{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}

-- | This module has the functions that perform sort-checking, and related
-- operations on Fixpoint expressions and predicates.

module Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck  (
  -- * Sort Substitutions
  , Env

  -- * Checking Well-Formedness
  , checkSorted
  , checkSortedReft
  , checkSortedReftFull
  , checkSortFull
  , pruneUnsortedReft

  -- * Sort inference
  , sortExpr
  , checkSortExpr
  , exprSort

  -- * Unify
  , unifyFast
  , unifySorts

  -- * Apply Substitution
  , apply

  -- * Exported Sorts
  , boolSort
  , strSort

  -- * Sort-Directed Transformations
  , Elaborate (..)

  -- * Predicates on Sorts
  , isFirstOrder
  , isMono
  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except      (MonadError(..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as M
import qualified Data.List                 as L
import           Data.Maybe                (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)

import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding   (subst)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor  (mapExpr, stripCasts, foldSort)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Theories   as Thy
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import           Text.Printf

-- import Debug.Trace

-- | Predicates on Sorts -------------------------------------------------------
isMono :: Sort -> Bool
isMono             = null . foldSort fv []
    fv vs (FVar i) = i : vs
    fv vs _        = vs

-- | Elaborate: make polymorphic instantiation explicit via casts,
--   make applications monomorphic for SMTLIB. This deals with
--   polymorphism by `elaborate`-ing all refinements except for
--   KVars. THIS IS NOW MANDATORY as sort-variables can be instantiated
--   to `int` and `bool`.
class Elaborate a where
  elaborate :: String -> SEnv Sort -> a -> a

instance Elaborate (SInfo a) where
  elaborate x senv si = si
    { cm      = elaborate x senv <$> cm      si
    , bs      = elaborate x senv  $  bs      si
    , asserts = elaborate x senv <$> asserts si

instance (Elaborate e) => (Elaborate (Triggered e)) where
  elaborate x env t = fmap (elaborate x env) t

instance Elaborate Sort where
  elaborate _ _ = go
      go s | isString s = strSort
      go (FAbs i s)    = FAbs i $ go s
      go (FFunc s1 s2) = funSort (go s1) (go s2)
      go (FApp s1 s2)  = FApp    (go s1) (go s2)
      go s             = s
      funSort :: Sort -> Sort -> Sort
      funSort = FApp . FApp funcSort

instance Elaborate Expr where
  elaborate msg env = elabNumeric . elabApply . elabExpr msg env

instance Elaborate (Symbol, Sort) where
  elaborate msg env (x, s) = (x,) (elaborate msg env s)

instance Elaborate a => Elaborate [a]  where
  elaborate msg env xs = elaborate msg env <$> xs

elabNumeric :: Expr -> Expr
elabNumeric = mapExpr go
    go (ETimes e1 e2)
      | exprSort "txn1" e1 == FReal
      , exprSort "txn2" e2 == FReal
      = ERTimes e1 e2
    go (EDiv   e1 e2)
      | exprSort ("txn3: " ++ showpp e1) e1 == FReal
      , exprSort "txn4" e2 == FReal
      = ERDiv   e1 e2
    go e
      = e

instance Elaborate SortedReft where
  elaborate x env (RR s (Reft (v, e))) = RR s (Reft (v, e'))
      e'   = elaborate x env' e
      env' = insertSEnv v s env

instance Elaborate BindEnv where
  elaborate z env = mapBindEnv (\i (x, sr) -> (x, elaborate (z ++ msg i x sr) env sr))
      msg i x sr  = unwords [" elabBE",  show i, show x, show sr]

instance Elaborate (SimpC a) where
  elaborate x env c = c {_crhs = elaborate x env (_crhs c) }

-- instance Elaborate Qualifier where
  -- elaborate env q = q { qParams = elaborate env (qParams q)
                      -- , qBody   = elaborate [env ++ qParams] (qBody q)
                      -- }

elabExpr :: String -> SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Expr
elabExpr msg γ e
  = case runCM0 $ elab f e of
      Left msg -> die $ err dummySpan (d msg)
      Right s  -> fst s
      f   = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ')
      γ'  = γ `mappend` Thy.theorySEnv
      d m = vcat [ "elaborate" <+> text msg <+> "failed on:"
                 , nest 4 (pprint e)
                 , "with error"
                 , nest 4 (text m)
                 , "in environment"
                 , nest 4 (pprint $ subEnv γ' e)

