module C = FixConstraint module StrSet = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) module StrStrSet = Set.Make (struct type t = StrSet.t let compare = end) module S2 = StrSet module S3 = StrStrSet module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops module V = struct type t = string let compare = let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (=) end module E = struct type t = string let compare = let default = "" end module G = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteLabeled(V)(E) module Display = struct include G let vertex_name v = "\"" ^ String.escaped v ^ "\"" let graph_attributes _ = [] let default_vertex_attributes _ = [] let vertex_attributes _ = [] let default_edge_attributes _ = [] let edge_attributes e = [`Label (G.E.label e)] let get_subgraph _ = None end module DotOutput = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(Display) module SCC = Graph.Components.Make(G) let vertices_of_graph g = G.fold_vertex (fun v vs -> v::vs) g [] let edges_e_of_graph g = G.fold_edges_e (fun e es -> e::es) g [] let set_of_strings = List.fold_left (fun s x -> StrSet.add x s) StrSet.empty let set_to_string default s = if StrSet.is_empty s then default else StrSet.elements s |> String.escaped |> String.concat ", " let edges_e_to_graph es = List.fold_left (fun g e -> G.add_edge_e g e) G.empty es (* k_1, ..., k_n <: k_0 depends on l_1, ..., l_m <: l_0 iff l_0 = k_i for some 1 \leq i \leq n *) let t_to_dep t = let env = C.env_of_t t in let lhs = C.lhs_of_t t in let rhs = C.rhs_of_t t in let tag = try string_of_int (C.id_of_t t) with _ -> failure "ERROR: t_to_edge: anonymous constraint %s" (C.to_string t) in let src = C.kvars_of_reft lhs :: (fun b -> snd b |> C.kvars_of_reft) (C.bindings_of_env env) |> List.flatten |> snd |> Ast.Symbol.to_string |> set_of_strings in let dst = C.kvars_of_reft rhs |> snd |> Ast.Symbol.to_string |> set_of_strings in src, tag, dst let sccs_to_dot g prefix = let n, scc_of = SCC.scc g in let vs = vertices_of_graph g in Printf.printf "%s #scc = %d\n" prefix n; for i = 0 to n-1 do let scc, rest = List.partition (fun v -> scc_of v = i) vs in let g' = List.fold_left (fun g'' v -> G.remove_vertex g'' v) g rest in let out = open_out (Printf.sprintf "/tmp/" prefix i) in Printf.printf "%s scc %d %s\n" prefix i (String.concat ", " scc); DotOutput.output_graph out g'; close_out out done let mk_dep_graph ts = let ds' = t_to_dep ts in let ds = (fun (src, tag, dst) -> (if StrSet.is_empty src then StrSet.singleton "start" else src), tag, (if StrSet.is_empty dst then StrSet.singleton "error" else dst) ) ds' in let g = (fun (src, tag, dst) -> Misc.map_partial (fun (src', tag', dst') -> let inter = StrSet.inter dst src' in if StrSet.is_empty inter then None else begin Printf.printf "self loop %s\n" tag; Some(G.E.create tag (set_to_string "" inter) tag') (* tag depends on tag' via inter *) end ) ds ) ds |> List.flatten |> edges_e_to_graph in let srcs = List.fold_left (fun xs (src, tag, dst) -> src::xs) [] ds' in (* let veanu = List.fold_left (fun xs src -> S3.fold (fun x ys -> ys |> S3.add (S2.diff x src) |> S3.add (S2.diff src x) |> S3.add (S2.inter x src) ) xs S3.empty ) (List.hd srcs |> S3.singleton) ( srcs) in *) let oc = open_out "/tmp/" in DotOutput.output_graph oc g; close_out oc; sccs_to_dot g "dep"; print_endline "start deps"; List.iter (fun (src, tag, dst) -> Printf.printf "%s <: %s (%s)\n" (set_to_string "" src) (set_to_string "" dst) tag) ds; print_endline "end deps"; print_endline "start dep graph"; List.iter (fun e -> Printf.printf "%s - %s -> %s\n" (G.E.src e) (G.E.label e) (G.E.dst e)) (edges_e_of_graph g); print_endline "end dep graph" (* Printf.printf "Veanu %d sets\n%s\n" (S3.cardinal veanu) (S3.fold (fun x s -> (Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (set_to_string "empty" x))::s ) veanu [] |> String.concat ",\n") *) let other_graph ts = let deps = t_to_dep ts in let srcs, dsts = (fun (s, _, d) -> s, d) deps |> List.split in let es = (fun (src, tag, dst) -> G.E.create (set_to_string "start" src) tag (set_to_string "error" dst) ) deps in let es' = List.fold_left (fun es'' dst -> Misc.map_partial (fun src -> if StrSet.diff dst src |> StrSet.is_empty then Some (G.E.create (set_to_string "error" dst) "" (set_to_string "start" src)) else None ) srcs ++ es'' ) es dsts in let g = List.fold_left (fun g e -> G.add_edge_e g e) G.empty es' in g let t_to_edge t = let srcs', tag, dsts' = t_to_dep t in let srcs = if StrSet.is_empty srcs' then ["start"] else StrSet.elements srcs' in let dsts = if StrSet.is_empty dsts' then ["error"] else StrSet.elements dsts' in List.fold_left (fun es src -> (G.E.create src tag) dsts ++ es) [] srcs let to_dot oc ts = let _ = List.fold_left (fun g e -> G.add_edge_e g e ) G.empty ( t_to_edge ts |> List.flatten) in let g = other_graph ts in let vs = G.fold_vertex (fun v vs' -> v::vs') g [] in let n, scc_of = SCC.scc g in DotOutput.output_graph oc g; Printf.printf "#scc = %d\n" n; for i = 0 to n-1 do let scc, rest = List.partition (fun v -> scc_of v = i) vs in let g' = List.fold_left (fun g'' v -> G.remove_vertex g'' v) g rest in let out = open_out (Printf.sprintf "/tmp/" i) in Printf.printf "scc %d %s\n" i (String.concat ", " scc); DotOutput.output_graph out g'; close_out out done; mk_dep_graph ts