{-# OPTIONS -fwarn-missing-signatures -XRecordWildCards -XCPP -XDeriveDataTypeable -fglasgow-exts -XNoMonomorphismRestriction -XTemplateHaskell -XUndecidableInstances -Wall -XOverloadedStrings #-}

module Codec.TPTP.Diff(Diffable(..),DiffResult(..),T0Diff,F0Diff,isSame,diffGenF,diffGenT,printSampleDiffs) where
-- Warning: This module is a MESS (but it seems to work :)).
import Data.Generics
import Control.Applicative()
--import Data.Foldable
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn)
--import Data.Foldable 
--import Test.QuickCheck.Instances
import Test.QuickCheck hiding((.&.))
import Data.Char()
import Debug.Trace()
import Codec.TPTP.Base
import Codec.TPTP.Pretty
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
import System.UTF8IO
import Control.Monad.Identity

data DiffResult d = 
          Same -- ^ Both arguments are the same. 
        | SameHead d -- ^ The arguments are recursive expressions of the same form, but their subterms differ. Return a \"decorated\" term that shows where the differences are 
        | Differ d d -- ^ The arguments differ and are not of similar form (don't recurse)
        | DontCare
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Typeable,Read)
isSame :: forall t. DiffResult t -> Bool
isSame Same = True
isSame _ = False
-- | Abstraction for diff'ing [predicate symbol|function symbol|gdata] applications
-- Suggestive variable names for the case of function symbol applications
handleAppExpr :: (Eq str) => 
                (term -> term -> termfix DiffResult) -- ^ the diff function 
              -> (DiffResult a -> termfix DiffResult) -- ^ newtype wrapper 
              -> (termfix DiffResult -> DiffResult a) -- ^ newtype unwrapper
              -> (str -> [termfix DiffResult] -> b) -- ^ Application expression constructor
              -> str -- ^ First funsym
              -> [term] -- ^ First args
              -> str -- ^ Second funsum
              -> [term] -- ^ Second args
              -> DiffResult b
handleAppExpr recFun newtypewrapper newtypeunwrapper constr x1 args1 x2 args2 =
                 -- recurse if heads and arities agree
                 case (x1==x2 && length args1 == length args2) of
                   True -> 
                           rec' = zipWith recFun args1 args2
                         case all (isSame . newtypeunwrapper) rec' of
                           True -> Same
                           False -> SameHead (constr x1 rec') 
                   False -> 
                       Differ (constr x1 (fmap (const . newtypewrapper $ DontCare) args1))
                              (constr x2 (fmap (const . newtypewrapper $ DontCare) args2))
handleBinExpr :: 
                 (Eq op) =>
                 (term -> term -> termfix DiffResult)
                 -> (DiffResult a -> termfix DiffResult) -- ^ NT wrapper
                 -> (termfix DiffResult -> DiffResult a) -- ^ NT unwrapepr
                 -> (termfix DiffResult -> op -> termfix DiffResult -> b) -- ^ constructor
                 -> term
                 -> op
                 -> term
                 -> term
                 -> op
                 -> term
                 -> DiffResult b
handleBinExpr recFun newtypewrapper newtypeunwrapper constr l1 op1 r1 l2 op2 r2 =
    case op1==op2 of
      True -> 
              recl = recFun l1 l2
              recr = recFun r1 r2
            case (newtypeunwrapper recl,newtypeunwrapper recr) of
              (Same,Same) -> Same
              (_,_)       -> SameHead (constr recl op1 recr)
      False ->
          let dc = newtypewrapper DontCare 
          in Differ (constr dc op1 dc)
                    (constr dc op2 dc)
handleUnary :: 
                 (term -> term -> termfix DiffResult)
                 -> (DiffResult a -> termfix DiffResult) -- ^ NT wrapper
                 -> (termfix DiffResult -> DiffResult a) -- ^ NT unwrapepr
                 -> (termfix DiffResult -> b) -- ^ constructor
                 -> term
                 -> term
                 -> DiffResult b
handleUnary recFun _ newtypeunwrapper constr r1 r2 =
              rec' = recFun r1 r2
            case newtypeunwrapper rec' of
              Same -> Same
              _    -> SameHead (constr rec')

