Todo ---- + CREATE 00_Motivation_Bugs.lhs **TUFTS** + sequence, BUGs, 1984, etc. + UPDATE 11_Evaluation.lhs **TUFTS,BOS** + Add bits about "comments" ---> "types" + Nicer GRAPHS + CREATE HARDWIRED-RED-BLACK-BST.lhs **TUFTS** + INV 1: COLOR + INV 2: HEIGHT + INV 3: ORDER + CREATE 03_Memory.lhs **TUFTS, BOS** + and associated demo file, from eseidel's BS demo. + UPDATE 09_Laziness.lhs **BOS** + Use math fonts + CHECK 10_Termination.lhs **BOS** + link to Termination.hs demo Comparison with DT ------------------ -- Grisly HS+DT proof -- HS (no proof) -- HS+LH proof BOS-Haskell Plan ---------------- [35] PART I "refinement types" * [5] 00_Motivation: "Go Wrong" * [15] 01_SimpleRefinements (upto VC, Abs) but no Kvar + Demo : hs/000_Refinements.hs + Demo : hs/001_Refinements.hs * [15] 02_Measures + Demo : hs/01_Elements.hs [20] PART II "case studies" * [5] lhs/02_RedBlack.lhs * [15] lhs/13_Memory.lhs [25] PART III "haskell" * [10] lhs/09_Laziness.lhs * [10] lhs/10_Termination.lhs * [3] lhs/11_Evaluation.lhs * [2] lhs/12_Conclusion.lhs [20] PART IV "abstract refinements" * [5] 04_Abstract Refinements.lhs + Demo : 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (listMax) * [7] Demo Inductive + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (ifoldr, append, filter) * [8] Demo Recursive + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (insertSort, ifoldr-insertSort) + Demo: 04_Streams.hs (repeat, take) ? [10] Demo Indexed + Demo: KMP.hs Tufts Plan ---------- * [7] 00_Motivation_Long + Bugs + Well typed Program Go Wrong * [10] 01_SimpleRefinements + upto VC, Abs * [10] 02_Measures + Demo : 00_Refinements.hs + Demo : 01_Elements.hs * [5] 02_RedBlack + Complex : RED-BLACK Trees * [5] 03_Memory_short? + Upto just the low-level API? * [5] 11_Evaluation.lhs + Add bits about "comments" ---> "types" * [2] 12_Conclusion.lhs Brown Plan ---------- * [5] 00_Motivation: "Go Wrong" * [5] 01_SimpleRefinements (upto VC, Abs, but no Kvar) * [10] 02_Measures [TODO: cut RED-BLACK] + Demo : 00_Refinements.hs + Demo : 01_Elements.hs * [5] 04_Abstract Refinements + Demo : 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (listMax) * [5] 06_Inductive + Describe: [TODO: CUT ?foldn] foldr + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (foldr, append, filter) * [5] 08_Recursive + Describe: list-ord + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (insertSort, ifoldr-insertSort) + Show: GhcListSort.hs + Describe: tree-ord + Demo: Stream * [3] 11_Evaluation.lhs * [2] 12_Conclusion.lhs Harvard Plan ------------ * [5] 00_Motivation: "Go Wrong" * [5] 01_SimpleRefinements (upto VC, Abs, but no Kvar) * [10] 02_Measures [TODO: cut RED-BLACK] + Demo : 00_Refinements.hs (upto "wtAverage") + Demo : 01_Elements.hs * [5] 04_Abstract Refinements + Demo : 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (listMax) * [5] 06_Inductive + Describe: [TODO: CUT ?foldn] foldr + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (foldr, append, filter) * [5] 08_Recursive + Describe: list-ord + Demo: 02_AbstractRefinements.hs (insertSort, ifoldr-insertSort) + Show: GhcListSort.hs + Describe: tree-ord + [TODO: CUT] Demo: RBTree-Ord + Demo: Stream * [TODO: CUT] [5] 07_Array [TODO: CUT] + Describe: Array [TODO: CUT] + Demo: KMP * [3] 11_Evaluation.lhs * [2] 12_Conclusion.lhs Bytestring Details ------------------ -- | A variety of 'head' for non-empty ByteStrings. 'unsafeHead' omits -- the check for the empty case, which is good for performance, but -- there is an obligation on the programmer to provide a proof that the -- ByteString is non-empty. {-@ unsafeHead :: ByteStringNE -> Char @-} unsafeHead :: ByteString -> Char unsafeHead = w2c . B.unsafeHead {-# INLINE unsafeHead #-} type ByteStringNE = {v:ByteString | 0 < bLength v} -- | Unsafe 'ByteString' index (subscript) operator, starting from 0, returning a 'Word8' -- This omits the bounds check, which means there is an accompanying -- obligation on the programmer to ensure the bounds are checked in some -- other way. {-@ type OkIdx B = {v:Nat | v < bLength B} @-} {-@ unsafeIndex :: b:ByteString -> OkIdx b -> Word8 @-} unsafeIndex :: ByteString -> Int -> Word8 unsafeIndex (PS x s l) i = assert (i >= 0 && i < l) $ inlinePerformIO $ withForeignPtr x $ \p -> peekByteOff p (s+i) Low-Level Memory ---------------- 1. "Haskell HeartBleed" (using BS) 2. Memory API (calls out to C) + mallocForeignPtrBytes + withForeignPtr + peek + poke + plusPtr First with types, then with Refined Types. 3. Examples + okPtr + badPtr (replace 3 with 6) 4. `ByteString` + invariant + goodBS1, goodBS2 + badBS1, badBS2 5. `create` + good call + bad call 6. `pack` 7. `unpack` 8. `unsafeTake` 9. `heartBleed` redux. `peekByteOff p i == peek (p `plusPtr` i)` \begin{code} module BSCrash where import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Unsafe as U heartBleed s n = s' where b = C.pack s -- "Ranjit" b' = U.unsafeTake n b -- 20 s' = C.unpack b' -- > let ex = "Ranjit Loves Burritos" -- > heartBleed ex 1 -- "R" -- > heartBleed ex 6 -- > "Ranjit" -- > heartBleed ex 10 -- > "Ranjit Lov" -- > heartBleed ex 30 -- > "Ranjit Loves Burritos\NUL\NUL\NUL\201\&1j\DC3\SOH\NUL" \end{code}