elabApply :: Expr -> Expr
elabApply = go
    go e                  = case splitArgs e of
                             (e', []) -> step e'
                             (f , es) -> defuncEApp (go f) (mapFst go <$> es)
    step (PAnd [])        = PTrue
    step (POr [])         = PFalse
    step (ENeg e)         = ENeg (go  e)
    step (EBin o e1 e2)   = EBin o (go e1) (go e2)
    step (EIte e1 e2 e3)  = EIte (go e1) (go e2) (go e3)
    step (ECst e t)       = ECst (go e) t
    step (PAnd ps)        = PAnd (go <$> ps)
    step (POr ps)         = POr  (go <$> ps)
    step (PNot p)         = PNot (go p)
    step (PImp p q)       = PImp (go p) (go q)
    step (PIff p q)       = PIff (go p) (go q)
    step (PExist bs p)    = PExist bs (go p)
    step (PAll   bs p)    = PAll   bs (go p)
    step (PAtom r e1 e2)  = PAtom r (go e1) (go e2)
    step e@(EApp {})      = go e
    step (ELam b e)       = ELam b (go e)
    step (PGrad k su e)   = PGrad k su (go e)
    step e@(PKVar {})     = e
    step e@(ESym {})      = e
    step e@(ECon {})      = e
    step e@(EVar {})      = e
    -- ELam, ETApp, ETAbs, PAll, PExist
    step e                = error $ "TODO elabApply: " ++ showpp e

-- | Sort Inference ------------------------------------------------------------
sortExpr :: SrcSpan -> SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Sort
sortExpr l γ e = case runCM0 $ checkExpr f e of
    Left msg -> die $ err l (d msg)
    Right s  -> s
    f   = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)
    d m = vcat [ "sortExpr failed on expression:"
               , nest 4 (pprint e)
               , "with error:"
               , nest 4 (text m)
               , "in environment"
               , nest 4 (pprint γ)

checkSortExpr :: SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Maybe Sort
checkSortExpr γ e = case runCM0 $ checkExpr f e of
    Left _   -> Nothing
    Right s  -> Just s
    f x  = case lookupSEnv x γ of
            Just z  -> Found z
            Nothing -> Alts []

subEnv :: (Subable e) => SEnv a -> e -> SEnv a
subEnv g e = intersectWithSEnv (\t _ -> t) g g'
    g' = fromListSEnv $ (, ()) <$> syms e

-- | Checking Refinements ------------------------------------------------------

-- | Types used throughout checker

type StateM = Int

newtype CheckM a = CM {runCM :: StateM -> (StateM, Either String a)}

type Env      = Symbol -> SESearch Sort

instance Monad CheckM where
  return x     = CM $ \i -> (i, Right x)
  (CM m) >>= f = CM $ \i -> case m i of
                             (j, Left s)  -> (j, Left s)
                             (j, Right x) -> runCM (f x) j

instance MonadError String CheckM where
  throwError s = CM $ \i -> (i, Left s)
  (CM m) `catchError` f = CM $ \i -> case m i of
                                      (j, Left s) -> runCM (f s) j
                                      (j, Right x) -> (j, Right x)

withError :: CheckM a -> String -> CheckM a
act `withError` e' = act `catchError` (\e -> throwError (e ++ "\n  because\n" ++ e'))

instance Functor CheckM where
  fmap f (CM m) = CM $ \i -> case m i of {(j, Left s) -> (j, Left s); (j, Right x) -> (j, Right $ f x)}

instance Applicative CheckM where
  pure x     = CM $ \i -> (i, Right x)
  (CM f) <*> (CM m) = CM $ \i -> case m i of
                             (j, Left s)  -> (j, Left s)
                             (_, Right x) -> case f i of
                                 (k, Left s)  -> (k, Left s)
                                 (k, Right g) -> (k, Right $ g x)

initCM :: StateM
initCM = 42

runCM0 :: CheckM a -> Either String a
runCM0 act = snd $ runCM act initCM

class Freshable a where
  fresh   :: CheckM a
  refresh :: a -> CheckM a
  refresh _ = fresh

instance Freshable Int where
  fresh = CM (\n -> (n+1, Right n))

instance Freshable [Int] where
  fresh   = mapM (const fresh) [0..]
  refresh = mapM refresh

