(* * Copyright © 2008 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. *) (********************************************************************************) (*********** This module implements the binary interface with SMTLIB2 *********) (*********** http://www.smt-lib.org/ *********) (*********** http://www.grammatech.com/resource/smt/SMTLIBTutorial.pdf *********) (********************************************************************************) module H = Hashtbl module F = Format module Co = Constants module BS = BNstats module A = Ast module Sy = A.Symbol module So = A.Sort module SM = Sy.SMap module P = A.Predicate module E = A.Expression module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops module SSM = Misc.StringMap module Th = Theories module SMTLib2 : ProverArch.SMTSOLVER = struct let spr = Printf.sprintf let mydebug = false let nb_unsat = ref 0 let nb_pop = ref 0 let nb_push = ref 0 (***************************************************************) (********************** Types **********************************) (***************************************************************) type symbol = string (* Sy.t *) type sort = string (* So.t *) type ast = string (* E of A.expr | P of A.pred *) type fun_decl = symbol type cmd = Push | Pop | CheckSat | Declare of symbol * sort list * sort | AssertCnstr of ast | Distinct of ast list (* {v: ast list | (len v) >= 2} *) type resp = Ok | Sat | Unsat | Unknown | Error of string type solver = Z3 | Mathsat | Cvc4 type context = { cin : in_channel ; cout : out_channel ; clog : out_channel } let respString = function | Ok -> "Ok" | Sat -> "Sat" | Unsat -> "Unsat" | Unknown -> "Unknown" | Error s -> "Error " ^ s let solverString = function | Z3 -> "z3" | Mathsat -> "mathsat" | Cvc4 -> "cvc4" (*******************************************************************) (*********************** Set Theory ********************************) (*******************************************************************) let elt = "SMT_Elt" let set = "SMT_Set" let emp = "smt_set_emp" let add = "smt_set_add" let cup = "smt_set_cup" let cap = "smt_set_cap" let mem = "smt_set_mem" let dif = "smt_set_dif" let sub = "smt_set_sub" let com = "smt_set_com" (* (define-fun smt_set_emp () Set ((as const Set) false)) (define-fun smt_set_mem ((x Elt) (s Set)) Bool (select s x)) (define-fun smt_set_add ((s Set) (x Elt)) Set (store s x true)) (define-fun smt_set_cap ((s1 Set) (s2 Set)) Set ((_ map and) s1 s2)) (define-fun smt_set_cup ((s1 Set) (s2 Set)) Set ((_ map or) s1 s2)) (define-fun smt_set_com ((s Set)) Set ((_ map not) s)) (define-fun smt_set_dif ((s1 Set) (s2 Set)) Set (smt_set_cap s1 (smt_set_com s2))) (define-fun smt_set_sub ((s1 Set) (s2 Set)) Bool (= smt_set_emp (smt_set_dif s1 s2))) *) let (++) = List.append (* z3 specific *) let z3_preamble _ = [ "(set-option :auto-config false)" ; "(set-option :model true)" ; "(set-option :model.partial false)" ; "(set-option :smt.mbqi false)" ] ++ if not !Co.set_theory then [] else [ spr "(define-sort %s () Int)" elt ; spr "(define-sort %s () (Array %s Bool))" set elt ; spr "(define-fun %s () %s ((as const %s) false))" emp set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((x %s) (s %s)) Bool (select s x))" mem elt set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s %s) (x %s)) %s (store s x true))" add set elt set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s ((_ map or) s1 s2))" cup set set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s ((_ map and) s1 s2))" cap set set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s %s)) %s ((_ map not) s))" com set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s (%s s1 (%s s2)))" dif set set set cap com ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) Bool (= %s (%s s1 s2)))" sub set set emp dif ] (* cvc4 specific *) let cvc4_preamble _ = if not !Co.set_theory then [] else [ spr "(set-logic QF_UFNIRAFS)" ; spr "(define-sort %s () Int)" elt ; spr "(define-sort %s () (Set %s))" set elt ; spr "(define-fun %s () %s (as emptyset (Set %s)))" emp set elt ; spr "(define-fun %s ((x %s) (s %s)) Bool (member x s))" mem elt set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s %s) (x %s)) %s (insert x s))" add set elt