" (* | Ptr _ -> "ptr" *) | t -> to_string t let print fmt t = t |> to_string |> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" let sub_to_string {locs = ls; vars = vs} = let lts = fun (i, s) -> Printf.sprintf "(%d := %s)" i s in let vts = fun (i, t) -> Printf.sprintf "(%d := %s)" i (to_string t) in Printf.sprintf "locs := %s, vars := %s \n" (String.concat "" (List.map lts ls)) (String.concat "" (List.map vts vs)) let rec map f = function | Func (n, ts) -> Func (n, List.map (map f) ts) | App (c, ts) -> App (c, List.map (map f) ts) | t -> f t let rec fold f b = function | Func (n, ts) as t -> List.fold_left (fold f) (f b t) ts | t -> f b t let subs_tvar ts = map begin function | Var i -> Misc.do_catchf "ERROR: subs_tvar" (List.nth ts) i | t -> t end let is_bool = function | Bool -> true | _ -> false let is_int = function | Int -> true | _ -> false let is_real = function | Real -> true | _ -> false let is_func = function | Func _ -> true | _ -> false let is_kind = function | Num -> true | _ -> false let app_of_t = function | App (c, ts) -> Some (c, ts) | _ -> None (* (L t1 t2 t3) is now encoded as ---> (((L @ t1) @ t2) @ t3) ---> App(@, [App(@, [App(@, [L[]; t1]); t2]); t3]) The following decodes the above as *) let rec app_args_of_t acc = function | App (c, [t1; t2]) when c = tc_app -> app_args_of_t (t2 :: acc) t1 | App (c, []) -> (c, acc) | t -> (tc_app, t :: acc) (* | Ptr (Loc s) -> (tycon s, acc) | t -> assertf "app_args_of_t: unexpected t1 = %s" (to_string t) *) let app_of_t = function | App (c, _) as t when c = tc_app -> Some (app_args_of_t [] t) | App (c, ts) -> Some (c, ts) | _ -> None let func_of_t = function | Func (i, ts) -> let (xts, t) = ts |> Misc.list_snoc |> Misc.swap in Some (i, xts, t) | _ -> None let ptr_of_t = function | Ptr l -> Some l | _ -> None (* Sleazy Hack for C pointers. Make this go away... *) let compat t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Int, (Ptr _) -> true | (Ptr _), Int -> true | _ -> t1 = t2 (* {{{ let concretize ts = function | Func (n, ats) when n = List.length ts -> Func (n, List.map (subs_tvar ts) ats) | _ -> assertf "ERROR: bad application" let is_monotype t = fold (fun b t -> b && (match t with Var _ -> false | _ -> true)) true t }}} *) let lookup_var = fun s i -> try Some (List.assoc i s.vars) with Not_found -> None let lookup_loc = fun s j -> try Some (List.assoc j s.locs) with Not_found -> None let rec unifyt s = function | Num,_ | _, Num -> None | ct, (Var i) | (Var i), ct (* when ct != Bool *) -> begin match lookup_var s i with | Some ct' when ct = ct' -> Some s | Some _ -> None | None -> Some {s with vars = (i,ct) :: s.vars} end | Ptr LFun, Ptr _ | Ptr _, Ptr LFun -> Some s | Ptr (Loc cl), Ptr (Lvar j) | Ptr (Lvar j), Ptr (Loc cl) -> begin match lookup_loc s j with | Some cl' when cl' = cl -> Some s | Some _ -> None | None -> Some {s with locs = (j,cl) :: s.locs} end | App (c1, t1s), App (c2, t2s) when c1 = c2 && List.length t1s = List.length t2s -> Misc.maybe_fold unifyt s (List.combine t1s t2s) | (t1, t2) when t1 = t2 -> Some s | _ -> None let empty_sub = {vars = []; locs = []} let unifyWith s ats cts = let _ = asserts (List.length ats = List.length cts) "ERROR: unify sorts" in List.combine ats cts |> Misc.maybe_fold unifyt s (* >> (fun so -> Printf.printf "unify: [%s] ~ [%s] = %s \n" (String.concat "; " (List.map to_string ats)) (String.concat "; " (List.map to_string cts)) (match so with None -> "NONE" | Some s -> sub_to_string s)) *) let unify = unifyWith empty_sub let apply s = map begin fun t -> match t with | Var i -> (match lookup_var s i with Some t' -> t' | _ -> t) | Ptr (Lvar j) -> (match lookup_loc s j with Some l -> Ptr (Loc l) | _ -> t) | _ -> t end let rec fold f acc t = match t with | Var _ | Int | Real | Bool | Obj | Num | Ptr _ -> f acc t | Func (_, ts) | App (_, ts) -> List.fold_left (fold f) (f acc t) ts let vars_of_t = fold begin fun acc -> function | Var i -> i :: acc | _ -> acc end [] let locs_of_t = fold begin fun acc -> function | Ptr (Loc l) -> l :: acc | _ -> acc end [] let subst_locs_vars lim = map begin function | Ptr (Loc l) when SM.mem l lim -> Var (SM.find l lim) | t -> t end (* API *) let generalize ts = let locs = ts |> Misc.flap locs_of_t |> Misc.sort_and_compact in let idx = ts |> Misc.flap vars_of_t |> Misc.list_max (-1) |> (+) 1 in let lim = Misc.index_from idx locs |>: Misc.swap |> SM.of_list in List.map (subst_locs_vars lim) ts (* API *) let sub_args s = List.sort compare s.vars (* API *) let check_arity n s = s.vars |>: fst |> Misc.sort_and_compact |> List.length |> (=) n (* if ... then s else assertf "Type Inst. With Wrong Arity!" *) end module Symbol = struct type t = string let mk_wild = let t,_ = Misc.mk_int_factory () in t <+> string_of_int <+> (^) "~A" let is_wild_fresh s = s = "_" let is_wild_any s = s.[0] = '~' let is_wild_pre s = s.