{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}

-- | This module contains functions for recursively "rewriting"
--   GHC core using "rules".

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.Rewrite
  ( -- * Top level rewrite function

  -- * Low-level Rewriting Function
  -- , rewriteWith

  -- * Rewrite Rule
  -- ,  RewriteRule

  ) where

import           CoreSyn
import           Type
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep
import           TyCon
import qualified CoreSubst
import qualified Outputable
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Var
import qualified MkCore
import           Data.Maybe     (fromMaybe)
import           Control.Monad  (msum)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (lift)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc       ({- mapFst, -}  mapSnd)
import qualified          Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc (safeZipWithError, mapThd3, Nat)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Resugar
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (isTupleId, showPpr, mkAlive) -- , showPpr, tracePpr)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Config  (Config, noSimplifyCore)
-- import           Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.List as L

-- | Top-level rewriter --------------------------------------------------------
rewriteBinds :: Config -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
rewriteBinds cfg
  | simplifyCore cfg = fmap (rewriteBindWith tidyTuples . rewriteBindWith simplifyPatTuple)
  | otherwise        = id

simplifyCore :: Config -> Bool
simplifyCore = not . noSimplifyCore

tidyTuples :: CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
tidyTuples e = Just $ evalState (go e) []
    go (Tick t e)
      = Tick t <$> go e
    go (Let (NonRec x ex) e)
      = do ex' <- go ex
           e'  <- go e
           return $ Let (NonRec x ex') e'
    go (Let (Rec bes) e)
      = Let <$> (Rec <$> mapM goRec bes) <*> go e
    go (Case (Var v) x t alts)
      = Case (Var v) x t <$> mapM (goAltR v) alts
    go (Case e x t alts)
      = Case e x t <$> mapM goAlt alts
    go (App e1 e2)
      = App <$> go e1 <*> go e2
    go (Lam x e)
      = Lam x <$> go e
    go (Cast e c)
      = (`Cast` c) <$> go e
    go e
      = return e

    goRec (x, e)
      = (x,) <$> go e

    goAlt (c, bs, e)
      = (c, bs,) <$> go e

    goAltR v (c, bs, e)
      = do m <- get
           case L.lookup (c,v) m of
            Just bs' -> return (c, bs', substTuple bs' bs e)
            Nothing  -> do let bs' = mkAlive <$> bs
                           modify (((c,v),bs'):)
                           return $ (c,bs', e)

-- | A @RewriteRule@ is a function that maps a CoreExpr to another
type RewriteRule = CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr

rewriteBindWith :: RewriteRule -> CoreBind -> CoreBind
rewriteBindWith r (NonRec x e) = NonRec x (rewriteWith r e)
rewriteBindWith r (Rec xes)    = Rec    (mapSnd (rewriteWith r) <$> xes)

rewriteWith :: RewriteRule -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
rewriteWith tx           = go
    go                   = txTop . step
    txTop e              = fromMaybe e (tx e)
    goB (Rec xes)        = Rec         (mapSnd go <$> xes)
    goB (NonRec x e)     = NonRec x    (go e)
    step (Let b e)       = Let (goB b) (go e)
    step (App e e')      = App (go e)  (go e')
    step (Lam x e)       = Lam x       (go e)
    step (Cast e c)      = Cast (go e) c
    step (Tick t e)      = Tick t      (go e)
    step (Case e x t cs) = Case (go e) x t (mapThd3 go <$> cs)
    step e@(Type _)      = e
    step e@(Lit _)       = e
    step e@(Var _)       = e
    step e@(Coercion _)  = e

-- | Rewriting Pattern-Match-Tuples --------------------------------------------

    let CrazyPat x1 ... xn = e in e'

    let t : (t1,...,tn) = "CrazyPat e ... (y1, ..., yn)"
        xn = Proj t n
        x1 = Proj t 1


{- [NOTE] The following is the structure of a @PatMatchTup@

      let x :: (t1,...,tn) = E[(x1,...,xn)]
          yn = case x of (..., yn) -> yn
          y1 = case x of (y1, ...) -> y1

  GOAL: simplify the above to:

      E [ (x1,...,xn) := E' [y1 := x1,...,yn := xn] ]

  TODO: several tests (e.g. tests/pos/zipper000.hs) fail because
  the above changes the "type" the expression `E` and in "other branches"
  the new type may be different than the old, e.g.

     let (x::y::_) = e in
     x + y

     let t = case e of
               h1::t1 -> case t1 of
                            (h2::t2) ->  (h1, h2)
                            DEFAULT  ->  error @ (Int, Int)
               DEFAULT   -> error @ (Int, Int)
         x = case t of (h1, _) -> h1
         y = case t of (_, h2) -> h2
         x + y

  is rewritten to:

              h1::t1    -> case t1 of
                            (h2::t2) ->  h1 + h2
                            DEFAULT  ->  error @ (Int, Int)
              DEFAULT   -> error @ (Int, Int)

     case e of
       h1 :: h2 :: _ -> h1 + h2
       DEFAULT       -> error @ (Int, Int)

  which, alas, is ill formed.



