{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

-- | This module contains the data types, operations and
--   serialization functions for representing Fixpoint's
--   implication (i.e. subtyping) and well-formedness
--   constraints in Haskell. The actual constraint
--   solving is done by the `fixpoint.native` which
--   is written in Ocaml.

module Language.Fixpoint.Types (

  -- * Top level serialization
    Fixpoint (..)
  , toFixpoint
  , FInfo (..)

  -- * Rendering
  , showFix
  , traceFix
  , resultDoc

  -- * Symbols
  , Symbol
  , KVar (..)
  , anfPrefix, tempPrefix, vv, vv_, intKvar
  , symChars, isNonSymbol, nonSymbol
  , isNontrivialVV
  , symbolText, symbolString

  -- * Creating Symbols
  , dummySymbol
  , intSymbol
  , tempSymbol
  , qualifySymbol
  , suffixSymbol

  -- * Embedding to Fixpoint Types
  , Sort (..), FTycon, TCEmb
  , sortFTycon
  , intFTyCon, boolFTyCon, realFTyCon  -- TODO: hide these
  -- , strFTyCon
  -- , propFTyCon

  , intSort, realSort, propSort, boolSort, strSort
  , listFTyCon, appFTyCon
  , isListTC, isFAppTyTC
  , fTyconSymbol, symbolFTycon, fTyconSort
  , fApp
  , fObj

  -- * Expressions and Predicates
  , SymConst (..)
  , Constant (..)
  , Bop (..), Brel (..)
  , Expr (..), Pred (..)
  , eVar
  , eProp
  , pAnd, pOr, pIte
  , isTautoPred
  , symConstLits

  -- * Generalizing Embedding with Typeclasses
  , Symbolic (..)
  , Expression (..)
  , Predicate (..)

  -- * Constraints
  , WfC (..)
  , SubC, subcId, sid, sgrd, senv, slhs, srhs, subC, lhsCs, rhsCs, wfC
  , Tag

  -- * Accessing Constraints
  , envCs
  , addIds, sinfo
  , trueSubCKvar
  , removeLhsKvars

  -- * Solutions
  , Result (..)
  , FixResult (..)
  , FixSolution

  -- * Environments
  , SEnv, SESearch(..)
  , emptySEnv, toListSEnv, fromListSEnv
  , mapSEnvWithKey
  , insertSEnv, deleteSEnv, memberSEnv, lookupSEnv
  , intersectWithSEnv
  , filterSEnv
  , lookupSEnvWithDistance

  , FEnv, insertFEnv
  , IBindEnv, BindId, BindMap
  , emptyIBindEnv, insertsIBindEnv, deleteIBindEnv, elemsIBindEnv

  , BindEnv, beBinds
  , insertBindEnv, emptyBindEnv, lookupBindEnv, mapBindEnv, adjustBindEnv
  , bindEnvFromList, bindEnvToList
  , unionIBindEnv

  -- * Refinements
  , Refa (..), SortedReft (..), Reft(..), Reftable(..)
  , raConjuncts

  -- * Constructing Refinements
  , refa
  , reft                    -- "smart
  , trueSortedReft          -- trivial reft
  , trueRefa                -- trivial reft
  , trueReft                -- trivial reft
  , exprReft                -- singleton: v == e
  , notExprReft             -- singleton: v /= e
  , uexprReft               -- singleton: v ~~ e
  , symbolReft              -- singleton: v == x
  , usymbolReft             -- singleton: v ~~ x
  , propReft                -- singleton: Prop(v) <=> p
  , predReft                -- any pred : p
  , reftPred, reftBind
  , isFunctionSortedReft, functionSort
  , isNonTrivial
  , isSingletonReft
  , isEVar
  , isFalse
  , flattenRefas, squishRefas, conjuncts
  , shiftVV
  , mapPredReft

  -- * Substitutions
  , Subst (..)
  , Subable (..)
  , mkSubst
  , isEmptySubst
  -- , emptySubst
  -- , catSubst
  , substExcept
  , substfExcept
  , subst1Except
  , sortSubst
  , targetSubstSyms

  -- * Functions on @Result@
  , colorResult

  -- * Cut KVars
  , Kuts (..)
  , ksEmpty
  , ksUnion

  -- * Qualifiers
  , Qualifier (..)

  -- * Located Values
  , Located (..)
  , LocSymbol, LocText
  , locAt, dummyLoc, dummyPos, dummyName, isDummy
  ) where

import           Debug.Trace               (trace)

import           Data.Generics             (Data)
import           Data.Typeable             (Typeable)
import           GHC.Generics              (Generic)

import           Data.Char                 (toLower)
import qualified Data.Foldable             as F
import           Data.Functor
import           Data.Hashable
-- import           Data.Interned
import           Data.List                 (foldl', intersect, nub, sort)
import           Data.Monoid               hiding ((<>))
import           Data.String
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import           Data.Traversable
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Exception         (assert)
import           Data.Maybe                (isJust, mapMaybe, listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import           Text.Printf               (printf)

import           Language.Fixpoint.Config
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Text.Parsec.Pos
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

import           Data.Array                hiding (indices)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as M
import qualified Data.HashSet              as S
import           Language.Fixpoint.Names

class Fixpoint a where
  toFix    :: a -> Doc

  simplify :: a -> a
  simplify =  id

showFix :: (Fixpoint a) => a -> String
showFix =  render . toFix

traceFix     ::  (Fixpoint a) => String -> a -> a
traceFix s x = trace ("\nTrace: [" ++ s ++ "] : " ++ showFix x) x

type TCEmb a    = M.HashMap a FTycon

exprSymbols :: Expr -> [Symbol]
exprSymbols = go
    go (EVar x)        = [x]
    go (ELit x _)      = [val x]
    go (EApp f es)     = val f : concatMap go es
    go (ENeg e)        = go e
    go (EBin _ e1 e2)  = go e1 ++ go e2
    go (EIte p e1 e2)  = predSymbols p ++ go e1 ++ go e2
    go (ECst e _)      = go e
    go _               = []

predSymbols :: Pred -> [Symbol]
predSymbols = go
    go (PAnd ps)          = concatMap go ps
    go (POr ps)           = concatMap go ps
    go (PNot p)           = go p
    go (PIff p1 p2)       = go p1 ++ go p2
    go (PImp p1 p2)       = go p1 ++ go p2
    go (PBexp e)          = exprSymbols e
    go (PAtom _ e1 e2)    = exprSymbols e1 ++ exprSymbols e2
    go (PKVar _ (Su su')) = {- CUTSOLVER k : -} concatMap syms su'
    go (PAll xts p)       = (fst <$> xts) ++ go p
    go _                  = []

---------- (Kut) Sets of Kvars --------------------------------
newtype KVar = KV {kv :: Symbol } deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic, IsString)

intKvar :: Integer -> KVar
intKvar = KV . intSymbol "k_"

instance Show KVar where
  show (KV x) = "$" ++ show x

instance Hashable KVar

newtype Kuts = KS { ksVars :: S.HashSet KVar } deriving (Show)

instance NFData Kuts where
  rnf (KS _) = () -- rnf s

instance Fixpoint Kuts where
  toFix (KS s) = vcat $ ((text "cut " <>) . toFix) <$> S.toList s

ksEmpty :: Kuts
ksEmpty             = KS S.empty

ksUnion :: [KVar] -> Kuts -> Kuts
ksUnion kvs (KS s') = KS (S.union (S.fromList kvs) s')

