-- Human exchangable identifiers and locators
-- Copyright © 2011-2014 Operational Dynamics Consulting, Pty Ltd
-- The code in this file, and the program it is a part of, is
-- made available to you by its authors as open source software:
-- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-- the BSD licence.
-- This code originally licenced GPLv2. Relicenced BSD3 on 2 Jan 2014.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Data.Locator.Locators
) where

import Prelude hiding (toInteger)

import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as Crypto
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)

-- | A symbol set with sixteen uniquely pronounceable digits.
-- The fact there are sixteen symbols is more an indication of a certain degree
-- of bullheaded-ness on the part of the author, and less of any kind of actual
-- requirement. We might have a slighly better readback score if we dropped to
-- 15 or 14 unique characters. It does mean you can match up with hexidecimal,
-- which is not entirely without merit.
-- The grouping of letters and numbers was the hard part; having come up with
-- the set and deconflicted the choices, the ordering is then entirely
-- arbitrary. Since there are some numbers, might as well have them at the same
-- place they correspond to in base 10; the letters were then allocated in
-- alpha order in the remaining slots.
        -- 0 Conflicts with @\'O\'@ obviously, and @\'Q\'@ often enough
        -- 2 @\'U\'@, @\'W\'@, and @\'2\'@. @\'W\'@ is disqualifed because of
        -- the way Australians butcher double-this and triple-that. \"Double
        -- @\'U\'@\" or \"@\'W\'@\"?
        -- C @\'B\'@, @\'C\'@, @\'D\'@, @\'E\'@, @\'G\'@, @\'P\'@, @\'T\'@,
        -- @\'V\'@, and @\'3\'@ plus @\'Z\'@ because Americans can't pronounce
        -- Zed properly.
        -- 4 @\'4\'@ and @\'5\'@ are often confused, and @\'5\'@, definitely
        -- out due to its collision with @\'I\'@ when spoken and @\'S\'@ in
        -- writing.
        -- F @\'F\'@ and @\'S\'@ are notoriously confused, making the choice of
        -- @\'F\'@ borderline, but @\'S\'@ is already disqualified for looking
        -- like @\'5\'@.
        -- K group of @\'A\'@, @\'J\'@, @\'K\'@.
        -- L @\'L\'@ has good phonetics, and as long as it's upper case (which
        -- the whole 'English16' symbol set is) there's no conflict with
        -- @\'1\'@.
        -- M choice from @\'M\'@ and @\'N\'@; the latter is a little too close
        -- to @\'7\'@.
        -- X choice from @\'X\'@ and @\'6\'@.
        -- Y choice from @\'I\'@, @\'Y\'@, @\'5\'@. @\'I\'@ is out for the
        -- usual reason of being similar to @\'1\'@.
data English16
    = Zero      -- ^ @\'0\'@ /0th/
    | One       -- ^ @\'1\'@ /1st/
    | Two       -- ^ @\'2\'@ /2nd/
    | Charlie   -- ^ @\'C\'@ /3rd/
    | Four      -- ^ @\'4\'@ /4th/
    | Foxtrot   -- ^ @\'F\'@ /5th/
    | Hotel     -- ^ @\'H\'@ /6th/
    | Seven     -- ^ @\'7\'@ /7th/
    | Eight     -- ^ @\'8\'@ /8th/
    | Nine      -- ^ @\'9\'@ /9th/
    | Kilo      -- ^ @\'K\'@ /10th/
    | Lima      -- ^ @\'L\'@ /11th/
    | Mike      -- ^ @\'M\'@ /12th/
    | Romeo     -- ^ @\'R\'@ /13th/
    | XRay      -- ^ @\'X\'@ /14th/
    | Yankee    -- ^ @\'Y\'@ /15th/
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

class (Ord α, Enum α, Bounded α) => Locator α where
    locatorToDigit :: α -> Char
    digitToLocator :: Char -> α

instance Locator English16 where

--  locatorToDigit :: English16 -> Char
    locatorToDigit x =
        case x of
            Zero    -> '0'
            One     -> '1'
            Two     -> '2'
            Charlie -> 'C'
            Four    -> '4'
            Foxtrot -> 'F'
            Hotel   -> 'H'
            Seven   -> '7'
            Eight   -> '8'
            Nine    -> '9'
            Kilo    -> 'K'
            Lima    -> 'L'
            Mike    -> 'M'
            Romeo   -> 'R'
            XRay    -> 'X'
            Yankee  -> 'Y'

