-- | Proof of equivalence of MapReduce -- | mapReduce n op f is == f is -- | Niki Vazou Sep 2016 {-@ LIQUID "--higherorder" @-} {-@ LIQUID "--exactdc" @-} module MapReduce where import Prelude hiding (mconcat, map, split, take, drop, sum) import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Map Reduce Definition ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-@ axiomatize mapReduce @-} mapReduce :: Int -> (List a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> List a -> b mapReduce n f op is = reduce op (f N) (map f (chunk n is)) {-@ axiomatize reduce @-} reduce :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> List a -> a reduce op b N = b reduce op b (C x xs) = op x (reduce op b xs) chunk :: Int -> List a -> List (List a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Application: List sum ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum :: List Int -> Int plus :: Int -> Int -> Int {-@ axiomatize msum @-} msum :: Int -> List Int -> Int msum n is = mapReduce n sum plus is mapReduceSum :: Int -> List Int -> Proof {-@ mapReduceSum :: n:Int -> is:List Int -> { sum is == mapReduce n sum plus is} @-} mapReduceSum n is = msum n is ==. mapReduce n sum plus is ==. sum is ? mapReduceTheorem n sum plus sumLeftId sumDistributes is *** QED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Main MapReduce Theorem ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mapReduceTheorem :: Int -> (List a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> (List a -> Proof) -> (List a -> List a -> Proof) -> List a -> Proof {-@ mapReduceTheorem :: n:Int -> f:(List a -> b) -> op:(b -> b -> b) -> left_id:(xs:List a -> {op (f xs) (f N) == f xs } ) -> distributionTheorem:(xs:List a -> ys:List a -> {f (append xs ys) == op (f xs) (f ys)} ) -> is:List a -> { mapReduce n f op is == f is } / [llen is] @-} mapReduceTheorem n f op left_id _ N = mapReduce n f op N ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (chunk n N)) ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (C N N)) ==. reduce op (f N) (f N `C` map f N ) ==. reduce op (f N) (f N `C` N) ==. op (f N) (reduce op (f N) N) ==. op (f N) (f N) ? left_id N ==. f N *** QED mapReduceTheorem n f op left_id _ is@(C x xs) | n <= 1 || llen is <= n = mapReduce n f op is ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (chunk n is)) ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (C is N)) ==. reduce op (f N) (f is `C` map f N) ==. reduce op (f N) (f is `C` N) ==. op (f is) (reduce op (f N) N) ==. op (f is) (f N) ==. f is ? left_id is *** QED mapReduceTheorem n f op left_id distributionTheorem is = mapReduce n f op is ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (chunk n is)) ==. reduce op (f N) (map f (C (take n is) (chunk n (drop n is)))) ==. reduce op (f N) (C (f (take n is)) (map f (chunk n (drop n is)))) ==. op (f (take n is)) (reduce op (f N) (map f (chunk n (drop n is)))) ==. op (f (take n is)) (mapReduce n f op (drop n is)) ? mapReduceTheorem n f op left_id distributionTheorem (drop n is) ==. op (f (take n is)) (f (drop n is)) ==. f (append (take n is) (drop n is)) ? distributionTheorem (take n is) (drop n is) ==. f is ? appendTakeDrop n is *** QED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- List Definition -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-@ data List [llen] a = N | C {lhead :: a, ltail :: List a} @-} data List a = N | C a (List a) {-@ measure llen @-} llen :: List a -> Int {-@ llen :: List a -> Nat @-} llen N = 0 llen (C _ xs) = 1 + llen xs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- List Manipulation ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribution {-@ reflect map @-} {-@ map :: (a -> b) -> xs:List a -> {v:List b | llen v == llen xs } @-} map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b map _ N = N map f (C x xs) = f x `C` map f xs {-@ reflect chunk @-} {-@ chunk :: i:Int -> xs:List a -> {v:List (List a) | if (i <= 1 || llen xs <= i) then (llen v == 1) else (llen v < llen xs) } / [llen xs] @-} chunk i xs | i <= 1 = C xs N | llen xs <= i = C xs N | otherwise = C (take i xs) (chunk i (drop i xs)) {-@ reflect drop @-} {-@ drop :: i:Nat -> xs:{List a | i <= llen xs } -> {v:List a | llen v == llen xs - i } @-} drop :: Int -> List a -> List a drop i N = N drop i (C x xs) | i == 0 = C x xs | otherwise = drop (i-1) xs {-@ reflect take @-} {-@ take :: i:Nat -> xs:{List a | i <= llen xs } -> {v:List a | llen v == i} @-} take :: Int -> List a -> List a take i N = N take i (C x xs) | i == 0 = N | otherwise = C x (take (i-1) xs) {-@ reflect append @-} append :: List a -> List a -> List a append N ys = ys append (C x xs) ys = x `C` (append xs ys) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Helper Theorems -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | For input Distribution {-@ appendTakeDrop :: i:Nat -> xs:{List a | i <= llen xs} -> {xs == append (take i xs) (drop i xs) } @-} appendTakeDrop :: Int -> List a -> Proof appendTakeDrop i N = append (take i N) (drop i N) ==. append N N ==. N *** QED appendTakeDrop i (C x xs) | i == 0 = append (take 0 (C x xs)) (drop 0 (C x xs)) ==. append N (C x xs) ==. C x xs *** QED | otherwise = append (take i (C x xs)) (drop i (C x xs)) ==. append (C x (take (i-1) xs)) (drop (i-1) xs) ==. C x (append (take (i-1) xs) (drop (i-1) xs)) ==. C x xs ? appendTakeDrop (i-1) xs *** QED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Application: List sum ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sumLeftId :: List Int -> Proof {-@ sumLeftId :: xs:List Int -> {plus (sum xs) (sum N) == sum xs } @-} sumLeftId xs = plus (sum xs) (sum N) ==. sum xs + 0 ==. sum xs *** QED {-@ sumDistributes :: xs:List Int -> ys:List Int -> {sum (append xs ys) == plus (sum xs) (sum ys)} @-} sumDistributes :: List Int -> List Int -> Proof sumDistributes N ys = sum (append N ys) ==. sum ys ==. plus 0 (sum ys) ==. plus (sum N) (sum ys) *** QED sumDistributes (C x xs) ys = sum (append (C x xs) ys) ==. sum (C x (append xs ys)) ==. x `plus` (sum (append xs ys)) ? sumDistributes xs ys ==. x `plus` (plus (sum xs) (sum ys)) ==. x + (sum xs + sum ys) ==. ((x + sum xs) + sum ys) ==. ((x `plus` sum xs) `plus` sum ys) ==. sum (C x xs) `plus` sum ys *** QED {-@ axiomatize plus @-} plus x y = x + y {-@ axiomatize sum @-} sum N = 0 sum (C x xs) = x `plus` sum xs