module ListSets () where ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Encoding Sets of Values With Liquid Types -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- First, lets import the `Set` type from @Data.Set@ import qualified Data.Set as S -- Next, lets write a measure for the set of elements in a list. {-@ measure elts @-} elts :: (Ord a) => [a] -> S.Set a elts [] = S.empty elts (x:xs) = S.union (S.singleton x) (elts xs) -- OK, now we can write some specifications! -- | To start with, lets check that the `elts` measure is sensible {-@ myid :: xs:[a] -> {v:[a]| (elts v) = (elts xs)} @-} myid [] = [] myid (x:xs) = x : myid xs -- | The reverse function should also return the same set of values. -- Note that the reverse uses the tail-recursive helper @go@. -- Mouse over and see what type is inferred for it! {-@ decrease go 2 @-} {-@ myrev :: xs:[a] -> {v:[a]| (elts v) = (elts xs)} @-} myrev = go [] where go acc [] = acc go acc (y:ys) = go (y:acc) ys -- | Next, here's good old List-append, but now with a specification about -- the sets of values in the input and output. {-@ myapp :: xs:[a] -> ys:[a] -> {v:[a] | (elts v) = (Set_cup (elts xs) (elts ys))} @-} myapp [] ys = ys myapp (x:xs) ys = x : myapp xs ys -- | Finally, to round off this little demo, here's @filter@, which returns a subset. {-@ myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> xs:[a] -> {v:[a]| Set_sub (elts v) (elts xs) } @-} myfilter f [] = [] myfilter f (x:xs) | f x = x : myfilter f xs | otherwise = myfilter f xs