{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
module Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib
    ( tests
    , setAny
    , setAll
    -- , itlist2
    -- , itlist  -- same as foldr with last arguments flipped
    , tryfind
    , settryfind
    -- , end_itlist -- same as foldr1
    , (|=>)
    , (|->)
    , fpf
    , defined
    , apply
    , exists
    , tryApplyD
    , allpairs
    , distrib'
    , image
    , optimize
    , minimize
    , maximize
    , optimize'
    , minimize'
    , maximize'
    , can
    , allsets
    , allsubsets
    , allnonemptysubsets
    , mapfilter
    , setmapfilter
    , ()
    ) where

import Data.Logic.Failing (Failing(..), failing)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.HUnit (Test(TestCase, TestList, TestLabel), assertEqual)

() :: Set.Set a
() = Set.empty

tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib" $ TestList [test01]

setAny :: forall a. Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> Set.Set a -> Bool
setAny f s = Set.member True (Set.map f s)

setAll :: forall a. Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> Set.Set a -> Bool
setAll f s = not (Set.member False (Set.map f s))

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Misc library functions to set up a nice environment.                      *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

let identity x = x;;

let ( ** ) = fun f g x -> f(g x);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* GCD and LCM on arbitrary-precision numbers.                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let gcd_num n1 n2 =
      (Big_int.gcd_big_int (big_int_of_num n1) (big_int_of_num n2)));;

let lcm_num n1 n2 = abs_num(n1 */ n2) // gcd_num n1 n2;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A useful idiom for "non contradictory" etc.                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let non p x = not(p x);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Kind of assertion checking.                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let check p x = if p(x) then x else failwith "check";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Repetition of a function.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec funpow n f x =
  if n < 1 then x else funpow (n-1) f (f x);;
-- let can f x = try f x; true with Failure _ -> false;;
can :: (t -> Failing a) -> t -> Bool
can f x = failing (const True) (const False) (f x)

let rec repeat f x = try repeat f (f x) with Failure _ -> x;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Handy list operations.                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec (--) = fun m n -> if m > n then [] else m::((m + 1) -- n);;

let rec (---) = fun m n -> if m >/ n then [] else m::((m +/ Int 1) --- n);;

let rec map2 f l1 l2 =
  match (l1,l2) with
    [],[] -> []
  | (h1::t1),(h2::t2) -> let h = f h1 h2 in h::(map2 f t1 t2)
  | _ -> failwith "map2: length mismatch";;

let rev =
  let rec rev_append acc l =
    match l with
      [] -> acc
    | h::t -> rev_append (h::acc) t in
  fun l -> rev_append [] l;;

let hd l =
  match l with
   h::t -> h
  | _ -> failwith "hd";;

let tl l =
  match l with
   h::t -> t
  | _ -> failwith "tl";;

-- (^) = (++)

itlist :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b -> b
-- itlist f xs z = foldr f z xs
itlist f xs z = foldr f z xs

end_itlist :: (t -> t -> t) -> [t] -> t
-- end_itlist = foldr1
end_itlist = foldr1

itlist2 :: (t -> t1 -> Failing t2 -> Failing t2) -> [t] -> [t1] -> Failing t2 -> Failing t2
itlist2 f l1 l2 b =
  case (l1,l2) of
    ([],[]) -> b
    (h1 : t1, h2 : t2) -> f h1 h2 (itlist2 f t1 t2 b)
    _ -> Failure ["itlist2"]

let rec zip l1 l2 =
  match (l1,l2) with
        ([],[]) -> []
      | (h1::t1,h2::t2) -> (h1,h2)::(zip t1 t2)
      | _ -> failwith "zip";;

let rec forall p l =
  match l with
    [] -> true
  | h::t -> p(h) & forall p t;;
exists :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
exists = any
let partition p l =
    itlist (fun a (yes,no) -> if p a then a::yes,no else yes,a::no) l ([],[]);;

let filter p l = fst(partition p l);;

let length =
  let rec len k l =
    if l = [] then k else len (k + 1) (tl l) in
  fun l -> len 0 l;;