--  digitToLocator :: Char -> English16
    digitToLocator c =
        case c of
            '0' -> Zero
            '1' -> One
            '2' -> Two
            'C' -> Charlie
            '4' -> Four
            'F' -> Foxtrot
            'H' -> Hotel
            '7' -> Seven
            '8' -> Eight
            '9' -> Nine
            'K' -> Kilo
            'L' -> Lima
            'M' -> Mike
            'R' -> Romeo
            'X' -> XRay
            'Y' -> Yankee
            _   -> error "Illegal digit"

represent :: Int -> Char
represent n =
    locatorToDigit $ (toEnum n :: English16)    -- FIXME

instance Show English16 where
    show x = [c]
        c = locatorToDigit x

value :: Char -> Int
value c =
    fromEnum $ (digitToLocator c :: English16)  -- FIXME

-- | Given a number, convert it to a string in the Locator16 base 16 symbol
-- alphabet. You can use this as a replacement for the standard \'0\'-\'9\'
-- \'A\'-\'F\' symbols traditionally used to express hexidemimal, though really
-- the fact that we came up with 16 total unique symbols was a nice
-- co-incidence, not a requirement.
toLocator16 :: Int -> String
toLocator16 x =
    showIntAtBase 16 represent x ""

-- | Represent a number in Locator16a format. This uses the Locator16 symbol
-- set, and additionally specifies that no symbol can be repeated. The /a/ in
-- Locator16a represents that this transformation is done on the cheap; when
-- converting if we end up with \'9\' \'9\' we simply pick the subsequent digit
-- in the enum, in this case getting you \'9\' \'K\'.
-- Note that the transformation is /not/ reversible. A number like @4369@
-- (which is @0x1111@, incidentally) encodes as @12C4@. So do @4370@, @4371@,
-- and @4372@. The point is not uniqueness, but readibility in adverse
-- conditions. So while you can count locators, they don't map continuously to
-- base10 integers.
-- The first argument is the number of digits you'd like in the locator; if the
-- number passed in is less than 16^limit, then the result will be padded.
-- >>> toLocator16a 6 4369
-- 12C40F
toLocator16a :: Int -> Int -> String
toLocator16a limit n =
    ls = convert n (replicate limit minBound)       :: [English16]
    (_,us) = mapAccumL uniq Set.empty ls
    map locatorToDigit (take limit us)
    convert :: Locator α => Int -> [α] -> [α]
    convert 0 xs = xs
    convert i xs =
        (d,r) = divMod i 16
        x = toEnum r
        convert d (x:xs)

    uniq :: Locator α => Set α -> α -> (Set α, α)
    uniq s x =
        if Set.member x s
            then uniq s (subsequent x)
            else (Set.insert x s, x)

    subsequent :: Locator α => α -> α
    subsequent x =
        if x == maxBound
            then minBound
            else succ x

multiply :: Int -> Char -> Int
multiply acc c =
    acc * 16 + value c

-- | Given a number encoded in Locator16, convert it back to an integer.
fromLocator16 :: String -> Int
fromLocator16 ss =
    foldl multiply 0 ss

-- Given a string, convert it into a N character hash.

concatToInteger :: [Word8] -> Int
concatToInteger bytes =
    foldl fn 0 bytes
    fn acc b = (acc * 256) + (fromIntegral b)

digest :: String -> Int
digest ws =
    i  = concatToInteger h
    h  = B.unpack h'
    h' = Crypto.hash x'
    x' = S.pack ws

-- | Take an arbitrary sequence of bytes, hash it with SHA1, then format as a
-- short @digits@-long Locator16 string.
-- >>> hashStringToLocator16a 6 "Hello World"
-- M48HR0

hashStringToLocator16a :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
hashStringToLocator16a limit s' =
    s  = S.unpack s'
    n  = digest s               -- SHA1 hash
    r  = mod n upperBound       -- trim to specified number of base 16 chars
    x  = toLocator16a limit r   -- express in locator16
    b' = S.pack x
    upperBound = 16 ^ limit