[0] = '@' let is_wild s = is_wild_fresh s || is_wild_any s || is_wild_pre s let is_safe s = let re = Str.regexp "[A-Za-z '~' '_' '\'' '@' ][0-9 a-z A-Z '_' '@' '\'' '.' '#']*$" in Str.string_match re s 0 let of_string, to_string = let of_t = Hashtbl.create 117 in let to_t = Hashtbl.create 117 in let bind = fun s sy -> Hashtbl.replace of_t s sy; Hashtbl.replace to_t sy s in let f,_ = Misc.mk_string_factory "FIXPOINTSYMBOL_" in ((fun s -> if is_wild_fresh s then mk_wild () else if is_safe s then s else try Hashtbl.find of_t s with Not_found -> let sy = f () in let _ = bind s sy in sy), (fun sy -> try Hashtbl.find to_t sy with Not_found -> sy)) let to_string = fun s -> s (* if is_safe s then s else "'" ^ s ^ "'" *) let suffix = fun s suff -> of_string ((to_string s) ^ suff) let print fmt s = to_string s |> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" let vvprefix = "VV_" let vvsuffix = function | Sort.Ptr l -> Sort.loc_to_string l | t -> Sort.to_string_short t let is_value_variable = Misc.is_prefix vvprefix let value_variable t = vvprefix ^ (vvsuffix t) (* DEBUG *) let vvprefix = "VV" let is_value_variable = (=) vvprefix let value_variable _ = vvprefix module SMap = Misc.EMap (struct type t = string let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 let print = print end) module SSet = Misc.ESet (struct type t = string let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 end) (* let sm_length m = SMap.fold (fun _ _ i -> i+1) m 0 let sm_filter f sm = SMap.fold begin fun x y sm -> if f x y then SMap.add x y sm else sm end sm SMap.empty let sm_to_list sm = SMap.fold (fun x y acc -> (x,y)::acc) sm [] let sm_of_list xs = List.fold_left (fun sm (k,v) -> SMap.add k v sm) SMap.empty xs *) end module Constant = struct type t = Int of int | Real of float let to_string = function | Int i -> string_of_int i | Real i -> string_of_float i ^ "0" let print fmt s = to_string s |> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" end type tag = int type brel = Eq (* equal *) | Ne (* not-equal *) | Gt (* greater than *) | Ge (* greater than or equal *) | Lt (* less than *) | Le (* less than or equal *) | Ueq (* unsorted-equality *) | Une (* unsorted-disequality *) type bop = Plus | Minus | Times | Div | Mod (* NOTE: For "Mod" 2nd expr should be a constant or a var *) type expr = expr_int * tag and expr_int = | Con of Constant.t | Var of Symbol.t | App of Symbol.t * expr list | Bin of expr * bop * expr | Ite of pred * expr * expr | Fld of Symbol.t * expr (* NOTE: Fld (s, e) == App ("field"^s,[e]) *) | Cst of expr * Sort.t | Bot | MExp of expr list | MBin of expr * bop list * expr and pred = pred_int * tag and pred_int = | True | False | And of pred list | Or of pred list | Not of pred | Imp of pred * pred | Iff of pred * pred | Bexp of expr | Atom of expr * brel * expr | MAtom of expr * brel list * expr | Forall of ((Symbol.t * Sort.t) list) * pred let list_hash b xs = List.fold_left (fun v (_,id) -> 2*v + id) b xs module Hashcons (X : sig type t val sub_equal : t -> t -> bool val hash : t -> int end) = struct module HashStruct = struct type t = X.t * int let equal (x,_) (y,_) = X.sub_equal x y let hash (x,_) = X.hash x end module Hash = Weak.Make(HashStruct) let wrap = let tab = Hash.create 251 in let ctr = ref 0 in fun e -> let res = Hash.merge tab (e, !ctr) in let _ = if snd res = !ctr then incr ctr in res let unwrap (e,_) = e end module ExprHashconsStruct = struct type t = expr_int let sub_equal e1 e2 = match e1, e2 with | Con c1, Con c2 -> c1 = c2 | MExp es1, MExp es2 -> es1 = es2 | Var x1, Var x2 -> x1 = x2 | App (s1, e1s), App (s2, e2s) -> (s1 = s2) && (try List.for_all2 (==) e1s e2s with _ -> false) | Bin (e1, op1, e1'), Bin (e2, op2, e2') -> op1 = op2 && e1 == e2 && e1' == e2' | MBin (e1, ops1, e1'), MBin (e2, ops2, e2') -> ops1 = ops2 && e1 == e2 && e1' == e2' | Ite (ip1,te1,ee1), Ite (ip2,te2,ee2) -> ip1 == ip2 && te1 == te2 && ee1 == ee2 | Fld (s1, e1), Fld (s2, e2) -> s1 = s2 && e1 == e2 | Cst (e1, s1), Cst (e2, s2) -> s1 = s2 && e1 == e2 | _ -> false let hash = function | Con (Constant.Int x) -> x | Con (Constant.Real x) -> 64 + int_of_float x | MExp es -> list_hash 6 es | Var x -> Hashtbl.hash x | App (s, es) -> list_hash ((Hashtbl.hash s) + 1) es | Bin ((_,id1), op, (_,id2)) -> (Hashtbl.hash op) + 1 + (2 * id1) + id2 | MBin ((_,id1), op::_ , (_,id2)) -> (Hashtbl.hash op) + 1 + (2 * id1) + id2 | Ite ((_,id1), (_,id2), (_,id3)) -> 32 + (4 * id1) + (2 * id2) + id3 | Fld (s, (_,id)) -> (Hashtbl.hash s) + 12 + id | Cst ((_, id), t) -> id + Hashtbl.hash (Sort.to_string t) | Bot -> 0 | _ -> assertf "pattern error in A.pred hash" end module ExprHashcons = Hashcons(ExprHashconsStruct) module PredHashconsStruct = struct type t = pred_int let sub_equal p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with | True, True | False, False -> true | And p1s, And p2s | Or p1s, Or p2s -> (try List.for_all2 (==) p1s p2s with _ -> false) | Not p1, Not p2 -> p1 == p2 | Imp (p1, p1'), Imp (p2, p2') -> p1 == p2 && p1' == p2' | Iff (p1,p1'), Iff (p2,p2') -> p1 == p2 && p1' == p2' | Bexp e1, Bexp e2 -> e1 == e2 | Atom (e1, r1, e1'), Atom (e2, r2, e2') -> r1 = r2 && e1 == e2 && e1' == e2' | MAtom (e1, r1, e1'), MAtom (e2, r2, e2') -> r1 = r2 && e1 == e2 && e1' == e2' | Forall(q1s,p1), Forall(q2s,p2) -> q1s = q2s && p1 == p2 | _ -> false let hash = function | True -> 0 | False -> 1 | And ps -> list_hash 2 ps | Or ps -> list_hash 3 ps | Not (_,id) -> 8 + id | Imp ((_,id1), (_,id2)) -> 20 + (2 * id1) + id2 | Iff ((_,id1), (_,id2)) -> 28 + (2 * id1) + id2 | Bexp (_, id) -> 32 + id | Atom ((_,id1), r, (_,id2)) -> 36 + (Hashtbl.hash r) + (2 * id1) + id2 | MAtom ((_,id1), r, (_,id2)) -> 42 + (Hashtbl.hash r) + (2 * id1) + id2 | Forall(qs,(_,id)) -> 50 + (2 * (Hashtbl.hash qs)) + id end module PredHashcons = Hashcons(PredHashconsStruct) let ewr = ExprHashcons.wrap let euw = ExprHashcons.unwrap let pwr = PredHashcons.wrap let puw = PredHashcons.unwrap (* Constructors: Expressions *) let eCon = fun c -> ewr (Con c) let eMExp = fun es -> ewr (MExp es) let eInt = fun i -> eCon (Constant.Int i) let zero = eInt 0 let one = eInt 1 let bot = ewr Bot let eMod = fun (e, e') -> ewr (Bin (e, Mod, e')) (* let eMod = fun (e, m) -> ewr (Bin (e, Mod, eInt m)) *) let eModExp = fun (e, m) -> ewr (Bin (e, Mod, m)) let eVar = fun s -> ewr (Var s) let eApp = fun (s, es) -> ewr (App (s, es)) let eBin = fun (e1, op, e2) -> ewr (Bin (e1, op, e2)) let eMBin = fun (e1, ops, e2) -> ewr (MBin (e1, ops, e2)) let eIte = fun (ip,te,ee) -> ewr (Ite(ip,te,ee)) let eFld = fun (s,e) -> ewr (Fld (s,e)) let eCst = fun (e,t) -> ewr (Cst (e, t)) let eTim = function | (Con (Constant.Int n1), _), (Con (Constant.Int n2), _) -> ewr (Con (Constant.Int (n1 * n2))) | (Con (Constant.Int 1), _), e2 -> e2 | (Con (Constant.Int (-1)), _), e2 -> eBin (zero, Minus, e2) | (e1, e2) -> eBin (e1, Times, e2) let rec conjuncts = function | And ps, _ -> Misc.flap conjuncts ps | True, _ -> [] | p -> [p] (* Constructors: Predicates *) let pTrue = pwr True let pFalse = pwr False let pAtom = fun (e1, r, e2) -> pwr (Atom (e1, r, e2)) let pMAtom = fun (e1, r, e2) -> pwr (MAtom (e1, r, e2)) let pOr = fun ps -> pwr (Or ps) let pNot = fun p -> pwr (Not p) let pBexp = fun e -> pwr (Bexp e) let pImp = fun (p1,p2) -> pwr (Imp (p1,p2)) let pIff = fun (p1,p2) -> pwr (Iff (p1,p2)) let pForall = fun (qs, p) -> pwr (Forall (qs, p)) let pEqual = fun (e1,e2) -> pAtom (e1, Eq, e2) let pUequal = fun (e1,e2) -> pAtom (e1, Ueq, e2) let pAnd = fun ps -> match Misc.flap conjuncts ps with | [] -> pTrue | [p] -> p | ps -> pwr (And (Misc.flap conjuncts ps)) module ExprHash = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = expr let equal (_,x) (_,y) = (x = y) let hash (_,x) = x end) module PredHash = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = pred let equal (_,x) (_,y) = (x = y) let hash (_,x) = x end) let bop_to_string = function | Plus -> "+" | Minus -> "-" | Times -> "*" | Div -> "/" | Mod -> "mod" let brel_to_string = function | Eq -> "=" | Ne -> "!=" | Gt -> ">" | Ge -> ">=" | Lt -> "<" | Le -> "<=" | Ueq -> "~~" | Une -> "!~" let print_brel ppf r = F.fprintf ppf "%s" (brel_to_string r) let print_binding ppf (s,t) = F.fprintf ppf "%a:%a" Symbol.print s Sort.print t let bind_to_string (s,t) = Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" (Symbol.to_string s) (Sort.to_string t) let rec print_expr ppf e = match euw e with | Con c -> F.fprintf ppf "%a" Constant.print c | MExp es -> F.fprintf ppf "[%a]" (Misc.pprint_many false " ; " print_expr) es | Var s -> F.fprintf ppf "%a" Symbol.print s | App (s, es) -> F.fprintf ppf "%a([%a])" Symbol.print s (Misc.pprint_many false "; " print_expr) es | Bin (e1, op, e2) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a %s %a)" print_expr e1 (bop_to_string op) print_expr e2 | MBin (e1, ops, e2) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a [%s] %a)" print_expr e1 (ops |>: bop_to_string |> String.concat " ; ") print_expr e2 | Ite (ip, te, ee) -> F.fprintf ppf "if %a then %a else %a" print_pred ip print_expr te print_expr ee (* DEPRECATED TO HELP HS Parser | Ite(ip,te,ee) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a ? %a : %a)" print_pred ip print_expr te print_expr ee *) | Fld(s, e) -> F.fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print_expr e s | Cst(e,t) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a : %a)" print_expr e Sort.print t | Bot -> F.fprintf ppf "_|_" and print_pred ppf p = match puw p with | True -> F.fprintf ppf "true" | False -> F.fprintf ppf "false" | Bexp (App (s, es), _) -> F.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" Symbol.print s (Misc.pprint_many false ", " print_expr) es | Bexp e -> F.fprintf ppf "(Bexp %a)" print_expr e | Not p -> F.fprintf ppf "(~ (%a))" print_pred p | Imp (p1, p2) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a => %a)" print_pred p1 print_pred p2 | Iff (p1, p2) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a <=> %a)" print_pred p1 print_pred p2 | And ps -> begin match ps with [] -> F.fprintf ppf "true" | _ -> F.fprintf ppf "&& %a" (Misc.pprint_many_brackets true print_pred) ps end | Or ps -> begin match ps with [] -> F.fprintf ppf "false" | _ -> F.fprintf ppf "|| %a" (Misc.pprint_many_brackets true print_pred) ps end | Atom (e1, r, e2) -> (* F.fprintf ppf "@[(%a %s %a)@]" *) F.fprintf ppf "(%a %s %a)" print_expr e1 (brel_to_string r) print_expr e2 | MAtom (e1, rs, e2) -> F.fprintf ppf "(%a [%a] %a)" (* F.fprintf ppf "@[(%a [%a] %a)@]" *) print_expr e1 (Misc.pprint_many false " ; " print_brel) rs print_expr e2 | Forall (qs, p) -> F.fprintf ppf "forall [%a] . %a" (Misc.pprint_many false "; " print_binding) qs