---------- Converting Constraints to Fixpoint Input -----------

instance (Eq a, Hashable a, Fixpoint a) => Fixpoint (S.HashSet a) where
  toFix xs = brackets $ sep $ punctuate (text ";") (toFix <$> S.toList xs)
  simplify = S.fromList . map simplify . S.toList

instance Fixpoint a => Fixpoint (Maybe a) where
  toFix    = maybe (text "Nothing") ((text "Just" <+>) . toFix)
  simplify = fmap simplify

instance Fixpoint a => Fixpoint [a] where
  toFix xs = brackets $ sep $ punctuate (text ";") (fmap toFix xs)
  simplify = map simplify

instance (Fixpoint a, Fixpoint b) => Fixpoint (a,b) where
  toFix   (x,y)  = toFix x <+> text ":" <+> toFix y
  simplify (x,y) = (simplify x, simplify y)

instance (Fixpoint a, Fixpoint b, Fixpoint c) => Fixpoint (a,b,c) where
  toFix   (x,y,z)  = toFix x <+> text ":" <+> toFix y <+> text ":" <+> toFix  z
  simplify (x,y,z) = (simplify x, simplify y,simplify z)

instance Fixpoint Bool where
  toFix True  = text "True"
  toFix False = text "False"
  simplify z  = z

toFixGs :: SEnv SortedReft -> Doc
toFixGs (SE e) = vcat  $ map (toFixConstant . mapSnd sr_sort) $ hashMapToAscList e

toFixConstant (c, so)
  = text "constant" <+> toFix c <+> text ":" <+> parens (toFix so)

------------------------ Type Constructors ---------------------------

newtype FTycon = TC LocSymbol deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

intFTyCon, boolFTyCon, realFTyCon, strFTyCon, propFTyCon, appFTyCon, listFTyCon :: FTycon
intFTyCon  = TC $ dummyLoc "int"
boolFTyCon = TC $ dummyLoc "bool"
realFTyCon = TC $ dummyLoc "real"
strFTyCon  = TC $ dummyLoc strConName
propFTyCon = TC $ dummyLoc propConName
listFTyCon = TC $ dummyLoc listConName
appFTyCon  = TC $ dummyLoc "FAppTy"

isListTC, isFAppTyTC :: FTycon -> Bool
isListTC (TC (Loc _ _ c)) = c == listConName
isTupTC  (TC (Loc _ _ c)) = c == tupConName
isFAppTyTC = (== appFTyCon)

fTyconSymbol :: FTycon -> Located Symbol
fTyconSymbol (TC s) = s

symbolFTycon :: LocSymbol -> FTycon
symbolFTycon c
  | val c == listConName
  = TC $ fmap (const listConName) c
  | otherwise
  = TC c

-- stringSort   :: String -> Sort
-- stringSort s = FApp (stringFTycon s) []
--            -- ALTERNATIVEL = FObj . stringSymbol

fApp                  :: Either FTycon Sort -> [Sort] -> Sort
fApp (Left c) ts
  | c == intFTyCon    = FInt
  | c == realFTyCon   = FReal
  | otherwise         = fAppSorts (fTyconSort c) ts
fApp (Right t) ts     = fAppSorts t ts

fAppSorts :: Sort -> [Sort] -> Sort
fAppSorts = foldl' (\t1 t2 -> FApp appFTyCon [t1, t2])

fTyconSort :: FTycon -> Sort
fTyconSort = (`FApp` [])

fObj :: LocSymbol -> Sort
fObj = fTyconSort . TC

sortFTycon :: Sort -> Maybe FTycon
sortFTycon FInt       = Just intFTyCon
sortFTycon FReal      = Just realFTyCon
sortFTycon (FApp c _) = Just c
sortFTycon _          = Nothing

------------------------------- Sorts --------------------------------

data Sort = FInt
          | FReal
          | FNum                 -- ^ numeric kind for Num tyvars
          | FFrac                -- ^ numeric kind for Fractional tyvars
          | FObj  Symbol         -- ^ uninterpreted type
          | FVar  !Int           -- ^ fixpoint type variable
          | FFunc !Int ![Sort]   -- ^ type-var arity, in-ts ++ [out-t]
          | FApp FTycon [Sort]   -- ^ constructed type
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

{-@ FFunc :: Nat -> ListNE Sort -> Sort @-}

instance Hashable Sort

newtype Sub = Sub [(Int, Sort)]

instance Fixpoint Sort where
  toFix = toFixSort

toFixSort :: Sort -> Doc
toFixSort (FVar i)        = text "@"   <> parens (toFix i)
toFixSort FInt            = text "int"
toFixSort FReal           = text "real"
toFixSort FFrac           = text "frac"
toFixSort (FObj x)        = toFix x
toFixSort FNum            = text "num"
toFixSort (FFunc n ts)    = text "func" <> parens (toFix n <> text ", " <> toFix ts)
toFixSort (FApp c [t])
  | isListTC c            = brackets $ toFixSort t
toFixSort (FApp c [FApp c' [],t])
  | isFAppTyTC c &&
    isListTC c'           = brackets $ toFixSort t
toFixSort (FApp c ts)     = toFix c <+> intersperse space (fp <$> ts)
      fp s@(FApp _ (_:_)) = parens $ toFixSort s
      fp s                = toFixSort s

instance Fixpoint FTycon where
  toFix (TC s)       = toFix s

sortSubst                  :: M.HashMap Symbol Sort -> Sort -> Sort
sortSubst θ t@(FObj x)   = fromMaybe t (M.lookup x θ)
sortSubst θ (FFunc n ts) = FFunc n (sortSubst θ <$> ts)
sortSubst θ (FApp c ts)  = FApp c  (sortSubst θ <$> ts)
sortSubst _  t           = t

instance Show Subst where
  show = showFix

instance Fixpoint Subst where
  toFix (Su m) = case {- hashMapToAscList -} m of
                   []  -> empty
                   xys -> hcat $ map (\(x,y) -> brackets $ toFix x <> text ":=" <> toFix y) xys

targetSubstSyms :: Subst -> [Symbol]
targetSubstSyms (Su ms) = syms $ snd <$> ms

------------------------- Expressions -------------------------

-- | Uninterpreted constants that are embedded as  "constant symbol : Str"

data SymConst = SL !Text
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

data Constant = I !Integer
              | R !Double
              | L !Text !Sort
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

data Brel = Eq | Ne | Gt | Ge | Lt | Le | Ueq | Une
            deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

data Bop  = Plus | Minus | Times | Div | Mod
            deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
              -- NOTE: For "Mod" 2nd expr should be a constant or a var *)

data Expr = ESym !SymConst
          | ECon !Constant
          | EVar !Symbol
          | ELit !LocSymbol !Sort
          | EApp !LocSymbol ![Expr]
          | ENeg !Expr
          | EBin !Bop !Expr !Expr
          | EIte !Pred !Expr !Expr
          | ECst !Expr !Sort
          | EBot
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Fixpoint Integer where
  toFix = integer

instance Fixpoint Double where
  toFix = double

instance Fixpoint Constant where
  toFix (I i)   = toFix i
  toFix (R i)   = toFix i
  toFix (L s t) = parens $ text "lit" <+> text "\"" <> toFix s <> text "\"" <+> toFix t

instance Fixpoint SymConst where
  toFix  = toFix . encodeSymConst

instance Fixpoint Symbol where
  toFix = text . encode . T.unpack . symbolText

instance Fixpoint KVar where
  toFix (KV k) = text "$" <> toFix k

instance Fixpoint Text where
  toFix = text . T.unpack

instance Fixpoint Brel where
  toFix Eq  = text "="
  toFix Ne  = text "!="
  toFix Ueq = text "~~"
  toFix Une = text "!~"
  toFix Gt  = text ">"
  toFix Ge  = text ">="
  toFix Lt  = text "<"
  toFix Le  = text "<="

instance Fixpoint Bop where
  toFix Plus  = text "+"
  toFix Minus = text "-"
  toFix Times = text "*"
  toFix Div   = text "/"
  toFix Mod   = text "mod"

instance Fixpoint Expr where
  toFix (ESym c)       = toFix $ encodeSymConst c
  toFix (ECon c)       = toFix c
  toFix (EVar s)       = toFix s
  toFix (ELit s _)     = toFix s
  toFix (EApp f es)    = toFix f <> parens (toFix es)
  toFix (ENeg e)       = parens $ text "-"  <+> parens (toFix e)
  toFix (EBin o e1 e2) = parens $ toFix e1  <+> toFix o <+> toFix e2
  toFix (EIte p e1 e2) = parens $ text "if" <+> toFix p <+> text "then" <+> toFix e1 <+> text "else" <+> toFix e2
  toFix (ECst e so)    = parens $ toFix e   <+> text " : " <+> toFix so
  toFix (EBot)         = text "_|_"

