Abstract Refinements {#data} ============================ Recap -----
**So far** Abstract Refinements decouple invariants from *functions*
**Next** Decouple invariants from *data structures*
Decouple Invariants From Data {#vector} ======================================= Example: Vectors ----------------
For this talk, implemented as maps from `Int` to `a`
\begin{code} data Vec a = V (Int -> a) \end{code}
Abstract *Domain* and *Range* ----------------------------- Parameterize type with *two* abstract refinements:
\begin{code} {-@ data Vec a < dom :: Int -> Prop, rng :: Int -> a -> Prop > = V {a :: i:Int -> a } @-} \end{code}
- `dom`: *domain* on which `Vec` is *defined* - `rng`: *range* and relationship with *index* Abstract *Domain* and *Range* ----------------------------- Diverse `Vec`tors by *instantiating* `dom` and `rng`
An alias for *segments* between `I` and `J`
\begin{code} {-@ predicate Btwn I V J = I <= V && V < J @-} \end{code}
Ex: Identity Vectors -------------------- Defined between `[0..N)` mapping each key to itself:
\begin{code} {-@ type IdVec N = Vec <{\v -> Btwn 0 v N}, {\k v -> v = k}> Int @-} \end{code}
Ex: Zero-Terminated Vectors --------------------------- Defined between `[0..N)`, with *last* element equal to `0`:
\begin{code} {-@ type ZeroTerm N = Vec <{\v -> Btwn 0 v N}, {\k v -> k = N-1 => v = 0}> Int @-} \end{code}
Ex: Fibonacci Table ------------------- A vector whose value at index `k` is either - `0` (undefined), or, - `k`th fibonacci number \begin{code} {-@ type FibV = Vec <{\v -> true}, {\k v -> v = 0 || v = fib k}> Int @-} \end{code} An API for Vectors ------------------

- `empty` - `set` - `get` API: Empty Vectors ----------------- `empty` a Vector whose domain is `false` (defined at *no* key)
\begin{code} {-@ empty :: forall

a -> Prop>. Vec <{v:Int|false}, p> a @-} empty = V $ \_ -> error "empty vector!" \end{code}

Demo: What would happen if we changed `false` to `true`?
API: `get` Key's Value ---------------------- - *Input* `key` in *domain* - *Output* value in *range* related with `k`
\begin{code} {-@ get :: forall a Prop, r :: Int -> a -> Prop>. key:Int -> vec:Vec a -> a @-} get k (V f) = f k \end{code} API: `set` Key's Value ---------------------- -
Input `key` in *domain*
Input `val` in *range* related with `key`
Input `vec` defined at *domain except at* `key`
Output domain *includes* `key`
API: `set` Key's Value ---------------------- \begin{code} {-@ set :: forall a Prop, r :: Int -> a -> Prop>. key: Int -> val: a -> vec: Vec<{v:Int| v /= key},r> a -> Vec a @-} set key val (V f) = V $ \k -> if k == key then val else f k \end{code}
Using the Vector API -------------------- Loop over vector, setting each key `i` equal to `i`:
\begin{code} {-@ initialize :: n:Nat -> IdVec n @-} initialize n = loop 0 empty where loop i a | i < n = let a' = set i i a in loop (i+1) a' | otherwise = a \end{code} Recap -----
+ Created a `Vec` (Array) container + Decoupled *domain* and *range* invariants from *data* + Enabled analysis of *array segments*
Recap -----
Custom *array segment* program analyses:
- Gopan-Reps-Sagiv, POPL 05 - J.-McMillan, CAV 07 - Logozzo-Cousot-Cousot, POPL 11 - Dillig-Dillig, POPL 12
Encoded in (abstract) refinement typed API. Recap ----- 1. Refinements: Types + Predicates 2. Subtyping: SMT Implication 3. Measures: Strengthened Constructors 4. Abstract: Refinements over Type Signatures + Functions +