-- %% This module should be run through lhs2hs before running through
-- %% Haddock. (N.B. rember to include a copy in the cabalized)
-- %%
-- %% This module was originally translated from my Perl module
-- %% Math::LogFloat (version 0.3; revision 2007.12.20)
-- %% 
-- %% N.B. Can't have `#' in the first column in GHC, not even if lhs
-- TODO: Add QuickCheck-ness, though beware of the fuzz.
-- TODO: Make sure rewrite rules really fire
-- TODO: profile to make sure we don't waste too much time constructing dictionaries
-- To turn on optimizations and look at the optimization records, cf:
-- http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/rewrite-rules.html
-- http://www.randomhacks.net/articles/2007/02/10/map-fusion-and-haskell-performance

-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl-stats #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 #-}

-- Version History
-- (v0.8) Did a bunch of tweaking. Things should be decent now
-- (v0.7) Haddockified
-- (v0.6) Fixed monomorphism.
-- (v0.5) Added optimization rules.
-- (v0.4) Translated to Haskell at revision 2007.12.20.
-- (v0.3) Converted extensive comments to POD format.
-- (v0.2) Did a bunch of profiling, optimizing, and debugging.
-- (v0.1) Initial version created for hw5 for NLP with Jason Eisner.
--                                                     ~ 2008.08.15
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Number.LogFloat
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2007--2008 wren ng thornton
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module presents a class for storing numbers in the log-domain.
-- The main reason for doing this is to prevent underflow when multiplying
-- many small probabilities as is done in Hidden Markov Models and
-- other statistical models often used for natural language processing.
-- The log-domain also helps prevent overflow when multiplying many
-- large numbers. In rare cases it can speed up numerical computation
-- (since addition is faster than multiplication, though logarithms
-- are exceptionally slow), but the primary goal is to improve accuracy
-- of results. A secondary goal has been to maximize efficiency since
-- these computations are frequently done within a /O(n^3)/ loop.
-- The 'LogFloat' of this module is restricted to non-negative numbers
-- for efficiency's sake, see the forthcoming "Data.Number.LogFloat.Signed"
-- for doing signed log-domain calculations.

module Data.Number.LogFloat
    -- * Documentation Note
    -- | If you see no module description above, then the @lhs2hs@
    -- script was not run correctly. Please rebuild the documentation
    -- or see:
    -- <http://code.haskell.org/~wren/logfloat/dist/doc/html/logfloat/>

    -- * IEEE floating-point special values
    -- | "GHC.Real" defines 'infinity' and 'notANumber' as
    -- 'Rational'. We export variants which are polymorphic because
    -- that can be more helpful at times.
    -- BUG: At present these constants are broken for @Ratio@
    -- types including 'Rational', since @Ratio@ types do not
    -- typically permit a zero denominator. In GHC (6.8.2) the
    -- result for 'infinity' is a rational with a numerator
    -- sufficiently large that 'fromRational' will yield infinity
    -- for @Float@ and @Double@. In Hugs (September 2006) it
    -- yields an arithmetic overflow error. For GHC, our 'notANumber'
    -- yields @0%1@ rather than @0%0@ as "GHC.Real" does.

      infinity, negativeInfinity, notANumber

    -- * Basic functions
    , log, toFractional

    -- * @LogFloat@ data type and conversion functions
    , LogFloat
    , logFloat,     logToLogFloat
    , fromLogFloat, logFromLogFloat
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (log)
import qualified Prelude (log)

-- Not portable, and we can do it ourselves.
-- import qualified GHC.Real (infinity, notANumber)

-- Try to add in some optimizations. Why the first few need to be down
-- here and localized to the module, I don't know. We don't do anything
-- foolish like this, but our clients might or they might be generated
-- by other code transformations.

"log/exp"  forall x. log (exp x) = x
"log.exp"            log . exp   = id

"exp/log"  forall x. exp (log x) = x
"exp.log"            exp . log   = id

-- These are general rule versions of our operators for 'LogFloat'. I
-- had some issues inducing 'Ord' on @x@ and @y@, even though they're
-- 'Num' so I can't do "(+)/log" and "(-)/log" so easily.