print_pred p let rec expr_to_string e = match euw e with | Con c -> Constant.to_string c | MExp es -> Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (es |>: expr_to_string |> String.concat " ; ") | Var s -> Symbol.to_string s | App (s, es) -> Printf.sprintf "%s([%s])" (Symbol.to_string s) (es |> List.map expr_to_string |> String.concat "; ") | Bin (e1, op, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (expr_to_string e1) (bop_to_string op) (expr_to_string e2) | MBin (e1, ops, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s [%s] %s)" (expr_to_string e1) (ops |> List.map bop_to_string |> String.concat "; ") (expr_to_string e2) | Ite(ip,te,ee) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s ? %s : %s)" (pred_to_string ip) (expr_to_string te) (expr_to_string ee) | Fld(s,e) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (expr_to_string e) s | Cst(e,t) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s : %s)" (expr_to_string e) (Sort.to_string t) | Bot -> Printf.sprintf "_|_" and pred_to_string p = match puw p with | True -> "true" | False -> "false" | Bexp e -> Printf.sprintf "(Bexp %s)" (expr_to_string e) | Not p -> Printf.sprintf "(~ (%s))" (pred_to_string p) | Imp (p1, p2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s => %s)" (pred_to_string p1) (pred_to_string p2) | Iff (p1, p2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s <=> %s)" (pred_to_string p1) (pred_to_string p2) | And ps -> Printf.sprintf "&& [%s]" (List.map pred_to_string ps |> String.concat " ; ") | Or ps -> Printf.sprintf "|| [%s]" (List.map pred_to_string ps |> String.concat ";") | Atom (e1, r, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (expr_to_string e1) (brel_to_string r) (expr_to_string e2) | MAtom (e1, rs, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s [%s] %s)" (expr_to_string e1) (List.map brel_to_string rs |> String.concat " ; ") (expr_to_string e2) | Forall (qs,p) -> Printf.sprintf "forall [%s] . %s" (List.map bind_to_string qs |> String.concat "; ") (pred_to_string p) let rec pred_map hp he fp fe p = let rec pm p = try PredHash.find hp p with Not_found -> begin let p' = match puw p with | True | False as p1 -> p1 | And ps -> And (List.map pm ps) | Or ps -> Or (List.map pm ps) | Not p -> Not (pm p) | Imp (p1, p2) -> Imp (pm p1, pm p2) | Iff (p1, p2) -> Iff (pm p1, pm p2) | Bexp e -> Bexp (expr_map hp he fp fe e) | Atom (e1, r, e2) -> Atom (expr_map hp he fp fe e1, r, expr_map hp he fp fe e2) | MAtom (e1, rs, e2) -> MAtom (expr_map hp he fp fe e1, rs, expr_map hp he fp fe e2) | Forall (qs, p) -> Forall (qs, pm p) in let rv = fp (pwr p') in let _ = PredHash.add hp p rv in rv end in pm p and expr_map hp he fp fe e = let rec em e = try ExprHash.find he e with Not_found -> begin let e' = match euw e with | Con _ | Var _ | Bot as e1 -> e1 | MExp es -> MExp (List.map em es) | App (f, es) -> App (f, List.map em es) | Bin (e1, op, e2) -> Bin (em e1, op, em e2) | MBin (e1, ops, e2) -> MBin (em e1, ops, em e2) | Ite (ip, te, ee) -> Ite (pred_map hp he fp fe ip, em te, em ee) | Fld (s, e1) -> Fld (s, em e1) | Cst (e1, t) -> Cst (em e1, t) in let rv = fe (ewr e') in let _ = ExprHash.add he e rv in rv end in em e let rec pred_iter fp fe pw = begin match puw pw with | True | False -> () | Bexp e -> expr_iter fp fe e | Not p -> pred_iter fp fe p | Imp (p1, p2) -> pred_iter fp fe p1; pred_iter fp fe p2 | Iff (p1, p2) -> pred_iter fp fe p1; pred_iter fp fe p2 | And ps | Or ps -> List.iter (pred_iter fp fe) ps | Atom (e1, _, e2) -> expr_iter fp fe e1; expr_iter fp fe e2 | MAtom (e1, _, e2) -> expr_iter fp fe e1; expr_iter fp fe e2 | Forall (_, p) -> pred_iter fp fe p (* pmr: looks wrong, but so does pred_map *) end; fp pw and expr_iter fp fe ew = begin match puw ew with | Con _ | Var _ | Bot -> () | MExp es -> List.iter (expr_iter fp fe) es | App (_, es) -> List.iter (expr_iter fp fe) es | Bin (e1, _, e2) -> expr_iter fp fe e1; expr_iter fp fe e2 | MBin (e1, _, e2) -> expr_iter fp fe e1; expr_iter fp fe e2 | Ite (ip, te, ee) -> pred_iter fp fe ip; expr_iter fp fe te; expr_iter fp fe ee | Fld (_, e1) | Cst (e1, _) -> expr_iter fp fe e1 end; fe ew let esub x e = function | (Var y), _ when x = y -> e | _ as e1 -> e1 let expr_subst hp he e x e' = expr_map hp he id (esub x e') e let pred_subst hp he p x e' = pred_map hp he id (esub x e') p module Expression = struct module Hash = ExprHash let to_string = expr_to_string (* let print = fun fmt e -> Format.pp_print_string fmt (to_string e) *) let print = print_expr let show = print Format.std_formatter let map fp fe e = let hp = PredHash.create 251 in let he = ExprHash.create 251 in expr_map hp he fp fe e let iter fp fe e = expr_iter fp fe e let subst e x e' = map id (esub x e') e let substs e xes = map id (fun e -> List.fold_left (esub |> Misc.uncurry |> Misc.flip) e xes) e let support e = let xs = ref Symbol.SSet.empty in iter un begin function | (Var x), _ | (App (x,_)),_ -> xs := Symbol.SSet.add x !xs | _ -> () end e; Symbol.SSet.elements !xs |> List.sort compare let unwrap = euw let has_bot p = let r = ref false in iter un begin function | Bot, _ -> r := true | _ -> () end p; !r end module Predicate = struct module