{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Axiom (makeAxiom) where

import Prelude hiding (error)
import CoreSyn
import TyCon
import Id
import Name
import Type hiding (isFunTy)
import Var

import TypeRep

import Prelude hiding (mapM)

import Control.Monad hiding (forM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (forM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (forM, mapM)
import Data.Bifunctor

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (text)

import qualified Data.List as L

import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Types (Symbol, symbol, symbolString)

import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.CoreToLogic

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (showPpr, sourcePosSrcSpan, dropModuleNames)
-- import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (generalize, ofType, uRType, typeSort)

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (binders)

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure as Ms

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env

makeAxiom :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> [CoreBind] -> GhcSpec -> Ms.BareSpec -> LocSymbol
          -> BareM ((Symbol, Located SpecType), [(Var, Located SpecType)], [HAxiom])
makeAxiom tce lmap cbs _ _ x
  = case filter ((val x `elem`) . map (dropModuleNames . simplesymbol) . binders) cbs of
        (NonRec v def:_)   -> do vts <- zipWithM (makeAxiomType tce lmap x) (reverse $ findAxiomNames x cbs) (defAxioms v def)
                                 insertAxiom v (val x)
                                 updateLMap lmap x x v
                                 updateLMap lmap (x{val = (symbol . showPpr . getName) v}) x v
                                 return ((val x, makeType v),
                                         (v, makeAssumeType v):vts, defAxioms v def)
        (Rec [(v, def)]:_) -> do vts <- zipWithM (makeAxiomType tce lmap x) (reverse $ findAxiomNames x cbs) (defAxioms v def)
                                 insertAxiom v (val x)
                                 updateLMap lmap x x v -- (reverse $ findAxiomNames x cbs) (defAxioms v def)
                                 updateLMap lmap (x{val = (symbol . showPpr . getName) v}) x v
                                 return ((val x, makeType v),
                                         ((v, makeAssumeType v): vts),
                                         defAxioms v def)
        _                  -> throwError $ mkError "Cannot extract measure from haskell function"

    --coreToDef' x v def = case runToLogic lmap mkError $ coreToDef x v def of
    --                        Left l  -> l :: [Def (RRType ()) DataCon] -- return     l
    --                        Right _ -> error $ "ERROR" -- throwError e

    mkError :: String -> Error
    mkError str = ErrHMeas (sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc x) (pprint $ val x) (text str)

    makeType v       = x{val = ufType    $ varType v}
    makeAssumeType v = x{val = axiomType x $ varType v}

binders (NonRec x _) = [x]
binders (Rec xes)    = fst <$> xes

updateLMap :: LogicMap -> LocSymbol -> LocSymbol -> Var -> BareM ()
updateLMap _ _ _ v | not (isFun $ varType v)
  = return ()
    isFun (FunTy _ _)    = True
    isFun (ForAllTy _ t) = isFun t
    isFun  _             = False

updateLMap _ x y vv -- v axm@(Axiom (vv, _) xs _ lhs rhs)
  = insertLogicEnv (val x) ys (F.eApps (F.EVar $ val y) (F.EVar <$> ys))
    nargs = dropWhile isClassType $ ty_args $ toRTypeRep $ ((ofType $ varType vv) :: RRType ())

    ys = zipWith (\i _ -> symbol (("x" ++ show i) :: String)) [1..] nargs

makeAxiomType :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> LocSymbol -> Var -> HAxiom -> BareM (Var, Located SpecType)
makeAxiomType tce lmap x v (Axiom _ xs _ lhs rhs)
  = do foldM (\lm x -> (updateLMap lm (dummyLoc $ F.symbol x) (dummyLoc $ F.symbol x) x >> (logicEnv <$> get))) lmap xs
       return (v, x{val = t})
    t   = fromRTypeRep $  tr{ty_res = res, ty_binds = symbol <$> xs}
    tt  = ofType $ varType v
    tr  = toRTypeRep tt
    res = ty_res tr `strengthen` MkUReft ref mempty mempty

    llhs = case runToLogic tce lmap' mkErr (coreToLogic lhs) of
       Left e -> e
       Right e -> panic Nothing $ show e
    lrhs = case runToLogic tce lmap' mkErr (coreToLogic rhs) of
       Left e -> e
       Right e -> panic Nothing $ show e
    ref = F.Reft (F.vv_, F.PAtom F.Eq llhs lrhs)

    -- nargs = dropWhile isClassType $ ty_args $ toRTypeRep $ ((ofType $ varType vv) :: RRType ())

    lmap' = lmap -- M.insert v' (LMap v' ys runFun) lmap

    mkErr s = ErrHMeas (sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc x) (pprint $ val x) (text s)