let rec last l =
  match l with
    [x] -> x
  | (h::t) -> last t
  | [] -> failwith "last";;

let rec butlast l =
  match l with
    [_] -> []
  | (h::t) -> h::(butlast t)
  | [] -> failwith "butlast";;

let rec find p l =
  match l with
      [] -> failwith "find"
    | (h::t) -> if p(h) then h else find p t;;

let rec el n l =
  if n = 0 then hd l else el (n - 1) (tl l);;

let map f =
  let rec mapf l =
    match l with
      [] -> []
    | (x::t) -> let y = f x in y::(mapf t) in

allpairs :: forall a b c. (Ord c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set b -> Set.Set c
-- allpairs f xs ys = Set.fromList (concatMap (\ z -> map (f z) (Set.toList ys)) (Set.toList xs))
allpairs f xs ys = Set.fold (\ x zs -> Set.fold (\ y zs' -> Set.insert (f x y) zs') zs ys) Set.empty xs

distrib' :: Ord a => Set.Set (Set.Set a) -> Set.Set (Set.Set a) -> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
distrib' s1 s2 = allpairs (Set.union) s1 s2

test01 :: Test
test01 = TestCase $ assertEqual "itlist2" expected input
    where input = allpairs (,) (Set.fromList [1,2,3]) (Set.fromList [4,5,6])
          expected = Set.fromList [(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(2,4),(2,5),(2,6),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6)] :: Set.Set (Int, Int)

let rec distinctpairs l =
  match l with
   x::t -> itlist (fun y a -> (x,y) :: a) t (distinctpairs t)
  | [] -> [];;

let rec chop_list n l =
  if n = 0 then [],l else
  try let m,l' = chop_list (n-1) (tl l) in (hd l)::m,l'
  with Failure _ -> failwith "chop_list";;

let replicate n a = map (fun x -> a) (1--n);;

let rec insertat i x l =
  if i = 0 then x::l else
  match l with
    [] -> failwith "insertat: list too short for position to exist"
  | h::t -> h::(insertat (i-1) x t);;

let rec forall2 p l1 l2 =
  match (l1,l2) with
    [],[] -> true
  | (h1::t1,h2::t2) -> p h1 h2 & forall2 p t1 t2
  | _ -> false;;

let index x =
  let rec ind n l =
    match l with
      [] -> failwith "index"
    | (h::t) -> if Pervasives.compare x h = 0 then n else ind (n + 1) t in
  ind 0;;

let rec unzip l =
  match l with
    [] -> [],[]
  | (x,y)::t ->
      let xs,ys = unzip t in x::xs,y::ys;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Whether the first of two items comes earlier in the list.                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec earlier l x y =
  match l with
    h::t -> (Pervasives.compare h y <> 0) &
            (Pervasives.compare h x = 0 or earlier t x y)
  | [] -> false;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Application of (presumably imperative) function over a list.              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec do_list f l =
  match l with
    [] -> ()
  | h::t -> f(h); do_list f t;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Association lists.                                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec assoc a l =
  match l with
    (x,y)::t -> if Pervasives.compare x a = 0 then y else assoc a t
  | [] -> failwith "find";;

let rec rev_assoc a l =
  match l with
    (x,y)::t -> if Pervasives.compare y a = 0 then x else rev_assoc a t
  | [] -> failwith "find";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Merging of sorted lists (maintaining repetitions).                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec merge ord l1 l2 =
  match l1 with
    [] -> l2
  | h1::t1 -> match l2 with
                [] -> l1
              | h2::t2 -> if ord h1 h2 then h1::(merge ord t1 l2)
                          else h2::(merge ord l1 t2);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Bottom-up mergesort.                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let sort ord =
  let rec mergepairs l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        ([s],[]) -> s
      | (l,[]) -> mergepairs [] l
      | (l,[s1]) -> mergepairs (s1::l) []
      | (l,(s1::s2::ss)) -> mergepairs ((merge ord s1 s2)::l) ss in
  fun l -> if l = [] then [] else mergepairs [] (map (fun x -> [x]) l);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Common measure predicates to use with "sort".                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let increasing f x y = Pervasives.compare (f x) (f y) < 0;;