--------------------- Predicates -------------------------

data Pred = PTrue
          | PFalse
          | PAnd   !(ListNE Pred) -- [Pred]
          | POr    ![Pred]
          | PNot   !Pred
          | PImp   !Pred !Pred
          | PIff   !Pred !Pred
          | PBexp  !Expr
          | PAtom  !Brel  !Expr !Expr
          | PKVar  !KVar !Subst
          | PAll   ![(Symbol, Sort)] !Pred
          | PTop
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

{-@ PAnd :: ListNE Pred -> Pred @-}

instance Hashable Brel
instance Hashable Bop
instance Hashable SymConst
instance Hashable Constant
instance Hashable Subst
instance Hashable Expr
instance Hashable Pred

instance Fixpoint Pred where
  toFix PTop             = text "???"
  toFix PTrue            = text "true"
  toFix PFalse           = text "false"
  toFix (PBexp e)        = parens $ text "?" <+> toFix e
  toFix (PNot p)         = parens $ text "~" <+> parens (toFix p)
  toFix (PImp p1 p2)     = parens $ toFix p1 <+> text "=>" <+> toFix p2
  toFix (PIff p1 p2)     = parens $ toFix p1 <+> text "<=>" <+> toFix p2
  toFix (PAnd ps)        = text "&&" <+> toFix ps
  toFix (POr  ps)        = text "||" <+> toFix ps
  toFix (PAtom r e1 e2)  = parens $ toFix e1 <+> toFix r <+> toFix e2
  toFix (PKVar k su)     = toFix k <> toFix su
  toFix (PAll xts p)     = text "forall" <+> toFix xts <+> text "." <+> toFix p

  simplify (PAnd [])     = PTrue
  simplify (POr  [])     = PFalse
  simplify (PAnd [p])    = simplify p
  simplify (POr  [p])    = simplify p

  simplify (PAnd ps)
    | any isContraPred ps = PFalse
    | otherwise           = PAnd $ filter (not . isTautoPred) $ map simplify ps

  simplify (POr  ps)
    | any isTautoPred ps = PTrue
    | otherwise          = POr  $ filter (not . isContraPred) $ map simplify ps

  simplify p
    | isContraPred p     = PFalse
    | isTautoPred  p     = PTrue
    | otherwise          = p

isContraPred   :: Pred -> Bool
isContraPred z = eqC z || (z `elem` contras)
    contras    = [PFalse]

    eqC (PAtom Eq (ECon x) (ECon y))
               = x /= y
    eqC (PAtom Ueq (ECon x) (ECon y))
               = x /= y
    eqC (PAtom Ne x y)
               = x == y
    eqC (PAtom Une x y)
               = x == y
    eqC _      = False

isTautoPred   :: Pred -> Bool
isTautoPred z  = z == PTop || z == PTrue || eqT z
    eqT (PAtom Le x y)
               = x == y
    eqT (PAtom Ge x y)
               = x == y
    eqT (PAtom Eq x y)
               = x == y
    eqT (PAtom Ueq x y)
               = x == y
    eqT (PAtom Ne (ECon x) (ECon y))
               = x /= y
    eqT (PAtom Une (ECon x) (ECon y))
               = x /= y
    eqT _      = False

isEVar :: Expr -> Bool
isEVar (EVar _) = True
isEVar _        = False

isEq  :: Brel -> Bool
isEq r          = r == Eq || r == Ueq

isSingletonReft :: Reft -> Maybe Expr
isSingletonReft (Reft (v, ra)) = firstMaybe (isSingletonExpr v) $ raConjuncts ra

raConjuncts  :: Refa -> [Pred]
raConjuncts  = conjuncts . raPred

firstMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstMaybe f = listToMaybe . mapMaybe f

--   where
--     go (PAtom r e1 e2) | e1 == EVar v && isEq r = Just e2
--                        | e2 == EVar v && isEq r = Just e1
--     go _                                        = Nothing

isSingletonExpr :: Symbol -> Pred -> Maybe Expr
isSingletonExpr v (PAtom r e1 e2)
  | e1 == EVar v && isEq r = Just e2
  | e2 == EVar v && isEq r = Just e1
isSingletonExpr _ _        = Nothing

pAnd          = simplify . PAnd
pOr           = simplify . POr
pIte p1 p2 p3 = pAnd [p1 `PImp` p2, (PNot p1) `PImp` p3]

mkProp        = PBexp . EApp (dummyLoc propConName) . (: [])

pprReft (Reft (v, Refa p)) d
  | isTautoPred p
  = d
  | otherwise
  = braces (toFix v <+> colon <+> d <+> text "|" <+> ppRas [Refa p])

pprReftPred (Reft (_, Refa p))
  | isTautoPred p
  = text "true"
  | otherwise
  = ppRas [Refa p]

ppRas = cat . punctuate comma . map toFix . flattenRefas

-- | Generalizing Symbol, Expression, Predicate into Classes -----------

-- | Values that can be viewed as Constants

-- | Values that can be viewed as Expressions

class Expression a where
  expr   :: a -> Expr

-- | Values that can be viewed as Predicates

class Predicate a where
  prop   :: a -> Pred

instance Expression Expr where
  expr = id

-- | The symbol may be an encoding of a SymConst.

instance Expression Symbol where
  expr s = maybe (eVar s) ESym (decodeSymConst s)
  -- expr = eVar

instance Expression Text where
  expr = ESym . SL

instance Expression Integer where
  expr = ECon . I

instance Expression Int where
  expr = expr . toInteger

instance Predicate Symbol where
  prop = eProp

instance Predicate Pred where
  prop = id

instance Predicate Bool where
  prop True  = PTrue
  prop False = PFalse

eVar ::  Symbolic a => a -> Expr
eVar = EVar . symbol

eProp ::  Symbolic a => a -> Pred
eProp = mkProp . eVar

relReft :: (Expression a) => Brel -> a -> Reft
relReft r e   = Reft (vv_, Refa $ PAtom r (eVar vv_)  (expr e))

exprReft, notExprReft, uexprReft ::  (Expression a) => a -> Reft
exprReft      = relReft Eq
notExprReft   = relReft Ne
uexprReft     = relReft Ueq

propReft      ::  (Predicate a) => a -> Reft
propReft p    = Reft (vv_, Refa $ PIff (eProp vv_) (prop p))

predReft      :: (Predicate a) => a -> Reft
predReft p    = Reft (vv_, Refa $ prop p)

reft :: Symbol -> Pred -> Reft
reft v p = Reft (v, Refa p)

mapPredReft :: (Pred -> Pred) -> Reft -> Reft
mapPredReft f (Reft (v, Refa p)) = Reft (v, Refa (f p))