-- | Checking Refinements ------------------------------------------------------
checkSortedReft :: SEnv SortedReft -> [Symbol] -> SortedReft -> Maybe Doc
checkSortedReft env xs sr = applyNonNull Nothing oops unknowns
    oops                  = Just . (text "Unknown symbols:" <+>) . toFix
    unknowns              = [ x | x <- syms sr, x `notElem` v : xs, not (x `memberSEnv` env)]
    Reft (v,_)            = sr_reft sr

checkSortedReftFull :: Checkable a => SEnv SortedReft -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSortedReftFull γ t
  = case runCM0 $ check γ' t of
      Left e  -> Just (text e)
      Right _ -> Nothing
      γ' = sr_sort <$> γ

checkSortFull :: Checkable a => SEnv SortedReft -> Sort -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSortFull γ s t
  = case runCM0 $ checkSort γ' s t of
      Left e  -> Just (text e)
      Right _ -> Nothing
      γ' = sr_sort <$> γ

checkSorted :: Checkable a => SEnv Sort -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSorted γ t
  = case runCM0 $ check γ t of
      Left e   -> Just (text e)
      Right _  -> Nothing

pruneUnsortedReft :: SEnv Sort -> SortedReft -> SortedReft
pruneUnsortedReft γ (RR s (Reft (v, p))) = RR s (Reft (v, tx p))
    tx   = pAnd . mapMaybe (checkPred' f) . conjuncts
    f    = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ')
    γ'   = insertSEnv v s γ
    -- wmsg t r = "WARNING: prune unsorted reft:\n" ++ showFix r ++ "\n" ++ t

checkPred' :: Env -> Expr -> Maybe Expr
checkPred' f p = res -- traceFix ("checkPred: p = " ++ showFix p) $ res
    res        = case runCM0 $ checkPred f p of
                   Left _err   -> {- trace (_wmsg _err p) -} Nothing
                   Right _  -> Just p

class Checkable a where
  check     :: SEnv Sort -> a -> CheckM ()
  checkSort :: SEnv Sort -> Sort -> a -> CheckM ()

  checkSort γ _ = check γ

instance Checkable Expr where
  check γ e = void $ checkExpr f e
   where f =  (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)

  checkSort γ s e = void $ checkExpr f (ECst e s)
      f           =  (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)

instance Checkable SortedReft where
  check γ (RR s (Reft (v, ra))) = check γ' ra
     γ' = insertSEnv v s γ

-- | Checking Expressions ------------------------------------------------------
checkExpr                  :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkExpr _ (ESym _)       = return strSort
checkExpr _ (ECon (I _))   = return FInt
checkExpr _ (ECon (R _))   = return FReal
checkExpr _ (ECon (L _ s)) = return s
checkExpr f (EVar x)       = checkSym f x
checkExpr f (ENeg e)       = checkNeg f e
checkExpr f (EBin o e1 e2) = checkOp f e1 o e2
checkExpr f (EIte p e1 e2) = checkIte f p e1 e2
checkExpr f (ECst e t)     = checkCst f t e
checkExpr f (EApp g e)     = checkApp f Nothing g e
checkExpr f (PNot p)       = checkPred f p >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PImp p p')    = mapM_ (checkPred f) [p, p'] >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PIff p p')    = mapM_ (checkPred f) [p, p'] >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PAnd ps)      = mapM_ (checkPred f) ps >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (POr ps)       = mapM_ (checkPred f) ps >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PAtom r e e') = checkRel f r e e' >> return boolSort
checkExpr _ (PKVar {})     = return boolSort
checkExpr f (PGrad _ _ e)  = checkPred f e >> return boolSort

checkExpr f (PAll  bs e )  = checkExpr (addEnv f bs) e
checkExpr f (PExist bs e)  = checkExpr (addEnv f bs) e
checkExpr f (ELam (x,t) e) = FFunc t <$> checkExpr (addEnv f [(x,t)]) e
checkExpr _ (ETApp _ _)    = error "SortCheck.checkExpr: TODO: implement ETApp"
checkExpr _ (ETAbs _ _)    = error "SortCheck.checkExpr: TODO: implement ETAbs"

addEnv :: Eq a => (a -> SESearch b) -> [(a, b)] -> a -> SESearch b
addEnv f bs x
  = case L.lookup x bs of
      Just s  -> Found s
      Nothing -> f x