set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s (union s1 s2))" cup set set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s (intersection s1 s2))" cap set set set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s) %s)" com set set (* ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s %s)) %s ((_ map not) s))" com set set *) ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) %s (setminus s1 s2))" dif set set set ; spr "(define-fun %s ((s1 %s) (s2 %s)) Bool (subset s1 s2))" sub set set ] let smtlib_preamble = [ spr "(set-logic QF_UFLIA)" ; spr "(define-sort %s () Int)" elt ; spr "(define-sort %s () Int)" set ; spr "(declare-fun %s () %s)" emp set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) %s)" add set elt set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) %s)" cup set set set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) %s)" cap set set set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) %s)" dif set set set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) Bool)" sub set set ; spr "(declare-fun %s (%s %s) Bool)" mem elt set (* HIDE? ; spr "(assert (forall ((x %s)) (not (%s x %s))))" elt mem emp ; spr "(assert (forall ((x %s) (s1 %s) (s2 %s)) (= (%s x (%s s1 s2)) (or (%s x s1) (%s x s2)))))" elt set set mem cup mem mem ; spr "(assert (forall ((x %s) (s1 %s) (s2 %s)) (= (%s x (%s s1 s2)) (and (%s x s1) (%s x s2)))))" elt set set mem cap mem mem ; spr "(assert (forall ((x %s) (s1 %s) (s2 %s)) (= (%s x (%s s1 s2)) (and (%s x s1) (not (%s x s2))))))" elt set set mem dif mem mem ; spr "(assert (forall ((x %s) (s %s) (y %s)) (= (%s x (%s s y)) (or (%s x s) (= x y)))))" elt set elt mem add mem *) ] let mkSetSort _ _ = set let mkEmptySet _ _ = emp let mkSetAdd _ s x = spr "(%s %s %s)" add s x let mkSetMem _ x s = spr "(%s %s %s)" mem x s let mkSetCup _ s t = spr "(%s %s %s)" cup s t let mkSetCap _ s t = spr "(%s %s %s)" cap s t let mkSetDif _ s t = spr "(%s %s %s)" dif s t let mkSetSub _ s t = spr "(%s %s %s)" sub s t (******************************************************************) (**************** SMT IO ******************************************) (** https://raw.github.com/ravichugh/djs/master/src/zzz.ml ********) (******************************************************************) (* "z3 -smt2 -in" *) (* "z3 -smtc SOFT_TIMEOUT=1000 -in" *) (* "z3 -smtc -in MBQI=false" *) let smt_cmd = function | Z3 -> "z3 -smt2 -in MODEL=false MODEL.PARTIAL=true smt.mbqi=false auto-config=false" | Mathsat -> "mathsat -input=smt2" | Cvc4 -> "cvc4 --incremental -L smtlib2" let smt_preamble = function | Z3 -> z3_preamble () | Cvc4 -> cvc4_preamble () | _ -> smtlib_preamble let smt_write_raw me s = output_now me.clog s; output_now me.cout s (* copied from String.trim in ocaml-4.0 since mingw-ocaml uses 3.x *) let trim s = let is_space = function | ' ' | '\012' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false in let len = String.length s in let i = ref 0 in while !i < len && is_space (String.get s !i) do incr i done; let j = ref (len - 1) in while !j >= !i && is_space (String.get s !j) do decr j done; if !i = 0 && !j = len - 1 then s else if !j >= !i then String.sub s !i (!j - !i + 1) else "" (* strip off trailing whitespace, e.g. \r on windows.. *) let smt_read_raw me = trim (input_line me.cin) let smt_write me ?nl:(nl=true) ?tab:(tab=false) s = let pre = if tab then " " else "" in let suf = if nl then "\n" else "" in smt_write_raw me (pre^s^suf) let rec smt_read me = match smt_read_raw me with | "sat" -> Sat | "unsat" -> Unsat | "success" -> smt_read me | "unknown" -> Unknown | s -> Error s (* val interact : context -> cmd -> resp *) let interact me = function | Declare (x, ts, t) -> let _ = smt_write me <| spr "(declare-fun %s (%s) %s)" x (String.concat " " ts) t in Ok | Push -> let _ = smt_write me <| "(push 1)" in Ok | Pop -> let _ = smt_write me <| "(pop 1)" in Ok | CheckSat -> let _ = smt_write me <| "(check-sat)" in smt_read me | AssertCnstr a -> let _ = smt_write me <| spr "(assert %s)" a in Ok | Distinct az -> let _ = smt_write me <| spr "(assert (distinct %s))" (String.concat " " az) in Ok (* API *) let smt_decl me x ts t = match interact me (Declare (x, ts, t)) with | Ok -> () | _ -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_decl" (* API *) let smt_push me = match interact me Push with | Ok -> incr nb_push; () | _ -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_push" (* API *) let smt_pop me = match interact me Pop with | Ok -> incr nb_pop; () | _ -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_pop" (* API *) let smt_check_unsat me = match interact me CheckSat with | Unsat -> true | Sat -> false | Unknown -> false | e -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_check_unsat %s" (respString e) (* API *) let smt_assert_cnstr me p = match interact me (AssertCnstr p) with | Ok -> () | _ -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_assert_cnstr" (* API *) let smt_assert_distinct me az = match interact me (Distinct az) with | Ok -> () | _ -> assertf "crash: SMTLIB2 smt_assert_distinct" let solver () = match !Co.smt_solver with | Some "z3" -> Z3 | Some "mathsat" -> Mathsat | Some "cvc4" -> Cvc4 | Some str -> assertf "ERROR: fixpoint does not yet support SMTSOLVER: %s" str | None -> assertf "ERROR: undefined solver for smtLIB2" let mkContext _ = let s = solver () in let ci, co = Unix.open_process <| smt_cmd s in let cl = open_out <| Co.get_smt2_file () in let pre = smt_preamble s in let ctx = { cin = ci; cout = co; clog = cl } in let _ = List.iter (smt_write ctx) pre in ctx (***********************************************************************) (*********************** AST Constructors ******************************) (***********************************************************************) let stringSymbol _ s = s let astString _ a = a let isBool c a = failwith "TODO:SMTLib2.isBool" let boundVar me i t = failwith "TODO:SMTLib2.boundVar" let var me x t = let _ = smt_decl me x [] t in x let funcDecl me s ta t = let _ = smt_decl me s (Array.to_list ta) t in s let mkIntSort _ = "Int" let mkRealSort _ = "Real" let mkBoolSort _ = "Bool" let mkInt _ i _ = if i >= 0 then string_of_int i else spr "(- %d)" (abs i) let mkReal _ i _ = if i >= 0. then string_of_float i ^ "0" (* add trailing 0 for floats like 1. *) else spr "(- %s)" (string_of_float (i *. -1.0) ^ "0") let mkTrue _ = "true" let mkFalse _ = "false" let mkAll _ _ _ _ = failwith "TODO:SMTLib2.mkAll" let mkRel _ r a1 a2 = match r with | A.Eq | A.Ueq -> spr "(= %s %s)" a1 a2 | A.Ne | A.Une -> spr "(not (= %s %s))" a1 a2 | A.Gt -> spr "(> %s %s)" a1 a2 | A.Ge -> spr "(>= %s %s)" a1 a2 | A.Lt -> spr "(< %s %s)" a1 a2 | A.Le -> spr "(<= %s %s)" a1 a2 let mkApp _ f = function | [] -> f | az -> spr "(%s %s)" f (String.concat " " az) let opStr = function | A.Plus -> "+" | A.Minus -> "-" | A.Times -> "*" | A.Div -> "/" | A.Mod -> "mod" let mkOp op a1 a2 = spr "(%s %s %s)" (opStr op) a1 a2 let mkMul _ = mkOp A.Times let mkDiv _ = mkOp A.Div let mkAdd _ = mkOp A.Plus let mkSub _ = mkOp A.Minus let mkMod _ = mkOp A.Mod let mkIte _ a1 a2 a3 = spr "(ite %s %s %s)" a1 a2 a3 let mkNot _ a = spr "(not %s)" a let mkAnd _ az = spr "(and %s)" (String.concat " " az) let mkOr _ az = spr "(or %s)" (String.concat " " az) let mkImp _ a1 a2 = spr "(=> %s %s)" a1 a2 let mkIff _ a1 a2 = spr "(= %s %s)" a1 a2 (*******************************************************************) (*********************** Queries ***********************************) (*******************************************************************) let us_ref = ref 0 (* API *) let unsat me = let _ = if mydebug then begin Printf.printf "[%d] UNSAT 1 " (us_ref += 1); flush stdout end in let rv = BS.time "SMT.check_unsat" smt_check_unsat me in let _ = if mydebug then (Printf.printf "UNSAT 2 \n"; flush stdout) in let _ = if rv then ignore (nb_unsat += 1) in rv (* API *) let assertAxiom me p = (* Co.bprintf mydebug "@[Pushing axiom %s@]@." (astString me p); *) BS.time "assertAxiom" (smt_assert_cnstr me) p; asserts (not (unsat me)) "ERROR: Axiom makes background theory inconsistent!" (* API *) let assertDistinct me = function | ((x1::x2::_) as az) -> smt_assert_distinct me az | _ -> () (* API *) let bracket me f = Misc.bracket (fun _ -> smt_push me) (fun _ -> smt_pop me) f (* API *) let assertPreds me ps = List.iter (fun p -> BS.time "assertPreds" (smt_assert_cnstr me) p) ps (* API *) let print_stats ppf () = F.fprintf ppf "SMT stats: pushes=%d, pops=%d, unsats=%d \n" !nb_push !nb_pop !nb_unsat end