-- simplifyPatTuple :: RewriteRule
-- simplifyPatTuple e =
--  case simplifyPatTuple' e of
--    Just e' -> if CoreUtils.exprType e == CoreUtils.exprType e'
--                 then Just e'
--                 else Just (tracePpr ("YIKES: RWR " ++ showPpr e) e')
--    Nothing -> Nothing

_safeSimplifyPatTuple :: RewriteRule
_safeSimplifyPatTuple e
  | Just e' <- simplifyPatTuple e
  , CoreUtils.exprType e' == CoreUtils.exprType e
  = Just e'
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

simplifyPatTuple :: RewriteRule

_tidyAlt :: Int -> Maybe CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr

_tidyAlt n (Just (Let (NonRec x e) rest))
  | Just (yes, e') <- takeBinds n rest
  = Just $ Let (NonRec x e) $ foldl (\e (x, ex) -> Let (NonRec x ex) e) e' ((reverse $ go $ reverse yes))

    go xes@((_, e):_) = let bs = grapBinds e in mapSnd (replaceBinds bs) <$> xes
    go [] = []
    replaceBinds bs (Case c x t alt) = Case c x t (replaceBindsAlt bs <$> alt)
    replaceBinds bs (Tick t e)       = Tick t (replaceBinds bs e)
    replaceBinds _ e                 = e
    replaceBindsAlt bs (c, _, e)     = (c, bs, e)

    grapBinds (Case _ _ _ alt) = grapBinds' alt
    grapBinds (Tick _ e) = grapBinds e
    grapBinds _ = []
    grapBinds' [] = []
    grapBinds' ((_,bs,_):_) = bs

_tidyAlt _ e
  = e

simplifyPatTuple (Let (NonRec x e) rest)
  | Just (n, ts  ) <- varTuple x
  , 2 <= n
  , Just (yes, e') <- takeBinds n rest
  , let ys          = fst <$> yes
  , Just _         <- hasTuple ys e
  , matchTypes yes ts
  = replaceTuple ys e e'

simplifyPatTuple _
  = Nothing

varTuple :: Var -> Maybe (Int, [Type])
varTuple x
  | TyConApp c ts <- Var.varType x
  , isTupleTyCon c
  = Just (length ts, ts)
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

takeBinds  :: Nat -> CoreExpr -> Maybe ([(Var, CoreExpr)], CoreExpr)
takeBinds n e
  | n < 2     = Nothing
  | otherwise = {- mapFst reverse <$> -} go n e
      go 0 e                      = Just ([], e)
      go n (Let (NonRec x e) e')  = do (xes, e'') <- go (n-1) e'
                                       Just ((x,e) : xes, e'')
      go _ _                      = Nothing

matchTypes :: [(Var, CoreExpr)] -> [Type] -> Bool
matchTypes xes ts =  xN == tN
                  && all (uncurry eqType) (safeZipWithError msg xts ts)
                  && all isProjection es
    xN            = length xes
    tN            = length ts
    xts           = Var.varType <$> xs
    (xs, es)      = unzip xes
    msg           = "RW:matchTypes"

isProjection :: CoreExpr -> Bool
isProjection e = case lift e of
                   Just (PatProject {}) -> True
                   _                    -> False

-- | `hasTuple ys e` CHECKS if `e` contains a tuple that "looks like" (y1...yn)
hasTuple :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> Maybe [Var]
hasTuple ys = stepE
    stepE e
     | Just xs <- isVarTup ys e = Just xs
     | otherwise                = go e
    stepA (DEFAULT,_,_)         = Nothing
    stepA (_, _, e)             = stepE e
    go (Let _ e)                = stepE e
    go (Case _ _ _ cs)          = msum (stepA <$> cs)
    go _                        = Nothing