let decreasing f x y = Pervasives.compare (f x) (f y) > 0;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Eliminate repetitions of adjacent elements, with and without counting.    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec uniq l =
  match l with
    x::(y::_ as t) -> let t' = uniq t in
                      if Pervasives.compare x y = 0 then t' else
                      if t'==t then l else x::t'
 | _ -> l;;

let repetitions =
  let rec repcount n l =
    match l with
      x::(y::_ as ys) -> if Pervasives.compare y x = 0 then repcount (n + 1) ys
                  else (x,n)::(repcount 1 ys)
    | [x] -> [x,n]
    | [] -> failwith "repcount" in
  fun l -> if l = [] then [] else repcount 1 l;;

tryfind :: (t -> Failing a) -> [t] -> Failing a
tryfind _ [] = Failure ["tryfind"]
tryfind f l =
    case l of
      [] -> Failure ["tryfind"]
      h : t -> failing (\ _ -> tryfind f t) Success (f h)

settryfind :: (t -> Failing a) -> Set.Set t -> Failing a
settryfind f l =
    case Set.minView l of
      Nothing -> Failure ["settryfind"]
      Just (h, t) -> failing (\ _ -> settryfind f t) Success (f h)

mapfilter :: (a -> Failing b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapfilter f l = catMaybes (map (failing (const Nothing) Just . f) l) 
    -- filter (failing (const False) (const True)) (map f l)

setmapfilter :: Ord b => (a -> Failing b) -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set b
setmapfilter f s = Set.fold (\ a r -> failing (const r) (`Set.insert` r) (f a)) Set.empty s

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Find list member that maximizes or minimizes a function.                 
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

optimize :: forall a b. (b -> b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
optimize _ _ [] = Nothing
optimize ord f l = Just (fst (foldr1 (\ p@(_,y) p'@(_,y') -> if ord y y' then p else p') (map (\ x -> (x,f x)) l)))

maximize :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
maximize f l = optimize (>) f l

minimize :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
minimize f l = optimize (<) f l

optimize' :: forall a b. (b -> b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> Set.Set a -> Maybe a
optimize' ord f s = optimize ord f (Set.toList s)

maximize' :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> Set.Set a -> Maybe a
maximize' f s = optimize' (>) f s

minimize' :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> Set.Set a -> Maybe a
minimize' f s = optimize' (<) f s

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Set operations on ordered lists.                                         
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
let setify =
  let rec canonical lis =
     match lis with
       x::(y::_ as rest) -> Pervasives.compare x y < 0 & canonical rest
     | _ -> true in
  fun l -> if canonical l then l
           else uniq (sort (fun x y -> Pervasives.compare x y <= 0) l);;

let union =
  let rec union l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        ([],l2) -> l2
      | (l1,[]) -> l1
      | ((h1::t1 as l1),(h2::t2 as l2)) ->
          if h1 = h2 then h1::(union t1 t2)
          else if h1 < h2 then h1::(union t1 l2)
          else h2::(union l1 t2) in
  fun s1 s2 -> union (setify s1) (setify s2);;

let intersect =
  let rec intersect l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        ([],l2) -> []
      | (l1,[]) -> []
      | ((h1::t1 as l1),(h2::t2 as l2)) ->
          if h1 = h2 then h1::(intersect t1 t2)
          else if h1 < h2 then intersect t1 l2
          else intersect l1 t2 in
  fun s1 s2 -> intersect (setify s1) (setify s2);;

let subtract =
  let rec subtract l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        ([],l2) -> []
      | (l1,[]) -> l1
      | ((h1::t1 as l1),(h2::t2 as l2)) ->
          if h1 = h2 then subtract t1 t2
          else if h1 < h2 then h1::(subtract t1 l2)
          else subtract l1 t2 in
  fun s1 s2 -> subtract (setify s1) (setify s2);;