----------------- Refinements ---------------------------------

newtype Refa = Refa { raPred :: Pred }
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

newtype Reft = Reft (Symbol, Refa)
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Show Reft where
  show (Reft x) = render $ toFix x

data SortedReft = RR { sr_sort :: !Sort, sr_reft :: !Reft }
                  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

isFunctionSortedReft :: SortedReft -> Bool
isFunctionSortedReft = isJust . functionSort . sr_sort

functionSort :: Sort -> Maybe (Int, [Sort], Sort)
functionSort (FFunc n ts) = Just (n, its, t)
    (its, t)              = safeUnsnoc "functionSort" ts
functionSort _            = Nothing

isNonTrivial :: Reftable r => r -> Bool
isNonTrivial = not .isTauto

-- sortedReftValueVariable (RR _ (Reft (v,_))) = v

reftPred :: Reft -> Pred
reftPred (Reft (_, Refa p)) = p

reftBind :: Reft -> Symbol
reftBind (Reft (x, _)) = x

refa :: [Pred] -> Refa
refa = Refa . pAnd

-- | Environments ---------------------------------------------

toListSEnv              ::  SEnv a -> [(Symbol, a)]
toListSEnv (SE env)     = M.toList env
fromListSEnv            ::  [(Symbol, a)] -> SEnv a
fromListSEnv            = SE . M.fromList

mapSEnv f (SE env)      = SE (fmap f env)
mapSEnvWithKey f        = fromListSEnv . fmap f . toListSEnv
deleteSEnv x (SE env)   = SE (M.delete x env)
insertSEnv x y (SE env) = SE (M.insert x y env)
lookupSEnv x (SE env)   = M.lookup x env
emptySEnv               = SE M.empty
memberSEnv x (SE env)   = M.member x env
intersectWithSEnv f (SE m1) (SE m2) = SE (M.intersectionWith f m1 m2)
filterSEnv f (SE m)     = SE (M.filter f m)
lookupSEnvWithDistance x (SE env)
  = case M.lookup x env of
     Just z  -> Found z
     Nothing -> Alts $ symbol . T.pack <$> alts
    alts       = takeMin $ zip (editDistance x' <$> ss) ss
    ss         = T.unpack . symbolText <$> fst <$> M.toList env
    x'         = T.unpack $ symbolText x
    takeMin xs = [z | (d, z) <- xs, d == getMin xs]
    getMin     = minimum . (fst <$>)

data SESearch a = Found a | Alts [Symbol]

-- | Functions for Indexed Bind Environment

emptyIBindEnv :: IBindEnv
emptyIBindEnv = FB S.empty

deleteIBindEnv :: BindId -> IBindEnv -> IBindEnv
deleteIBindEnv i (FB s) = FB (S.delete i s)

insertsIBindEnv :: [BindId] -> IBindEnv -> IBindEnv
insertsIBindEnv is (FB s) = FB (foldr S.insert s is)

elemsIBindEnv :: IBindEnv -> [BindId]
elemsIBindEnv (FB s) = S.toList s

-- | Functions for Global Binder Environment
insertBindEnv :: Symbol -> SortedReft -> BindEnv -> (BindId, BindEnv)
insertBindEnv x r (BE n m) = (n, BE (n + 1) (M.insert n (x, r) m))

emptyBindEnv :: BindEnv
emptyBindEnv = BE 0 M.empty

bindEnvFromList :: [(BindId, Symbol, SortedReft)] -> BindEnv
bindEnvFromList bs = BE (1 + nbs) be'
    nbs            = length bs
    be             = M.fromList [(n, (x, r)) | (n, x, r) <- bs]
    be'            = assert (M.size be == nbs) be

bindEnvToList :: BindEnv -> [(BindId, Symbol, SortedReft)]
bindEnvToList (BE _ be) = [(n, x, r) | (n, (x, r)) <- M.toList be]

mapBindEnv :: ((Symbol, SortedReft) -> (Symbol, SortedReft)) -> BindEnv -> BindEnv
mapBindEnv f (BE n m) = BE n $ M.map f m

lookupBindEnv :: BindId -> BindEnv -> (Symbol, SortedReft)
lookupBindEnv k (BE _ m) = fromMaybe err (M.lookup k m)
    err                  = errorstar $ "lookupBindEnv: cannot find binder" ++ show k

unionIBindEnv :: IBindEnv -> IBindEnv -> IBindEnv
unionIBindEnv (FB m1) (FB m2) = FB $ m1 `S.union` m2

adjustBindEnv :: ((Symbol, SortedReft) -> (Symbol, SortedReft)) -> BindId -> BindEnv -> BindEnv
adjustBindEnv f id (BE n m) = BE n $ M.adjust f id m

instance Functor SEnv where
  fmap = mapSEnv

instance Fixpoint Refa where
  toFix (Refa p)     = toFix $ conjuncts p
  -- toFix (RPvar p)    = toFix p

instance Fixpoint Reft where
  toFix = pprReftPred

instance Fixpoint SortedReft where
  toFix (RR so (Reft (v, ra)))
    = braces
    $ toFix v <+> text ":" <+> toFix so <+> text "|" <+> toFix ra

instance Fixpoint BindEnv where
  toFix (BE _ m) = vcat $ map toFixBind $ hashMapToAscList m

toFixBind (i, (x, r)) = text "bind" <+> toFix i <+> toFix x <+> text ":" <+> toFix r

insertFEnv   = insertSEnv . lower
  where lower s = case unconsSym s of
                    Nothing     -> s
                    Just (c,s') -> consSym (toLower c) s'

-- instance (Fixpoint a) => Fixpoint (SEnv a) where
--   toFix (SE e)    = vcat $ map pprxt $ hashMapToAscList e
--     where
--       pprxt (x,t) = toFix x <+> colon <> colon  <+> toFix t

instance (Fixpoint a) => Fixpoint (SEnv a) where
   toFix (SE m)   = toFix (hashMapToAscList m)

instance Fixpoint (SEnv a) => Show (SEnv a) where
  show = render . toFix

------------------- Constraints ---------------------------------------------

{-@ type Tag = { v : [Int] | len(v) = 1 } @-}
type Tag           = [Int]

type BindId        = Int
type FEnv          = SEnv SortedReft
type BindMap a     = M.HashMap BindId a -- (Symbol, SortedReft)

newtype IBindEnv   = FB (S.HashSet BindId) deriving (Data, Typeable)
newtype SEnv a     = SE { seBinds :: M.HashMap Symbol a }
                     deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic, F.Foldable, Traversable)

data BindEnv       = BE { beSize  :: Int
                        , beBinds :: BindMap (Symbol, SortedReft)
                     deriving (Show)

data SubC a = SubC { senv  :: !IBindEnv
                   , sgrd  :: !Pred
                   , slhs  :: !SortedReft
                   , srhs  :: !SortedReft
                   , sid   :: !(Maybe Integer)
                   , stag  :: !Tag
                   , sinfo :: !a
              deriving (Generic)

data WfC a  = WfC  { wenv  :: !IBindEnv
                   , wrft  :: !SortedReft
                   , wid   :: !(Maybe Integer)
                   , winfo :: !a
              deriving (Generic)

subcId :: SubC a -> Integer
subcId = mfromJust "subCId" . sid

-- | The output of the Solver
data Result a = Result { resStatus   :: FixResult (SubC a)
                       , resSolution :: M.HashMap KVar Pred }
                deriving (Show)

instance Monoid (Result a) where
  mempty        = Result mempty mempty
  mappend r1 r2 = Result stat soln
      stat      = mappend (resStatus r1)   (resStatus r2)
      soln      = mappend (resSolution r1) (resSolution r2)

