{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Data.Logic.Harrison.Resolution
    ( resolution1
    , resolution2
    , resolution3
    , presolution
    , matchAtomsEq
    ) where

import Data.Logic.Classes.Atom (Atom(match))
import Data.Logic.Classes.Combine (Combination(..))
import Data.Logic.Classes.Equals (AtomEq, zipAtomsEq)
import Data.Logic.Classes.FirstOrder (FirstOrderFormula(..), zipFirstOrder)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Literal (Literal)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Negate ((.~.), positive)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Propositional (PropositionalFormula)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Term (Term(vt, foldTerm))
import Data.Logic.Classes.Variable (Variable(prefix))
import Data.Logic.Failing (Failing(..), failing)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.FOL (subst, fv, generalize, list_disj, list_conj)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib (settryfind, allpairs, allsubsets, setAny, setAll,
                                allnonemptysubsets, (|->), apply, defined)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Normal (simpdnf, simpcnf, trivial)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Skolem (pnf, SkolemT, askolemize, specialize)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Tableaux (unify_literals)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Unif (solve)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- ========================================================================= 
-- Resolution.                                                               
-- Copyright (c) 2003-2007, John Harrison. (See "LICENSE.txt" for details.)  
-- ========================================================================= 

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- MGU of a set of literals.                                                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

mgu :: forall lit atom term v f. (Literal lit atom, Term term v f, Atom atom term v) =>
       Set.Set lit -> Map.Map v term -> Failing (Map.Map v term)
mgu l env =
    case Set.minView l of
      Just (a, rest) ->
          case Set.minView rest of
            Just (b, _) -> unify_literals env a b >>= mgu rest
            _ -> Success (solve env)
      _ -> Success (solve env)

unifiable :: (Literal lit atom, Term term v f, Atom atom term v) =>
             lit -> lit -> Bool
unifiable p q = failing (const False) (const True) (unify_literals Map.empty p q)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Rename a clause.                                                          
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

rename :: (FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
          (v -> v) -> Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof
rename pfx cls =
    Set.map (subst (Map.fromList (zip fvs vvs))) cls
      -- fvs :: [v]
      fvs = Set.toList (fv (list_disj cls))
      -- vvs :: [term]
      vvs = map (vt . pfx) fvs

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- General resolution rule, incorporating factoring as in Robinson's paper.  
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

resolvents :: (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
              Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof -> fof -> Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof
resolvents cl1 cl2 p acc =
    if Set.null ps2 then acc else Set.fold doPair acc pairs
      doPair (s1,s2) sof =
          case mgu (Set.union s1 (Set.map (.~.) s2)) Map.empty of
            Success mp -> Set.union (Set.map (subst mp) (Set.union (Set.difference cl1 s1) (Set.difference cl2 s2))) sof
            Failure _ -> sof
      -- pairs :: Set.Set (Set.Set fof, Set.Set fof)
      pairs = allpairs (,) (Set.map (Set.insert p) (allsubsets ps1)) (allnonemptysubsets ps2)
      -- ps1 :: Set.Set fof
      ps1 = Set.filter (\ q -> q /= p && unifiable p q) cl1
      -- ps2 :: Set.Set fof
      ps2 = Set.filter (unifiable ((.~.) p)) cl2

resolve_clauses :: forall fof atom v term f.
                   (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                   Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof
resolve_clauses cls1 cls2 =
    let cls1' = rename (prefix "x") cls1
        cls2' = rename (prefix "y") cls2 in
    Set.fold (resolvents cls1' cls2') Set.empty cls1'