let subset,psubset =
  let rec subset l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        ([],l2) -> true
      | (l1,[]) -> false
      | (h1::t1,h2::t2) ->
          if h1 = h2 then subset t1 t2
          else if h1 < h2 then false
          else subset l1 t2
  and psubset l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
        (l1,[]) -> false
      | ([],l2) -> true
      | (h1::t1,h2::t2) ->
          if h1 = h2 then psubset t1 t2
          else if h1 < h2 then false
          else subset l1 t2 in
  (fun s1 s2 -> subset (setify s1) (setify s2)),
  (fun s1 s2 -> psubset (setify s1) (setify s2));;

let rec set_eq s1 s2 = (setify s1 = setify s2);;

let insert x s = union [x] s;;

image :: (Ord b, Ord a) => (a -> b) -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set b
image f s = Set.map f s

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Union of a family of sets.                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let unions s = setify(itlist (@) s []);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* List membership. This does *not* assume the list is a set.                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec mem x lis =
  match lis with
    [] -> false
  | (h::t) -> Pervasives.compare x h = 0 or mem x t;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Finding all subsets or all subsets of a given size.                       
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

-- allsets :: Ord a => Int -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
allsets :: forall a b. (Num a, Eq a, Ord b) => a -> Set.Set b -> Set.Set (Set.Set b)
allsets 0 _ = Set.singleton Set.empty
allsets m l =
    case Set.minView l of
      Nothing -> Set.empty
      Just (h, t) -> Set.union (Set.map (Set.insert h) (allsets (m - 1) t)) (allsets m t)

allsubsets :: forall a. Ord a => Set.Set a -> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
allsubsets s =
    maybe (Set.singleton Set.empty)
          (\ (x, t) -> 
               let res = allsubsets t in
               Set.union res (Set.map (Set.insert x) res))
          (Set.minView s)

allnonemptysubsets :: forall a. Ord a => Set.Set a -> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
allnonemptysubsets s = Set.delete Set.empty (allsubsets s)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Explosion and implosion of strings.                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let explode s =
  let rec exap n l =
     if n < 0 then l else
      exap (n - 1) ((String.sub s n 1)::l) in
  exap (String.length s - 1) [];;

let implode l = itlist (^) l "";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Timing; useful for documentation but not logically necessary.             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let time f x =
  let start_time = Sys.time() in
  let result = f x in
  let finish_time = Sys.time() in
    ("CPU time (user): "^(string_of_float(finish_time -. start_time)));

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Polymorphic finite partial functions via Patricia trees.                 
-- The point of this strange representation is that it is canonical (equal  
-- functions have the same encoding) yet reasonably efficient on average.   
-- Idea due to Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons (OCaml list, 2003/11/10).       
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Func a b
    = Empty
    | Leaf Int [(a, b)]
    | Branch Int Int (Func a b) (Func a b)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Undefined function.                                                      
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

undefinedFunction = Empty

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- In case of equality comparison worries, better use this.                 
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

isUndefined Empty = True
isUndefined _ = False

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Operation analogous to "map" for functions.                                  
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

mapf f t =
    case t of
      Empty -> Empty
      Leaf h l -> Leaf h (map_list f l)
      Branch p b l r -> Branch p b (mapf f l) (mapf f r)
      map_list f l =
          case l of
            [] -> []
            (x,y) : t -> (x, f y) : map_list f t

