-- | Formats Haskell source code as HTML with CSS and Mouseover Type Annotations
module Language.Haskell.Liquid.ACSS (
  , hsannot
  , AnnMap (..)
  , breakS
  , srcModuleName
  , Status (..)
  ) where

import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Anchors
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Classify as Classify
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.HTML (renderAnchors, escape)
import qualified Language.Haskell.HsColour.CSS as CSS

import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe  (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.List   (find, isPrefixOf, findIndex, elemIndices, intercalate)
import Data.Char   (isSpace)
import Text.Printf
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcMisc

data AnnMap  = Ann {
    types  :: M.HashMap Loc (String, String) -- ^ Loc -> (Var, Type)
  , errors :: [(Loc, Loc, String)]           -- ^ List of error intervals
  , status :: !Status

data Status = Safe | Unsafe | Error | Crash
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Annotation = A {
    typ :: Maybe String         -- ^ type  string
  , err :: Maybe String         -- ^ error string
  , lin :: Maybe (Int, Int)     -- ^ line number, total width of lines i.e. max (length (show lineNum))
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Formats Haskell source code using HTML and mouse-over annotations
hscolour :: Bool     -- ^ Whether to include anchors.
         -> Bool     -- ^ Whether input document is literate haskell or not
         -> String   -- ^ Haskell source code, Annotations as comments at end
         -> String   -- ^ Coloured Haskell source code.

hscolour anchor lhs = hsannot anchor Nothing lhs . splitSrcAndAnns

type CommentTransform = Maybe (String -> [(TokenType, String)])

-- | Formats Haskell source code using HTML and mouse-over annotations
hsannot  :: Bool             -- ^ Whether to include anchors.
         -> CommentTransform -- ^ Function to refine comment tokens
         -> Bool             -- ^ Whether input document is literate haskell or not
         -> (String, AnnMap) -- ^ Haskell Source, Annotations
         -> String           -- ^ Coloured Haskell source code.

hsannot anchor tx False z     = hsannot' Nothing anchor tx z
hsannot anchor tx True (s, m) = concatMap chunk $ litSpans $ joinL $ classify $ inlines s
  where chunk (Code c, l)     = hsannot' (Just l) anchor tx (c, m)
        chunk (Lit c , _)     = c

litSpans :: [Lit] -> [(Lit, Loc)]
litSpans lits = zip lits $ spans lits
  where spans = tokenSpans Nothing . map unL

hsannot' baseLoc anchor tx =
    . (if anchor then concatMap (renderAnchors renderAnnotToken)
                      . insertAnnotAnchors
                 else concatMap renderAnnotToken)
    . annotTokenise baseLoc tx

-- | annotTokenise is absurdly slow: O(#tokens x #errors)

annotTokenise :: Maybe Loc -> CommentTransform -> (String, AnnMap) -> [(TokenType, String, Annotation)]
annotTokenise baseLoc tx (src, annm) = zipWith (\(x,y) z -> (x,y,z)) toks annots
    toks       = tokeniseWithCommentTransform tx src
    spans      = tokenSpans baseLoc $ map snd toks
    annots     = fmap (spanAnnot linWidth annm) spans
    linWidth   = length $ show $ length $ lines src

spanAnnot w (Ann ts es _) span = A t e b
    t = fmap snd (M.lookup span ts)
    e = fmap (\_ -> "ERROR") $ find (span `inRange`) [(x,y) | (x,y,_) <- es]
    b = spanLine w span

spanLine w (L (l, c))
  | c == 1    = Just (l, w)
  | otherwise = Nothing

inRange (L (l0, c0)) (L (l, c), L (l', c'))
  = l <= l0 && c <= c0 && l0 <= l' && c0 < c'

tokeniseWithCommentTransform :: Maybe (String -> [(TokenType, String)]) -> String -> [(TokenType, String)]
tokeniseWithCommentTransform Nothing  = tokenise
tokeniseWithCommentTransform (Just f) = concatMap (expand f) . tokenise
  where expand f (Comment, s) = f s
        expand _ z            = [z]

tokenSpans :: Maybe Loc -> [String] -> [Loc]
tokenSpans = scanl plusLoc . fromMaybe (L (1, 1))

plusLoc :: Loc -> String -> Loc
plusLoc (L (l, c)) s
  = case '\n' `elemIndices` s of
      [] -> L (l, (c + n))
      is -> L ((l + length is), (n - maximum is))
    where n = length s

renderAnnotToken :: (TokenType, String, Annotation) -> String
renderAnnotToken (x, y, a)  = renderLinAnnot (lin a)
                            $ renderErrAnnot (err a)
                            $ renderTypAnnot (typ a)
                            $ CSS.renderToken (x, y)

renderTypAnnot (Just ann) s = printf "<a class=annot href=\"#\"><span class=annottext>%s</span>%s</a>" (escape ann) s
renderTypAnnot Nothing    s = s

renderErrAnnot (Just _) s   = printf "<span class=hs-error>%s</span>" s
renderErrAnnot Nothing  s   = s

renderLinAnnot (Just d) s   = printf "<span class=hs-linenum>%s: </span>%s" (lineString d) s
renderLinAnnot Nothing  s   = s

lineString (i, w) = (replicate (w - (length is)) ' ') ++ is
  where is        = show i