-- instance Functor Result where
--   fmap f (Result x y) = Result (fmap (fmap f) x) y

data FixResult a = Crash [a] String
                 | Safe
                 | Unsafe ![a]
                 | UnknownError !String
                   deriving (Show, Generic)

type FixSolution = M.HashMap KVar Pred

instance Eq a => Eq (FixResult a) where
  Crash xs _ == Crash ys _        = xs == ys
  Unsafe xs == Unsafe ys          = xs == ys
  Safe      == Safe               = True
  _         == _                  = False

instance Monoid (FixResult a) where
  mempty                          = Safe
  mappend Safe x                  = x
  mappend x Safe                  = x
  mappend _ c@(Crash _ _)         = c
  mappend c@(Crash _ _) _         = c
  mappend (Unsafe xs) (Unsafe ys) = Unsafe (xs ++ ys)
  mappend u@(UnknownError _) _    = u
  mappend _ u@(UnknownError _)    = u

instance Functor FixResult where
  fmap f (Crash xs msg)   = Crash (f <$> xs) msg
  fmap f (Unsafe xs)      = Unsafe (f <$> xs)
  fmap _ Safe             = Safe
  fmap _ (UnknownError d) = UnknownError d

instance (Ord a, Fixpoint a) => Fixpoint (FixResult (SubC a)) where
  toFix Safe             = text "Safe"
  toFix (UnknownError d) = text $ "Unknown Error: " ++ d
  toFix (Crash xs msg)   = vcat $ [ text "Crash!" ] ++  pprSinfos "CRASH: " xs ++ [parens (text msg)]
  toFix (Unsafe xs)      = vcat $ text "Unsafe:" : pprSinfos "WARNING: " xs

pprSinfos :: (Ord a, Fixpoint a) => String -> [SubC a] -> [Doc]
pprSinfos msg = map ((text msg <>) . toFix) . sort . fmap sinfo

resultDoc :: (Ord a, Fixpoint a) => FixResult a -> Doc
resultDoc Safe             = text "Safe"
resultDoc (UnknownError d) = text $ "Unknown Error: " ++ d
resultDoc (Crash xs msg)   = vcat $ text ("Crash!: " ++ msg) : (((text "CRASH:" <+>) . toFix) <$> xs)
resultDoc (Unsafe xs)      = vcat $ text "Unsafe:"           : (((text "WARNING:" <+>) . toFix) <$> xs)

colorResult :: FixResult a -> Moods
colorResult (Safe)      = Happy
colorResult (Unsafe _)  = Angry
colorResult (_)         = Sad

instance Fixpoint a => Show (WfC a) where
  show = showFix

instance Fixpoint a => Show (SubC a) where
  show = showFix

instance Fixpoint (IBindEnv) where
  toFix (FB ids) = text "env" <+> toFix ids

instance Fixpoint a => Fixpoint (SubC a) where
  toFix c     = hang (text "\n\nconstraint:") 2 bd
     where bd =   -- text "env" <+> toFix (senv c)
                  toFix (senv c)
              $+$ text "grd" <+> toFix (sgrd c)
              $+$ text "lhs" <+> toFix (slhs c)
              $+$ text "rhs" <+> toFix (srhs c)
              $+$ (pprId (sid c) <+> pprTag (stag c))
              $+$ toFixMeta (text "constraint" <+> pprId (sid c)) (toFix (sinfo c))

instance Fixpoint a => Fixpoint (WfC a) where
  toFix w     = hang (text "\n\nwf:") 2 bd
    where bd  =   -- text "env"  <+> toFix (wenv w)
                  toFix (wenv w)
              $+$ text "reft" <+> toFix (wrft w)
              $+$ pprId (wid w)
              $+$ toFixMeta (text "wf" <+> pprId (wid w)) (toFix (winfo w))

toFixMeta :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
toFixMeta k v = text "// META" <+> k <+> text ":" <+> v
             --  $+$ text "\n"

pprId (Just i)  = text "id" <+> tshow i
pprId _         = text ""

pprTag []       = text ""
pprTag is       = text "tag" <+> toFix is

instance Fixpoint Int where
  toFix = tshow

------------------- Substitutions ---------------------

class Subable a where
  syms   :: a -> [Symbol]
  substa :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> a -> a
  -- substa f  = substf (EVar . f)

  substf :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> a -> a
  subst  :: Subst -> a -> a
  subst1 :: a -> (Symbol, Expr) -> a
  -- subst1 y (x, e) = subst (Su $ M.singleton x e) y
  subst1 y (x, e) = subst (Su [(x,e)]) y

subst1Except :: (Subable a) => [Symbol] -> a -> (Symbol, Expr) -> a
subst1Except xs z su@(x, _)
  | x `elem` xs = z
  | otherwise   = subst1 z su

substfExcept :: (Symbol -> Expr) -> [Symbol] -> Symbol -> Expr
substfExcept f xs y = if y `elem` xs then EVar y else f y

substExcept  :: Subst -> [Symbol] -> Subst
-- substExcept  (Su m) xs = Su (foldr M.delete m xs)
substExcept  (Su xes) xs = Su $ filter (not . (`elem` xs) . fst) xes

instance Subable Symbol where
  substa f                 = f
  substf f x               = subSymbol (Just (f x)) x
  subst su x               = subSymbol (Just $ appSubst su x) x -- subSymbol (M.lookup x s) x
  syms x                   = [x]

subSymbol (Just (EVar y)) _ = y
subSymbol Nothing         x = x
subSymbol a               b = errorstar (printf "Cannot substitute symbol %s with expression %s" (showFix b) (showFix a))

instance Subable Expr where
  syms                     = exprSymbols
  substa f                 = substf (EVar . f)
  substf f (EApp s es)     = EApp (substf f s) $ map (substf f) es
  substf f (ENeg e)        = ENeg (substf f e)
  substf f (EBin op e1 e2) = EBin op (substf f e1) (substf f e2)
  substf f (EIte p e1 e2)  = EIte (substf f p) (substf f e1) (substf f e2)
  substf f (ECst e so)     = ECst (substf f e) so
  substf f e@(EVar x)      = f x
  substf _ e               = e

  subst su (EApp f es)     = EApp (subst su f) $ map (subst su) es
  subst su (ENeg e)        = ENeg (subst su e)
  subst su (EBin op e1 e2) = EBin op (subst su e1) (subst su e2)
  subst su (EIte p e1 e2)  = EIte (subst su p) (subst su e1) (subst su e2)
  subst su (ECst e so)     = ECst (subst su e) so
  subst su (EVar x)        = appSubst su x
  subst _ e                = e

instance Subable Pred where
  syms                     = predSymbols
  substa f                 = substf (EVar . f)
  substf f (PAnd ps)       = PAnd $ map (substf f) ps
  substf f (POr  ps)       = POr  $ map (substf f) ps
  substf f (PNot p)        = PNot $ substf f p
  substf f (PImp p1 p2)    = PImp (substf f p1) (substf f p2)
  substf f (PIff p1 p2)    = PIff (substf f p1) (substf f p2)
  substf f (PBexp e)       = PBexp $ substf f e
  substf f (PAtom r e1 e2) = PAtom r (substf f e1) (substf f e2)
  substf _ p@(PKVar _ _)   = p
  substf _  (PAll _ _)     = errorstar "substf: FORALL"
  substf _  p              = p

  subst su (PAnd ps)       = PAnd $ map (subst su) ps
  subst su (POr  ps)       = POr  $ map (subst su) ps
  subst su (PNot p)        = PNot $ subst su p
  subst su (PImp p1 p2)    = PImp (subst su p1) (subst su p2)
  subst su (PIff p1 p2)    = PIff (subst su p1) (subst su p2)
  subst su (PBexp e)       = PBexp $ subst su e
  subst su (PAtom r e1 e2) = PAtom r (subst su e1) (subst su e2)
  subst su (PKVar k su')   = PKVar k $ su' `catSubst` su
  subst _  (PAll _ _)      = errorstar "subst: FORALL"
  subst _  p               = p

instance Subable Refa where
  syms (Refa p)           = syms p
  -- syms (RKvar k (Su su'))  = k : concatMap syms ({- M.elems -} su')
  subst su (Refa p)       = Refa $ subst su p
  substa f                 = substf (EVar . f)
  substf f (Refa p)       = Refa (substf f p)

instance (Subable a, Subable b) => Subable (a,b) where
  syms  (x, y)   = syms x ++ syms y
  subst su (x,y) = (subst su x, subst su y)
  substf f (x,y) = (substf f x, substf f y)
  substa f (x,y) = (substa f x, substa f y)

instance Subable a => Subable [a] where
  syms   = concatMap syms
  subst  = map . subst
  substf = map . substf
  substa = map . substa

instance Subable a => Subable (M.HashMap k a) where
  syms   = syms . M.elems
  subst  = M.map . subst
  substf = M.map . substf
  substa = M.map . substa