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Operations analogous to "fold" for lists.                                
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

foldlFn f a t =
    case t of
      Empty -> a
      Leaf h l -> foldl_list f a l
      Branch p b l r -> foldlFn f (foldlFn f a l) r
      foldl_list f a l =
          case l of
            [] -> a
            (x,y) : t -> foldl_list f (f a x y) t

foldrFn f t a =
    case t of
      Empty -> a
      Leaf h l -> foldr_list f l a
      Branch p b l r -> foldrFn f l (foldrFn f r a)
      foldr_list f l a =
          case l of
            [] -> a
            (x, y) : t -> f x y (foldr_list f t a)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Mapping to sorted-list representation of the graph, domain and range.    
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

graph f = Set.fromList (foldlFn (\ a x y -> (x,y) : a) [] f)

dom f = Set.fromList (foldlFn (\ a x y -> x :a) [] f)

ran f = Set.fromList (foldlFn (\ a x y -> y : a) [] f)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Application.                                                             
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

applyD :: Ord k => Map.Map k a -> k -> a -> Map.Map k a
applyD m k a = Map.insert k a m

apply :: Ord k => Map.Map k a -> k -> Maybe a
apply m k = Map.lookup k m

tryApplyD :: Ord k => Map.Map k a -> k -> a -> a
tryApplyD m k d = fromMaybe d (Map.lookup k m)

tryApplyL :: Ord k => Map.Map k [a] -> k -> [a]
tryApplyL m k = tryApplyD m k []
applyD :: (t -> Maybe b) -> (t -> b) -> t -> b
applyD f d x = maybe (d x) id (f x)

apply :: (t -> Maybe b) -> t -> b
apply f = applyD f (\ _ -> error "apply")

tryApplyD :: (t -> Maybe b) -> t -> b -> b
tryApplyD f a d = maybe d id (f a)

tryApplyL :: (t -> Maybe [a]) -> t -> [a]
tryApplyL f x = tryApplyD f x []

defined :: Ord t => Map.Map t a -> t -> Bool
defined = flip Map.member

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Undefinition.                                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let undefine =
  let rec undefine_list x l =
    match l with
      (a,b as ab)::t ->
          let c = Pervasives.compare x a in
          if c = 0 then t
          else if c < 0 then l else
          let t' = undefine_list x t in
          if t' == t then l else ab::t'
    | [] -> [] in
  fun x ->
    let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
    let rec und t =
      match t with
        Leaf(h,l) when h = k ->
          let l' = undefine_list x l in
          if l' == l then t
          else if l' = [] then Empty
          else Leaf(h,l')
      | Branch(p,b,l,r) when k land (b - 1) = p ->
          if k land b = 0 then
            let l' = und l in
            if l' == l then t
            else (match l' with Empty -> r | _ -> Branch(p,b,l',r))
            let r' = und r in
            if r' == r then t
            else (match r' with Empty -> l | _ -> Branch(p,b,l,r'))
      | _ -> t in