-- | Elaborate expressions with types to make polymorphic instantiation explicit.
elab :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM (Expr, Sort)
elab f e@(EBin o e1 e2) = do
  (e1', s1) <- elab f e1
  (e2', s2) <- elab f e2
  s         <- checkExpr f e
  return (EBin o (ECst e1' s1) (ECst e2' s2), s)

elab f (EApp e1@(EApp _ _) e2) = do
  (e1', _, e2', s2, s) <- elabEApp f e1 e2
  return (eAppC s e1' (ECst e2' s2), s)

elab f (EApp e1 e2) = do
  (e1', s1, e2', s2, s) <- elabEApp f e1 e2
  return (eAppC s (ECst e1' s1) (ECst e2' s2), s)

elab _ e@(ESym _) =
  return (e, strSort)

elab _ e@(ECon (I _)) =
  return (e, FInt)

elab _ e@(ECon (R _)) =
  return (e, FReal)

elab _ e@(ECon (L _ s)) =
  return (e, s)

elab _ e@(PKVar _ _) =
  return (e, boolSort)

elab f (PGrad k su e) = 
  ((, boolSort) . PGrad k su . fst) <$> elab f e 

elab f e@(EVar x) =
  (e,) <$> checkSym f x

elab f (ENeg e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab f e
  return (ENeg e', s)

elab f (EIte p e1 e2) = do
  (p', _)  <- elab f p
  (e1', _) <- elab f e1
  (e2', _) <- elab f e2
  s <- checkIte f p e1 e2
  return (EIte p' e1' e2', s)

elab f (ECst e t) = do
  (e', _) <- elab f e
  return (ECst e' t, t)

elab f (PNot p) = do
  (e', _) <- elab f p
  return (PNot e', boolSort)

elab f (PImp p1 p2) = do
  (p1', _) <- elab f p1
  (p2', _) <- elab f p2
  return (PImp p1' p2', boolSort)

elab f (PIff p1 p2) = do
  (p1', _) <- elab f p1
  (p2', _) <- elab f p2
  return (PIff p1' p2', boolSort)

elab f (PAnd ps) = do
  ps' <- mapM (elab f) ps
  return (PAnd (fst <$> ps'), boolSort)

elab f (POr ps) = do
  ps' <- mapM (elab f) ps
  return (POr (fst <$> ps'), boolSort)

elab f e@(PAtom Eq e1 e2) = do
  t1        <- checkExpr f e1
  t2        <- checkExpr f e2
  (t1',t2') <- unite f e  t1 t2 `withError` (errElabExpr e)
  e1'       <- elabAs f t1' e1
  e2'       <- elabAs f t2' e2
  return (PAtom Eq (ECst e1' t1') (ECst e2' t2'), boolSort)

elab f (PAtom r e1 e2)
  | r == Ueq || r == Une = do
  (e1', _) <- elab f e1
  (e2', _) <- elab f e2
  return (PAtom r e1' e2', boolSort)

elab f (PAtom r e1 e2) = do
  e1' <- uncurry Thy.toInt <$> elab f e1
  e2' <- uncurry Thy.toInt <$> elab f e2
  return (PAtom r e1' e2', boolSort)

elab f (PExist bs e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (addEnv f bs) e
  let bs' = elaborate "PExist Args" mempty bs
  return (PExist bs' e', s)

elab f (PAll bs e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (addEnv f bs) e
  let bs' = elaborate "PAll Args" mempty bs
  return (PAll bs' e', s)

elab f (ELam (x,t) e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (addEnv f [(x,t)]) e
  let t' = elaborate "ELam Arg" mempty t
  return (ELam (x,t') (ECst e' s), FFunc t s)

elab _ (ETApp _ _) =
  error "SortCheck.elab: TODO: implement ETApp"
elab _ (ETAbs _ _) =
  error "SortCheck.elab: TODO: implement ETAbs"

-- elabAs :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Expr
-- elabAs f t e = tracepp msg <$> elabAs' f t e
--  where
--    msg  = "elabAs: t = " ++ show t ++ " e = " ++ show e

elabAs :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Expr
elabAs f t (EApp e1 e2) = elabAppAs f t e1 e2
elabAs f _ e            = fst <$> elab f e

elabAppAs :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Expr
elabAppAs f t g e = do
  gT       <- generalize =<< checkExpr f g
  eT       <- checkExpr f e
  (iT, oT, isu) <- checkFunSort gT
  let ge    = Just (EApp g e)
  su       <- unifyMany f ge isu [oT, iT] [t, eT]
  let tg    = apply su gT
  g'       <- elabAs f tg g
  let te    = apply su eT
  e'       <- elabAs f te e
  return    $ EApp (ECst g' tg) (ECst e' te)

elabEApp  :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM (Expr, Sort, Expr, Sort, Sort)
elabEApp f e1 e2 = do
  (e1', s1) <- elab f e1
  (e2', s2) <- elab f e2
  s         <- elabAppSort f e1 e2 s1 s2
  return      (e1', s1, e2', s2, s)