instance Subable Reft where
  syms (Reft (v, ras))      = v : syms ras
  substa f (Reft (v, ras))  = Reft (f v, substa f ras)
  subst su (Reft (v, ras))  = Reft (v, subst (substExcept su [v]) ras)
  substf f (Reft (v, ras))  = Reft (v, substf (substfExcept f [v]) ras)
  subst1 (Reft (v, ras)) su = Reft (v, subst1Except [v] ras su)

instance Subable SortedReft where
  syms               = syms . sr_reft
  subst su (RR so r) = RR so $ subst su r
  substf f (RR so r) = RR so $ substf f r
  substa f (RR so r) = RR so $ substa f r

newtype Subst = Su [(Symbol, Expr)]
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

appSubst :: Subst -> Symbol -> Expr
appSubst (Su s) x        = fromMaybe (EVar x) (lookup x s)

emptySubst :: Subst
emptySubst = Su [] -- M.empty

catSubst :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
catSubst = unsafeCatSubst

mkSubst  :: [(Symbol, Expr)] -> Subst
mkSubst  = unsafeMkSubst

isEmptySubst :: Subst -> Bool
isEmptySubst (Su xes) = null xes

unsafeMkSubst  = Su

unsafeCatSubst (Su s1) θ2@(Su s2) = Su $ s1' ++ s2
    s1'                           = mapSnd (subst θ2) <$> s1

-- TODO: this is **not used**, because of degenerate substitutions.
-- e.g. consider: s1 = [v := v], s2 = [v := x].
-- We want s1 `cat` s2 to be [v := x] and not [v := v] ...

unsafeCatSubstIgnoringDead (Su s1) (Su s2) = Su $ s1' ++ s2'
    s1' = mapSnd (subst (Su s2')) <$> s1
    s2' = filter (\(x,_) -> (x `notElem` (fst <$> s1))) s2

-- TODO: nano-js throws all sorts of issues, will look into this later...
-- but also, the check is too conservative, because of degenerate substitutions,
-- see above.
safeCatSubst θ1@(Su s1) θ2@(Su s2)
  | null $ intersect xs1 xs2
  = unsafeCatSubst θ1 θ2
  | otherwise
  = errorstar msg
    s1' = mapSnd (subst (Su s2)) <$> s1
    xs1 = fst <$> s1
    xs2 = fst <$> s2
    msg = printf "Fixpoint.Types catSubst on overlapping substitutions θ1 = %s, θ2 = %s" (showFix θ1) (showFix θ2)

safeMkSubst θ
  | nub θ == θ
  = Su θ
  | otherwise
  = errorstar msg
    msg = printf "Fixpoint.Types mkSubst on overlapping substitution θ = %s" (showFix θ)

instance Monoid Subst where
  mempty  = emptySubst
  mappend = catSubst

------------- Generally Useful Refinements -----------------

symbolReft    :: (Symbolic a) => a -> Reft
symbolReft    = exprReft . eVar

usymbolReft   :: (Symbolic a) => a -> Reft
usymbolReft   = uexprReft . eVar

vv_ :: Symbol
vv_ = vv Nothing

trueSortedReft :: Sort -> SortedReft
trueSortedReft = (`RR` trueReft)

trueReft  = Reft (vv_, trueRefa)
falseReft = Reft (vv_, Refa PFalse)

trueRefa  :: Refa
trueRefa  = Refa PTrue

flattenRefas ::  [Refa] -> [Refa]
flattenRefas         = concatMap flatRa
    flatRa (Refa p)  = Refa <$> flatP p
    flatP  (PAnd ps) = concatMap flatP ps
    flatP  p         = [p]

squishRefas     :: [Refa] -> [Refa]
squishRefas ras =  [squish (raPred <$> ras)]
    squish      = Refa . pAnd . sortNub . filter (not . isTautoPred) . concatMap conjuncts

conjuncts (PAnd ps) = concatMap conjuncts ps
conjuncts p
  | isTautoPred p   = []
  | otherwise       = [p]

---------------------- Strictness ------------------------------

instance NFData FTycon where
  rnf (TC c)       = rnf c

instance NFData Sort where
  rnf (FVar x)     = rnf x
  rnf (FFunc n ts) = rnf n `seq` (rnf <$> ts) `seq` ()
  rnf (FApp c ts)  = rnf c `seq` (rnf <$> ts) `seq` ()
  rnf (z)          = z `seq` ()

instance NFData Sub where
  rnf (Sub x) = rnf x

instance NFData Subst where
  rnf (Su x) = rnf x

instance NFData FEnv where
  rnf (SE x) = rnf x

instance NFData IBindEnv where
  rnf (FB x) = rnf x

instance NFData BindEnv where
  rnf (BE x m) = rnf x `seq` rnf m

instance NFData Constant where
  rnf (I x)     = rnf x
  rnf (R x)     = rnf x
  rnf (L s t) = rnf s `seq` rnf t

instance NFData SymConst where
  rnf (SL x) = rnf x

instance NFData Brel
instance NFData Bop

instance NFData Expr where
  rnf (ESym x)        = rnf x
  rnf (ECon x)        = rnf x
  rnf (EVar x)        = rnf x
  -- rnf (EDat x1 x2)    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (ELit x1 x2)    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (EApp x1 x2)    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (ENeg x1)       = rnf x1
  rnf (EBin x1 x2 x3) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3
  rnf (EIte x1 x2 x3) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3
  rnf (ECst x1 x2)    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (_)             = ()

instance NFData Pred where
  rnf (PAnd x)         = rnf x
  rnf (POr  x)         = rnf x
  rnf (PNot x)         = rnf x
  rnf (PBexp x)        = rnf x
  rnf (PImp x1 x2)     = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (PIff x1 x2)     = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (PAll x1 x2)     = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  rnf (PAtom x1 x2 x3) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3
  rnf (_)              = ()

instance NFData Refa where
  rnf (Refa x)     = rnf x
  -- rnf (RKvar x1 x2) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2
  -- rnf (RPvar _)     = () -- rnf x

instance NFData Reft where
  rnf (Reft (v, ras)) = rnf v `seq` rnf ras

instance NFData SortedReft where
  rnf (RR so r) = rnf so `seq` rnf r

instance (NFData a) => NFData (SubC a) where
  rnf (SubC x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)
    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3 `seq` rnf x4 `seq` rnf x5 `seq` rnf x6 `seq` rnf x7

instance (NFData a) => NFData (WfC a) where
  rnf (WfC x1 x2 x3 x4)
    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3 `seq` rnf x4

-------------- Hashable Instances -----------------------------------------

instance Hashable FTycon where
  hashWithSalt i (TC s) = hashWithSalt i s

-------- Constraint Constructor Wrappers ----------------------------------

wfC  :: IBindEnv -> SortedReft -> Maybe Integer -> a -> WfC a
wfC  = WfC

-- subC :: IBindEnv -> Pred -> SortedReft -> SortedReft -> Maybe Integer -> Tag -> a -> [SubC a]
-- subC γ p (RR t1 r1) (RR t2 (Reft (v2, ra2s))) i y z
--   = error "TODO:subC" -- NEW [subC' r2' | r2' <- [r2P], not $ isTauto r2']
--   where
--     subC' r2'  = SubC γ p (RR t1 (shiftVV r1 vv')) (RR t2 (shiftVV r2' vv')) i y z
--     r2P        = Reft (v2, ra2s) -- ORIG [ra | ra@(Refa _  ) <- ra2s])
--     -- ORIG r2K        = Reft (v2, [ra | ra@(RKvar _ _) <- ra2s])
--     vv'        = mkVV i

