{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure (
  -- * Specifications
    Spec (..)
  , MSpec (..)

  -- * Type Aliases
  , BareSpec
  , BareMeasure
  , SpecMeasure

  -- * Constructors
  , mkM, mkMSpec, mkMSpec'
  , qualifySpec
  , dataConTypes
  , defRefType
  ) where

import           DataCon
import           GHC                                    hiding (Located)
import           Outputable                             (Outputable)
import           Prelude                                hiding (error)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ              hiding (first)
import           Type
import           Var
-- import           Data.Serialize                         (Serialize)
import           Data.Binary                            as B
import           GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                    as M
import qualified Data.HashSet                           as S
import qualified Data.List                              as L
import           Data.Maybe                             (fromMaybe, isNothing)

import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types                hiding (panic, R, DataDecl, SrcSpan)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
-- import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc as Misc
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types          hiding (GhcInfo(..), GhcSpec (..))
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Variance
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Bounds
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Tidy

type BareSpec      = Spec    LocBareType LocSymbol
type BareMeasure   = Measure LocBareType LocSymbol
type SpecMeasure   = Measure LocSpecType DataCon

instance B.Binary BareSpec

data Spec ty bndr  = Spec
  { measures   :: ![Measure ty bndr]            -- ^ User-defined properties for ADTs
  , asmSigs    :: ![(LocSymbol, ty)]            -- ^ Assumed (unchecked) types; including reflected signatures
  , sigs       :: ![(LocSymbol, ty)]            -- ^ Imported functions and types
  , localSigs  :: ![(LocSymbol, ty)]            -- ^ Local type signatures
  , reflSigs   :: ![(LocSymbol, ty)]            -- ^ Reflected type signatures
  , invariants :: ![(Maybe LocSymbol, ty)]      -- ^ Data type invariants; the Maybe is the generating measure
  , ialiases   :: ![(ty, ty)]                   -- ^ Data type invariants to be checked
  , imports    :: ![Symbol]                     -- ^ Loaded spec module names
  , dataDecls  :: ![DataDecl]                   -- ^ Predicated data definitions
  , newtyDecls :: ![DataDecl]                   -- ^ Predicated new type definitions
  , includes   :: ![FilePath]                   -- ^ Included qualifier files
  , aliases    :: ![RTAlias Symbol BareType]    -- ^ RefType aliases
  , ealiases   :: ![RTAlias Symbol Expr]        -- ^ Expression aliases
  , embeds     :: !(TCEmb LocSymbol)            -- ^ GHC-Tycon-to-fixpoint Tycon map
  , qualifiers :: ![Qualifier]                  -- ^ Qualifiers in source/spec files
  , decr       :: ![(LocSymbol, [Int])]          -- ^ Information on decreasing arguments
  , lvars      :: ![LocSymbol]                   -- ^ Variables that should be checked in the environment they are used
  , lazy       :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Ignore Termination Check in these Functions
  , reflects   :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Binders to reflect
  , autois     :: !(M.HashMap LocSymbol (Maybe Int))  -- ^ Automatically instantiate axioms in these Functions with maybe specified fuel
  , hmeas      :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Binders to turn into measures using haskell definitions
  , hbounds    :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Binders to turn into bounds using haskell definitions
  , inlines    :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Binders to turn into logic inline using haskell definitions
  , autosize   :: !(S.HashSet LocSymbol)         -- ^ Type Constructors that get automatically sizing info
  , pragmas    :: ![Located String]              -- ^ Command-line configurations passed in through source
  , cmeasures  :: ![Measure ty ()]               -- ^ Measures attached to a type-class
  , imeasures  :: ![Measure ty bndr]             -- ^ Mappings from (measure,type) -> measure
  , classes    :: ![RClass ty]                   -- ^ Refined Type-Classes
  , termexprs  :: ![(LocSymbol, [Located Expr])] -- ^ Terminating Conditions for functions
  , rinstance  :: ![RInstance ty]
  , dvariance  :: ![(LocSymbol, [Variance])]     -- ^ ? Where do these come from ?!
  , bounds     :: !(RRBEnv ty)
  , defs       :: !(M.HashMap LocSymbol Symbol)  -- ^ Temporary (?) hack to deal with dictionaries in specifications
                                                 --   see tests/pos/NatClass.hs
  , axeqs      :: ![AxiomEq]                     -- ^ AxiomEqualities used for Proof-By-Evaluation
  } deriving (Generic)