-- | defuncEApp monomorphizes function applications.
defuncEApp :: Expr -> [(Expr, Sort)] -> Expr
defuncEApp e es
  | Thy.isSmt2App (stripCasts e) es
  = eApps e (fst <$> es)
  | otherwise
  = L.foldl' makeApplication e es

-- e1 e2 => App (App runFun e1) (toInt e2)
makeApplication :: Expr -> (Expr, Sort) -> Expr
makeApplication e1 (e2, s) = ECst (EApp (EApp (EVar f) e1) e2') s
    f                      = makeFunSymbol (spec s)
    e2'                    = Thy.toInt e2 (exprSort "makeApplication" e2)
    -- s                      = fromMaybe (resultType e1 e2) sO
    spec                 :: Sort -> Sort
    spec (FAbs _ s)      = spec s
    spec s               = s

makeFunSymbol :: Sort -> Symbol
makeFunSymbol s
  | (FApp (FTC c) _) <- s
  , Thy.isConName setConName c
  = setApplyName 1
  | (FApp (FApp (FTC c) _) _) <- s
  , Thy.isConName mapConName c
  = mapApplyName 1
  | (FApp (FTC bv) (FTC s))   <- s
  , Thy.isConName bitVecName bv
  , Just _ <- Thy.sizeBv s
  = bitVecApplyName 1
  | FTC c <- s, c == boolFTyCon
  = boolApplyName 1
  | s == FReal
  = realApplyName 1
  | otherwise
  = intApplyName 1

splitArgs :: Expr -> (Expr, [(Expr, Sort)])
splitArgs = go []
    go acc (ECst (EApp e1 e) s) = go ((e, s) : acc) e1
    go _   e@EApp{}             = errorstar $ "UNEXPECTED: splitArgs: EApp without output type: " ++ showpp e
    -- go acc (ECst e _)           = go acc e
    go acc e                    = (e, acc)

-- | Expressions sort  ---------------------------------------------------------
exprSort :: String -> Expr -> Sort
exprSort msg = go
    go (ECst _ s) = s
    go (ELam (_, sx) e) = FFunc sx (go e)
    go (EApp e ex)
      | FFunc sx s <- genSort (go e)
      = maybe s (`apply` s) $ unifySorts (go ex) sx
    go e = errorstar ("\nexprSort [" ++ msg ++ "] on unexpected expressions " ++ show e)

genSort :: Sort -> Sort
genSort (FAbs _ t) = genSort t
genSort t          = t

unite :: Env -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM (Sort, Sort)
unite f e t1 t2 = do
  su <- unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2]
  return (apply su t1, apply su t2)

-- | Helper for checking symbol occurrences
checkSym :: Env -> Symbol -> CheckM Sort
checkSym f x
  = case f x of
     Found s -> return s
     Alts xs -> throwError $ errUnboundAlts x xs

-- | Helper for checking if-then-else expressions
checkIte :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkIte f p e1 e2 = do
  checkPred f p
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  ((`apply` t1) <$> unifys f e' [t1] [t2]) `withError` (errIte e1 e2 t1 t2)
    e' = Just (EIte  p e1 e2)

-- | Helper for checking cast expressions
checkCst :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkCst f t (EApp g e)
  = checkApp f (Just t) g e
checkCst f t e
  = do t' <- checkExpr f e
       ((`apply` t) <$> unifys f (Just e) [t] [t']) `withError` (errCast e t' t)

elabAppSort :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM Sort
elabAppSort f e1 e2 s1 s2 = do
  s1'  <- generalize s1
  let e = Just (EApp e1 e2)
  case s1' of
    FFunc sx s -> (`apply` s) <$> unifys f e [sx] [s2]
    FVar i     -> do j <- refresh 0 
                     k <- refresh 0 
                     (`apply` (FVar k)) <$> unifyMany f e (updateVar i (FFunc (FVar j) (FVar j)) emptySubst) [FVar j] [s2]
    _          -> errorstar ("elabAppSort for expr" ++ showpp (EApp e1 e2) ++ " with sorts" ++ showpp s1  ++ " and " ++ showpp s2 )

checkApp :: Env -> Maybe Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkApp f to g es
  = snd <$> checkApp' f to g es

checkExprAs :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkExprAs f t (EApp g e)
  = checkApp f (Just t) g e
checkExprAs f t e
  = do t' <- checkExpr f e
       θ  <- unifys f (Just e) [t'] [t]
       return $ apply θ t