-- ORIG subC γ p (RR t1 r1) (RR t2 (Reft (v2, ra2s))) x y z
-- ORIG   = [subC' r2' | r2' <- [r2K, r2P], not $ isTauto r2']
-- ORIG   where
-- ORIG     subC' r2'  = SubC γ p (RR t1 (shiftVV r1 vvCon)) (RR t2 (shiftVV r2' vvCon)) x y z
-- ORIG     r2K        = Reft (v2, [ra | ra@(RKvar _ _) <- ra2s])
-- ORIG     r2P        = Reft (v2, [ra | ra@(RConc _  ) <- ra2s])

subC :: IBindEnv -> Pred -> SortedReft -> SortedReft -> Maybe Integer -> Tag -> a -> [SubC a]
-- subC γ p (RR t1 r1) (RR t2 r2) i y z
subC γ p sr1 sr2 i y z = [SubC γ p sr1' (sr2' r2') i y z | r2' <- reftConjuncts r2]
     RR t1 r1          = sr1
     RR t2 r2          = sr2
     sr1'              = RR t1 $ shiftVV r1  vv'
     sr2' r2'          = RR t2 $ shiftVV r2' vv'
     vv'               = mkVV i

reftConjuncts :: Reft -> [Reft]
reftConjuncts (Reft (v, ra)) = [Reft (v, ra') | ra' <- refaConjuncts ra]

refaConjuncts :: Refa -> [Refa]
refaConjuncts (Refa p)       = [Refa p' | p' <- conjuncts p, not $ isTautoPred p']

mkVV :: Maybe Integer -> Symbol
mkVV (Just i)  = vv $ Just i
mkVV Nothing   = vvCon

lhsCs, rhsCs :: SubC a -> Reft
lhsCs      = sr_reft . slhs
rhsCs      = sr_reft . srhs

envCs :: BindEnv -> IBindEnv -> [(Symbol, SortedReft)]
envCs be env = [lookupBindEnv i be | i <- elemsIBindEnv env]

-- mkFEnv :: BindEnv -> IBindEnv -> FEnv
-- mkFEnv be env = fromListSEnv $ envCs be env

removeLhsKvars cs vs
  = error "TODO:cutsolver: removeLhsKvars (why is this function needed?)"

-- CUTSOLVER   = cs {slhs = goRR (slhs cs)}
-- CUTSOLVER  where goRR rr                     = rr{sr_reft = goReft (sr_reft rr)}
-- CUTSOLVER        goReft (Reft(v, rs))        = Reft(v, filter f rs)
-- CUTSOLVER        f (RKvar v _) | v `elem` vs = False
-- CUTSOLVER        f r                         = True

trueSubCKvar k = subC emptyIBindEnv PTrue mempty rhs  Nothing [0]
    rhs        = RR mempty (Reft (vv_, Refa $ PKVar k mempty))

shiftVV :: Reft -> Symbol -> Reft
shiftVV r@(Reft (v, ras)) v'
   | v == v'   = r
   | otherwise = Reft (v', subst1 ras (v, EVar v'))

addIds = zipWith (\i c -> (i, shiftId i $ c {sid = Just i})) [1..]
  where -- Adding shiftId to have distinct VV for SMT conversion
    shiftId i c = c { slhs = shiftSR i $ slhs c }
                    { srhs = shiftSR i $ srhs c }
    shiftSR i sr = sr { sr_reft = shiftR i $ sr_reft sr }
    shiftR i r@(Reft (v, _)) = shiftVV r (v `mappend` symbol (show i))

----------------- Qualifiers -------------------------------------------

data Qualifier = Q { q_name   :: Symbol           -- ^ Name
                   , q_params :: [(Symbol, Sort)] -- ^ Parameters
                   , q_body   :: Pred             -- ^ Predicate
                   , q_pos    :: !SourcePos       -- ^ Source Location
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Fixpoint Qualifier where
  toFix = pprQual

instance Fixpoint () where
  toFix _ = text "()"

instance NFData Qualifier where
  rnf (Q x1 x2 x3 _) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3

pprQual (Q n xts p l) = text "qualif" <+> text (symbolString n) <> parens args <> colon <+> toFix p <+> text "//" <+> toFix l
    args              = intersperse comma (toFix <$> xts)

----------------- Top-Level Constraint System --------------------------

data FInfo a = FI { cm    :: M.HashMap Integer (SubC a)
                  , ws    :: ![WfC a]
                  , bs    :: !BindEnv
                  , gs    :: !FEnv
                  , lits  :: ![(Symbol, Sort)]
                  , kuts  :: Kuts
                  , quals :: ![Qualifier]
                  , bindInfo :: M.HashMap BindId a
               deriving (Show)

instance Monoid Kuts where
  mempty        = KS S.empty
  mappend k1 k2 = KS $ S.union (ksVars k1) (ksVars k2)

instance Monoid (SEnv a) where
  mempty        = SE M.empty
  mappend s1 s2 = SE $ M.union (seBinds s1) (seBinds s2)

instance Monoid BindEnv where
  mempty = BE 0 M.empty
  mappend (BE 0 _) b = b
  mappend b (BE 0 _) = b
  mappend _ _        = errorstar "mappend on non-trivial BindEnvs"

instance Monoid (FInfo a) where
  mempty        = FI M.empty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
  mappend i1 i2 = FI { cm       = mappend (cm i1)       (cm i2)
                     , ws       = mappend (ws i1)       (ws i2)
                     , bs       = mappend (bs i1)       (bs i2)
                     , gs       = mappend (gs i1)       (gs i2)
                     , lits     = mappend (lits i1)     (lits i2)
                     , kuts     = mappend (kuts i1)     (kuts i2)
                     , quals    = mappend (quals i1)    (quals i2)
                     , bindInfo = mappend (bindInfo i1) (bindInfo i2)

($++$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x $++$ y = x $+$ text "\n" $+$ y

toFixpoint :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FInfo a -> Doc
toFixpoint cfg x' =    qualsDoc x'
                  $++$ kutsDoc  x'
                  $++$ gsDoc    x'
                  $++$ conDoc   x'
                  $++$ bindsDoc x'
                  $++$ csDoc    x'
                  $++$ wsDoc    x'
                  $++$ binfoDoc x'
                  $++$ text "\n"
    conDoc        = vcat     . map toFixConstant . lits
    csDoc         = vcat     . map toFix . M.elems . cm
    wsDoc         = vcat     . map toFix . ws
    kutsDoc       = toFix    . kuts
    bindsDoc      = toFix    . bs
    gsDoc         = toFixGs  . gs
    qualsDoc      = vcat     . map toFix . quals
    metaDoc (i,d) = toFixMeta (text "bind" <+> toFix i) (toFix d)
    mdata         = metadata cfg
      | mdata     = vcat     . map metaDoc . M.toList . bindInfo
      | otherwise = \_ -> text "\n"

-- | A Class Predicates for Valid Refinements Types ---------------------

class (Monoid r, Subable r) => Reftable r where
  isTauto :: r -> Bool
  ppTy    :: r -> Doc -> Doc

  top     :: r -> r
  top _   =  mempty

  bot     :: r -> r

  meet    :: r -> r -> r
  meet    = mappend

  toReft  :: r -> Reft
  ofReft  :: Reft -> r
  params  :: r -> [Symbol]          -- ^ parameters for Reft, vv + others

instance Monoid Pred where
  mempty      = PTrue
  mappend p q = pAnd [p, q]
  mconcat     = pAnd

instance Monoid Refa where
  mempty          = Refa mempty
  mappend ra1 ra2 = Refa $ mappend (raPred ra1) (raPred ra2)

instance Monoid Reft where
  mempty  = trueReft
  mappend = meetReft

meetReft (Reft (v, ra)) (Reft (v', ra'))
  | v == v'          = Reft (v , ra  `mappend` ra')
  | v == dummySymbol = Reft (v', ra' `mappend` (ra `subst1`  (v , EVar v')))
  | otherwise        = Reft (v , ra  `mappend` (ra' `subst1` (v', EVar v )))

instance Subable () where
  syms _      = []
  subst _ ()  = ()
  substf _ () = ()
  substa _ () = ()

instance Reftable () where
  isTauto _ = True
  ppTy _  d = d
  top  _    = ()
  bot  _    = ()
  meet _ _  = ()
  toReft _  = mempty
  ofReft _  = mempty
  params _  = []