qualifySpec :: Symbol -> Spec ty bndr -> Spec ty bndr
qualifySpec name sp = sp { sigs      = [ (tx x, t)  | (x, t)  <- sigs sp]
                         , asmSigs   = [ (tx x, t)  | (x, t)  <- asmSigs sp]
    tx = fmap (qualifySymbol name)

mkM ::  LocSymbol -> ty -> [Def ty bndr] -> Measure ty bndr
mkM name typ eqns
  | all ((name ==) . measure) eqns
  = M name typ eqns
  | otherwise
  = panic Nothing $ "invalid measure definition for " ++ show name

mkMSpec' :: Symbolic ctor => [Measure ty ctor] -> MSpec ty ctor
mkMSpec' ms = MSpec cm mm M.empty []
    cm     = groupMap (symbol . ctor) $ concatMap eqns ms
    mm     = M.fromList [(name m, m) | m <- ms ]

mkMSpec :: [Measure t LocSymbol] -> [Measure t ()] -> [Measure t LocSymbol] -> MSpec t LocSymbol
mkMSpec ms cms ims = MSpec cm mm cmm ims
    cm     = groupMap (val . ctor) $ concatMap eqns (ms'++ims)
    mm     = M.fromList [(name m, m) | m <- ms' ]
    cmm    = M.fromList [(name m, m) | m <- cms ]
    ms'    = checkDuplicateMeasure ms

checkDuplicateMeasure :: [Measure ty ctor] -> [Measure ty ctor]
checkDuplicateMeasure ms
  = case M.toList dups of
      []         -> ms
      (m,ms):_   -> uError $ err m (name <$> ms)
      gms        = group [(name m , m) | m <- ms]
      dups       = M.filter ((1 <) . length) gms
      err m ms   = ErrDupMeas (fSrcSpan m) (pprint (val m)) (fSrcSpan <$> ms)

      -- printf "\nDuplicate Measure Definitions for %s\n%s" (showpp m) (showpp $ map (loc . name) ms)
      -- err k1 k2 = ErrDupMeas (fSrcSpan k1) (pprint (val k1)) (fSrcSpan <$> [k1, k2])

instance Monoid (Spec ty bndr) where
  mappend s1 s2
    = Spec { measures   =           measures   s1 ++ measures   s2
           , asmSigs    =           asmSigs    s1 ++ asmSigs    s2
           , sigs       =           sigs       s1 ++ sigs       s2
           , localSigs  =           localSigs  s1 ++ localSigs  s2
           , reflSigs   =           reflSigs   s1 ++ reflSigs   s2
           , invariants =           invariants s1 ++ invariants s2
           , ialiases   =           ialiases   s1 ++ ialiases   s2
           , imports    = sortNub $ imports    s1 ++ imports    s2
           , dataDecls  =           dataDecls  s1 ++ dataDecls  s2
           , newtyDecls =           newtyDecls s1 ++ newtyDecls s2
           , includes   = sortNub $ includes   s1 ++ includes   s2
           , aliases    =           aliases    s1 ++ aliases    s2
           , ealiases   =           ealiases   s1 ++ ealiases   s2
           , qualifiers =           qualifiers s1 ++ qualifiers s2
           , decr       =           decr       s1 ++ decr       s2
           , lvars      =           lvars      s1 ++ lvars      s2
           , pragmas    =           pragmas    s1 ++ pragmas    s2
           , cmeasures  =           cmeasures  s1 ++ cmeasures  s2
           , imeasures  =           imeasures  s1 ++ imeasures  s2
           , classes    =           classes    s1 ++ classes    s2
           , termexprs  =           termexprs  s1 ++ termexprs  s2
           , rinstance  =           rinstance  s1 ++ rinstance  s2
           , dvariance  =           dvariance  s1 ++ dvariance  s2
           , axeqs      =           axeqs s1      ++ axeqs s2
           , embeds     = M.union   (embeds   s1)  (embeds   s2)
           , lazy       = S.union   (lazy     s1)  (lazy     s2)
        -- , axioms     = S.union   (axioms s1) (axioms s2)
           , reflects   = S.union   (reflects s1)  (reflects s2)
           , hmeas      = S.union   (hmeas    s1)  (hmeas    s2)
           , hbounds    = S.union   (hbounds  s1)  (hbounds  s2)
           , inlines    = S.union   (inlines  s1)  (inlines  s2)
           , autosize   = S.union   (autosize s1)  (autosize s2)
           , bounds     = M.union   (bounds   s1)  (bounds   s2)
           , defs       = M.union   (defs     s1)  (defs     s2)
           , autois     = M.union   (autois s1)      (autois s2)