-- | Helper for checking uninterpreted function applications
-- | Checking function application should be curried,
-- | consider checking
-- | fromJust :: Maybe a -> a, f :: Maybe (b -> b), x: c |- fromJust f x

checkApp' :: Env -> Maybe Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM (TVSubst, Sort)
checkApp' f to g e = do
  gt       <- checkExpr f g >>= generalize
  et       <- checkExpr f e
  (it, ot, isu) <- checkFunSort gt
  let ge    = Just (EApp g e)
  θ        <- unifyMany f ge isu [it] [et]
  let t     = apply θ ot
  case to of
    Nothing    -> return (θ, t)
    Just t'    -> do θ' <- unifyMany f ge θ [t] [t']
                     let ti = apply θ' et
                     _ <- checkExprAs f ti e
                     return (θ', apply θ' t)

checkApp' f to g' e
  = do gt           <- checkExpr f g
       gt'          <- generalize gt
       (its, ot)    <- sortFunction (length es) gt'
       ets          <- mapM (checkExpr f) es
       θ            <- unifys f its ets
       let t         = apply θ ot
       case to of
         Nothing    -> return (θ, t)
         Just t'    -> do θ' <- unifyMany f θ [t] [t']
                          let ts = apply θ' <$> ets
                          _ <- zipWithM (checkExprAs f) ts es
                          return (θ', apply θ' t)
    (g, es) = splitEApp $ EApp g' e

-- | Helper for checking binary (numeric) operations
checkNeg :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkNeg f e = do
  t <- checkExpr f e
  checkNumeric f t >> return t

checkOp :: Env -> Expr -> Bop -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkOp f e1 o e2
  = do t1 <- checkExpr f e1
       t2 <- checkExpr f e2
       checkOpTy f (EBin o e1 e2) t1 t2

checkOpTy :: Env -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM Sort
checkOpTy _ _ FInt FInt
  = return FInt

checkOpTy _ _ FReal FReal
  = return FReal
-- Coercing int to real is somewhat suspicious, but z3 seems
-- to be ok with it
checkOpTy _ _ FInt  FReal
  = return FReal
checkOpTy _ _ FReal FInt
  = return FReal

checkOpTy f _ t t'
  | t == t'
  = checkNumeric f t >> return t

checkOpTy _ e t t'
  = throwError $ errOp e t t'

checkFractional :: Env -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkFractional f s@(FObj l)
  = do t <- checkSym f l
       unless (t == FFrac) (throwError $ errNonFractional s)
checkFractional _ s
  = unless (isReal s) (throwError $ errNonFractional s)

checkNumeric :: Env -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkNumeric f s@(FObj l)
  = do t <- checkSym f l
       unless (t == FNum || t == FFrac) (throwError $ errNonNumeric s)
checkNumeric _ s
  = unless (isNumeric s) (throwError $ errNonNumeric s)

-- | Checking Predicates -------------------------------------------------------

checkPred                  :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM ()
checkPred f e = checkExpr f e >>= checkBoolSort e

checkBoolSort :: Expr -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkBoolSort e s
 | s == boolSort = return ()
 | otherwise     = throwError $ errBoolSort e s

-- | Checking Relations
checkRel :: Env -> Brel -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM ()
checkRel f Eq e1 e2 = do
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  su <- (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2]) `withError` (errRel e t1 t2)
  _  <- checkExprAs f (apply su t1) e1
  _  <- checkExprAs f (apply su t2) e2
  checkRelTy f e Eq t1 t2
    e = PAtom Eq e1 e2

checkRel f r  e1 e2 = do
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  checkRelTy f (PAtom r e1 e2) r t1 t2

checkRelTy :: Env -> Expr -> Brel -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkRelTy _ _ Ueq _ _             = return ()
checkRelTy _ _ Une _ _             = return ()
checkRelTy f _ _ s1@(FObj l) s2@(FObj l') | l /= l'
  = (checkNumeric f s1 >> checkNumeric f s2) `withError` (errNonNumerics l l')
checkRelTy _ _ _ FReal FReal = return ()
checkRelTy _ _ _ FInt  FReal = return ()
checkRelTy _ _ _ FReal FInt  = return ()
checkRelTy f _ _ FInt  s2    = checkNumeric    f s2 `withError` (errNonNumeric s2)
checkRelTy f _ _ s1    FInt  = checkNumeric    f s1 `withError` (errNonNumeric s1)
checkRelTy f _ _ FReal s2    = checkFractional f s2 `withError` (errNonFractional s2)
checkRelTy f _ _ s1    FReal = checkFractional f s1 `withError` (errNonFractional s1)

