-- | Convert GHC Core into Administrative Normal Form (ANF) --------------------

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.ANF (anormalize) where

import           Prelude                          hiding (error)
import           CoreSyn
import           CoreUtils                        (exprType)
import qualified DsMonad
import           DsMonad                          (initDs)
import           GHC                              hiding (exprType)
import           HscTypes

import           OccName                          (mkVarOccFS)
import           Id                               (mkUserLocalM)
import           Literal
import           MkCore                           (mkCoreLets)
import           Outputable                       (trace)
import           Var                              (varType, setVarType)
import           TypeRep
import           Type                             (mkForAllTys, substTy, mkForAllTys, mkTopTvSubst, isTyVar)
import           TyCon                            (tyConDataCons_maybe)
import           DataCon                          (dataConInstArgTys)
import           FamInstEnv                       (emptyFamInstEnv)
import           VarEnv                           (VarEnv, emptyVarEnv, extendVarEnv, lookupWithDefaultVarEnv)
import           Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import           UniqSupply                       (MonadUnique)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc             (fst3)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types            (anfPrefix)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc       (concatMapM)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc   (MGIModGuts(..), showPpr, symbolFastString)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.Rec
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Errors
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.SpanStack as Sp
import           Data.Maybe                       (fromMaybe)
import           Data.List                        (sortBy, (\\))

-- | A-Normalize a module ------------------------------------------------------
anormalize :: Bool -> HscEnv -> MGIModGuts -> IO [CoreBind]
anormalize expandFlag hscEnv modGuts
  = do -- putStrLn "***************************** GHC CoreBinds ***************************"
       -- putStrLn $ showPpr orig_cbs
       (fromMaybe err . snd) <$> initDs hscEnv m grEnv tEnv emptyFamInstEnv act
      m        = mgi_module modGuts
      grEnv    = mgi_rdr_env modGuts
      tEnv     = modGutsTypeEnv modGuts
      act      = concatMapM (normalizeTopBind expandFlag emptyAnfEnv) orig_cbs
      orig_cbs = transformRecExpr $ mgi_binds modGuts
      err      = panic Nothing "Oops, cannot A-Normalize GHC Core!"

modGutsTypeEnv mg  = typeEnvFromEntities ids tcs fis
    ids            = bindersOfBinds (mgi_binds mg)
    tcs            = mgi_tcs mg
    fis            = mgi_fam_insts mg

-- | A-Normalize a @CoreBind@ --------------------------------------------------

-- Can't make the below default for normalizeBind as it
-- fails tests/pos/lets.hs due to GHCs odd let-bindings

normalizeTopBind :: Bool -> AnfEnv -> Bind CoreBndr -> DsMonad.DsM [CoreBind]
normalizeTopBind expandFlag γ (NonRec x e)
  = do e' <- runDsM $ evalStateT (stitch γ e) (DsST expandFlag  [])
       return [normalizeTyVars $ NonRec x e']

normalizeTopBind expandFlag γ (Rec xes)
  = do xes' <- runDsM $ execStateT (normalizeBind γ (Rec xes)) (DsST expandFlag [])
       return $ map normalizeTyVars (st_binds xes')

normalizeTyVars :: Bind Id -> Bind Id
normalizeTyVars (NonRec x e) = NonRec (setVarType x t') $ normalizeForAllTys e
  where t'       = subst msg as as' bt
        msg      = "WARNING unable to renameVars on " ++ showPpr x
        as'      = fst $ splitForAllTys $ exprType e
        (as, bt) = splitForAllTys (varType x)
normalizeTyVars (Rec xes)    = Rec xes'
  where nrec = normalizeTyVars <$> ((\(x, e) -> NonRec x e) <$> xes)
        xes' = (\(NonRec x e) -> (x, e)) <$> nrec

subst :: String -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> Type -> Type
subst msg as as' bt
  | length as == length as'
  = mkForAllTys as' $ substTy su bt
  | otherwise
  = trace msg $ mkForAllTys as bt
  where su = mkTopTvSubst $ zip as (mkTyVarTys as')

-- | eta-expand CoreBinds with quantified types
normalizeForAllTys :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
normalizeForAllTys e = case e of
  Lam b _ | isTyVar b
    -> e
  _ -> mkLams tvs (mkTyApps e (map mkTyVarTy tvs))
  (tvs, _) = splitForAllTys (exprType e)

newtype DsM a = DsM {runDsM :: DsMonad.DsM a}
   deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadUnique, Applicative)

data DsST = DsST { st_expandflag :: Bool
                 , st_binds      :: [CoreBind]

type DsMW = StateT DsST DsM

normalizeBind :: AnfEnv -> CoreBind -> DsMW ()
normalizeBind γ (NonRec x e)
   = do e' <- normalize γ e
        add [NonRec x e']

normalizeBind γ (Rec xes)
  = do es' <- mapM (stitch γ) es
       add [Rec (zip xs es')]
    where (xs, es) = unzip xes

normalizeName :: AnfEnv -> CoreExpr -> DsMW CoreExpr

-- normalizeNameDebug γ e
--   = liftM (tracePpr ("normalizeName" ++ showPpr e)) $ normalizeName γ e

normalizeName γ e@(Lit l)
  | shouldNormalize l
  = normalizeLiteral γ e
  | otherwise
  = return e

normalizeName γ (Var x)
  = return $ Var (lookupAnfEnv γ x x)

