{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module LLVM.Core.Instructions( -- * ADT representation of IR BinOpDesc(..), InstrDesc(..), ArgDesc(..), getInstrDesc, -- * Terminator instructions ret, condBr, br, switch, invoke, invokeWithConv, unreachable, -- * Arithmetic binary operations -- | Arithmetic operations with the normal semantics. -- The u instractions are unsigned, the s instructions are signed. add, sub, mul, neg, iadd, isub, imul, ineg, fadd, fsub, fmul, fneg, idiv, irem, udiv, sdiv, fdiv, urem, srem, frem, -- * Logical binary operations -- |Logical instructions with the normal semantics. shl, lshr, ashr, and, or, xor, inv, -- * Vector operations extractelement, insertelement, shufflevector, -- * Aggregate operation extractvalue, insertvalue, -- * Memory access malloc, arrayMalloc, alloca, arrayAlloca, free, load, store, getElementPtr, getElementPtr0, -- * Conversions trunc, zext, sext, ext, zadapt, sadapt, adapt, fptrunc, fpext, fptoui, fptosi, fptoint, uitofp, sitofp, inttofp, ptrtoint, inttoptr, bitcast, bitcastElements, -- * Comparison CmpPredicate(..), IntPredicate(..), FPPredicate(..), CmpOp, CmpRet, CmpResult, cmp, pcmp, icmp, fcmp, select, -- * Other phi, addPhiInputs, call, callWithConv, -- * Classes and types Terminate, Ret, CallArgs, ABinOp, ABinOpResult, IsConst, FunctionArgs, FunctionRet, FunctionCodeGen, FunctionResult, AllocArg, GetElementPtr, ElementPtrType, IsIndexArg, GetValue, ValueType ) where import Prelude hiding (and, or) import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad(liftM) import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Map(fromList, (!)) import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr, ) import Foreign.C(CInt, CUInt) import Types.Data.Ord(LTT, GTT) import Types.Data.Num(Dec, DecN, (:.), d1, fromIntegerT, Pred) import qualified LLVM.FFI.Core as FFI import LLVM.Core.Data import LLVM.Core.Type import LLVM.Core.CodeGenMonad import LLVM.Core.CodeGen import qualified LLVM.Core.Util as U -- TODO: -- Add vector version of arithmetic -- Add rest of instructions -- Use Terminate to ensure bb termination (how?) -- more intrinsics are needed to, e.g., create an empty vector data ArgDesc = AV String | AI Int | AL String | AE instance Show ArgDesc where -- show (AV s) = "V_" ++ s -- show (AI i) = "I_" ++ show i -- show (AL l) = "L_" ++ l show (AV s) = s show (AI i) = show i show (AL l) = l show AE = "voidarg?" data BinOpDesc = BOAdd | BOAddNuw | BOAddNsw | BOAddNuwNsw | BOFAdd | BOSub | BOSubNuw | BOSubNsw | BOSubNuwNsw | BOFSub | BOMul | BOMulNuw | BOMulNsw | BOMulNuwNsw | BOFMul | BOUDiv | BOSDiv | BOSDivExact | BOFDiv | BOURem | BOSRem | BOFRem | BOShL | BOLShR | BOAShR | BOAnd | BOOr | BOXor deriving Show -- FIXME: complete definitions for unimplemented instructions data InstrDesc = -- terminators IDRet TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDRetVoid | IDBrCond ArgDesc ArgDesc ArgDesc | IDBrUncond ArgDesc | IDSwitch [(ArgDesc, ArgDesc)] | IDIndirectBr | IDInvoke | IDUnwind | IDUnreachable -- binary operators (including bitwise) | IDBinOp BinOpDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc ArgDesc -- memory access and addressing | IDAlloca TypeDesc Int Int | IDLoad TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDStore TypeDesc ArgDesc ArgDesc | IDGetElementPtr TypeDesc [ArgDesc] -- conversion | IDTrunc TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDZExt TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDSExt TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDFPtoUI TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDFPtoSI TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDUItoFP TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDSItoFP TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDFPTrunc TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDFPExt TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDPtrToInt TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDIntToPtr TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc | IDBitcast TypeDesc TypeDesc ArgDesc -- other | IDICmp IntPredicate ArgDesc ArgDesc | IDFCmp FPPredicate ArgDesc ArgDesc | IDPhi TypeDesc [(ArgDesc, ArgDesc)] | IDCall TypeDesc ArgDesc [ArgDesc] | IDSelect TypeDesc ArgDesc ArgDesc | IDUserOp1 | IDUserOp2 | IDVAArg -- vector operators | IDExtractElement | IDInsertElement | IDShuffleVector -- aggregate operators | IDExtractValue | IDInsertValue -- invalid | IDInvalidOp deriving Show -- TODO: overflow support for binary operations (add/sub/mul) getInstrDesc :: FFI.ValueRef -> IO (String, InstrDesc) getInstrDesc v = do valueName <- U.getValueNameU v opcode <- FFI.instGetOpcode v t <- FFI.typeOf v >>= typeDesc2 -- FIXME: sizeof() does not work for types! --tsize <- FFI.typeOf v -- >>= FFI.sizeOf -- >>= FFI.constIntGetZExtValue >>= return . fromIntegral tsize <- return 1 os <- U.getOperands v >>= mapM getArgDesc os0 <- if length os > 0 then return $ os !! 0 else return AE os1 <- if length os > 1 then return $ os !! 1 else return AE t2 <- (if not (null os) && (opcode >= 30 || opcode <= 41) then U.getOperands v >>= return . snd . head >>= FFI.typeOf >>= typeDesc2 else return TDVoid) p <- if opcode `elem` [42, 43] then FFI.cmpInstGetPredicate v else return 0 let instr = (if opcode >= 8 && opcode <= 25 -- binary arithmetic then IDBinOp (getBinOp opcode) t os0 os1 else if opcode >= 30 && opcode <= 41 -- conversion then (getConvOp opcode) t2 t os0 else case opcode of { 1 -> if null os then IDRetVoid else IDRet t os0; 2 -> if length os == 1 then IDBrUncond os0 else IDBrCond os0 (os !! 