-- | `replaceTuple ys e e'` REPLACES tuples that "looks like" (y1...yn) with e'

replaceTuple :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
replaceTuple ys e e'           = stepE e
    t'                          = CoreUtils.exprType e'
    stepE e
     | Just xs <- isVarTup ys e = Just $ substTuple xs ys e'
     | otherwise                = go e
    stepA (DEFAULT, xs, err)    = Just (DEFAULT, xs, replaceIrrefutPat t' err)
    stepA (c, xs, e)            = (c, xs,)   <$> stepE e
    go (Let b e)                = Let b      <$> stepE e
    go (Case e x t cs)          = fixCase e x t <$> mapM stepA cs
    go _                        = Nothing

_showExpr :: CoreExpr -> String
_showExpr e = show' e
    show' (App e1 e2) = show' e1 ++ " " ++ show' e2
    show' (Var x)     = _showVar x
    show' (Let (NonRec x ex) e) = "Let " ++ _showVar x ++ " = " ++ show' ex ++ "\nIN " ++ show' e
    show' (Tick _ e) = show' e
    show' (Case e x _ alt) = "Case " ++ _showVar x ++ " = " ++ show' e ++ " OF " ++ unlines (showAlt' <$> alt)
    show' e           = showPpr e

    showAlt' (c, bs, e) = showPpr c ++ unwords (_showVar <$> bs) ++ " -> " ++ show' e

_showVar :: Var -> String
_showVar = show . F.symbol

_errorSkip :: String -> a -> b
_errorSkip x _ = error x

-- replaceTuple :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
-- replaceTuple ys e e' = tracePpr msg (_replaceTuple ys e e')
--  where
--    msg = "replaceTuple: ys = " ++ showPpr ys ++
--                        " e = " ++ showPpr e  ++
--                        " e' =" ++ showPpr e'

-- | The substitution (`substTuple`) can change the type of the overall
--   case-expression, so we must update the type of each `Case` with its
--   new, possibly updated type. See:
--   https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/pull/752#issuecomment-228946210

fixCase :: CoreExpr -> Var -> Type -> ListNE (Alt Var) -> CoreExpr
fixCase e x _t cs' = Case e x t' cs'
    t'            = CoreUtils.exprType body
    (_,_,body)    = c
    c:_           = cs'

{-@  type ListNE a = {v:[a] | len v > 0} @-}
type ListNE a = [a]

replaceIrrefutPat :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
replaceIrrefutPat t (App (Lam z e) eVoid)
  | Just e' <- replaceIrrefutPat' t e
  = App (Lam z e') eVoid

replaceIrrefutPat t e
  | Just e' <- replaceIrrefutPat' t e
  = e'

replaceIrrefutPat _ e
  = e

replaceIrrefutPat' :: Type -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
replaceIrrefutPat' t e
  | (Var x, rep:_:args) <- collectArgs e
  , isIrrefutErrorVar x
  = Just (MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var x) (rep : Type t : args))
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

isIrrefutErrorVar :: Var -> Bool
isIrrefutErrorVar x = MkCore.iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID == x

-- | `substTuple xs ys e'` returns e' [y1 := x1,...,yn := xn]
substTuple :: [Var] -> [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
substTuple xs ys = CoreSubst.substExpr Outputable.empty (mkSubst ys xs)

mkSubst :: [Var] -> [Var] -> CoreSubst.Subst
mkSubst ys xs = CoreSubst.extendIdSubstList CoreSubst.emptySubst yxs
    yxs       = safeZipWithError "RW:mkSubst" ys (Var <$> xs)

-- | `isVarTup xs e` returns `Just ys` if e == (y1, ... , yn) and xi ~ yi

isVarTup :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> Maybe [Var]
isVarTup xs e
  | Just ys <- isTuple e
  , eqVars xs ys        = Just ys
isVarTup _ _             = Nothing

eqVars :: [Var] -> [Var] -> Bool
eqVars xs ys = {- F.tracepp ("eqVars: " ++ show xs' ++ show ys') -} xs' == ys'
    xs' = {- F.symbol -} show <$> xs
    ys' = {- F.symbol -} show <$> ys

isTuple :: CoreExpr -> Maybe [Var]
isTuple e
  | (Var t, es) <- collectArgs e
  , isTupleId t
  , Just xs     <- mapM isVar (secondHalf es)
  = Just xs
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

isVar :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Var
isVar (Var x) = Just x
isVar _       = Nothing

secondHalf :: [a] -> [a]
secondHalf xs = drop (n `div` 2) xs
    n         = length xs