{- Example Annotation:
<a class=annot href="#"><span class=annottext>x#agV:Int -&gt; {VV_int:Int | (0 &lt;= VV_int),(x#agV &lt;= VV_int)}</span>
<span class='hs-definition'>NOWTRYTHIS</span></a>

insertAnnotAnchors :: [(TokenType, String, a)] -> [Either String (TokenType, String, a)]
insertAnnotAnchors toks
  = stitch (zip toks' toks) $ insertAnchors toks'
  where toks' = [(x,y) | (x,y,_) <- toks]

stitch ::  Eq b => [(b, c)] -> [Either a b] -> [Either a c]
stitch xys ((Left a) : rest)
  = (Left a) : stitch xys rest
stitch ((x,y):xys) ((Right x'):rest)
  | x == x'
  = (Right y) : stitch xys rest
  | otherwise
  = error "stitch"
stitch _ []
  = []
stitch _ _
  = error "stitch: cannot happen"

splitSrcAndAnns ::  String -> (String, AnnMap)
splitSrcAndAnns s =
  let ls = lines s in
  case findIndex (breakS ==) ls of
    Nothing -> (s, Ann M.empty [] Safe)
    Just i  -> (src, ann)
               where (codes, _:mname:annots) = splitAt i ls
                     ann   = annotParse mname $ dropWhile isSpace $ unlines annots
                     src   = unlines codes

srcModuleName :: String -> String
srcModuleName = fromMaybe "Main" . tokenModule . tokenise

tokenModule toks
  = do i <- findIndex ((Keyword, "module") ==) toks
       let (_, toks')  = splitAt (i+2) toks
       j <- findIndex ((Space ==) . fst) toks'
       let (toks'', _) = splitAt j toks'
       return $ concatMap snd toks''


annotParse :: String -> String -> AnnMap
annotParse mname s = Ann (M.fromList ts) [(x,y,"") | (x,y) <- es] Safe
    (ts, es)       = partitionEithers $ parseLines mname 0 $ lines s

parseLines _ _ []
  = []

parseLines mname i ("":ls)
  = parseLines mname (i+1) ls

parseLines mname i (_:_:l:c:"0":l':c':rest')
  = Right (L (line, col), L (line', col')) : parseLines mname (i + 7) rest'
    where line  = (read l)  :: Int
          col   = (read c)  :: Int
          line' = (read l') :: Int
          col'  = (read c') :: Int

parseLines mname i (x:f:l:c:n:rest)
  | f /= mname
  = parseLines mname (i + 5 + num) rest'
  | otherwise
  = Left (L (line, col), (x, anns)) : parseLines mname (i + 5 + num) rest'
    where line  = (read l) :: Int
          col   = (read c) :: Int
          num   = (read n) :: Int
          anns  = intercalate "\n" $ take num rest
          rest' = drop num rest

parseLines _ i _
  = error $ "Error Parsing Annot Input on Line: " ++ show i

instance Show AnnMap where
  show (Ann ts es _ ) =  "\n\n" ++ (concatMap ppAnnotTyp $ M.toList ts)
                                ++ (concatMap ppAnnotErr [(x,y) | (x,y,_) <- es])

ppAnnotTyp (L (l, c), (x, s))     = printf "%s\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%s\n\n\n" x l c (length $ lines s) s
ppAnnotErr (L (l, c), L (l', c')) = printf " \n%d\n%d\n0\n%d\n%d\n\n\n\n" l c l' c'

---- Code for Dealing With LHS, stolen from Language.Haskell.HsColour.HsColour --

-- | Separating literate files into code\/comment chunks.
data Lit = Code {unL :: String} | Lit {unL :: String} deriving (Show)

-- Re-implementation of 'lines', for better efficiency (but decreased laziness).
-- Also, importantly, accepts non-standard DOS and Mac line ending characters.
-- And retains the trailing '\n' character in each resultant string.
inlines :: String -> [String]
inlines s = lines' s id
  lines' []             acc = [acc []]
  lines' ('\^M':'\n':s) acc = acc ['\n'] : lines' s id  -- DOS
  lines' ('\n':s)       acc = acc ['\n'] : lines' s id  -- Unix
  lines' (c:s)          acc = lines' s (acc . (c:))

-- | The code for classify is largely stolen from Language.Preprocessor.Unlit.
classify ::  [String] -> [Lit]
classify []             = []
classify (x:xs) | "\\begin{code}"`isPrefixOf`x
                        = Lit x: allProg "code" xs
classify (x:xs) | "\\begin{spec}"`isPrefixOf`x
                        = Lit x: allProg "spec" xs
classify (('>':x):xs)   = Code ('>':x) : classify xs
classify (x:xs)         = Lit x: classify xs

allProg name  = go
    end       = "\\end{" ++ name ++ "}"
    go []     = []  -- Should give an error message,
                    -- but I have no good position information.
    go (x:xs) | end `isPrefixOf `x
              = Lit x: classify xs
    go (x:xs) = Code x: go xs

-- | Join up chunks of code\/comment that are next to each other.
joinL :: [Lit] -> [Lit]
joinL []                  = []
joinL (Code c:Code c2:xs) = joinL (Code (c++c2):xs)
joinL (Lit c :Lit c2 :xs) = joinL (Lit  (c++c2):xs)
joinL (any:xs)            = any: joinL xs