2) os1; 3 -> IDSwitch $ toPairs os; -- TODO (can skip for now) -- 4 -> IndirectBr ; 5 -> Invoke ; 6 -> IDUnwind; 7 -> IDUnreachable; 26 -> IDAlloca (getPtrType t) tsize (getImmInt os0); 27 -> IDLoad t os0; 28 -> IDStore t os0 os1; 29 -> IDGetElementPtr t os; 42 -> IDICmp (toIntPredicate p) os0 os1; 43 -> IDFCmp (toFPPredicate p) os0 os1; 44 -> IDPhi t $ toPairs os; -- FIXME: getelementptr arguments are not handled 45 -> IDCall t (last os) (init os); 46 -> IDSelect t os0 os1; -- TODO (can skip for now) -- 47 -> UserOp1 ; 48 -> UserOp2 ; 49 -> VAArg ; -- 50 -> ExtractElement ; 51 -> InsertElement ; 52 -> ShuffleVector ; -- 53 -> ExtractValue ; 54 -> InsertValue ; _ -> IDInvalidOp }) return (valueName, instr) --if instr /= InvalidOp then return instr else fail $ "Invalid opcode: " ++ show opcode where getBinOp o = fromList [(8, BOAdd), (9, BOFAdd), (10, BOSub), (11, BOFSub), (12, BOMul), (13, BOFMul), (14, BOUDiv), (15, BOSDiv), (16, BOFDiv), (17, BOURem), (18, BOSRem), (19, BOFRem), (20, BOShL), (21, BOLShR), (22, BOAShR), (23, BOAnd), (24, BOOr), (25, BOXor)] ! o getConvOp o = fromList [(30, IDTrunc), (31, IDZExt), (32, IDSExt), (33, IDFPtoUI), (34, IDFPtoSI), (35, IDUItoFP), (36, IDSItoFP), (37, IDFPTrunc), (38, IDFPExt), (39, IDPtrToInt), (40, IDIntToPtr), (41, IDBitcast)] ! o toPairs xs = zip (stride 2 xs) (stride 2 (drop 1 xs)) stride _ [] = [] stride n (x:xs) = x : stride n (drop (n-1) xs) getPtrType (TDPtr t) = t getPtrType _ = TDVoid getImmInt (AI i) = i getImmInt _ = 0 -- TODO: fix for non-int constants getArgDesc :: (String, FFI.ValueRef) -> IO ArgDesc getArgDesc (vname, v) = do isC <- U.isConstant v t <- FFI.typeOf v >>= typeDesc2 if isC then case t of TDInt _ _ -> do cV <- FFI.constIntGetSExtValue v return $ AI $ fromIntegral cV _ -> return AE else case t of TDLabel -> return $ AL vname _ -> return $ AV vname -------------------------------------- type Terminate = () terminate :: Terminate terminate = () -------------------------------------- -- |Acceptable arguments to the 'ret' instruction. class Ret a r where ret' :: a -> CodeGenFunction r Terminate -- | Return from the current function with the given value. Use () as the return value for what would be a void function in C. ret :: (Ret a r) => a -> CodeGenFunction r Terminate ret = ret' -- overlaps with Ret () ()! {- instance (IsFirstClass a, IsConst a) => Ret a a where ret' = ret . valueOf -} instance Ret (Value a) a where ret' (Value a) = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ \ bldPtr -> FFI.buildRet bldPtr a return terminate instance Ret () () where ret' _ = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ FFI.buildRetVoid return terminate withCurrentBuilder_ :: (FFI.BuilderRef -> IO a) -> CodeGenFunction r () withCurrentBuilder_ p = withCurrentBuilder p >> return () -------------------------------------- -- | Branch to the first basic block if the boolean is true, otherwise to the second basic block. condBr :: Value Bool -- ^ Boolean to branch upon. -> BasicBlock -- ^ Target for true. -> BasicBlock -- ^ Target for false. -> CodeGenFunction r Terminate condBr (Value b) (BasicBlock t1) (BasicBlock t2) = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ \ bldPtr -> FFI.buildCondBr bldPtr b t1 t2 return terminate -------------------------------------- -- | Unconditionally branch to the given basic block. br :: BasicBlock -- ^ Branch target. -> CodeGenFunction r Terminate br (BasicBlock t) = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ \ bldPtr -> FFI.buildBr bldPtr t return terminate -------------------------------------- -- | Branch table instruction. switch :: (IsInteger a) => Value a -- ^ Value to branch upon. -> BasicBlock -- ^ Default branch target. -> [(ConstValue a, BasicBlock)] -- ^ Labels and corresponding branch targets. -> CodeGenFunction r Terminate switch (Value val) (BasicBlock dflt) arms = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ \ bldPtr -> do inst <- FFI.buildSwitch bldPtr val dflt (fromIntegral $ length arms) sequence_ [ FFI.addCase inst c b | (ConstValue c, BasicBlock b) <- arms ] return terminate -------------------------------------- -- |Inform the code generator that this code can never be reached. unreachable :: CodeGenFunction r Terminate unreachable = do withCurrentBuilder_ FFI.buildUnreachable return terminate -------------------------------------- type FFIBinOp = FFI.BuilderRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> U.CString -> IO FFI.ValueRef type FFIConstBinOp = FFI.ValueRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> FFI.ValueRef withArithmeticType :: (IsArithmetic c) => (ArithmeticType c -> a -> CodeGenFunction r (v c)) -> (a -> CodeGenFunction r (v c)) withArithmeticType f = f arithmeticType -- |Acceptable arguments to arithmetic binary instructions. class ABinOp a b where type ABinOpResult a b :: * abinop :: FFIConstBinOp -> FFIBinOp -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (ABinOpResult a b) add :: (IsArithmetic c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) add = curry $ withArithmeticType $ \typ -> uncurry $ case typ of IntegerType -> abinop FFI.constAdd FFI.buildAdd FloatingType -> abinop FFI.constFAdd FFI.buildFAdd sub :: (IsArithmetic c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) sub = curry $ withArithmeticType $ \typ -> uncurry $ case typ of IntegerType -> abinop FFI.constSub FFI.buildSub FloatingType -> abinop FFI.constFSub FFI.buildFSub mul :: (IsArithmetic c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) mul = curry $ withArithmeticType $ \typ -> uncurry $ case typ of IntegerType -> abinop FFI.constMul FFI.buildMul FloatingType -> abinop FFI.constFMul FFI.buildFMul iadd :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) iadd = abinop FFI.constAdd FFI.buildAdd isub :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) isub = abinop FFI.constSub FFI.buildSub imul :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) imul = abinop FFI.constMul FFI.buildMul -- | signed or unsigned integer division depending