    --mkBinds (_:xs) (v:vs) = v:mkBinds xs vs
    --mkBinds _ _ = []

    -- v' = val x -- symbol $ showPpr $ getName vv

findAxiomNames x (NonRec v _ :cbs) | isAxiomName x v = v:findAxiomNames x cbs
findAxiomNames x (Rec [(v,_)]:cbs) | isAxiomName x v = v:findAxiomNames x cbs
findAxiomNames x (_:cbs) = findAxiomNames x cbs
findAxiomNames _ [] = []

isAxiomName x v =
  (("axiom_" ++ symbolString (val x)) `L.isPrefixOf`) (symbolString $ dropModuleNames $ simplesymbol v)

defAxioms :: Var -> CoreExpr -> [Axiom Var Kind (Expr Var)]
defAxioms v e = go [] $ simplify e
     go bs (Tick _ e) = go bs e
     go bs (Lam x e) | isTyVar x               = go bs e
     go bs (Lam x e) | isClassPred (varType x) = go bs e
     go bs (Lam x e) = go (bs++[x]) e
     go bs (Case  (Var x) _ _ alts)  = goalt x bs  <$> alts
     go bs e          = [Axiom (v, Nothing) bs (varType <$> bs) (foldl App (Var v) (Var <$> bs)) e]

     goalt x bs (DataAlt c, ys, e) = let vs = [b | b<- bs , b /= x] ++ ys in
        Axiom (v, Just c) vs (varType <$> vs) (mkApp bs x c ys) $ simplify e
     goalt _ _  (LitAlt _,  _,  _) = todo Nothing "defAxioms: goalt Lit"
     goalt _ _  (DEFAULT,   _,  _) = todo Nothing "defAxioms: goalt Def"

     mkApp bs x c ys = foldl App (Var v) ((\y -> if y == x then (mkConApp c (Var <$> ys)) else Var y)<$> bs)

class Simplifiable a where
   simplify :: a -> a

instance Simplifiable CoreExpr where
  simplify (Tick _ e) = simplify e
  simplify (Lam x e) | isTyVar x = simplify e
  simplify (Lam x e) | isClassPred (varType x) = simplify e
  simplify (Lam x e) = Lam x $ simplify e
  simplify (Let b e) = unANF (simplify b) (simplify e)
  simplify (Case e v t alts) = Case e v t alts
  simplify (Cast e _) = simplify e
  simplify (App e (Type _)) = simplify e
  simplify (App e (Var x)) | isClassPred (varType x) = simplify e
  simplify (App f e) = App (simplify f) (simplify e)
  simplify e@(Var _) = e
  simplify e = todo Nothing ("simplify" ++ showPpr e)

unANF (NonRec x ex) e | L.isPrefixOf "lq_anf" (show x)
  = subst (x, ex) e
unANF b e = Let b e

instance Simplifiable CoreBind where
  simplify (NonRec x e) = NonRec x $ simplify e
  simplify (Rec xes)    = Rec (second simplify <$> xes)

class Subable a where
  subst :: (Var, CoreExpr) -> a -> a

instance Subable CoreExpr where
  subst (x, ex) (Var y) | x == y    = ex
                        | otherwise = Var y
  subst su (App f e) = App (subst su f) (subst su e)
  subst su (Lam x e) = Lam x (subst su e)
  subst _ _          = todo Nothing "Subable"

-- | Specification for Haskell function
axiomType :: LocSymbol -> Type -> SpecType
axiomType s τ = fromRTypeRep $ t{ty_res = res, ty_binds = xs}
    t  = toRTypeRep $ ofType τ
    ys = dropWhile isClassType $ ty_args t
    xs = (\i -> symbol ("x" ++ show i)) <$> [1..(length ys)]
    x  = F.vv_

    res = ty_res t `strengthen` MkUReft ref mempty mempty

    ref = F.Reft (x, F.PAtom F.Eq (F.EVar x) (mkApp xs))

    mkApp = F.mkEApp s . map F.EVar

-- | Type for uninterpreted function that approximated Haskell function into logic
ufType :: (F.Reftable r) => Type -> RRType r
ufType τ = fromRTypeRep $ t{ty_args = args, ty_binds = xs, ty_refts = rs}
    t          = toRTypeRep $ ofType τ
    (args, xs, rs) = unzip3 $ dropWhile (isClassType . fst3) $ zip3 (ty_args t) (ty_binds t) (ty_refts t)

simplesymbol :: CoreBndr -> Symbol
simplesymbol = symbol . getName