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Basic "Argonne" loop.                                                     
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

resloop1 :: forall atom v term f fof. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
            Set.Set (Set.Set fof) -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof) -> Failing Bool
resloop1 used unused =
    maybe (Failure ["No proof found"]) step (Set.minView unused)
      step (cl, ros) =
          if Set.member Set.empty news then return True else resloop1 used' (Set.union ros news)
            used' = Set.insert cl used
            -- resolve_clauses is not in the Failing monad, so setmapfilter isn't appropriate.
            news = Set.fold Set.insert Set.empty ({-setmapfilter-} Set.map (resolve_clauses cl) used')

pure_resolution1 :: forall fof atom v term f. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                    fof -> Failing Bool
pure_resolution1 fm = resloop1 Set.empty (simpcnf (specialize (pnf fm)))

resolution1 :: forall m fof term f atom v.
               (Literal fof atom,
                FirstOrderFormula fof atom v,
                PropositionalFormula fof atom,
                Term term v f,
                Atom atom term v,
                Ord fof,
                Monad m) =>
               fof -> SkolemT v term m (Set.Set (Failing Bool))
resolution1 fm = askolemize ((.~.)(generalize fm)) >>= return . Set.map (pure_resolution1 . list_conj) . (simpdnf :: fof -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof))

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Matching of terms and literals.                                           
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

term_match :: forall term v f. (Term term v f) => Map.Map v term -> [(term, term)] -> Failing (Map.Map v term)
term_match env [] = Success env
term_match env ((p, q) : oth) =
    foldTerm v fn p
      v x = if not (defined env x)
            then term_match ((x |-> q) env) oth
            else if apply env x == Just q
                 then term_match env oth
                 else Failure ["term_match"]
      fn f fa =
          foldTerm v' fn' q
            fn' g ga | f == g && length fa == length ga = term_match env (zip fa ga ++ oth)
            fn' _ _ = Failure ["term_match"]
            v' _ = Failure ["term_match"]
  case eqs of
    [] -> Success env
    (Fn f fa, Fn g ga) : oth
        | f == g && length fa == length ga ->
           term_match env (zip fa ga ++ oth)
    (Var x, t) : oth ->
        if not (defined env x) then term_match ((x |-> t) env) oth
        else if apply env x == t then term_match env oth
        else Failure ["term_match"]
    _ -> Failure ["term_match"]

match_literals :: forall term f v fof atom. (FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Atom atom term v, Term term v f) =>
                  Map.Map v term -> fof -> fof -> Failing (Map.Map v term)
match_literals env t1 t2 =
    fromMaybe err (zipFirstOrder qu co tf at t1 t2)
      qu _ _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
      co ((:~:) p) ((:~:) q) = Just $ match_literals env p q
      co _ _ = Nothing
      tf a b = if a == b then Just (Success env) else Nothing
      at a1 a2 = Just (match env a1 a2)
      err = Failure ["match_literals"]

-- Identical to unifyAtomsEq except calls term_match instead of unify.
matchAtomsEq :: forall v f atom p term.
                (AtomEq atom p term, Term term v f) =>
                Map.Map v term -> atom -> atom -> Failing (Map.Map v term)
matchAtomsEq env a1 a2 =
    fromMaybe err (zipAtomsEq ap tf eq a1 a2)
      ap p ts1 q ts2 =
          if p == q && length ts1 == length ts2
          then Just (term_match env (zip ts1 ts2))
          else Nothing
      tf p q = if p == q then Just (Success env) else Nothing
      eq pl pr ql qr = Just (term_match env [(pl, ql), (pr, qr)])
      err = Failure ["matchAtomsEq"]

    case tmp of
      (Atom (R p a1), Atom(R q a2)) -> term_match env [(Fn p a1, Fn q a2)]
      (Not (Atom (R p a1)), Not (Atom (R q a2))) -> term_match env [(Fn p a1, Fn q a2)]
      _ -> Failure ["match_literals"]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Test for subsumption                                                      
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

