(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. *) module Sy = Ast.Symbol module P = Ast.Predicate module Su = Ast.Subst module C = FixConstraint module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops type rd = Bnd of Sy.t * Su.t | Lhs of Su.t | Grd | Junk let print_rd ppf = function | Bnd (x, su) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Bnd (%a, %a)" Sy.print x Su.print su | Lhs su -> Format.fprintf ppf "Lhs (%a)" Su.print su | Grd -> Format.fprintf ppf "Grd" | Junk -> Format.fprintf ppf "Junk" (************************************************************************) (********************* Build Graph of Kvar Dependencies *****************) (************************************************************************) module V : Graph.Sig.COMPARABLE with type t = C.refa = struct type t = C.refa let hash = C.refa_to_string <+> Hashtbl.hash let compare = fun x y -> compare (C.refa_to_string x) (C.refa_to_string y) let equal = fun x y -> C.refa_to_string x = C.refa_to_string y end module Id : Graph.Sig.ORDERED_TYPE_DFT with type t = int * rd = struct type t = int * rd let default = 0, Junk let compare = compare end module G = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteLabeled(V)(Id) module VS = Set.Make(V) type t = G.t (************************************************************************) (*************************** Dumping to Dot *****************************) (************************************************************************) module DotGraph = struct type t = G.t module V = G.V module E = G.E let iter_vertex = G.iter_vertex let iter_edges_e = G.iter_edges_e let graph_attributes = fun _ -> [`Size (11.0, 8.5); `Ratio (`Float 1.29)] let default_vertex_attributes = fun _ -> [`Shape `Box] let vertex_name = function C.Kvar (_,k) -> Sy.to_string k | ra -> "C"^(string_of_int (V.hash ra)) let vertex_attributes = fun ra -> [`Label (C.refa_to_string ra)] let default_edge_attributes = fun _ -> [] let edge_attributes = fun (_,(i,r),_) -> [`Label (Printf.sprintf "%d:%s" i (Misc.fsprintf print_rd r))] let get_subgraph = fun _ -> None end module Dot = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(DotGraph) let dump_graph s g = s |> open_out >> (fun oc -> Dot.output_graph oc g) |> close_out (************************************************************************) (********************* Constraints-to-Graph *****************************) (************************************************************************) let xkvars_of_env env = Sy.SMap.fold begin fun x r acc -> r |> C.kvars_of_reft |> List.map (fun z -> x,z) |> (fun xks -> xks ++ acc) end env [] let dsts_of_t c = c |> C.rhs_of_t |> C.ras_of_reft |> List.map (function C.Kvar (_,k) -> C.Kvar (Su.empty, k) | ra -> ra) let edges_of_t c = let eks = c |> C.env_of_t |> xkvars_of_env |> List.map (fun (x, (su, k)) -> (C.Kvar (Su.empty, k)), Bnd (x, su)) in let gps = c |> C.grd_of_t |> (fun p -> if P.is_tauto p then [] else [(C.Conc p, Grd)]) in let lks = c |> C.lhs_of_t |> C.ras_of_reft |> List.map (function C.Kvar (su, k) -> (C.Kvar (Su.empty, k), Lhs su) | ra -> (ra, Grd)) in c |> dsts_of_t |> Misc.cross_product (lks ++ gps ++ eks) |> List.map (fun ((ra, l), ra') -> (ra, (C.id_of_t c, l), ra')) (************************************************************************) (*************************** Misc. Accessors ****************************) (************************************************************************) let vertices_of_graph = fun g -> G.fold_vertex (fun v acc -> v::acc) g [] (* API *) let filter_kvars f g = g |> vertices_of_graph |> List.filter (not <.> C.is_conc_refa) |> List.filter f |> Misc.sort_and_compact let get_edges f g vs = vs |> Misc.flap (f g) |> List.map (fun (_,(i,_),_) -> i) |> Misc.sort_and_compact (* APU *) let writes = get_edges G.pred_e let reads = get_edges G.succ_e (* API *) let k_reads g i k = k >> (C.refa_to_string <+> Format.printf "Kvgraph.k_reads [IN] id=%d, k=%s\n" i) |> G.succ_e g |> Misc.map_partial (function (_,(j,x),_) when i=j -> Some x | _ -> None) >> (Format.printf "Kvgraph.k_reads [OUT] %a \n" (Misc.pprint_many false "," print_rd)) (************************************************************************) (********************* (Backwards) Reachability *************************) (************************************************************************) let vset_of_list vs = List.fold_left (fun s v -> VS.add v s) VS.empty vs let pre_star g vs = (vs, VS.empty) |> Misc.fixpoint begin function | [], r -> ([], r), false | ws, r -> ws |> List.filter (fun v -> not (VS.mem v r)) |> Misc.tmap2 (Misc.flap (G.pred g), vset_of_list <+> VS.union r) |> (fun x -> x, true) end |> fst |> snd |> VS.elements (************************************************************************) (****************************** Predicates ******************************) (************************************************************************) let is_num_write g f v = [v] |> writes g |> List.length |> f let undef_ks = fun g -> filter_kvars (is_num_write g ((=) 0)) g let multi_wr_ks = fun g -> filter_kvars (is_num_write g ((<) 1)) g let single_wr_ks = fun g -> filter_kvars (is_num_write g ((=) 1)) g let cone_nodes g = g |> vertices_of_graph |> List.filter C.is_conc_refa |> pre_star g (*************************************************************************) (******************************* API *************************************) (*************************************************************************) let print_ks s ks = ks |> Misc.map_partial (function C.Kvar (_,k) -> Some k | _ -> None) |> Format.printf "[KVG] %s %a \n" s (Misc.pprint_many false "," Sy.print) (* API *) let is_single_wr = fun g -> is_num_write g ((=) 1) let is_single_rd = fun g -> G.succ_e g <+> Misc.groupby (snd3 <+> fst) <+> List.for_all (function [_] -> true | _ -> false) (* API *) let empty = G.empty let add = List.fold_left (fun g -> List.fold_left G.add_edge_e g <.> edges_of_t) let remove = List.fold_left G.remove_vertex (* API *) let cone_ks g = g |> cone_nodes |> List.filter (not <.> C.is_conc_refa) (* API *) let cone_ids g = g |> cone_nodes |> writes g (* API *) let print_stats g = g >> dump_graph ((Constants.get_out_file ())^".dot") >> (single_wr_ks <+> print_ks "single write kvs:") >> (multi_wr_ks <+> print_ks "multi write kvs:") >> (undef_ks <+> print_ks "undefined kvs:") >> (cone_ks <+> print_ks "cone kvs:") |> ignore