handleLeaf :: 
              (Eq a) =>
              (a -> d) -> a -> a -> DiffResult d
handleLeaf constr x1 x2 = 
    if x1==x2 
    then Same 
    else Differ (constr x1) (constr x2)
-- runDiffTerm :: Term
--                -> Term
--                -> DiffResult (Term0 (T DiffResult))
-- runDiffTerm t1 t2 = runT (diffTerm t1 t2)

diffTerm :: Term -> Term -> T DiffResult
diffTerm (T (Identity t1)) (T (Identity t2)) = T $
    case (t1,t2) of
      (FunApp x1 args1,FunApp x2 args2) -> handleAppExpr diffTerm T runT FunApp x1 args1 x2 args2 
      (Var x1,Var x2) -> handleLeaf Var x1 x2
      (DistinctObjectTerm x1, DistinctObjectTerm x2) -> handleLeaf DistinctObjectTerm x1 x2
      (NumberLitTerm x1, NumberLitTerm x2) -> handleLeaf NumberLitTerm x1 x2
      _ -> let plug=plugSubterms (T DontCare) in Differ (plug t1) (plug t2)
plugSubterms :: forall a a1. a -> Term0 a1 -> Term0 a
plugSubterms p t = case t of
                            FunApp x1 args -> FunApp x1 (fmap (const p) args)
                            DistinctObjectTerm x1 -> DistinctObjectTerm x1
                            NumberLitTerm x1 -> NumberLitTerm x1
                            Var x1 -> Var x1
plugSubformulae :: forall a formula a1 t.
                   a -> formula -> Formula0 a1 t -> Formula0 a formula
plugSubformulae pt pf f = case f of
                               Quant q vars _ -> Quant q vars pf
                               PredApp x1 args -> PredApp x1 (fmap (const pt) args)
                               BinOp _ b _ -> BinOp pf b pf
                               InfixPred _ b _ -> InfixPred pt b pt
                               (:~:) _ -> (:~:) pf
diffFormula :: Formula -> Formula -> F DiffResult
diffFormula (F (Identity f1)) (F (Identity f2)) = F $
    case (f1,f2) of
      ( Quant q1 vars1 g1
       ,Quant q2 vars2 g2) -> 
          case (q1==q2, vars1==vars2) of
            (True,True) -> handleUnary diffFormula F runF (Quant q1 vars1) g1 g2   
            _ -> Differ (Quant q1 vars1 (F DontCare)) 
                       (Quant q2 vars2 (F DontCare)) 

      ( BinOp l1 op1 r1
       ,BinOp l2 op2 r2 ) -> handleBinExpr diffFormula F runF BinOp l1 op1 r1 l2 op2 r2
      ( InfixPred l1 op1 r1
       ,InfixPred l2 op2 r2 ) -> handleBinExpr diffTerm T runT InfixPred l1 op1 r1 l2 op2 r2
      ( (:~:) g1
       ,(:~:) g2 ) -> handleUnary diffFormula F runF (:~:) g1 g2

      ( PredApp x1 args1
       ,PredApp x2 args2 ) -> handleAppExpr diffTerm T runT PredApp x1 args1 x2 args2 
      _ -> let plug=plugSubformulae (T DontCare) (F DontCare) in Differ (plug f1) (plug f2)

instance Show (T DiffResult) where
    show (T t) = show t

instance Show (F DiffResult) where
    show (F f) = show f
type T0Diff = DiffResult (Term0 (T DiffResult))
type F0Diff = DiffResult (Formula0 (T DiffResult) (F DiffResult))