normalizeName _ e@(Type _)
  = return e

normalizeName γ e@(Coercion _)
  = do x     <- lift $ freshNormalVar γ $ exprType e
       add  [NonRec x e]
       return $ Var x

normalizeName γ (Tick tt e)
  = do e'    <- normalizeName (γ `at` tt) e
       return $ Tick tt e'

normalizeName γ e
  = do e'   <- normalize γ e
       x    <- lift $ freshNormalVar γ $ exprType e
       add [NonRec x e']
       return $ Var x

shouldNormalize l = case l of
  LitInteger _ _ -> True
  MachStr _ -> True
  _ -> False

add :: [CoreBind] -> DsMW ()
add w = modify $ \s -> s{st_binds = st_binds s++w}

normalizeLiteral :: AnfEnv -> CoreExpr -> DsMW CoreExpr
normalizeLiteral γ e =
  do x <- lift $ freshNormalVar γ $ exprType e
     add [NonRec x e]
     return $ Var x

normalize :: AnfEnv -> CoreExpr -> DsMW CoreExpr

normalize γ (Lam x e)
  = do e' <- stitch γ e
       return $ Lam x e'

normalize γ (Let b e)
  = do normalizeBind γ b
       normalize γ e
       -- Need to float bindings all the way up to the top
       -- Due to GHCs odd let-bindings (see tests/pos/lets.hs)

normalize γ (Case e x t as)
  = do n     <- normalizeName γ e
       x'    <- lift $ freshNormalVar γ τx -- rename "wild" to avoid shadowing
       let γ' = extendAnfEnv γ x x'
       as'   <- forM as $ \(c, xs, e') -> liftM (c, xs,) (stitch γ' e')
       flag  <- st_expandflag <$> get
       as''  <- lift $ expandDefaultCase γ flag τx as'
       return $ Case n x' t as''
    where τx = varType x

normalize γ (Var x)
  = return $ Var (lookupAnfEnv γ x x)

normalize _ e@(Lit _)
  = return e

normalize _ e@(Type _)
  = return e

normalize γ (Cast e τ)
  = do e'    <- normalizeName γ e
       return $ Cast e' τ

normalize γ (App e1 e2)
  = do e1' <- normalize γ e1
       n2  <- normalizeName γ e2
       return $ App e1' n2

normalize γ (Tick tt e)
  = do e' <- normalize (γ `at` tt) e
       return $ Tick tt e'

normalize _ (Coercion c)
  = return $ Coercion c

stitch :: AnfEnv -> CoreExpr -> DsMW CoreExpr
stitch γ e
  = do bs'   <- get
       modify $ \s -> s {st_binds = []}
       e'    <- normalize γ e
       bs    <- st_binds <$> get
       put bs'
       return $ mkCoreLets bs e'

expandDefaultCase :: AnfEnv
                  -> Bool
                  -> Type
                  -> [(AltCon, [Id], CoreExpr)]
                  -> DsM [(AltCon, [Id], CoreExpr)]

expandDefaultCase γ flag tyapp zs@((DEFAULT, _ ,_) : _) | flag
  = expandDefaultCase' γ tyapp zs

expandDefaultCase γ _    tyapp@(TyConApp tc _) z@((DEFAULT, _ ,_):dcs)
  = case tyConDataCons_maybe tc of
       Just ds -> do let ds' = ds \\ [ d | (DataAlt d, _ , _) <- dcs]
                     if (length ds') == 1
                      then expandDefaultCase' γ tyapp z
                      else return z
       Nothing -> return z --

expandDefaultCase _ _ _ z
   = return z

expandDefaultCase' γ (TyConApp tc argτs) z@((DEFAULT, _ ,e) : dcs)
  = case tyConDataCons_maybe tc of
       Just ds -> do let ds' = ds \\ [ d | (DataAlt d, _ , _) <- dcs]
                     dcs'   <- forM ds' $ cloneCase γ argτs e
                     return $ sortCases $ dcs' ++ dcs
       Nothing -> return z --

expandDefaultCase' _ _ z
   = return z

cloneCase γ argτs e d
  = do xs  <- mapM (freshNormalVar γ) $ dataConInstArgTys d argτs
       return (DataAlt d, xs, e)

sortCases = sortBy (\x y -> cmpAltCon (fst3 x) (fst3 y))

-- | ANF Environments ----------------------------------------------------------

-- freshNormalVar :: Type -> DsM Id
-- freshNormalVar = mkSysLocalM (symbolFastString anfPrefix)

freshNormalVar :: AnfEnv -> Type -> DsM Id
freshNormalVar γ t = mkUserLocalM anfOcc t sp
    anfOcc         = mkVarOccFS $ symbolFastString anfPrefix
    sp             = Sp.srcSpan (aeSrcSpan γ)

data AnfEnv = AnfEnv
  { aeVarEnv  :: VarEnv Id
  , aeSrcSpan :: Sp.SpanStack

emptyAnfEnv :: AnfEnv
emptyAnfEnv = AnfEnv emptyVarEnv Sp.empty

lookupAnfEnv :: AnfEnv -> Id -> Id -> Id
lookupAnfEnv γ x y = lookupWithDefaultVarEnv (aeVarEnv γ) x y

extendAnfEnv :: AnfEnv -> Id -> Id -> AnfEnv
extendAnfEnv γ x y = γ { aeVarEnv = extendVarEnv (aeVarEnv γ) x y }

at :: AnfEnv -> Tickish Id -> AnfEnv
at γ tt = γ { aeSrcSpan = Sp.push (Sp.Tick tt) (aeSrcSpan γ)}