"(*)/log"  forall x y. log x * log y = log (x + y)
"(/)/log"  forall x y. log x / log y = log (x - y)

-- The type signature is necessary for them not to default to Double.

infinity, negativeInfinity, notANumber :: (Fractional a) => a
infinity         = toFractional (1/0)  -- == fromRational GHC.Real.infinity
{-# SPECIALIZE negativeInfinity :: Double #-}
negativeInfinity = negate infinity
notANumber       = infinity - infinity -- == fromRational GHC.Real.notANumber

-- The dictionaries for these are really ugly in core.
-- TODO: be sure to check that these don't give eggregious performance hits
-- | Since the normal 'Prelude.log' throws an error on zero, we have
-- to redefine it in order for things to work right. Arguing from
-- limits it's obvious that @log 0 == negativeInfinity@.
-- If you're using some 'Floating' type that's not built in, verify
-- this equation holds for your @0@ and @negativeInfinity@. If it
-- doesn't, then you should avoid importing our 'log' and will probably
-- want converters to handle the discrepency.

{-# SPECIALIZE log :: Double -> Double #-}
log  :: (Floating a) => a -> a
log 0 = negativeInfinity
log x = Prelude.log x

-- | The most generic numeric converter I can come up with. All the
-- built-in numeric types are 'Real', though 'Int' and 'Integer' aren't
-- 'Fractional'.

{-# SPECIALIZE toFractional :: (Real a)       => a -> Double #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toFractional :: (Fractional b) => Double -> b #-}
toFractional :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
toFractional  = fromRational . toRational

-- This should only fire when it's type-safe
{-# RULES "toFractional/id" toFractional = id #-}

-- This should happen already, but who knows
-- TODO: see if it ever fires
"toFractional/toFractional"  forall x.
                             toFractional (toFractional x) = toFractional x
"toFractional.toFractional"  toFractional . toFractional   = toFractional

-- | Reduce the number of constant string literals we need to store.

errorOutOfRange    :: String -> a
errorOutOfRange fun = error $ "Data.Number.LogFloat."++fun
                           ++ ": argument out of range"

-- | We need these guards in order to ensure some invariants.

guardNonNegative      :: String -> Double -> Double
guardNonNegative fun x | x >= 0    = x
                       | otherwise = errorOutOfRange fun

-- |  It's unfortunate that notANumber is not equal to itself, but we
-- can hack around that. Is there any efficiency difference between
-- these two tests? If not, then we could use @log . guardNonNegative
-- fun = guardIsANumber fun . log@ in order to remove guardNonNegative.

guardIsANumber        :: String -> Double -> Double
guardIsANumber   fun x | x >= negativeInfinity = x
                       | otherwise             = errorOutOfRange fun

-- | A @LogFloat@ is just a 'Double' with a special interpretation.
-- The 'logFloat' function is presented instead of the constructor,
-- in order to ensure semantic conversion. At present the 'Show'
-- instance will convert back to the normal-domain, and so will underflow
-- at that point. This behavior may change in the future.
-- Performing operations in the log-domain is cheap, prevents underflow,
-- and is otherwise very nice for dealing with miniscule probabilities.
-- However, crossing into and out of the log-domain is expensive and
-- should be avoided as much as possible. In particular, if you're
-- doing a series of multiplications as in @lp * logFloat q * logFloat
-- r@ it's faster to do @lp * logFloat (q * r)@ if you're reasonably
-- sure the normal-domain multiplication won't underflow, because that
-- way you enter the log-domain only once, instead of twice.
-- Even more particularly, you should /avoid addition/ whenever possible.
-- Addition is provided because it's necessary at times and the proper
-- implementation is not immediately transparent. However, between two
-- @LogFloat@s addition requires crossing the exp/log boundary twice;
-- with a @LogFloat@ and a regular number it's three times since the
-- regular number needs to enter the log-domain first. This makes addition
-- incredibly slow. Again, if you can parenthesize to do plain operations
-- first, do it!

newtype LogFloat = LogFloat Double
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | A constructor which does semantic conversion from normal-domain
-- to log-domain.

{-# SPECIALIZE logFloat :: Double -> LogFloat #-}
logFloat :: (Real a) => a -> LogFloat
logFloat  = LogFloat . log . guardNonNegative "logFloat" . toFractional

-- This is simply a polymorphic version of the 'LogFloat' data
-- constructor. We present it mainly because we hide the constructor
-- in order to make the type a bit more opaque. If the polymorphism
-- turns out to be a performance liability because the rewrite rules
-- can't remove it, then we need to rethink all four constructors/destructors.
-- | Constructor which assumes the argument is already in the log-domain.