Hash = PredHash let to_string = pred_to_string let print = print_pred let show = print Format.std_formatter let map fp fe p = let hp = PredHash.create 251 in let he = ExprHash.create 251 in pred_map hp he fp fe p let iter fp fe p = pred_iter fp fe p let subst p x e' = map id (esub x e') p let substs p xes = map id (fun e -> List.fold_left (esub |> Misc.uncurry |> Misc.flip) e xes) p let support p = let xs = ref Symbol.SSet.empty in iter un begin function | (Var x), _ | (App (x,_)),_ -> xs := Symbol.SSet.add x !xs; | _ -> () end p; Symbol.SSet.elements !xs |> List.sort compare (* let size p = let c = ref 0 in let f = fun _ -> incr c in let _ = iter f f p in !c let size p = let c = ref 0 in let _ = iter (fun _ -> incr c) p in !c *) let unwrap = puw let is_contra = let t = PredHash.create 17 in let _ = [pFalse; pNot pTrue; pAtom (zero, Eq, one); pAtom (one, Eq, zero)] |> List.iter (fun p-> PredHash.replace t p ()) in fun p -> PredHash.mem t p let rec is_tauto = function | Atom(e1, Eq, e2), _ -> snd e1 == snd e2 | Atom(e1, Ueq, e2), _ -> snd e1 == snd e2 | Imp (p1, p2), _ -> snd p1 == snd p2 | And ps, _ -> List.for_all is_tauto ps | Or ps, _ -> List.exists is_tauto ps | True, _ -> true | _ -> false let has_bot p = let r = ref false in iter un begin function | Bot, _ -> r := true | _ -> () end p; !r end let print_stats _ = Printf.printf "Ast Stats. [none] \n" (********************************************************************************) (************************** Rationalizing Division ******************************) (********************************************************************************) let expr_isdiv = function | Bin (_, Div, _), _ -> true | _ -> false let pull_divisor = function | Bin (_, Div, (Con (Constant.Int i),_)), _ -> i | _ -> 1 let calc_cm e1 e2 = pull_divisor e1 * pull_divisor e2 let rec apply_mult m = function | Bin (e, Div, (Con (Constant.Int d),_)), _ -> let _ = assert ((m/d) * d = m) in eTim ((eCon (Constant.Int (m/d))), e) | Bin (e1, op, e2), _ -> eBin (apply_mult m e1, op, apply_mult m e2) | Con (Constant.Int i), _ -> eCon (Constant.Int (i*m)) | e -> eTim (eCon (Constant.Int m), e) let rec pred_isdiv = function | True,_ | False,_ -> false | And ps,_ | Or ps,_ -> List.exists pred_isdiv ps | Not p, _ | Forall (_, p), _ -> pred_isdiv p | Imp (p1, p2), _ -> pred_isdiv p1 || pred_isdiv p2 | Iff (p1, p2), _ -> pred_isdiv p1 || pred_isdiv p2 | Bexp e, _ -> expr_isdiv e | Atom (e1, _, e2), _ -> expr_isdiv e1 || expr_isdiv e2 | _ -> failwith "Unexpected: pred_isdiv" let bound m e e1 e2 = pAnd [pAtom (apply_mult m e, Gt, apply_mult m e2); pAtom(apply_mult m e, Le, apply_mult m e1)] let rec fixdiv = function | p when not (pred_isdiv p) -> p | Atom ((Var _,_) as e, Eq, e1), _ | Atom ((Con _, _) as e, Eq, e1), _ -> bound (calc_cm e e1) e e1 (eBin (e1, Minus, one)) | And ps, _ -> pAnd (List.map fixdiv ps) | Or ps, _ -> pOr (List.map fixdiv ps) | Imp (p1, p2), _ -> pImp (fixdiv p1, fixdiv p2) | Iff (p1, p2), _ -> pIff (fixdiv p1, fixdiv p2) | Not p, _ -> pNot (fixdiv p) | p -> p (***************************************************************************) (************* Type Checking Expressions and Predicates ********************) (***************************************************************************) let sortcheck_sym f s = f s (* try Some (f s) with _ -> None *) let sortcheck_loc f = function | Sort.Loc s -> sortcheck_sym f (Symbol.of_string s) | Sort.Lvar _ -> None | Sort.LFun -> None let uf_arity f uf = match sortcheck_sym f uf with None -> None | Some t -> match Sort.func_of_t t with None -> None | Some (i,_,_) -> Some i let solved_app f uf = function | Some (s, t) -> begin match uf_arity f uf with | Some n -> if Sort.check_arity n s then Some t else None | _ -> None end | None -> None let rec sortcheck_expr g f e = match euw e with | Bot -> None | Con (Constant.Int _) -> Some Sort.Int | Con (Constant.Real _) -> Some Sort.Real | Var s -> sortcheck_sym f s | Bin (e1, op, e2) -> sortcheck_op g f (e1, op, e2) | Ite (p, e1, e2) -> if sortcheck_pred g f p then match Misc.map_pair (sortcheck_expr g f) (e1, e2) with | (Some t1, Some t2) when t1 = t2 -> Some t1 | _ -> None else None | Cst (e1, t) -> begin match euw e1 with | App (uf, es) -> sortcheck_app g f (Some t) uf es | _ -> match sortcheck_expr g f e1 with | Some t1 when Sort.compat t t1 -> Some t | _ -> None end | App (uf, es) -> sortcheck_app g f None uf es | _ -> assertf "Ast.sortcheck_expr: unhandled expr = %s" (Expression.to_string e) (* TODO: OMG! 5 levels of matching!!!!! *) and sortcheck_app_sub g f so_expected uf es = let yikes uf = F.printf "sortcheck_app_sub: unknown sym = %s \n" (Symbol.to_string uf) in sortcheck_sym f uf |> function None -> (yikes uf; None) | Some t -> Sort.func_of_t t |> function None -> None | Some (tyArity, i_ts, o_t) -> let _ = asserts (List.length es = List.length i_ts) "ERROR: uf arg-arity error: uf=%s" uf in let e_ts = es |> List.map (sortcheck_expr g f) |> Misc.map_partial id in if List.length e_ts <> List.length i_ts then None else match Sort.unify e_ts i_ts with | None -> None | Some s -> let t = Sort.apply s o_t in match so_expected with | None -> Some (s, t) | Some