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Redefinition and combination.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let (|->),combine =
  let newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 =
    let zp = p1 lxor p2 in
    let b = zp land (-zp) in
    let p = p1 land (b - 1) in
    if p1 land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,t1,t2)
    else Branch(p,b,t2,t1) in
  let rec define_list (x,y as xy) l =
    match l with
      (a,b as ab)::t ->
          let c = Pervasives.compare x a in
          if c = 0 then xy::t
          else if c < 0 then xy::l
          else ab::(define_list xy t)
    | [] -> [xy]
  and combine_list op z l1 l2 =
    match (l1,l2) with
      [],_ -> l2
    | _,[] -> l1
    | ((x1,y1 as xy1)::t1,(x2,y2 as xy2)::t2) ->
          let c = Pervasives.compare x1 x2 in
          if c < 0 then xy1::(combine_list op z t1 l2)
          else if c > 0 then xy2::(combine_list op z l1 t2) else
          let y = op y1 y2 and l = combine_list op z t1 t2 in
          if z(y) then l else (x1,y)::l in
  let (|->) x y =
    let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
    let rec upd t =
      match t with
        Empty -> Leaf (k,[x,y])
      | Leaf(h,l) ->
           if h = k then Leaf(h,define_list (x,y) l)
           else newbranch h t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
      | Branch(p,b,l,r) ->
          if k land (b - 1) <> p then newbranch p t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
          else if k land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,upd l,r)
          else Branch(p,b,l,upd r) in
    upd in
  let rec combine op z t1 t2 =
    match (t1,t2) with
      Empty,_ -> t2
    | _,Empty -> t1
    | Leaf(h1,l1),Leaf(h2,l2) ->
          if h1 = h2 then
            let l = combine_list op z l1 l2 in
            if l = [] then Empty else Leaf(h1,l)
          else newbranch h1 t1 h2 t2
    | (Leaf(k,lis) as lf),(Branch(p,b,l,r) as br) ->
          if k land (b - 1) = p then
            if k land b = 0 then
              (match combine op z lf l with
                 Empty -> r | l' -> Branch(p,b,l',r))
              (match combine op z lf r with
                 Empty -> l | r' -> Branch(p,b,l,r'))
            newbranch k lf p br
    | (Branch(p,b,l,r) as br),(Leaf(k,lis) as lf) ->
          if k land (b - 1) = p then
            if k land b = 0 then
              (match combine op z l lf with
                Empty -> r | l' -> Branch(p,b,l',r))
              (match combine op z r lf with
                 Empty -> l | r' -> Branch(p,b,l,r'))
            newbranch p br k lf
    | Branch(p1,b1,l1,r1),Branch(p2,b2,l2,r2) ->
          if b1 < b2 then
            if p2 land (b1 - 1) <> p1 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
            else if p2 land b1 = 0 then
              (match combine op z l1 t2 with
                 Empty -> r1 | l -> Branch(p1,b1,l,r1))
              (match combine op z r1 t2 with
                 Empty -> l1 | r -> Branch(p1,b1,l1,r))
          else if b2 < b1 then
            if p1 land (b2 - 1) <> p2 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
            else if p1 land b2 = 0 then
              (match combine op z t1 l2 with
                 Empty -> r2 | l -> Branch(p2,b2,l,r2))
              (match combine op z t1 r2 with
                 Empty -> l2 | r -> Branch(p2,b2,l2,r))
          else if p1 = p2 then
           (match (combine op z l1 l2,combine op z r1 r2) with
              (Empty,r) -> r | (l,Empty) -> l | (l,r) -> Branch(p1,b1,l,r))
            newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 in

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Special case of point function.                                          
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(|=>) :: Ord k => k -> a -> Map.Map k a
x |=> y = Map.fromList [(x, y)]

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Idiom for a mapping zipping domain and range lists.                      
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(|->) :: Ord k => k -> a -> Map.Map k a -> Map.Map k a
(|->) a b m = Map.insert a b m

fpf :: Ord a => Map.Map a b -> a -> Maybe b
fpf m a = Map.lookup a m

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Grab an arbitrary element.                                               
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

choose :: Map.Map k a -> (k, a)
choose = Map.findMin

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Install a (trivial) printer for finite partial functions.                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let print_fpf (f:('a,'b)func) = print_string "<func>";;

#install_printer print_fpf;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Related stuff for standard functions.                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let valmod a y f x = if x = a then y else f(x);;

let undef x = failwith "undefined function";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Union-find algorithm.                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type ('a)pnode = Nonterminal of 'a | Terminal of 'a * int;;

type ('a)partition = Partition of ('a,('a)pnode)func;;

let rec terminus (Partition f as ptn) a =
  match (apply f a) with
    Nonterminal(b) -> terminus ptn b
  | Terminal(p,q) -> (p,q);;

let tryterminus ptn a =
  try terminus ptn a with Failure _ -> (a,1);;

let canonize ptn a = fst(tryterminus ptn a);;

let equivalent eqv a b = canonize eqv a = canonize eqv b;;

let equate (a,b) (Partition f as ptn) =
  let (a',na) = tryterminus ptn a
  and (b',nb) = tryterminus ptn b in
   (if a' = b' then f else
    if na <= nb then
       itlist identity [a' |-> Nonterminal b'; b' |-> Terminal(b',na+nb)] f
       itlist identity [b' |-> Nonterminal a'; a' |-> Terminal(a',na+nb)] f);;

let unequal = Partition undefined;;

let equated (Partition f) = dom f;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* First number starting at n for which p succeeds.                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec first n p = if p(n) then n else first (n +/ Int 1) p;;