on the type idiv :: forall a b c r v. (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) idiv = if isSigned (undefined :: c) then abinop FFI.constSDiv FFI.buildSDiv else abinop FFI.constUDiv FFI.buildUDiv -- | signed or unsigned remainder depending on the type irem :: forall a b c r v. (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) irem = if isSigned (undefined :: c) then abinop FFI.constSRem FFI.buildSRem else abinop FFI.constURem FFI.buildURem {-# DEPRECATED udiv "use idiv instead" #-} {-# DEPRECATED sdiv "use idiv instead" #-} {-# DEPRECATED urem "use irem instead" #-} {-# DEPRECATED srem "use irem instead" #-} udiv :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) udiv = abinop FFI.constUDiv FFI.buildUDiv sdiv :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) sdiv = abinop FFI.constSDiv FFI.buildSDiv urem :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) urem = abinop FFI.constURem FFI.buildURem srem :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) srem = abinop FFI.constSRem FFI.buildSRem fadd :: (IsFloating c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) fadd = abinop FFI.constFAdd FFI.buildFAdd fsub :: (IsFloating c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) fsub = abinop FFI.constFSub FFI.buildFSub fmul :: (IsFloating c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) fmul = abinop FFI.constFMul FFI.buildFMul -- | Floating point division. fdiv :: (IsFloating c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) fdiv = abinop FFI.constFDiv FFI.buildFDiv -- | Floating point remainder. frem :: (IsFloating c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) frem = abinop FFI.constFRem FFI.buildFRem shl :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) shl = abinop FFI.constShl FFI.buildShl lshr :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) lshr = abinop FFI.constLShr FFI.buildLShr ashr :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) ashr = abinop FFI.constAShr FFI.buildAShr and :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) and = abinop FFI.constAnd FFI.buildAnd or :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) or = abinop FFI.constOr FFI.buildOr xor :: (IsInteger c, ABinOp a b, v c ~ ABinOpResult a b) => a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (v c) xor = abinop FFI.constXor FFI.buildXor instance ABinOp (Value a) (Value a) where type ABinOpResult (Value a) (Value a) = Value a abinop _ op (Value a1) (Value a2) = buildBinOp op a1 a2 instance ABinOp (ConstValue a) (Value a) where type ABinOpResult (ConstValue a) (Value a) = Value a abinop _ op (ConstValue a1) (Value a2) = buildBinOp op a1 a2 instance ABinOp (Value a) (ConstValue a) where type ABinOpResult (Value a) (ConstValue a) = Value a abinop _ op (Value a1) (ConstValue a2) = buildBinOp op a1 a2 instance ABinOp (ConstValue a) (ConstValue a) where type ABinOpResult (ConstValue a) (ConstValue a) = ConstValue a abinop cop _ (ConstValue a1) (ConstValue a2) = return $ ConstValue $ cop a1 a2 instance (IsConst a) => ABinOp (Value a) a where type ABinOpResult (Value a) a = Value a abinop cop op a1 a2 = abinop cop op a1 (constOf a2) instance (IsConst a) => ABinOp a (Value a) where type ABinOpResult a (Value a) = Value a abinop cop op a1 a2 = abinop cop op (constOf a1) a2 --instance (IsConst a) => ABinOp a a (ConstValue a) where -- abinop cop op a1 a2 = abinop cop op (constOf a1) (constOf a2) buildBinOp :: FFIBinOp -> FFI.ValueRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) buildBinOp op a1 a2 = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bld -> U.withEmptyCString $ op bld a1 a2 type FFIUnOp = FFI.BuilderRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> U.CString -> IO FFI.ValueRef buildUnOp :: FFIUnOp -> FFI.ValueRef -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) buildUnOp op a = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bld -> U.withEmptyCString $ op bld a neg :: forall r a. (IsArithmetic a) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) neg = withArithmeticType $ \typ -> case typ of IntegerType -> \(Value x) -> buildUnOp FFI.buildNeg x FloatingType -> abinop FFI.constFSub FFI.buildFSub (value zero :: Value a) ineg :: (IsInteger a) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) ineg (Value x) = buildUnOp FFI.buildNeg x fneg :: forall r a. (IsFloating a) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) fneg = fsub (value zero :: Value a) {- fneg (Value x) = buildUnOp FFI.buildFNeg x -} inv :: (IsInteger a) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) inv (Value x) = buildUnOp FFI.buildNot x -------------------------------------- -- | Get a value from a vector. extractelement :: (PositiveT n) => Value (Vector n a) -- ^ Vector -> Value Word32 -- ^ Index into the vector -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) extractelement (Value vec) (Value i) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildExtractElement bldPtr vec i -- | Insert a value into a vector, nondestructive. insertelement :: (PositiveT n) => Value (Vector n a) -- ^ Vector -> Value a -- ^ Value to insert -> Value Word32 -- ^ Index into the vector -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Vector n a)) insertelement (Value vec) (Value e) (Value i) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildInsertElement bldPtr vec e i -- | Permute vector. shufflevector :: (PositiveT n, PositiveT m) => Value (Vector n a) -> Value (Vector n a) -> ConstValue (Vector m Word32) -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Vector m a)) shufflevector (Value a) (Value b) (ConstValue mask) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildShuffleVector bldPtr a b mask -- |Acceptable arguments to 'extractvalue' and 'insertvalue'. class GetValue agg ix where type ValueType agg ix :: * getIx :: agg -> ix -> CUInt instance (GetField as i, NaturalT i) => GetValue (Struct as) i where type ValueType (Struct as) i = FieldType as i getIx _ n = fromIntegerT n instance (IsFirstClass a, NaturalT n) => GetValue (Array n a) Word32 where type ValueType (Array n a) Word32 = a getIx _ n = fromIntegral n instance (IsFirstClass a, NaturalT n) => GetValue (Array n a) Word64 where type ValueType (Array n a) Word64 = a getIx _ n = fromIntegral n instance (IsFirstClass a, NaturalT n, NaturalT (Dec i), LTT (Dec i) n) => GetValue (Array n a) (Dec i) where type ValueType (Array n a) (Dec i) = a getIx _ n = fromIntegerT n -- | Get a value from an aggregate. extractvalue :: forall r agg i. GetValue agg i => Value agg -- ^ Aggregate -> i -- ^ Index into the aggregate -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (ValueType agg i)) extractvalue (Value agg) i = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildExtractValue bldPtr agg (getIx (undefined::agg) i) -- | Insert a value into an aggregate, nondestructive. insertvalue :: forall r agg i. GetValue agg i => Value agg -- ^ Aggregate -> Value (ValueType agg i) -- ^ Value to insert -> i -- ^ Index into the aggregate -> CodeGenFunction r (Value agg) insertvalue (Value agg) (Value e) i = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildInsertValue bldPtr agg e (getIx (undefined::agg) i) -------------------------------------- -- XXX should allows constants -- | Truncate a value to a shorter bit width. trunc :: (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, IsSized a, IsSized b, GTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) trunc = convert FFI.buildTrunc -- | Zero extend a value to a wider width. -- If possible, use 'ext' that chooses the right padding according to the types zext :: (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, IsSized a, IsSized b, LTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) zext = convert FFI.buildZExt -- | Sign extend a value to wider width. -- If possible, use 'ext' that chooses the right padding according to the types sext :: (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, IsSized a, IsSized b, LTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) sext = convert FFI.buildSExt -- | Extend a value to wider width. -- If the target type is signed, then preserve the sign, -- If the target type is unsigned, then extended by zeros. ext :: forall a b r. (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, Signed a ~ Signed b, IsSized a, IsSized b, LTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) ext = if isSigned (undefined :: b) then convert FFI.buildSExt else convert FFI.buildZExt -- | It is 'zext', 'trunc' or nop depending on the relation of the sizes. zadapt :: forall a b r. (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) zadapt = case compare (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: a))) (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: b))) of LT -> convert FFI.buildZExt EQ -> convert FFI.buildBitCast GT -> convert FFI.buildTrunc -- | It is 'sext', 'trunc' or nop depending on the relation of the sizes. sadapt :: forall a b r. (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) sadapt = case compare (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: a))) (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: b))) of LT -> convert FFI.buildSExt EQ -> convert FFI.buildBitCast GT -> convert FFI.buildTrunc -- | It is 'sadapt' or 'zadapt' depending on the sign mode. adapt :: forall a b r. (IsInteger a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, Signed a ~ Signed b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) adapt = case compare (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: a))) (sizeOf (typeDesc (undefined :: b))) of LT -> if isSigned (undefined :: b) then convert FFI.buildSExt else convert FFI.buildZExt EQ -> convert FFI.buildBitCast GT -> convert FFI.buildTrunc -- | Truncate a floating point value. fptrunc :: (IsFloating a, IsFloating b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, IsSized a, IsSized b, GTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) fptrunc = convert FFI.buildFPTrunc -- | Extend a floating point value. fpext :: (IsFloating a, IsFloating b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b, IsSized a, IsSized b, LTT (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) fpext = convert FFI.buildFPExt {-# DEPRECATED fptoui "use fptoint since it is type-safe with respect to signs" #-} -- | Convert a floating point value to an unsigned integer. fptoui :: (IsFloating a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) fptoui = convert FFI.buildFPToUI {-# DEPRECATED fptosi "use fptoint since it is type-safe with respect to signs" #-} -- | Convert a floating point value to a signed integer. fptosi :: (IsFloating a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) fptosi = convert FFI.buildFPToSI -- | Convert a floating point value to an integer. -- It is mapped to @fptosi@ or @fptoui@ depending on the type @a@. fptoint :: forall r a b. (IsFloating a, IsInteger b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) fptoint = if isSigned (undefined :: b) then convert FFI.buildFPToSI else convert FFI.buildFPToUI {- DEPRECATED uitofp "use inttofp since it is type-safe with respect to signs" -} -- | Convert an unsigned integer to a floating point value. -- Although 'inttofp' should be prefered, this function may be useful for conversion from Bool. uitofp :: (IsInteger a, IsFloating b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) uitofp = convert FFI.buildUIToFP {- DEPRECATED sitofp "use inttofp since it is type-safe with respect to signs" -} -- | Convert a signed integer to a floating point value. -- Although 'inttofp' should be prefered, this function