t' -> match Sort.unifyWith s [t] [t'] with | None -> None | Some s' -> Some (s', Sort.apply s' t) and sortcheck_app g f so_expected uf es = sortcheck_app_sub g f so_expected uf es |> Misc.maybe_map snd (* >> begin function | Some t -> Format.printf "sortcheck_app: e = %s , t = %s \n" (expr_to_string (eApp (uf, es))) (Sort.to_string t) | None -> Format.printf "sortcheck_app: e = %s FAILS\n" (expr_to_string (eApp (uf, es))) end *) and sortcheck_op g f (e1, op, e2) = (* DEBUGGING let (s1, s2) = Misc.map_pair (sortcheck_expr g f) (e1, e2) in let _ = match (s1, s2) with | (Some t1, Some t2) -> F.printf "sortcheck_op : \n%s - %s\n" (Sort.to_string t1) (Sort.to_string t2) | (_, Some t2) -> F.printf "sortcheck_op1 : \n - %s\n" (Sort.to_string t2) | (Some t1, _) -> F.printf "sortcheck_op2 : \n%s \n" (Sort.to_string t1) | (_, _) -> F.printf "sortcheck_op3 : \n" in *) match Misc.map_pair (sortcheck_expr g f) (e1, e2) with | (Some Sort.Int, Some Sort.Int) -> Some Sort.Int | (Some Sort.Real, Some Sort.Real) -> Some Sort.Real (* only allow when language is Haskell *) | (Some (Sort.Ptr l), Some (Sort.Ptr l')) when (l = l' && sortcheck_loc f l = Some Sort.Num) -> Some (Sort.Ptr l) (* only allow when language is C *) | (Some (Sort.Ptr s), Some Sort.Int) | (Some Sort.Int, Some (Sort.Ptr s)) -> Some (Sort.Ptr s) (* only allow when language is C *) | (Some (Sort.Ptr s), Some (Sort.Ptr s')) when op = Minus && s = s' -> Some Sort.Int | _ -> None and sortcheck_rel g f (e1, r, e2) = let t1o, t2o = (e1,e2) |> Misc.map_pair (sortcheck_expr g f) in match r, t1o, t2o with | _, Some (Sort.Ptr _) , Some (Sort.Ptr Sort.LFun) | _, Some (Sort.Ptr Sort.LFun), Some (Sort.Ptr _) -> true | _ , Some Sort.Int, Some (Sort.Ptr l) | _ , Some (Sort.Ptr l), Some Sort.Int -> (sortcheck_loc f l = Some Sort.Num) | _ , Some (Sort.Ptr l1), Some (Sort.Ptr l2) when (sortcheck_loc f l1 = Some Sort.Num) && (sortcheck_loc f l2 = Some Sort.Num) -> true | Eq, Some t1, Some t2 | Ne, Some t1, Some t2 -> t1 = t2 | Ueq, Some (Sort.App (_,_)), Some (Sort.App (_,_)) | Une, Some (Sort.App (_,_)), Some (Sort.App (_,_)) -> true | _ , Some (Sort.App (tc,_)), _ when (g tc) (* tc is an interpreted tycon *) -> false | _ , Some t1, Some t2 -> t1 = t2 && t1 != Sort.Bool | _ -> false and sortcheck_pred g f p = match puw p with | True | False -> true | Bexp e -> sortcheck_expr g f e = Some Sort.Bool | Not p -> sortcheck_pred g f p | Imp (p1, p2) | Iff (p1, p2) -> List.for_all (sortcheck_pred g f) [p1; p2] | And ps | Or ps -> List.for_all (sortcheck_pred g f) ps | Atom (e1, Ueq, e2) when !Constants.ueq_all_sorts -> (not (None = sortcheck_expr g f e1)) && (not (None = sortcheck_expr g f e2)) | Atom ((Con (Constant.Int(0)),_), _, e) | Atom (e, _, (Con (Constant.Int(0)),_)) when not (!Constants.strictsortcheck) -> not (None = sortcheck_expr g f e) | Atom ((Var x, _) , Eq, (App (uf, es), _)) | Atom ((App (uf, es), _), Eq, (Var x, _)) -> begin match sortcheck_sym f x with | None -> false | Some tx -> not (None = sortcheck_app g f (Some tx) uf es) end | Atom (((App (uf1, e1s), _) as e1), Eq, ((App (uf2, e2s), _) as e2)) -> let t1o = solved_app f uf1 <| sortcheck_app_sub g f None uf1 e1s in let t2o = solved_app f uf2 <| sortcheck_app_sub g f None uf2 e2s in begin match t1o, t2o with | (Some t1, Some t2) -> t1 = t2 | (None, None) -> false | (None, Some t2) -> not (None = sortcheck_app g f (Some t2) uf1 e1s) | (Some t1, None) -> not (None = sortcheck_app g f (Some t1) uf2 e2s) end | Atom (e1, r, e2) -> sortcheck_rel g f (e1, r, e2) | Forall (qs,p) -> (* let f' = fun x -> try List.assoc x qs with _ -> f x in *) let f' = fun x -> match Misc.list_assoc_maybe x qs with None -> f x | y -> y in sortcheck_pred g f' p | _ -> failwith "Unexpected: sortcheck_pred" (* and sortcheck_pred f p = sortcheck_pred' f p >> (fun b -> if not b then F.eprintf "WARNING: Malformed Lhs Pred (%a)\n" Predicate.print p) *) let opt_to_string p = function | None -> "none" | Some x -> p x (* API *) let sortcheck_app g f tExp uf es = match uf_arity f uf, sortcheck_app_sub g f tExp uf es with | (Some n, Some (s, t)) -> if Sort.check_arity n s then Some (s, t) else None (* let msg = Printf.sprintf "Ast.sortcheck_app: type params not instantiated %s: n = %d, s = %s, t = %s, tExp = %s" (expr_to_string (eApp (uf, es))) n (Sort.sub_to_string s) (Sort.to_string t) (opt_to_string Sort.to_string tExp) in assertf "%s" msg *) | _ -> None (* let sortcheck_pred f p = sortcheck_pred f p >> (fun b -> ignore <| F.printf "sortcheck_pred: p = %a, res = %b\n" Predicate.print p b) *) (***************************************************************************) (************* Simplifying Expressions and Predicates **********************) (***************************************************************************) let pred_of_bool = function true -> pTrue | false -> pFalse let rec remove_bot pol ((p, _) as pred) = match p with | Not p -> pNot (remove_bot (not pol) p) | Imp (p, q) -> pImp (remove_bot (not pol) p, remove_bot pol q) | Forall (qs, p) -> pForall (qs, remove_bot pol p) | And ps -> ps |> List.map (remove_bot pol) |> pAnd | Or ps -> ps |> List.map (remove_bot pol) |> pOr | Bexp e when Expression.has_bot e -> pred_of_bool pol | Atom (e1, _, e2) when Expression.has_bot e1 || Expression.has_bot e2 -> pred_of_bool pol | _ -> pred let remove_bot p = if Predicate.has_bot p then remove_bot true p else p let symm_brel = function | Eq -> Eq | Ueq -> Ueq | Ne -> Ne | Une -> Une | Gt -> Lt | Ge -> Le | Lt -> Gt | Le -> Ge let neg_brel = function | Eq -> Ne | Ueq -> Une | Ne -> Eq | Une -> Ueq | Gt -> Le | Ge -> Lt | Lt -> Ge | Le -> Gt let rec push_neg ?