wildcard :: AtomicWord
wildcard = "_"
instance Pretty (WithEnclosing T0Diff) where
    pretty = prettyHelper --(plugSubterms (fApp wildcard []))
instance Pretty (WithEnclosing F0Diff) where
    pretty = prettyHelper --(plugSubformulae (fApp wildcard []) (pApp wildcard []))
prettyHelper :: forall t.
                (Pretty (WithEnclosing t)) =>
                WithEnclosing (DiffResult t) -> Doc
prettyHelper (WithEnclosing _ d) = 
            pwe = pretty . WithEnclosing EnclNothing
          case d of
                 DontCare -> dullwhite.pretty $ wildcard
                 Same -> dullgreen.text $ "Same"
                 SameHead x -> blue . encloseSep (text "{ SameHead ") (text "}") semi $
                              [  pwe x

                 Differ x y -> red . encloseSep (text "{ Differ ") rbrace (text "; ") $

                              [ pwe x 
                              , pwe y
deriving instance Pretty (T DiffResult)

deriving instance Pretty (F DiffResult)
instance Pretty (WithEnclosing (T DiffResult)) where
    pretty (WithEnclosing x (T y)) = pretty (WithEnclosing x y) 
instance Pretty (WithEnclosing (F DiffResult)) where
    pretty (WithEnclosing x (F y)) = pretty (WithEnclosing x y) 
instance Pretty (T0Diff) where
    pretty = pretty . WithEnclosing EnclNothing
instance Pretty (F0Diff) where
    pretty = pretty . WithEnclosing EnclNothing

-- instance Pretty (DiffResult (T DiffResult)) where
--     pretty = pretty . WithEnclosing EnclNothing . T
-- instance Pretty (DiffResult (T DiffResult) (F DiffResult)) where
--     pretty = pretty . WithEnclosing EnclNothing . F
-- runFormulaDiff :: Formula
--                   -> Formula
--                   -> DiffResult
--                        (Formula0 (T DiffResult) (F DiffResult))
-- runFormulaDiff a b = runF (diffFormula a b)
-- | Less random generator for generating formulae suitable for testing diff
diffGenF :: Gen Formula
diffGenF = sized go
              go 0 = return $ pApp "Truth" []
              go i = oneof 
                     ileft <- choose (0,i-1)
                     liftM2 (.&.) (resize ileft diffGenF) (resize (i-1-ileft) diffGenF)
                  , let a=diffGenT in fmap (.=.) a `ap` a
diffGenT :: Gen Term
diffGenT = sized go
              go 0 = elements[var "Z",fApp "1" []]
              go i = oneof 
                    let a=resize (i`div`3) diffGenT in fmap (fApp "g") (sequence [a,a,a])
                  , do
                     ileft <- choose (0,i-1)
                     fmap (fApp "f") (sequence [resize ileft diffGenT,
                                                resize (i-1-ileft) diffGenT])
printSampleDiffs :: IO ()
printSampleDiffs = do
  xs <- sample' diffGenF
  ys <- sample' diffGenF

  let item x y = text (replicate 50 '=') 
                 <$> pretty x
                 <$> text (replicate 40 '-')
                 <$> pretty y
                 <$> text (replicate 40 '-')
                 <$> pretty (diffFormula x y)
  mapM_ (putStrLn . prettySimple . uncurry item) (zip xs ys)

-- prop0 :: Formula -> Formula -> Property
-- prop0 f1 f2 = f1 /= f2 ==>

--               let res=diffFormula (pApp "foo" [] .&. f1)
--                                   (pApp "foo" [] .&. f2)

--               in collect res $ True
--                  -- case res of
--                  --   SameHead ((F Same) :&: 
--                  --            (F (Differ f1  

instance Functor DiffResult where
    fmap f d = case d of
                 Same -> Same
                 SameHead x -> SameHead (f x)
                 Differ x y -> Differ (f x) (f y)
                 DontCare -> DontCare

class Diffable a b where
    diff :: a -> a -> b

instance Diffable Formula (F DiffResult) where diff = diffFormula
instance Diffable Term (T DiffResult) where diff = diffTerm