module ListT.Attoparsec where

import BasePrelude hiding (cons, uncons)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Data.Text (Text)
import ListT
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- |
-- A text message and a list of contexts,
-- as per the failure in \"attoparsec\".
type Error =
  (Text, [Text])

-- |
-- Given a text parser, produces 
-- a transformation of a stream of text chunks into a stream of parsed results.
-- In case of a parsing failure it raises an 'Error' in the 'EitherT' monad over the base.
stream :: Monad m => P.Parser a -> ListT m Text -> ListT (EitherT Error m) a
stream p =
  loop (P.parse p)
    loop parse input =
      lift (lift (uncons input)) >>= maybe mzero (onUncons parse)
    onUncons parse (chunk, otherChunks) =
      case parse chunk of
        P.Done chunk' result -> 
          cons result (onUncons (P.parse p) (chunk', otherChunks))
        P.Partial parse' -> 
          loop parse' otherChunks
        P.Fail _ contexts message -> 
          lift $ EitherT $ return $ Left $ (,) (T.pack message) (map T.pack contexts)

-- |
-- Consume only as much input as needed to run the provided parser once.
-- Results in either a failure or the parsed result and the leftover stream.
consume :: Monad m => P.Parser a -> ListT m Text -> m (Either Error (a, ListT m Text))
consume =
  \p -> loop (P.parse p)
    loop parse stream =
      uncons stream >>= \case
        Nothing -> parseCons ("", mempty)
        Just pair -> parseCons pair
        parseCons (chunk, streamRemainder) =
          case parse chunk of
            P.Done chunk' result ->
              return $ Right $ (result, stream')
                stream' =
                  bool (cons chunk') id (T.null chunk') streamRemainder
            P.Partial parse' ->
              loop parse' streamRemainder
            P.Fail _ contexts message ->
              return $ Left $ (,) (T.pack message) (map T.pack contexts)