may be useful for conversion from Bool. sitofp :: (IsInteger a, IsFloating b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) sitofp = convert FFI.buildSIToFP -- | Convert an integer to a floating point value. -- It is mapped to @sitofp@ or @uitofp@ depending on the type @a@. inttofp :: forall r a b. (IsInteger a, IsFloating b, NumberOfElements a ~ NumberOfElements b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) inttofp = if isSigned (undefined :: a) then convert FFI.buildSIToFP else convert FFI.buildUIToFP -- | Convert a pointer to an integer. ptrtoint :: (IsInteger b, IsPrimitive b) => Value (Ptr a) -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) ptrtoint = convert FFI.buildPtrToInt -- | Convert an integer to a pointer. inttoptr :: (IsInteger a, IsType b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr b)) inttoptr = convert FFI.buildIntToPtr -- | Convert between to values of the same size by just copying the bit pattern. bitcast :: (IsFirstClass a, IsFirstClass b, IsSized a, IsSized b, SizeOf a ~ SizeOf b) => Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) bitcast = convert FFI.buildBitCast -- | Like 'bitcast' for vectors but it enforces that the number of elements remains the same. bitcastElements :: (PositiveT n, IsPrimitive a, IsPrimitive b, IsSized a, IsSized b, SizeOf a ~ SizeOf b) => Value (Vector n a) -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Vector n b)) bitcastElements = convert FFI.buildBitCast type FFIConvert = FFI.BuilderRef -> FFI.ValueRef -> FFI.TypeRef -> U.CString -> IO FFI.ValueRef convert :: forall a b r . (IsType b) => FFIConvert -> Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value b) convert conv (Value a) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ conv bldPtr a (typeRef (undefined :: b)) -------------------------------------- data CmpPredicate = CmpEQ -- ^ equal | CmpNE -- ^ not equal | CmpGT -- ^ greater than | CmpGE -- ^ greater or equal | CmpLT -- ^ less than | CmpLE -- ^ less or equal deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Typeable) uintFromCmpPredicate :: CmpPredicate -> IntPredicate uintFromCmpPredicate p = case p of CmpEQ -> IntEQ CmpNE -> IntNE CmpGT -> IntUGT CmpGE -> IntUGE CmpLT -> IntULT CmpLE -> IntULE sintFromCmpPredicate :: CmpPredicate -> IntPredicate sintFromCmpPredicate p = case p of CmpEQ -> IntEQ CmpNE -> IntNE CmpGT -> IntSGT CmpGE -> IntSGE CmpLT -> IntSLT CmpLE -> IntSLE fpFromCmpPredicate :: CmpPredicate -> FPPredicate fpFromCmpPredicate p = case p of CmpEQ -> FPOEQ CmpNE -> FPONE CmpGT -> FPOGT CmpGE -> FPOGE CmpLT -> FPOLT CmpLE -> FPOLE data IntPredicate = IntEQ -- ^ equal | IntNE -- ^ not equal | IntUGT -- ^ unsigned greater than | IntUGE -- ^ unsigned greater or equal | IntULT -- ^ unsigned less than | IntULE -- ^ unsigned less or equal | IntSGT -- ^ signed greater than | IntSGE -- ^ signed greater or equal | IntSLT -- ^ signed less than | IntSLE -- ^ signed less or equal deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Typeable) fromIntPredicate :: IntPredicate -> CInt fromIntPredicate p = fromIntegral (fromEnum p + 32) toIntPredicate :: CInt -> IntPredicate toIntPredicate p = toEnum $ fromIntegral p - 32 data FPPredicate = FPFalse -- ^ Always false (always folded) | FPOEQ -- ^ True if ordered and equal | FPOGT -- ^ True if ordered and greater than | FPOGE -- ^ True if ordered and greater than or equal | FPOLT -- ^ True if ordered and less than | FPOLE -- ^ True if ordered and less than or equal | FPONE -- ^ True if ordered and operands are unequal | FPORD -- ^ True if ordered (no nans) | FPUNO -- ^ True if unordered: isnan(X) | isnan(Y) | FPUEQ -- ^ True if unordered or equal | FPUGT -- ^ True if unordered or greater than | FPUGE -- ^ True if unordered, greater than, or equal | FPULT -- ^ True if unordered or less than | FPULE -- ^ True if unordered, less than, or equal | FPUNE -- ^ True if unordered or not equal | FPT -- ^ Always true (always folded) deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Typeable) fromFPPredicate :: FPPredicate -> CInt fromFPPredicate p = fromIntegral (fromEnum p) toFPPredicate :: CInt -> FPPredicate toFPPredicate p = toEnum $ fromIntegral p -- |Acceptable operands to comparison instructions. class CmpRet (CmpType a b) => CmpOp a b where type CmpType a b :: * cmpop :: FFIBinOp -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult (CmpType a b))) instance (CmpRet a) => CmpOp (Value a) (Value a) where type CmpType (Value a) (Value a) = a cmpop op (Value a1) (Value a2) = buildBinOp op a1 a2 instance (IsConst a, CmpRet a) => CmpOp a (Value a) where type CmpType a (Value a) = a cmpop op a1 a2 = cmpop op (valueOf a1) a2 instance (IsConst a, CmpRet a) => CmpOp (Value a) a where type CmpType (Value a) a = a cmpop op a1 a2 = cmpop op a1 (valueOf a2) class CmpRet c where type CmpResult c :: * cmpBld :: c -> CmpPredicate -> FFIBinOp instance CmpRet Float where type CmpResult Float = Bool ; cmpBld _ = fcmpBld instance CmpRet Double where type CmpResult Double = Bool ; cmpBld _ = fcmpBld instance CmpRet FP128 where type CmpResult FP128 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = fcmpBld instance CmpRet Bool where type CmpResult Bool = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance CmpRet Word8 where type CmpResult Word8 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance CmpRet Word16 where type CmpResult Word16 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance CmpRet Word32 where type CmpResult Word32 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance CmpRet Word64 where type CmpResult Word64 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance CmpRet Int8 where type CmpResult Int8 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = scmpBld instance CmpRet Int16 where type CmpResult Int16 