{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | This module has a function that computes the "slice" i.e. subset of the `Ms.BareSpec` that -- we actually need to verify a given target module, so that LH doesn't choke trying to resolve -- names that are not actually relevant and hence, not in the GHC Environment. -- See LH issue 1773 for more details. -- -- Specifically, this module has datatypes and code for building a Specification Dependency Graph -- whose vertices are 'names' that need to be resolve, and edges are 'dependencies'. module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Slice (sliceSpecs) where -- import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F -- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types -- import Data.Hashable import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure as Ms -- import qualified Data.HashSet as S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Top-level "slicing" function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sliceSpecs :: GhcSrc -> Ms.BareSpec -> [(ModName, Ms.BareSpec)] -> [(ModName, Ms.BareSpec)] sliceSpecs _tgtSrc _tgtSpec specs = specs {- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The different kinds of names we have to resolve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Label = Sign -- ^ identifier signature | Func -- ^ measure or reflect | DCon -- ^ data constructor | TCon -- ^ type constructor deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A dependency 'Node' is a pair of a name @LocSymbol@ and @Label@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Node = MkNode { nodeName :: F.Symbol , nodeLabel :: Label } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Hashable Label where hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . fromEnum instance Hashable Node where hashWithSalt s MkNode {..} = hashWithSalt s (nodeName, nodeLabel) newtype DepGraph = MkDepGraph { dGraph :: M.HashMap Node [Node] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A way to combine graphs of multiple modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Semigroup DepGraph where x <> y = MkDepGraph { dGraph = M.unionWith (++) (dGraph x) (dGraph y) } instance Monoid DepGraph where mempty = MkDepGraph mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A function to build the dependencies for each module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkRoots :: GhcSrc -> S.HashSet Node mkRoots = undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A function to build the dependencies for each module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Graph a where mkGraph :: a -> DepGraph instance Graph [Ms.BareSpec] where mkGraph specs = mconcat [ mkGraph sp | sp <- specs] instance Graph Ms.BareSpec where mkGraph sp = mconcat [ undefined -- FIXME -- mkGraph (expSigs sp) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'reachable roots g' returns the list of Node transitively reachable from roots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reachable :: S.HashSet Node -> DepGraph -> S.HashSet Node reachable roots g = undefined -- _TODO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Deps a where deps :: a -> [Node] instance Deps BareType where deps = error "TBD:deps:bareType" instance Deps DataDecl where deps = error "TBD:deps:datadecl" instance Deps DataCtor where deps = error "TBD:deps:datactor" -} {- -- = [ (n, slice nodes sp) | (n, sp) <- specs ] -- where -- tgtGraph = mkGraph tgtSpec -- impGraph = mkGraph (snd <$> specs) -- roots = mkRoots tgtSrc -- S.fromList . M.keys . dGraph $ tgtGraph -- nodes = reachable roots (tgtGraph <> impGraph) class Sliceable a where slice :: S.HashSet Node -> a -> a instance Sliceable Ms.BareSpec where slice nodes sp = sp -} ---- {- These are the fields we have to worry about unsafeFromLiftedSpec :: LiftedSpec -> Spec LocBareType F.LocSymbol unsafeFromLiftedSpec a = Spec { --->>> , asmSigs = S.toList . liftedAsmSigs $ a --->>> , sigs = S.toList . liftedSigs $ a --->>> , invariants = S.toList . liftedInvariants $ a --->>> , dataDecls = S.toList . liftedDataDecls $ a --->>> , newtyDecls = S.toList . liftedNewtyDecls $ a , measures = S.toList . liftedMeasures $ a , impSigs = S.toList . liftedImpSigs $ a , expSigs = S.toList . liftedExpSigs $ a , ialiases = S.toList . liftedIaliases $ a , imports = S.toList . liftedImports $ a , aliases = S.toList . liftedAliases $ a , ealiases = S.toList . liftedEaliases $ a , embeds = liftedEmbeds a , qualifiers = S.toList . liftedQualifiers $ a , decr = S.toList . liftedDecr $ a , lvars = liftedLvars a , autois = liftedAutois a , autosize = liftedAutosize a , cmeasures = S.toList . liftedCmeasures $ a , imeasures = S.toList . liftedImeasures $ a , classes = S.toList . liftedClasses $ a , claws = S.toList . liftedClaws $ a , rinstance = S.toList . liftedRinstance $ a , ilaws = S.toList . liftedIlaws $ a , dvariance = S.toList . liftedDvariance $ a , bounds = liftedBounds a , defs = liftedDefs a , axeqs = S.toList . liftedAxeqs $ a } -}