-- | Tools to compute dominance information for functions.  Includes
-- postdominators.
-- A node @m@ postdominates a node @n@ iff every path from @n@ to
-- @exit@ passes through @m@.
-- This implementation is based on the dominator implementation in fgl,
-- which is based on the algorithm from Cooper, Harvey, and Kennedy:
--   http://www.cs.rice.edu/~keith/Embed/dom.pdf
module LLVM.Analysis.Dominance (
  -- * Types
  -- * Constructors
  -- * Queries
  ) where

import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as G
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic as G
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as G
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Dominators as G
import Data.IntMap ( IntMap )
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Monoid
import Data.GraphViz

import LLVM.Analysis
import LLVM.Analysis.CFG

-- import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty as PP
-- import Debug.Trace
-- debug = flip trace

data DominatorTree = DT CFG (Map Instruction Instruction)

class HasDomTree a where
  getDomTree :: a -> DominatorTree

instance HasDomTree DominatorTree where
  getDomTree = id

-- | Note, this instance constructs the dominator tree and could be
-- expensive
instance HasDomTree CFG where
  getDomTree = dominatorTree

instance HasCFG DominatorTree where
  getCFG (DT cfg _) = cfg

instance HasFunction DominatorTree where
  getFunction = getFunction . getCFG

-- | Construct a DominatorTree from something that behaves like a
-- control flow graph.
dominatorTree :: (HasCFG cfg) => cfg -> DominatorTree
dominatorTree f = DT cfg idomMap
    cfg = getCFG f
    (g, revmap) = cfgToGraph cfg
    idoms = G.iDom g (instructionUniqueId entryInst)
    idomMap = foldr (remapInst revmap) mempty idoms
    -- to make the rooted graph, we don't need any extra nodes here -
    -- just pull out the entry instruction
    entryBlock : _ = functionBody (getFunction cfg)
    entryInst : _ = basicBlockInstructions entryBlock

immediateDominatorFor :: (HasDomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> Maybe Instruction
immediateDominatorFor dt i = M.lookup i t
    DT _ t = getDomTree dt

immediateDominators :: (HasDomTree t) => t -> [(Instruction, Instruction)]
immediateDominators dt = M.toList t
    DT _ t = getDomTree dt

-- | Check whether n dominates m
dominates :: (HasDomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> Instruction -> Bool
dominates dt n m = checkDom m
    (DT _ t) = getDomTree dt
    -- Walk backwards in the dominator tree looking for n
    checkDom i
      | i == n = True
      | otherwise = maybe False checkDom (M.lookup i t)

dominators :: (HasDomTree t) => t -> [(Instruction, [Instruction])]
dominators pt =
  zip is (map (getDominators t) is)
    dt@(DT _ t) = getDomTree pt
    f = getFunction dt
    is = functionInstructions f

dominatorsFor :: (HasDomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> [Instruction]
dominatorsFor pt = getDominators t
    DT _ t = getDomTree pt

data PostdominatorTree = PDT CFG (Map Instruction Instruction)

class HasPostdomTree a where
  getPostdomTree :: a -> PostdominatorTree

-- | Note that this instance constructs the postdominator tree from
-- scratch.
instance HasPostdomTree CFG where
  getPostdomTree = postdominatorTree

instance HasPostdomTree PostdominatorTree where
  getPostdomTree = id

instance HasCFG PostdominatorTree where
  getCFG (PDT cfg _) = cfg

instance HasFunction PostdominatorTree where
  getFunction = getFunction . getCFG

-- | Construct a PostdominatorTree from something that behaves like a
-- control flow graph.
postdominatorTree :: (HasCFG f) => f -> PostdominatorTree
postdominatorTree f = (PDT cfg idomMap)
    cfg = getCFG f
    (g, revmap) = cfgToGraph cfg
    idoms = G.iDom (G.grev g) (-1)
    idomMap = foldr (remapInst revmap) mempty idoms
    -- To make the rooted graph here, we need to add a virtual exit
    -- node.  Also note that we reverse the edges in the graph because
    -- this is a postdominator tree.

remapInst :: (Ord a) => IntMap a -> (Int, Int) -> Map a a -> Map a a
remapInst revmap (n, d) acc = fromMaybe acc $ do
  nI <- IM.lookup n revmap
  dI <- IM.lookup d revmap
  return $ M.insert nI dI acc

immediatePostdominatorFor :: (HasPostdomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> Maybe Instruction
immediatePostdominatorFor pt i = M.lookup i t
    PDT _ t = getPostdomTree pt

immediatePostdominators :: (HasPostdomTree t) => t -> [(Instruction, Instruction)]
immediatePostdominators pt = M.toList t
    PDT _ t = getPostdomTree pt

