Simple Haskell API for LMDB =========================== This package allows you to store arbitrary Haskell values in and retrieve them from a persistent [Lightning Memory-mapped Database][LMDB] on disk. [LMDB]: LMDB is a high-performance [ACID][]-compliant no-maintenance read-optimized key-value store. Any Haskell value with a [`Serialise`][Serialise] instance can be stored in an LMDB database, or used as a key to index one. [ACID]: [Serialise]: This package provides a few different APIs for using LMDB: * The basic API provides transactional `put` and `get` functions to store and retrieve values from an LMDB database. * The extended API provides many functions similar to those in `Data.Map`, e.g. `lookup`, `insert`, `delete`, `foldr`, and so on. * The `View` API provides a read-only snapshot of an LMDB database that can be queried from pure code. * The `DBRef` API provides a mutable variable similar to `IORef` that is tied to a particular key in an LMDB database.