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = scmpBld instance CmpRet Int32 where type CmpResult Int32 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = scmpBld instance CmpRet Int64 where type CmpResult Int64 = Bool ; cmpBld _ = scmpBld instance CmpRet (Ptr a) where type CmpResult (Ptr a) = Bool ; cmpBld _ = ucmpBld instance (CmpRet a, IsPrimitive a, PositiveT n) => CmpRet (Vector n a) where type CmpResult (Vector n a) = (Vector n (CmpResult a)) ; cmpBld _ = cmpBld (undefined :: a) {- | Compare values of ordered types and choose predicates according to the compared types. Floating point numbers are compared in \"ordered\" mode, that is @NaN@ operands yields 'False' as result. Pointers are compared unsigned. These choices are consistent with comparison in plain Haskell. -} cmp :: forall a b c r. (CmpOp a b, c ~ CmpType a b) => CmpPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult c)) cmp p = cmpop (cmpBld (undefined :: CmpType a b) p) ucmpBld :: CmpPredicate -> FFIBinOp ucmpBld p = flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate (uintFromCmpPredicate p)) scmpBld :: CmpPredicate -> FFIBinOp scmpBld p = flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate (sintFromCmpPredicate p)) fcmpBld :: CmpPredicate -> FFIBinOp fcmpBld p = flip FFI.buildFCmp (fromFPPredicate (fpFromCmpPredicate p)) _ucmp :: (IsInteger c, CmpOp a b, c ~ CmpType a b) => CmpPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult c)) _ucmp p = cmpop (flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate (uintFromCmpPredicate p))) _scmp :: (IsInteger c, CmpOp a b, c ~ CmpType a b) => CmpPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult c)) _scmp p = cmpop (flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate (sintFromCmpPredicate p))) pcmp :: (CmpOp a b, Ptr c ~ CmpType a b) => IntPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult (Ptr c))) pcmp p = cmpop (flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate p)) {-# DEPRECATED icmp "use cmp or pcmp instead" #-} -- | Compare integers. icmp :: (IsIntegerOrPointer c, CmpOp a b, c ~ CmpType a b) => IntPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult c)) icmp p = cmpop (flip FFI.buildICmp (fromIntPredicate p)) -- | Compare floating point values. fcmp :: (IsFloating c, CmpOp a b, c ~ CmpType a b) => FPPredicate -> a -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (CmpResult c)) fcmp p = cmpop (flip FFI.buildFCmp (fromFPPredicate p)) -------------------------------------- -- XXX could do const song and dance -- | Select between two values depending on a boolean. select :: (IsFirstClass a, CmpRet a) => Value (CmpResult a) -> Value a -> Value a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) select (Value cnd) (Value thn) (Value els) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildSelect bldPtr cnd thn els -------------------------------------- type Caller = FFI.BuilderRef -> [FFI.ValueRef] -> IO FFI.ValueRef -- |Acceptable arguments to 'call'. class (f ~ CalledFunction g, r ~ CallerResult g, g ~ CallerFunction f r) => CallArgs f g r where type CalledFunction g :: * type CallerResult g :: * type CallerFunction f r :: * doCall :: Caller -> [FFI.ValueRef] -> f -> g instance (CallArgs b b' r) => CallArgs (a -> b) (Value a -> b') r where type CalledFunction (Value a -> b') = a -> CalledFunction b' type CallerResult (Value a -> b') = CallerResult b' type CallerFunction (a -> b) r = Value a -> CallerFunction b r doCall mkCall args f (Value arg) = doCall mkCall (arg : args) (f (undefined :: a)) --instance (CallArgs b b') => CallArgs (a -> b) (ConstValue a -> b') where -- doCall mkCall args f (ConstValue arg) = doCall mkCall (arg : args) (f (undefined :: a)) instance CallArgs (IO a) (CodeGenFunction r (Value a)) r where type CalledFunction (CodeGenFunction r (Value a)) = IO a type CallerResult (CodeGenFunction r (Value a)) = r type CallerFunction (IO a) r = CodeGenFunction r (Value a) doCall = doCallDef doCallDef :: Caller -> [FFI.ValueRef] -> b -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) doCallDef mkCall args _ = withCurrentBuilder $ \ bld -> liftM Value $ mkCall bld (reverse args) -- | Call a function with the given arguments. The 'call' instruction is variadic, i.e., the number of arguments -- it takes depends on the type of /f/. call :: (CallArgs f g r) => Function f -> g call (Value f) = doCall (U.makeCall f) [] (undefined :: f) -- | Call a function with exception handling. invoke :: (CallArgs f g r) => BasicBlock -- ^Normal return point. -> BasicBlock -- ^Exception return point. -> Function f -- ^Function to call. -> g invoke (BasicBlock norm) (BasicBlock expt) (Value f) = doCall (U.makeInvoke norm expt f) [] (undefined :: f) -- | Call a function with the given arguments. The 'call' instruction -- is variadic, i.e., the number of arguments it takes depends on the -- type of /f/. -- This also sets the calling convention of the call to the function. -- As LLVM itself defines, if the calling conventions of the calling -- /instruction/ and the function being /called/ are different, undefined -- behavior results. callWithConv :: (CallArgs f g r) => FFI.CallingConvention -> Function f -> g callWithConv cc (Value f) = doCall (U.makeCallWithCc cc f) [] (undefined :: f) -- | Call a function with exception handling. -- This also sets the calling convention of the call to the function. -- As LLVM itself defines, if the calling conventions of the calling -- /instruction/ and the function being /called/ are different, undefined -- behavior results. invokeWithConv :: (CallArgs f g r) => FFI.CallingConvention -- ^Calling convention -> BasicBlock -- ^Normal return point. -> BasicBlock -- ^Exception return point. -> Function f -- ^Function to call. -> g invokeWithConv cc (BasicBlock norm) (BasicBlock expt) (Value