-- | Tests whether or not an Instruction n postdominates Instruction m
postdominates :: (HasPostdomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> Instruction -> Bool
postdominates pdt n m = checkPDom m
    PDT _ t = getPostdomTree pdt
    checkPDom i
      | i == n = True
      | otherwise = maybe False checkPDom (M.lookup i t)

postdominators :: (HasPostdomTree t) => t -> [(Instruction, [Instruction])]
postdominators pt =
  zip is (map (getDominators t) is)
    pdt@(PDT _ t) = getPostdomTree pt
    f = getFunction pdt
    is = functionInstructions f

postdominatorsFor :: (HasPostdomTree t) => t -> Instruction -> [Instruction]
postdominatorsFor pt = getDominators t
    PDT _ t = getPostdomTree pt

-- | Return the dominators (or postdominators) of the given
-- instruction, in order (with the nearest dominators at the beginning
-- of the list).  Note that the instruction iself is not included
-- (every instruction trivially dominates itself).
getDominators :: Map Instruction Instruction
                     -> Instruction
                     -> [Instruction]
getDominators m = go
    go i =
      case M.lookup i m of
        Nothing -> []
        Just dom -> dom : go dom

-- Internal

-- | Convert the nice CFG to a less nice Graph format; this is a
-- linear process.  We'll then pass this new graph to dom-lt to
-- compute immediate dominators for us efficiently.
-- IDs will be Instruction UniqueIds, and the root will be the ID of
-- the entry instruction.
cfgToGraph :: CFG -> (G.Gr () (), IntMap Instruction)
cfgToGraph cfg = (G.mkGraph ns es, revMap)
    f = getFunction cfg
    blocks = functionBody f
    is = functionInstructions f
    revMap = foldr (\i -> IM.insert (instructionUniqueId i) i) mempty is
    -- Make sure we add the virtual exit node
    ns = (-1, ()) : map (\i -> (instructionUniqueId i, ())) is
    es = concatMap (blockEdges cfg) blocks

-- | Construct all of the edges internal to a basic block, as well as
-- the edges from the terminator instruction to its successors.  If
-- the terminator has no successors (it is an exit instruction), give
-- it a virtual edge to -1.
blockEdges :: (HasCFG cfg) => cfg -> BasicBlock -> [(UniqueId, UniqueId, ())]
blockEdges cfg b =
  addSuccessorEdges internalEdges
    mkEdge s d = (s, d, ())
    is = map instructionUniqueId $ basicBlockInstructions b
    ti = instructionUniqueId $ basicBlockTerminatorInstruction b
    succs = map blockEntryId $ basicBlockSuccessors cfg b
    internalEdges = map (\(s, d) -> mkEdge s d) (zip is (tail is))
    -- If we have successors, do the sensible thing.  If we don't have
    -- successors, add an edge from ti -> -1 (a virtual catchall
    -- exit),
    addSuccessorEdges a
      | null succs = mkEdge ti (-1) : a
      | otherwise = map (\sb -> mkEdge ti sb) succs ++ a

blockEntryId :: BasicBlock -> UniqueId
blockEntryId bb = instructionUniqueId ei
    ei : _ = basicBlockInstructions bb

-- Visualization
domTreeParams :: GraphvizParams n Instruction el () Instruction
domTreeParams =
  nonClusteredParams { fmtNode = \(_, l) -> [ toLabel (toValue l) ] }

treeToGraphviz :: CFG -> Map Instruction Instruction -> DotGraph Int
treeToGraphviz cfg t = graphElemsToDot domTreeParams ns es
    f = getFunction cfg
    is = functionInstructions f
    ns = map (instructionUniqueId &&& id) is
    es = foldr toDomEdge [] is

    toDomEdge i acc =
      case M.lookup i t of
        Nothing -> acc
        Just d ->
          (instructionUniqueId i, instructionUniqueId d, ()) : acc

instance ToGraphviz DominatorTree where
  toGraphviz (DT cfg t) = treeToGraphviz cfg t

instance ToGraphviz PostdominatorTree where
  toGraphviz (PDT cfg t) = treeToGraphviz cfg t

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use if" #-}