    = Spec { measures   = []
           , asmSigs    = []
           , sigs       = []
           , localSigs  = []
           , reflSigs   = []
           , invariants = []
           , ialiases   = []
           , imports    = []
           , dataDecls  = []
           , newtyDecls = []
           , includes   = []
           , aliases    = []
           , ealiases   = []
           , embeds     = M.empty
           , qualifiers = []
           , decr       = []
           , lvars      = []
           , lazy       = S.empty
           , autois     = M.empty
           , hmeas      = S.empty
           -- , axioms     = S.empty
           , reflects   = S.empty
           , hbounds    = S.empty
           , inlines    = S.empty
           , autosize   = S.empty
           , pragmas    = []
           , cmeasures  = []
           , imeasures  = []
           , classes    = []
           , termexprs  = []
           , rinstance  = []
           , dvariance  = []
           , axeqs      = []
           , bounds     = M.empty
           , defs       = M.empty

dataConTypes :: MSpec (RRType Reft) DataCon -> ([(Var, RRType Reft)], [(LocSymbol, RRType Reft)])
dataConTypes  s = (ctorTys, measTys)
    measTys     = [(name m, sort m) | m <- M.elems (measMap s) ++ imeas s]
    ctorTys     = concatMap makeDataConType (snd <$> M.toList (ctorMap s))

makeDataConType :: [Def (RRType Reft) DataCon] -> [(Var, RRType Reft)]
makeDataConType []
  = []
makeDataConType ds | isNothing (dataConWrapId_maybe dc)
  = [(woId, combineDCTypes "cdc0" t ts)]
    dc   = ctor (head ds)
    woId = dataConWorkId dc
    t    = varType woId
    ts   = defRefType t <$> ds

makeDataConType ds
  = [(woId, extend loci woRType wrRType), (wrId, extend loci wrRType woRType)]
    (wo, wr) = L.partition isWorkerDef ds
    dc       = ctor $ head ds
    loci     = loc $ measure $ head ds
    woId     = dataConWorkId dc
    wot      = varType woId
    wrId     = dataConWrapId dc
    wrt      = varType wrId
    wots     = defRefType wot <$> wo
    wrts     = defRefType wrt <$> wr

    wrRType  = combineDCTypes "cdc1" wrt wrts
    woRType  = combineDCTypes "cdc2" wot wots

    isWorkerDef def
      -- types are missing for arguments, so definition came from a logical measure
      -- and it is for the worker datacon
      | any isNothing (snd <$> binds def)
      = True
      | otherwise
      = length (binds def) == length (fst $ splitFunTys $ snd $ splitForAllTys wot)

extend :: SourcePos
       -> RType RTyCon RTyVar Reft
       -> RRType Reft
       -> RType RTyCon RTyVar Reft
extend lc t1' t2
  | Just su <- mapArgumens lc t1 t2
  = t1 `strengthenResult` subst su (fromMaybe mempty (stripRTypeBase $ resultTy t2))
  | otherwise
  = t1
    t1 = noDummySyms t1'

resultTy :: RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
resultTy = ty_res . toRTypeRep

strengthenResult :: Reftable r => RType c tv r -> r -> RType c tv r
strengthenResult t r = fromRTypeRep $ rep {ty_res = ty_res rep `strengthen` r}
    rep              = toRTypeRep t

noDummySyms :: (OkRT c tv r) => RType c tv r -> RType c tv r
noDummySyms t
  | any isDummy (ty_binds rep)
  = subst su $ fromRTypeRep $ rep{ty_binds = xs'}
  | otherwise
  = t
    rep = toRTypeRep t
    xs' = zipWith (\_ i -> symbol ("x" ++ show i)) (ty_binds rep) [1..]
    su  = mkSubst $ zip (ty_binds rep) (EVar <$> xs')

