{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- | Custom implementation of 'LogHandler' with log rotation support.

module System.Wlog.Roller
       ( InvalidRotation (..)
       , RollerHandler   (..)
       , logIndex
       , rotationFileHandler
       ) where

import           Universum

import           Control.Concurrent        (MVar, modifyMVar_, newMVar)
import           Formatting                (sformat, shown, (%))
import qualified Prelude                   (show)

import           System.Directory          (removeFile, renameFile)
import           System.FilePath           ((<.>))
import           System.IO                 (Handle, IOMode (AppendMode), hClose,
import           System.Log                (Priority)
import           System.Log.Formatter      (LogFormatter, nullFormatter)
import           System.Log.Handler        (LogHandler (..))
import           System.Log.Handler.Simple (GenericHandler (..), fileHandler)

import           System.Wlog.FileUtils     (whenExist)
import           System.Wlog.LoggerConfig  (RotationParameters (..), isValidRotation)

-- | Similar to 'GenericHandler'. But holds file 'Handle' inside
-- mutable variable ('MVar') to be able to rotate loggers.
data RollerHandler = RollerHandler
    { rhPriority    :: Priority
    , rhFormatter   :: LogFormatter RollerHandler
    , rhFileHandle  :: MVar Handle
    , rhWriteAction :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
    , rhCloseAction :: Handle -> IO ()

instance LogHandler RollerHandler where
    setLevel     rh p = rh { rhPriority  = p }
    setFormatter rh f = rh { rhFormatter = f }
    getLevel          = rhPriority
    getFormatter      = rhFormatter

    emit rh (_, msg) _      = rhWriteAction rh (panic "Handler is used internally") msg
    close RollerHandler{..} = withMVar rhFileHandle rhCloseAction

data InvalidRotation = InvalidRotation !Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Exception InvalidRotation

logIndex :: FilePath -> Int -> FilePath
logIndex handlerPath i = handlerPath <.> Prelude.show i

-- | Create rotation logging handler.
    :: MonadIO m
    => RotationParameters
    -> FilePath
    -> Priority
    -> m RollerHandler
rotationFileHandler rp@RotationParameters{..} _ _
    | not $ isValidRotation rp = liftIO $ throwM $ InvalidRotation $
      sformat ("Rotation parameters must be positive: "%shown) rp
rotationFileHandler RotationParameters{..} handlerPath rhPriority = liftIO $ do
    GenericHandler{..} <- fileHandler handlerPath rhPriority
    rhFileHandle       <- newMVar privData
    let rhWriteAction   = rollerWriting writeFunc rhFileHandle
    return RollerHandler{ rhFormatter   = nullFormatter
                        , rhCloseAction = closeFunc
                        , ..
    -- TODO: correct exceptions handling here is too smart for me
        :: (Handle -> String -> IO ())
        -> MVar Handle
        -> Handle
        -> String
        -> IO ()
    rollerWriting loggingAction varHandle _ msg = modifyMVar_ varHandle $ \landle -> do
        loggingAction landle msg
        logFileSize <- fromIntegral <$> hFileSize landle
        if logFileSize < rpLogLimit then
            return landle
        else do  -- otherwise should rename all files and create new handle putting in MVar
           hClose landle
           let lastIndex = fromIntegral $ rpKeepFiles - 1

           for_ [lastIndex - 1, lastIndex - 2 .. 0] $ \i -> do
               let oldLogFile = logIndex handlerPath i
               let newLogFile = logIndex handlerPath (i + 1)
               whenExist oldLogFile $ (`renameFile` newLogFile)

           let zeroIndex = logIndex handlerPath 0
           renameFile handlerPath zeroIndex

           let lastLogFile = logIndex handlerPath lastIndex
           whenExist lastLogFile removeFile
           openFile handlerPath AppendMode