-- checkRelTy _ e Eq t1 t2
--   | t1 == boolSort || t2 == boolSort = throwError $ errRel e t1 t2
-- checkRelTy _ e Ne t1 t2
--   | t1 == boolSort || t2 == boolSort = throwError $ errRel e t1 t2

checkRelTy f e Eq t1 t2            = void (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2] `withError` (errRel e t1 t2))
checkRelTy f e Ne t1 t2            = void (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2] `withError` (errRel e t1 t2))

checkRelTy _ e _  t1 t2            = unless (t1 == t2) (throwError $ errRel e t1 t2)

-- | Sort Unification
unify :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unify f e t1 t2
  = case runCM0 $ unify1 f e emptySubst t1 t2 of
      Left _   -> Nothing
      Right su -> Just su

unifySorts :: Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unifySorts   = unifyFast False emptyEnv
    emptyEnv = const $ die $ err dummySpan "SortChecl: lookup in Empty Env "

-- | Fast Unification; `unifyFast True` is just equality
unifyFast :: Bool -> Env -> Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unifyFast False f = unify f Nothing
unifyFast True  _ = uMono
    uMono t1 t2
     | t1 == t2   = Just emptySubst
     | otherwise  = Nothing

unifys :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> [Sort] -> [Sort] -> CheckM TVSubst
unifys f e = unifyMany f e emptySubst

unifyMany :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> [Sort] -> [Sort] -> CheckM TVSubst
unifyMany f e θ ts ts'
  | length ts == length ts' = foldM (uncurry . unify1 f e) θ $ zip ts ts'
  | otherwise               = throwError $ errUnifyMany ts ts'

unify1 :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM TVSubst
unify1 f e θ (FVar i) t
  = unifyVar f e θ i t
unify1 f e θ t (FVar i)
  = unifyVar f e θ i t
unify1 f e θ (FApp t1 t2) (FApp t1' t2')
  = unifyMany f e θ [t1, t2] [t1', t2']
unify1 _ _ θ (FTC l1) (FTC l2)
  | isListTC l1 && isListTC l2
  = return θ
unify1 f e θ t1@(FAbs _ _) t2 = do
  t1'<- generalize t1
  unifyMany f e θ [t1'] [t2]
unify1 f e θ t1 t2@(FAbs _ _) = do
  t2' <- generalize t2
  unifyMany f e θ [t1] [t2']
unify1 _ _ θ s1 s2
  | isString s1, isString s2
  = return θ

unify1 _ _ θ FInt  FReal = return θ

unify1 _ _ θ FReal FInt  = return θ

unify1 f e θ t FInt = do
  checkNumeric f t `withError` (errUnify e t FInt)
  return θ

unify1 f e θ FInt t = do
  checkNumeric f t `withError` (errUnify e FInt t)
  return θ

unify1 f e θ (FFunc t1 t2) (FFunc t1' t2') = do
  unifyMany f e θ [t1, t2] [t1', t2']

unify1 _ e θ t1 t2
  | t1 == t2
  = return θ
  | otherwise
  = throwError $ errUnify e t1 t2

subst :: (Int, Sort) -> Sort -> Sort
subst (j,tj) t@(FVar i)
  | i == j    = tj
  | otherwise = t
subst su (FApp t1 t2)  = FApp (subst su t1) (subst su t2)
subst _  (FTC l)       = FTC l
subst su (FFunc t1 t2) = FFunc (subst su t1) (subst su t2)
subst (j,tj) (FAbs i t)
  | i == j    = FAbs i t
  | otherwise = FAbs i $ subst (j,tj) t
subst _  s             = s

generalize :: Sort -> CheckM Sort
generalize (FAbs i t) = do
  v      <- refresh 0
  let sub = (i, FVar v)
  subst sub <$> generalize t
generalize t =
  return t

unifyVar :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> Int -> Sort -> CheckM TVSubst
unifyVar _ _ θ i t@(FVar j)
  = case lookupVar i θ of
      Just t'       -> if t == t' then return θ else return $ updateVar j t' θ
      Nothing       -> return $ updateVar i t θ

unifyVar f e θ i t
  = case lookupVar i θ of
      Just (FVar j) -> return $ updateVar i t $ updateVar j t θ
      Just t'       -> if t == t' then return θ else unify1 f e θ t t'
      Nothing       -> return $ updateVar i t θ