f) = doCall (U.makeInvokeWithCc cc norm expt f) [] (undefined :: f) -------------------------------------- -- XXX could do const song and dance -- |Join several variables (virtual registers) from different basic blocks into one. -- All of the variables in the list are joined. See also 'addPhiInputs'. phi :: forall a r . (IsFirstClass a) => [(Value a, BasicBlock)] -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) phi incoming = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> do inst <- U.buildEmptyPhi bldPtr (typeRef (undefined :: a)) U.addPhiIns inst [ (v, b) | (Value v, BasicBlock b) <- incoming ] return inst -- |Add additional inputs to an existing phi node. -- The reason for this instruction is that sometimes the structure of the code -- makes it impossible to have all variables in scope at the point where you need the phi node. addPhiInputs :: forall a r . (IsFirstClass a) => Value a -- ^Must be a variable from a call to 'phi'. -> [(Value a, BasicBlock)] -- ^Variables to add. -> CodeGenFunction r () addPhiInputs (Value inst) incoming = liftIO $ U.addPhiIns inst [ (v, b) | (Value v, BasicBlock b) <- incoming ] -------------------------------------- -- | Acceptable argument to array memory allocation. class AllocArg a where getAllocArg :: a -> Value Word32 instance AllocArg (Value Word32) where getAllocArg = id instance AllocArg (ConstValue Word32) where getAllocArg = value instance AllocArg Word32 where getAllocArg = valueOf -- could be moved to Util.Memory -- FFI.buildMalloc deprecated since LLVM-2.7 -- XXX What's the type returned by malloc -- | Allocate heap memory. malloc :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr a)) malloc = arrayMalloc (1::Word32) {- I use a pointer type as size parameter of 'malloc'. This way I hope that the parameter has always the correct size (32 or 64 bit). A side effect is that we can convert the result of 'getelementptr' using 'bitcast', that does not suffer from the slow assembly problem. (bug #8281) -} foreign import ccall "&aligned_malloc_sizeptr" alignedMalloc :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)) foreign import ccall "&aligned_free" alignedFree :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) {- There is a bug in LLVM-2.7 and LLVM-2.8 (http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8281) that causes huge assembly times for expressions like ptrtoint(getelementptr(zero,..)). If you break those expressions into two statements at separate lines, everything is fine. But the C interface is too clever, and rewrites two separate statements into a functional expression on a single line. Such code is generated whenever you call buildMalloc, buildArrayMalloc, sizeOf (called by buildMalloc), or alignOf. One possible way is to write a getelementptr expression containing a nullptr in a way that hides the constant nature of nullptr. ptr <- alloca store (value zero) ptr z <- load ptr size <- bitcast =<< getElementPtr (z :: Value (Ptr a)) (getAllocArg s, ()) However, I found that bitcast on pointers causes no problems. Thus I switched to using pointers for size quantities. This still allows for optimizations involving pointers. -} -- XXX What's the type returned by arrayMalloc? -- | Allocate heap (array) memory. arrayMalloc :: forall a r s . (IsSized a, AllocArg s) => s -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr a)) -- XXX arrayMalloc s = do func <- staticFunction alignedMalloc -- func <- externFunction "malloc" size <- sizeOfArray (undefined :: a) (getAllocArg s) alignment <- alignOf (undefined :: a) bitcast =<< call (func :: Function (Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8))) size alignment -- XXX What's the type returned by malloc -- | Allocate stack memory. alloca :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr a)) alloca = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildAlloca bldPtr (typeRef (undefined :: a)) -- XXX What's the type returned by arrayAlloca? -- | Allocate stack (array) memory. arrayAlloca :: forall a r s . (IsSized a, AllocArg s) => s -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr a)) arrayAlloca s = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildArrayAlloca bldPtr (typeRef (undefined :: a)) (case getAllocArg s of Value v -> v) -- FFI.buildFree deprecated since LLVM-2.7 -- XXX What's the type of free? -- | Free heap memory. free :: (IsType a) => Value (Ptr a) -> CodeGenFunction r () free ptr = do func <- staticFunction alignedFree -- func <- externFunction "free" _ <- call (func :: Function (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())) =<< bitcast ptr return () -- | If we want to export that, then we should have a Size type -- This is the official implementation, -- but it suffers from the ptrtoint(gep) bug. _sizeOf :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Word64) _sizeOf a = liftIO $ liftM Value $ FFI.sizeOf (typeRef a) _alignOf :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value Word64) _alignOf a = liftIO $ liftM Value $ FFI.alignOf (typeRef a) -- Here are reimplementation from Constants.cpp that avoid the ptrtoint(gep) bug #8281. -- see ConstantExpr::getSizeOf sizeOfArray :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => a -> Value Word32 -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr Word8)) sizeOfArray _ len = bitcast =<< getElementPtr (value zero :: Value (Ptr a)) (len, ()) -- see ConstantExpr::getAlignOf alignOf :: forall a r . (IsSized a) => a -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr Word8)) alignOf _ = bitcast =<< getElementPtr0 (value zero :: Value (Ptr (Struct (Bool, (a, ()))))) (d1, ()) -- | Load a value from memory. load :: Value (Ptr a) -- ^ Address to load from. -> CodeGenFunction r (Value a) load (Value p) = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildLoad bldPtr p -- | Store a value in memory store :: Value a -- ^ Value to store. -> Value (Ptr a) -- ^ Address to store to. -> CodeGenFunction r () store (Value v) (Value p) = do withCurrentBuilder_ $ \ bldPtr -> FFI.buildStore bldPtr v p return () {- -- XXX type is wrong -- | Address arithmetic. See LLVM description. -- (The type isn't as accurate as it should be.) getElementPtr :: (IsInteger i) => Value (Ptr a) -> [Value i] -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr b)) getElementPtr (Value ptr) ixs = liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withArrayLen [ v | Value v <- ixs ] $ \ idxLen idxPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildGEP bldPtr ptr idxPtr (fromIntegral idxLen) -} -- |Acceptable arguments to 'getElementPointer'. class GetElementPtr optr ixs where type ElementPtrType optr ixs :: * getIxList :: optr -> ixs -> [FFI.ValueRef] -- |Acceptable single index to 'getElementPointer'. class IsIndexArg a where getArg :: a -> FFI.ValueRef instance IsIndexArg (Value Word32) where getArg (Value v) = v instance IsIndexArg (Value Word64) where getArg (Value v) = v instance IsIndexArg (Value Int32) where getArg (Value v) = v instance IsIndexArg (Value Int64) where getArg (Value v) = v instance IsIndexArg (ConstValue Word32) where getArg = unConst instance IsIndexArg (ConstValue Word64) where getArg = unConst instance IsIndexArg (ConstValue Int32) where getArg = unConst instance IsIndexArg (ConstValue Int64) where getArg = unConst instance IsIndexArg Word32 where getArg = unConst . constOf instance IsIndexArg Word64 where getArg = unConst . constOf instance IsIndexArg Int32 where getArg = unConst . constOf instance IsIndexArg Int64 where getArg = unConst . constOf unConst :: ConstValue a -> FFI.ValueRef unConst (ConstValue v) = v -- End of indexing instance GetElementPtr a () where type ElementPtrType a () = a getIxList _ () = [] -- Index in Array instance (GetElementPtr o i, IsIndexArg a, NaturalT k) => GetElementPtr (Array k o) (a, i) where type ElementPtrType (Array k o) (a, i) = ElementPtrType o i getIxList _ (v, i) = getArg v : getIxList (undefined :: o) i -- Index in Vector instance (GetElementPtr o i, IsIndexArg a, PositiveT k) => GetElementPtr (Vector k o) (a, i) where type ElementPtrType (Vector k o) (a, i) = ElementPtrType o i getIxList _ (v, i) = getArg v : getIxList (undefined :: o) i -- Index in Struct and PackedStruct. -- The index has to be a type level integer to statically determine the record field type instance (GetElementPtr (FieldType fs a) i, NaturalT a) => GetElementPtr (Struct fs) (a, i) where type ElementPtrType (Struct fs) (a, i) = ElementPtrType (FieldType fs a) i getIxList _ (v, i) = unConst (constOf (fromIntegerT v :: Word32)) : getIxList (undefined :: FieldType fs a) i instance (GetElementPtr (FieldType fs a) i, NaturalT a) => GetElementPtr (PackedStruct fs) (a, i) where type ElementPtrType (PackedStruct fs) (a, i) = ElementPtrType (FieldType fs a) i getIxList _ (v, i) = unConst (constOf (fromIntegerT v :: Word32)) : getIxList (undefined :: FieldType fs a) i class GetField as i where type FieldType as i :: * instance GetField (a, as) (Dec DecN) where type FieldType (a, as) (Dec DecN) = a instance (GetField as (Pred (Dec (i1:.i0)))) => GetField (a, as) (Dec (i1:.i0)) where type FieldType (a,as) (Dec (i1:.i0)) = FieldType as (Pred (Dec (i1:.i0))) -- | Address arithmetic. See LLVM description. -- The index is a nested tuple of the form @(i1,(i2,( ... ())))@. -- (This is without a doubt the most confusing LLVM instruction, but the types help.) getElementPtr :: forall a o i r . (GetElementPtr o i, IsIndexArg a) => Value (Ptr o) -> (a, i) -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr (ElementPtrType o i))) getElementPtr (Value ptr) (a, ixs) = let ixl = getArg a : getIxList (undefined :: o) ixs in liftM Value $ withCurrentBuilder $ \ bldPtr -> U.withArrayLen ixl $ \ idxLen idxPtr -> U.withEmptyCString $ FFI.buildGEP bldPtr ptr idxPtr (fromIntegral idxLen) -- | Like getElementPtr, but with an initial index that is 0. -- This is useful since any pointer first need to be indexed off the pointer, and then into -- its actual value. This first indexing is often with 0. getElementPtr0 :: (GetElementPtr o i) => Value (Ptr o) -> i -> CodeGenFunction r (Value (Ptr (ElementPtrType o i))) getElementPtr0 p i = getElementPtr p (0::Word32, i) -------------------------------------- {- instance (IsConst a) => Show (ConstValue a) -- XXX instance (IsConst a) => Eq (ConstValue a) {- instance (IsConst a) => Eq (ConstValue a) where ConstValue x == ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPOEQ) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntEQ) x y) ConstValue x /= ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPONE) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntNE) x y) instance (IsConst a) => Ord (ConstValue a) where ConstValue x < ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPOLT) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntLT) x y) ConstValue x <= ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPOLE) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntLE) x y) ConstValue x > ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPOGT) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntGT) x y) ConstValue x >= ConstValue y = if isFloating x then ConstValue (FFI.constFCmp (fromFPPredicate FPOGE) x y) else ConstValue (FFI.constICmp (fromIntPredicate IntGE) x y) -} instance (Num a, IsConst a) => Num (ConstValue a) where ConstValue x + ConstValue y = ConstValue (FFI.constAdd x y) ConstValue x - ConstValue y = ConstValue (FFI.constSub x y) ConstValue x * ConstValue y = ConstValue (FFI.constMul x y) negate (ConstValue x) = ConstValue (FFI.constNeg x) fromInteger x = constOf (fromInteger x :: a) -}