logging-effect-colors- Log messages in color
Safe HaskellNone




wrapSGRCode :: (IsString a, Monoid a) => [SGR] -> a -> a Source #

Apply SGR codes to a string to modify its display attributes, resetting SGR codes afterward.

severitySgr :: Severity -> [SGR] Source #

Mapping of Severity levels to SGR styles

colorizeWith :: (Monoid msg, IsString msg) => (Severity -> [SGR]) -> WithSeverity msg -> WithSeverity msg Source #

Color based on severity with a custom mapping of severity to SGR styles

colorize :: (Monoid msg, IsString msg) => WithSeverity msg -> WithSeverity msg Source #

Color based on severity with the default mapping of severity to SGR styles

renderWithColor :: (Monoid msg, IsString msg, Pretty msg) => WithSeverity msg -> Doc ann Source #