module Main where import BasePrelude import Test.Hspec import Conversion import Conversion.Text import Control.Monad.Trans.Either import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML import qualified Data.Text.IO import qualified HTMLTokenizer import qualified ListT.Attoparsec import qualified ListT.HTMLParser import qualified ListT.Text import qualified ListT.HTMLParser as P main = hspec $ do it "text with spaces gets ignored" $ do result <- parse (P.openingTag *> P.closingTag) " " shouldSatisfy result isRight it "text gets trimmed" $ do result <- parse (P.openingTag *> P.text <* P.closingTag) " b " shouldBe result (Right "b") it "html consumes text" $ do result <- parse P.html "a
" shouldBe result (Right "a") it "html consumes comment" $ do result <- parse P.html "b" shouldBe result (Right "") it "Backtracking" $ do let text = "" parser = a <|> b where a = do P.openingTag P.openingTag P.openingTag return 1 b = do P.openingTag P.openingTag P.closingTag P.closingTag return 2 result <- parse parser text shouldBe result (Right 2) it "Complex" $ do let text = "" parser = a <|> b where a = do P.openingTag b <|> c P.openingTag return 1 where b = do ("b", _, _) <- P.openingTag P.closingTag c = do ("b", _, _) <- P.openingTag ("c", _, _) <- P.openingTag P.closingTag b = do P.openingTag P.openingTag P.openingTag P.closingTag P.closingTag P.closingTag return 2 result <- parse parser text shouldBe result (Right 2) context "HTML with unclosed tags" $ do let text = "

" context "\"html\" parser result" $ do result <- runIO $ parse (P.html) text it "should not be failure" $ shouldSatisfy result isRight it "should be proper" $ shouldBe result (Right "

") context "HTML with deep unclosed tags" $ do let text = "

" context "\"html\" parser result" $ do result <- runIO $ parse (P.html) text it "should be proper" $ shouldBe result (Right "

") context "HTML with repetitive tags" $ do let text = "" context "\"html\" parser result" $ do result <- runIO $ parse (P.html) text it "should be proper" $ shouldBe result (Right "") context "Broken closing tag" $ do let text = "" context "\"html\" parser result" $ do result <- runIO $ parse P.html text it "should be proper" $ shouldBe result (Right "") context "Interspersed tag ending" $ do let text = "" context "\"html\" parser result" $ do result <- runIO $ parse (mconcat <$> many P.html) text it "should be proper" $ shouldBe result (Right "") context "Complex HTML" $ do let text = "



" context "html" $ do result <- runIO $ parse (mconcat <$> many P.html) text it "should be correct" $ shouldBe result (Right "



") context "xmlNode" $ do result <- runIO $ parse P.xmlNode text it "should be correct" $ shouldBe result $ Right $ XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element "p" [] [ XML.NodeContent (XML.ContentEntity "a"), XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element "strong" [] [ XML.NodeContent (XML.ContentEntity "b") ], XML.NodeContent (XML.ContentEntity "c"), XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element "br" [] [], XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element "br" [] [], XML.NodeContent (XML.ContentEntity "d"), XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element "br" [] [] ] context "Complex HTML 2" $ do let text = "cfik" result <- runIO $ parse (mconcat <$> many P.html) text it "should be correct" $ shouldBe result (Right "cfik") context "Unclosed HTML" $ do let text = "


" result <- runIO $ parse (mconcat <$> many P.html) text it "should be correct" $ shouldBe result (Right "") context "Closing tag comming first" $ do let text = "" result <- runIO $ parse P.properHTML text it "should fail" $ shouldSatisfy result isLeft context "HTML sample file #1" $ do text <- runIO $ Data.Text.IO.readFile "hspec/samples/1.html" it "should parse fine" $ do result <- parse (mconcat <$> many P.html) text shouldSatisfy result isRight context "Doc examples" $ do context "I'm not your guy" $ do let text = "

" it "Single" $ do Right result <- parse (P.openingTag *> P.html) text shouldBe result "
  • I'm not your friend, buddy!
  • " it "Multiple" $ do Right result <- parse (P.openingTag *> (mconcat <$> many P.properHTML) <* P.closingTag) text shouldBe result "
  • I'm not your friend, buddy!
  • I'm not your buddy, guy!
  • He's not your guy, friend!
  • I'm not your friend, buddy!
  • " parse :: (forall m. Monad m => ListT.HTMLParser.Parser m a) -> Text -> IO (Either Error a) parse parser = fmap (either (Left . Error_Lexing) id) . runEitherT . fmap (either (Left . Error_Parsing) Right) . parser . HTMLTokenizer.token . 2 data Error = -- | A tokenization failure Error_Lexing ListT.Attoparsec.Error | -- | A token-stream parsing failure Error_Parsing ListT.HTMLParser.Error deriving (Show, Eq)