-- NUKE isTautoReft :: Reft -> Bool
-- NUKE isTautoReft (Reft (_, ra)) = isTautoRa ra
-- NUKE isTautoRa :: Refa -> Bool
-- NUKE isTautoRa = isTautoPred . raPred

instance Reftable Reft where
  isTauto  = all isTautoPred . conjuncts . reftPred
  ppTy     = pprReft
  toReft   = id
  ofReft   = id
  params _ = []

  bot    _        = falseReft
  top (Reft(v,_)) = Reft (v, mempty)

instance Monoid Sort where
  mempty            = FObj "any"
  mappend t1 t2
    | t1 == mempty  = t2
    | t2 == mempty  = t1
    | t1 == t2      = t1
    | otherwise     = errorstar $ "mappend-sort: conflicting sorts t1 =" ++ show t1 ++ " t2 = " ++ show t2

instance Monoid SortedReft where
  mempty        = RR mempty mempty
  mappend t1 t2 = RR (mappend (sr_sort t1) (sr_sort t2)) (mappend (sr_reft t1) (sr_reft t2))

instance Reftable SortedReft where
  isTauto  = isTauto . toReft
  ppTy     = ppTy . toReft
  toReft   = sr_reft
  ofReft   = error "No instance of ofReft for SortedReft"
  params _ = []
  bot s    = s { sr_reft = falseReft }

class Falseable a where
  isFalse :: a -> Bool

instance Falseable Pred where
  isFalse (PFalse) = True
  isFalse _        = False

instance Falseable Refa where
  isFalse (Refa p) = isFalse p

instance Falseable Reft where
  isFalse (Reft (_, ra)) = isFalse $ raPred ra

-- | String Constants -----------------------------------------

symConstLits    :: FInfo a -> [(Symbol, Sort)]
symConstLits fi = [(encodeSymConst c, sortSymConst c) | c <- symConsts fi]

-- | Replace all symbol-representations-of-string-literals with string-literal
--   Used to transform parsed output from fixpoint back into fq.

instance Symbolic SymConst where
  symbol = encodeSymConst

encodeSymConst        :: SymConst -> Symbol
encodeSymConst (SL s) = symbol $ litPrefix `mappend` s

sortSymConst          :: SymConst -> Sort
sortSymConst (SL _)   = strSort

decodeSymConst :: Symbol -> Maybe SymConst
decodeSymConst = fmap SL . T.stripPrefix litPrefix . symbolText

litPrefix    :: Text
litPrefix    = "lit" `T.snoc` symSepName

class SymConsts a where
  symConsts :: a -> [SymConst]

instance SymConsts (FInfo a) where
  symConsts fi = sortNub $ csLits ++ bsLits ++ gsLits ++ qsLits
      csLits   = concatMap symConsts                     $ M.elems  $  cm    fi
      bsLits   = concatMap symConsts $ map snd $ M.elems $ beBinds $  bs    fi
      gsLits   = concatMap symConsts $           M.elems $ seBinds $  gs    fi
      qsLits   = concatMap symConsts $                     q_body  <$> quals fi

instance SymConsts (SubC a) where
  symConsts c  = symConsts (sgrd c) ++
                 symConsts (slhs c) ++
                 symConsts (srhs c)

instance SymConsts SortedReft where
  symConsts = symConsts . sr_reft

instance SymConsts Reft where
  symConsts (Reft (_, ra)) = symConsts ra

instance SymConsts Refa where
  symConsts (Refa p)           = symConsts p

instance SymConsts Expr where
  symConsts (ESym c)       = [c]
  symConsts (EApp _ es)    = concatMap symConsts es
  symConsts (ENeg e)       = symConsts e
  symConsts (EBin _ e e')  = concatMap symConsts [e, e']
  symConsts (EIte p e e')  = symConsts p ++ concatMap symConsts [e, e']
  symConsts (ECst e _)     = symConsts e
  symConsts _              = []

instance SymConsts Pred where
  symConsts (PNot p)           = symConsts p
  symConsts (PAnd ps)          = concatMap symConsts ps
  symConsts (POr ps)           = concatMap symConsts ps
  symConsts (PImp p q)         = concatMap symConsts [p, q]
  symConsts (PIff p q)         = concatMap symConsts [p, q]
  symConsts (PAll _ p)         = symConsts p
  symConsts (PBexp e)          = symConsts e
  symConsts (PAtom _ e e')     = concatMap symConsts [e, e']
  symConsts (PKVar _ (Su xes)) = concatMap symConsts $ snd <$> xes
  symConsts _                  = []

-- | Edit Distance --------------------------------------------

editDistance :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
editDistance xs ys = table ! (m,n)
    (m,n) = (length xs, length ys)
    x     = array (1,m) (zip [1..] xs)
    y     = array (1,n) (zip [1..] ys)

    table :: Array (Int,Int) Int
    table = array bnds [(ij, dist ij) | ij <- range bnds]
    bnds  = ((0,0),(m,n))

    dist (0,j) = j
    dist (i,0) = i
    dist (i,j) = minimum [table ! (i-1,j) + 1, table ! (i,j-1) + 1,
        if x ! i == y ! j then table ! (i-1,j-1) else 1 + table ! (i-1,j-1)]

-- | Located Values ---------------------------------------------------------

data Located a = Loc { loc  :: !SourcePos -- ^ Start Position
                     , locE :: !SourcePos -- ^ End Position
                     , val  :: a
                     } deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance (IsString a) => IsString (Located a) where
  fromString = dummyLoc . fromString

type LocSymbol = Located Symbol
type LocText   = Located Text

locAt :: String -> a -> Located a
locAt s  = Loc l l
    l    = dummyPos s

dummyLoc :: a -> Located a
dummyLoc = Loc l l
    l    = dummyPos "Fixpoint.Types.dummyLoc"

dummyPos   :: String -> SourcePos
dummyPos s = newPos s 0 0

isDummy :: (Symbolic a) => a -> Bool
isDummy a = symbol a == symbol dummyName

instance Fixpoint SourcePos where
  toFix = text . show

instance Fixpoint a => Fixpoint (Located a) where
  toFix = toFix . val

instance Symbolic a => Symbolic (Located a) where
  symbol = symbol . val

instance Expression a => Expression (Located a) where
  expr   = expr . val

instance Functor Located where
  fmap f (Loc l l' x) =  Loc l l' (f x)

instance F.Foldable Located where
  foldMap f (Loc _ _ x) = f x

instance Traversable Located where
  traverse f (Loc l l' x) = Loc l l' <$> f x

instance Show a => Show (Located a) where
  show (Loc l l' x) = show x ++ " defined from: " ++ show l ++ " to: " ++ show l'

instance Eq a => Eq (Located a) where
  (Loc _ _ x) == (Loc _ _ y) = x == y

instance Ord a => Ord (Located a) where
  compare x y = compare (val x) (val y)

instance Subable a => Subable (Located a) where
  syms (Loc _ _ x)   = syms x
  substa f (Loc l l' x) = Loc l l' (substa f x)
  substf f (Loc l l' x) = Loc l l' (substf f x)
  subst su (Loc l l' x) = Loc l l' (subst su x)

instance Hashable a => Hashable (Located a) where
  hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . val

instance (NFData a) => NFData (Located a) where
  -- FIXME: no instance NFData SrcSpan
  rnf (Loc _ _  x) = rnf x

-- | Exported Basic Sorts -----------------------------------------------

boolSort, intSort, propSort, realSort, strSort :: Sort
boolSort = fTyconSort boolFTyCon
strSort  = fTyconSort strFTyCon
intSort  = fTyconSort intFTyCon
realSort = fTyconSort realFTyCon
propSort = fTyconSort propFTyCon

fTyConSort :: FTycon -> Sort
fTyConSort c = fApp (Left c) []