-- | Applying a Type Substitution ----------------------------------------------
apply :: TVSubst -> Sort -> Sort
apply θ          = sortMap f
    f t@(FVar i) = fromMaybe t (lookupVar i θ)
    f t          = t

sortMap :: (Sort -> Sort) -> Sort -> Sort
sortMap f (FAbs i t)    = FAbs i (sortMap f t)
sortMap f (FFunc t1 t2) = FFunc (sortMap f t1) (sortMap f t2)
sortMap f (FApp t1 t2)  = FApp  (sortMap f t1) (sortMap f t2)
sortMap f t             = f t

-- | Deconstruct a function-sort -----------------------------------------------

checkFunSort :: Sort -> CheckM (Sort, Sort, TVSubst)
checkFunSort (FAbs _ t)    = checkFunSort t
checkFunSort (FFunc t1 t2) = return (t1, t2, emptySubst)
checkFunSort (FVar i)      = do j <- refresh 0 
                                k <- refresh 0 
                                return (FVar j, FVar k, updateVar i (FFunc (FVar j) (FVar k)) emptySubst)
checkFunSort t             = throwError $ errNonFunction 1 t

sortFunction :: Int -> Sort -> CheckM ([Sort], Sort)
sortFunction i t
  = case functionSort t of
     Nothing          -> throwError $ errNonFunction i t
     Just (_, ts, t') -> if length ts < i
                          then throwError $ errNonFunction i t
                          else let (its, ots) = splitAt i ts
                               in return (its, foldl FFunc t' ots)

-- | API for manipulating Sort Substitutions -----------------------------------

newtype TVSubst = Th (M.HashMap Int Sort) deriving (Show)

lookupVar :: Int -> TVSubst -> Maybe Sort
lookupVar i (Th m)   = M.lookup i m

updateVar :: Int -> Sort -> TVSubst -> TVSubst
updateVar i t (Th m) = Th (M.insert i t m)

emptySubst :: TVSubst
emptySubst = Th M.empty

-- | Error messages ------------------------------------------------------------

errElabExpr    :: Expr -> String
errElabExpr e  = printf "Elaborate fails on %s" (showpp e)

errUnify :: Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errUnify eo t1 t2 = printf "Cannot unify %s with %s %s"
                      (showpp t1) (showpp t2) (unifyExpr eo)

unifyExpr :: Maybe Expr -> String
unifyExpr Nothing  = ""
unifyExpr (Just e) = "in expression: " ++ showpp e

errUnifyMany :: [Sort] -> [Sort] -> String
errUnifyMany ts ts'  = printf "Cannot unify types with different cardinalities %s and %s"
                         (showpp ts) (showpp ts')

errRel :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errRel e t1 t2       = printf "Invalid Relation %s with operand types %s and %s"
                         (showpp e) (showpp t1) (showpp t2)

errOp :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errOp e t t'
  | t == t'          = printf "Operands have non-numeric types %s in %s"
                         (showpp t) (showpp e)
  | otherwise        = printf "Operands have different types %s and %s in %s"
                         (showpp t) (showpp t') (showpp e)

errIte :: Expr -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errIte e1 e2 t1 t2   = printf "Mismatched branches in Ite: then %s : %s, else %s : %s"
                         (showpp e1) (showpp t1) (showpp e2) (showpp t2)

errCast :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errCast e t' t       = printf "Cannot cast %s of sort %s to incompatible sort %s"
                         (showpp e) (showpp t') (showpp t)

errUnboundAlts :: Symbol -> [Symbol] -> String
errUnboundAlts x xs  = printf "Unbound Symbol %s\n Perhaps you meant: %s"
                        (showpp x)
                        (foldr1 (\w s -> w ++ ", " ++ s) (showpp <$> xs))

errNonFunction :: Int -> Sort -> String
errNonFunction i t   = printf "The sort %s is not a function with at least %s arguments\n" (showpp t) (showpp i)

errNonNumeric :: Sort -> String
errNonNumeric  l     = printf "The sort %s is not numeric" (showpp l)

errNonNumerics :: Symbol -> Symbol -> String
errNonNumerics l l'  = printf "FObj sort %s and %s are different and not numeric" (showpp l) (showpp l')

errNonFractional :: Sort -> String
errNonFractional  l  = printf "The sort %s is not fractional" (showpp l)

errBoolSort :: Expr -> Sort -> String
errBoolSort     e s  = printf "Expressions %s should have bool sort, but has %s" (showpp e) (showpp s)