sudo: false language: c # Only build master, develop, and PRs branches: only: - master - develop addons: apt: packages: - libgmp-dev - z3 # Caching so the next build will be fast too. cache: directories: - $HOME/.stack - .stack-work before_install: # Download and unpack the stack executable - mkdir -p ~/.local/bin - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH - travis_retry curl -L | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack' - travis_retry stack install cabal-install # - scripts/travis install_smt "$SMT" env: global: # - STACK= - SMT=z3 - GHC=ghc-7.10.3 matrix: - TESTS=Unit/ - TESTS=Benchmarks/text - TESTS=Benchmarks/bytestring - TESTS=Benchmarks/esop - TESTS=Benchmarks/vect-algs - TESTS=Benchmarks/icfp* # ugh... Classify.hs is too slow and makes travis think the build is stalled # - TESTS=hscolour # This line does all of the work: installs GHC if necessary, build the library, # executables, and test suites, and runs the test suites. --no-terminal works # around some quirks in Travis's terminal implementation. #script: #- stack $ARGS --no-terminal --install-ghc test liquidhaskell --haddock --no-haddock-deps --test-arguments "-j2 -p $TESTS" install: # - scripts/travis install_stack "$STACK" - scripts/travis configure_stack "$GHC" - scripts/travis setup_ghc - scripts/travis install_dependencies script: - scripts/travis do_build && scripts/travis do_test "$TESTS" "$SMT" after_failure: - scripts/travis dump_fail_logs notifications: slack: rooms: secure: CPaI+XVTUSM9gLQefB8zSXazawNIaUnClS7FwaujPfM37hNBm5UIoiC80KBEe0KZKBr+Gt/LWq0zv506Zl/vILuPpVmfSi2BQ8zyyKCBbUrE/E0uBTjmT7wjaITf/mn3mqiLLcHbAVXI1bn7HzVvAq4S4eIpttgCapF7pbMhZCk= on_success: change on_failure: always on_start: never