{-# SPECIALIZE logToLogFloat :: Double -> LogFloat #-}
logToLogFloat :: (Real a) => a -> LogFloat
logToLogFloat  = LogFloat . guardIsANumber "logToLogFloat" . toFractional

-- | Return our log-domain value back into normal-domain. Beware of
-- overflow/underflow.

{-# SPECIALIZE fromLogFloat :: LogFloat -> Double #-}
fromLogFloat :: (Floating a) => LogFloat -> a
fromLogFloat (LogFloat x) = toFractional (exp x)

-- | Return the log-domain value itself without costly conversion

{-# SPECIALIZE logFromLogFloat :: LogFloat -> Double #-}
logFromLogFloat :: (Floating a) => LogFloat -> a
logFromLogFloat (LogFloat x) = toFractional x

-- These are our module-specific versions of "log/exp" and "exp/log";
-- They do the same things but also have a @LogFloat@ in between the
-- logarithm and exponentiation.

-- Out of log-domain and back in
"log/fromLogFloat"       forall x. log (fromLogFloat x) = logFromLogFloat x
"log.fromLogFloat"                 log . fromLogFloat   = logFromLogFloat

"logFloat/fromLogFloat"  forall x. logFloat (fromLogFloat x) = x
"logFloat.fromLogFloat"            logFloat . fromLogFloat   = id

-- Into log-domain and back out
"fromLogFloat/logFloat"  forall x. fromLogFloat (logFloat x) = x
"fromLogFloat.logFloat"            fromLogFloat . logFloat   = id

-- To show it, we want to show the normal-domain value rather than the
-- log-domain value. Also, if someone managed to break our invariants
-- (e.g. by passing in a negative and noone's pulled on the thunk yet)
-- then we want to crash before printing the constructor, rather than
-- after.  N.B. This means the show will underflow/overflow in the
-- same places as normal doubles since we underflow at the exp. Perhaps
-- this means we should show the log-domain value instead.

instance Show LogFloat where
    show (LogFloat x) = let y = exp x
                        in  y `seq` "LogFloat "++show y

-- These all work without causing underflow. However, do note that
-- they tend to induce more of the floating-point fuzz than using
-- regular floating numbers because @exp . log@ doesn't really equal
-- @id@. In any case, our main aim is for preventing underflow when
-- multiplying many small numbers (and preventing overflow for multiplying
-- many large numbers) so we're not too worried about +/- 4e-16.

instance Num LogFloat where 
    (*) (LogFloat x) (LogFloat y) = LogFloat (x+y)

    (+) (LogFloat x) (LogFloat y)
        | x >= y    = LogFloat (x + log (1 + exp (y - x)))
        | otherwise = LogFloat (y + log (1 + exp (x - y)))

    -- Without the guard this would return NaN instead of error
    (-) (LogFloat x) (LogFloat y)
        | x >= y    = LogFloat (x + log (1 - exp (y - x)))
        | otherwise = errorOutOfRange "(-)"

    signum (LogFloat x)
        | x == negativeInfinity = 0
        | x >  negativeInfinity = 1
        | otherwise             = errorOutOfRange "signum"
        -- The extra guard protects against NaN, in case someone
        -- broke the invariant. That shouldn't be possible and
        -- so noone else bothers to check, but we check here just
        -- in case.

    negate _    = errorOutOfRange "negate"

    abs         = id

    fromInteger = LogFloat . log
                . guardNonNegative "fromInteger" . fromInteger

instance Fractional LogFloat where
    -- n/0 is handled seamlessly for us; we must catch 0/0 though
    (/) (LogFloat x) (LogFloat y)
        |    x == negativeInfinity
          && y == negativeInfinity = errorOutOfRange "(/)" -- protect vs NaN
        | otherwise                = LogFloat (x-y)
    fromRational = LogFloat . log
                 . guardNonNegative "fromRational" . fromRational

-- Just for fun. The more coersion functions the better. Though
-- it can underflow...
instance Real LogFloat where
    toRational (LogFloat x) = toRational (exp x)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------- fin.