(neg=false) ((p, _) as pred) = match p with | True -> if neg then pFalse else pred | False -> if neg then pTrue else pred | Bexp _ -> if neg then pNot pred else pred | Not p -> push_neg ~neg:(not neg) p | Imp (p, q) -> if neg then pAnd [push_neg p; push_neg ~neg:true q] else pImp (push_neg p, push_neg q) | Iff (p, q) -> if neg then pIff (p, push_neg ~neg:true q) else pIff (push_neg p, push_neg q) | Forall (qs, p) -> let pred' = pForall (qs, push_neg ~neg:false p) in if neg then pNot pred' else pred' | And ps -> List.map (push_neg ~neg:neg) ps |> if neg then pOr else pAnd | Or ps -> List.map (push_neg ~neg:neg) ps |> if neg then pAnd else pOr | Atom (e1, brel, e2) -> if neg then pAtom (e1, neg_brel brel, e2) else pred | _ -> failwith "Unexpected: push_neg" (* Andrey: TODO flatten nested conjunctions/disjunctions *) let rec simplify_pred ((p, _) as pred) = match p with | Not p -> pNot (simplify_pred p) | Imp (p, q) -> pImp (simplify_pred p, simplify_pred q) | Forall (qs, p) -> pForall (qs, simplify_pred p) | And ps -> ps |> List.map simplify_pred |> List.filter (not <.> Predicate.is_tauto) |> (function | [] -> pTrue | [p] -> p | _ when List.exists Predicate.is_contra ps -> pFalse | _ -> pAnd ps) | Or ps -> ps |> List.map simplify_pred |> List.filter (not <.> Predicate.is_contra) |> (function [] -> pFalse | [p] -> p | ps when List.exists Predicate.is_tauto ps -> pTrue | ps -> pOr ps) | _ -> pred (**************************************************************************) (*************************** Substitutions ********************************) (**************************************************************************) module Subst = struct type t = expr Symbol.SMap.t let valid xes = xes |> List.split |> Misc.app_snd (Misc.flap Expression.support) |> Misc.uncurry Misc.disjoint let extend s (x, e) = let s = Symbol.SMap.map (esub x e) s in if Symbol.SMap.mem x s then s else match e with | Var x', _ when x = x' -> s | _ -> Symbol.SMap.add x e s let empty = Symbol.SMap.empty let is_empty = Symbol.SMap.is_empty let to_list = Symbol.SMap.to_list let apply = Misc.flip Symbol.SMap.maybe_find let of_list = fun xes -> List.fold_left extend empty xes let simultaneous_of_list = Symbol.SMap.of_list let compose s t = let s' = Symbol.SMap.fold (fun x e s -> Symbol.SMap.map (esub x e) s) t s in Symbol.SMap.fold (fun x e s -> if Symbol.SMap.mem x s then s else Symbol.SMap.add x e s) t s' let print_sub = fun ppf (x,e) -> F.fprintf ppf "[%a:=%a]" Symbol.print x Expression.print e let print = fun ppf -> to_list <+> F.fprintf ppf "%a" (Misc.pprint_many false "" print_sub) (* fun s1 s2 -> Symbol.SMap.fold (fun x e s -> extend s (x, e)) s2 s1 *) (* let apply = Misc.flip Symbol.SMap.maybe_find *) end (**************************************************************************) (******************* Horn Clauses: Parsing ARMC files *********************) (**************************************************************************) module Horn = struct type pr = string * string list type gd = C of pred | K of pr type t = pr * gd list let print_pr ppf (x, xs) = Format.fprintf ppf "%s(%s)" x (String.concat "," xs) let print_gd ppf = function | C p -> Predicate.print ppf p | K x -> print_pr ppf x let print ppf (hd, gds) = Format.fprintf ppf "%a :- %a." print_pr hd (Misc.pprint_many false "," print_gd) gds let support_pr = snd let support_gd = function K pr -> support_pr pr | C p -> p |> Predicate.support |> List.map Symbol.to_string let support = fun (hd, gds) -> (support_pr hd) ++ (Misc.flap support_gd gds) end (* API *) let simplify_pred = remove_bot <+> simplify_pred let esub_su su e = match e with | ((Var y), _) -> Misc.maybe_default (Subst.apply su y) e | _ -> e (* ORIG let substs_pred = fun p su -> su |> Subst.to_list |> Predicate.substs p |> simplify_pred *) let substs_pred p su = Predicate.map id (esub_su su) p let substs_expr e su = Expression.map id (esub_su su) e (****************************************************************************) (******************** Unification of Predicates *****************************) (****************************************************************************) exception DoesNotUnify let rec pUnify (p1, p2) = let res = match p1, p2 with | (Atom (e1, r1, e1'), _), (Atom (e2, r2, e2'), _) when r1 = r2 -> let s1 = eUnify (e1, e2) in let e1', e2' = Misc.map_pair ((Misc.flip Expression.substs) s1) (e1', e2') in let s2 = eUnify (e1', e2') in s1 ++ s2 | (Bexp e1, _), (Bexp e2, _) -> eUnify (e1, e2) | (Not p1, _), (Not p2, _) -> pUnify (p1, p2) | (Imp (p1, p1'), _), (Imp (p2, p2'), _) -> psUnify ([p1; p1'], [p2; p2']) | (And p1s, _), (And p2s, _) | (Or p1s, _), (Or p2s, _) when List.length p1s = List.length p2s -> psUnify (p1s, p2s) | _, _ -> raise DoesNotUnify in let _ = if mydebug then (Format.printf "pUnify: p1 is %a, p2 is %a, subst = %a \n" Predicate.print p1 Predicate.print p2 Subst.print (Subst.of_list res)) in res and psUnify (p1s, p2s) = let _ = asserts (List.length p1s = List.length p2s) "psUnify" in List.fold_left2 begin fun s p1 p2 -> (p1, p2) |> Misc.map_pair (fun p -> Predicate.substs p s) |> pUnify |> (fun s' -> s' ++ s) end [] p1s p2s and eUnify = function | (Con c1, _), (Con c2, _) when c1 = c2 -> [] | (Var x1, _), (Var x2, _) when x1 = x2 -> [] | (Bin (e1, op1, e1'),_), (Bin (e2, op2, e2'), _) when op1 = op2 -> esUnify ([e1; e1'], [e2; e2']) | (Ite (p1, e1, e1'),_), (Ite (p2, e2, e2'), _) -> let s = pUnify (p1, p2) in let [e1; e1'; e2; e2'] = List.map ((Misc.flip Expression.substs) s) [e1; e1'; e2; e2'] in esUnify ([e1; e1'], [e2; e2']) | (Cst (e1, t1),_), (Cst (e2, t2),_) when t1 = t2 -> eUnify (e1, e2) | (App (uf1, e1s), _), (App (uf2, e2s),_) when uf1 = uf2 -> esUnify (e1s, e2s) | e, (Var x, _) | (Var x, _), e when Symbol.is_wild x -> [(x, e)] | _, _ -> raise DoesNotUnify and esUnify (e1s, e2s) = let _ = asserts (List.length e1s = List.length e2s) "esUnify" in List.fold_left2 begin fun s e1 e2 -> (e1, e2) |> Misc.map_pair (fun e -> Expression.substs e s) |> eUnify |> (fun s' -> s' ++ s) end [] e1s e2s (* API *) let unify_pred p1 p2 = try pUnify (p1, p2) |> Subst.of_list |> some with DoesNotUnify -> None let into_of_expr = function Con (Constant.Int i), _ -> Some i | _ -> None let symm_pred = function | Atom (e1, r, e2), _ -> pAtom (e2, symm_brel r, e1) | p -> p (* {{{ let rec expr_subst hp he e x e' = let rec esub e = try ExprHash.find he e with Not_found -> begin let rv = match euw e with | Var y when x = y -> e' | Con _ | Var _ -> e | App (s, es) -> App (s, List.map esub es) |> ewr | Bin (e1, op, e2) -> Bin (esub e1, op, esub e2) |> ewr | Ite (ip, te, ee) -> Ite (pred_subst hp he ip x e', esub te, esub ee) |> ewr | Fld (s, e1) -> Fld (s, esub e1) |> ewr in let _ = ExprHash.add he e rv in rv end in esub e and pred_subst hp he e x e' = let rec s e = try PredHash.find h e with Not_found -> (let foo = s1 e in PredHash.add h e foo; foo) and s1 e = match puw e with True -> e | False -> e | And plist -> pwr (And(List.map s plist)) | Or plist -> pwr (Or(List.map s plist)) | Not p -> pwr (Not(s p)) | Implies (p1, p2) -> pwr (Implies (s p1, s p2)) | Equality (x,y) -> pwr (Equality(expr_subst h he x v vv,expr_subst h he y v vv)) | Atom (_) -> e | Leq(x,y) -> pwr (Leq(expr_subst h he x v vv, expr_subst h he y v vv)) in s e }}} *) (** {{{ let rec support pred = let h = Hash.create 251 in let eh = Expression.Hash.create 251 in let sh = Hashtbl.create 251 in let res = ref [] in let add s = if not(Hashtbl.mem sh s) then Hashtbl.add sh s (); res := s :: !res in let se exp = let rec s exp = try Expression.Hash.find eh exp with Not_found -> Expression.Hash.add eh exp (); s1 exp and s1 exp = match euw exp with Constant(_) -> () | Application (func, args) -> add func; List.iter s args | Variable(sym) -> add sym | Sum(args) -> List.iter s args | Coeff(c,t) -> s t | Ite _ -> failwith "ite not supported" in s exp in let rec s exp = try Hash.find h exp with Not_found -> Hash.add h exp (); s1 exp and s1 pred = match puw pred with True -> () | False -> () | And plist -> List.iter s plist | Or plist -> List.iter s plist | Not p -> s p | Implies (p1, p2) -> s p1; s p2 | Equality (x,y) -> se x; se y | Leq (x,y) -> se x; se y | Atom (s) -> () in s pred; List.rev !res let h = PredHash.create 251 in let rec ip p = let _ = f p in if not (PredHash.mem h p) then begin let _ = PredHash.add h p () in match puw p with | And ps | Or ps -> List.iter ip plist | Not p | Forall (_,p) -> ip p | Imp (p1, p2) -> ip p1; ip p2 | _ -> () end in ip p }}} *) (* {{{ (* Translate predicate to a satisfiability-equivalent predicate without Ite *) let temp_ctr = ref 0 let new_temp () = let n = "$$$" ^ (string_of_int !temp_ctr) in (temp_ctr := !temp_ctr + 1; n) let elim_ite sp = let cnsts = ref [] in let he = Expression.Hash.create 251 in let hp = Hash.create 251 in let rec te e = try Expression.Hash.find he e with Not_found -> (let foo = te1 e in Expression.Hash.add he e foo; foo) and te1 e = match euw e with Constant(c) -> e | Application (func, args) -> ewr (Application (func, List.map te args)) | Variable(v) -> ewr (Variable(v)) | Sum(args) -> ewr (Sum(List.map te args)) | Coeff(c,t) -> ewr (Coeff(c,te t)) | Ite(si,st,se) -> let temp = ewr (Variable(new_temp())) in let i = tp si in let tv = te st and ev = te se in begin cnsts := pwr (Or [pwr (Not i); pwr (Equality(temp,(tv)))]) :: (!cnsts); cnsts := pwr (Or [i; pwr (Equality(temp,(ev)))]) :: (!cnsts); temp end and tp p = try Hash.find hp p with Not_found -> (let foo = tp1 p in Hash.add hp p foo; foo) and tp1 p = match puw p with True -> p | False -> p | And plist -> pwr (And (List.map tp plist)) | Or plist -> pwr (Or (List.map tp plist)) | Not p -> pwr (Not (tp p)) | Implies (p1, p2) -> pwr (Implies((tp p1),(tp p2))) | Equality (x,y) -> pwr(Equality((te x),(te y))) | Leq (x,y) -> pwr(Leq((te x),(te y))) | Atom (s) -> p in let foo = tp sp in pwr (And(foo :: !cnsts)) }}} *)