-- combineDCTypes :: (PPrint r, Reftable r, SubsTy RTyVar (RType RTyCon RTyVar ()) r, Reftable (RTProp RTyCon RTyVar r))
--                => Type -> [(RType RTyCon RTyVar r)] -> RType RTyCon RTyVar r
combineDCTypes            :: String -> Type -> [RRType Reft] -> RRType Reft
combineDCTypes _msg t0 ts0 = L.foldl' strengthenRefTypeGen (ofType t) ts
    (t, ts) = {- tracepp ("combineDCTypes " ++ msg) -} (t0, ts0)

mapArgumens :: SourcePos -> RRType Reft -> RRType Reft -> Maybe Subst
mapArgumens lc t1 t2 = go xts1' xts2'
    xts1 = zip (ty_binds rep1) (ty_args rep1)
    xts2 = zip (ty_binds rep2) (ty_args rep2)
    rep1 = toRTypeRep t1
    rep2 = toRTypeRep t2

    xts1' = dropWhile canDrop xts1
    xts2' = dropWhile canDrop xts2

    canDrop (_, t) = isClassType t || isEqType t

    go xs ys
      | length xs == length ys && and (zipWith (==) (toRSort . snd <$> xts1') (toRSort . snd <$> xts2'))
      = Just $ mkSubst $ zipWith (\y x -> (fst x, EVar $ fst y)) xts1' xts2'
      | otherwise
      = panic (Just $ sourcePosSrcSpan lc) ("The types for the wrapper and worker data constructors cannot be merged\n"
          ++ show t1 ++ "\n" ++ show t2 )

defRefType :: Type -> Def (RRType Reft) DataCon -> RRType Reft
defRefType tdc (Def f args dc mt xs body)
                     = notracepp ("defRefType: " ++ showpp f) $ generalize $ mkArrow as [] [] xts t'
    xts              = stitchArgs (fSrcSpan f) dc (notracepp ("FIELDS-XS: " ++ showpp f) xs) (notracepp ("FIELDS-TS: " ++ showpp f ++ " tdc = " ++ showpp tdc) ts)
    t                = fromMaybe (ofType tr) mt
    t'               = mkForAlls args $ refineWithCtorBody dc f (fst <$> args) body t
    mkForAlls xts t  = L.foldl' (\t (x, tx) -> RAllE x tx t) t xts
    (αs, ts, tr)     = splitType tdc
    as                = makeRTVar . rTyVar <$> αs
    -- (αs,ps,dcTs,_)   = dataConSig dc
    -- (ts', tr)        = splitFunTys $ snd $ splitForAllTys tdc
    -- ts               = Misc.takeLast (length dcTs) ts'

splitType :: Type -> ([TyVar],[Type], Type)
splitType t  = (αs, ts, tr)
    (αs, tb) = splitForAllTys t
    (ts, tr) = splitFunTys tb

stitchArgs :: (Monoid t1, PPrint a)
           => SrcSpan
           -> a
           -> [(Symbol, Maybe (RRType Reft))]
           -> [Type]
           -> [(Symbol, RRType Reft, t1)]
stitchArgs sp dc allXs allTs
  | nXs == nTs         = (g (dummySymbol, Nothing) . ofType <$> pts)
                      ++ zipWith g xs (ofType <$> ts)
  | otherwise          = panicFieldNumMismatch sp dc nXs nTs
      (pts, ts)        = L.partition (\t -> notracepp ("isPredTy: " ++ showpp t) $ isPredTy t) allTs
      (_  , xs)        = L.partition (coArg . snd) allXs
      nXs              = length xs
      nTs              = length ts
      g (x, Just t) _  = (x, t, mempty)
      g (x, _)      t  = (x, t, mempty)

      coArg Nothing    = False
      coArg (Just t)   = isPredTy . toType $ t

panicFieldNumMismatch :: (PPrint a, PPrint a1, PPrint a3)
                      => SrcSpan -> a3 -> a1 -> a -> a2
panicFieldNumMismatch sp dc nXs nTs = panicDataCon sp dc msg
    msg = "Requires" <+> pprint nTs <+> "fields but given" <+> pprint nXs

panicDataCon :: PPrint a1 => SrcSpan -> a1 -> Doc -> a
panicDataCon sp dc d
  = panicError $ ErrDataCon sp (pprint dc) d

refineWithCtorBody :: Outputable a
                   => a
                   -> LocSymbol
                   -> [Symbol]
                   -> Body
                   -> RType c tv Reft
                   -> RType c tv Reft
refineWithCtorBody dc f as body t =
  case stripRTypeBase t of
    Just (Reft (v, _)) ->
      strengthen t $ Reft (v, bodyPred (mkEApp f (eVar <$> (as ++ [v]))) body)
    Nothing ->
      panic Nothing $ "measure mismatch " ++ showpp f ++ " on con " ++ showPpr dc

bodyPred ::  Expr -> Body -> Expr
bodyPred fv (E e)    = PAtom Eq fv e
bodyPred fv (P p)    = PIff  fv p
bodyPred fv (R v' p) = subst1 p (v', fv)