subsumes_clause :: forall term f v fof atom. (FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v) =>
                   Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof -> Bool
subsumes_clause cls1 cls2 =
    failing (const False) (const True) (subsume Map.empty cls1)
      -- subsume :: Map.Map v term -> Set.Set fof -> Failing (Map.Map v term)
      subsume env cls =
          case Set.minView cls of
            Nothing -> Success env
            Just (l1, clt) -> settryfind (\ l2 -> case (match_literals env l1 l2) of
                                                    Success env' -> subsume env' clt
                                                    Failure msgs -> Failure msgs) cls2
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- With deletion of tautologies and bi-subsumption with "unused".            
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

replace :: forall term f v fof atom. (FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
           Set.Set fof
        -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
        -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
replace cl st =
    case Set.minView st of
      Nothing -> Set.singleton cl
      Just (c, st') -> if subsumes_clause cl c
                       then Set.insert cl st'
                       else Set.insert c (replace cl st')

incorporate :: forall fof term f v atom. (FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
               Set.Set fof
            -> Set.Set fof
            -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
            -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
incorporate gcl cl unused =
    if trivial cl || setAny (\ c -> subsumes_clause c cl) (Set.insert gcl unused)
    then unused
    else replace cl unused

resloop2 :: forall fof term f v atom. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
            Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
         -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof)
         -> Failing Bool
resloop2 used unused =
    case Set.minView unused of
      Nothing -> Failure ["No proof found"]
      Just (cl {- :: Set.Set fof-}, ros {- :: Set.Set (Set.Set fof) -}) ->
          -- print_string(string_of_int(length used) ^ " used; "^ string_of_int(length unused) ^ " unused.");
          -- print_newline();
          let used' = Set.insert cl used in
          let news = {-Set.fold Set.union Set.empty-} (Set.map (resolve_clauses cl) used') in
          if Set.member Set.empty news then return True else resloop2 used' (Set.fold (incorporate cl) ros news)

pure_resolution2 :: forall fof atom v term f. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                    fof -> Failing Bool
pure_resolution2 fm = resloop2 Set.empty (simpcnf (specialize (pnf fm)))

resolution2 :: forall fof atom term v f m.
               (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, PropositionalFormula fof atom, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof, Monad m) =>
               fof -> SkolemT v term m (Set.Set (Failing Bool))
resolution2 fm = askolemize ((.~.) (generalize fm)) >>= return . Set.map (pure_resolution2 . list_conj) . (simpdnf :: fof -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof))

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Positive (P1) resolution.                                                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

presolve_clauses :: (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                    Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof -> Set.Set fof
presolve_clauses cls1 cls2 =
    if setAll positive cls1 || setAll positive cls2
    then resolve_clauses cls1 cls2
    else Set.empty

presloop :: (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
            Set.Set (Set.Set fof) -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof) -> Failing Bool
presloop used unused =
    case Set.minView unused of
      Nothing -> Failure ["No proof found"]
      Just (cl, ros) ->
          -- print_string(string_of_int(length used) ^ " used; "^ string_of_int(length unused) ^ " unused.");
          -- print_newline();
          let used' = Set.insert cl used in
          let news = Set.map (presolve_clauses cl) used' in
          if Set.member Set.empty news
          then Success True
          else presloop used' (Set.fold (incorporate cl) ros news)

pure_presolution :: forall fof atom v term f. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                    fof -> Failing Bool
pure_presolution fm = presloop Set.empty (simpcnf (specialize (pnf fm)))

presolution :: forall fof atom term v f m.
               (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, PropositionalFormula fof atom, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof, Monad m) =>
               fof -> SkolemT v term m (Set.Set (Failing Bool))
presolution fm =
    askolemize ((.~.) (generalize fm)) >>= return . Set.map (pure_presolution . list_conj) . (simpdnf :: fof -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof))

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Introduce a set-of-support restriction.                                   
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

pure_resolution3 :: (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof) =>
                    fof -> Failing Bool
pure_resolution3 fm =
    uncurry resloop2 (Set.partition (setAny positive) (simpcnf (specialize (pnf fm))))

resolution3 :: forall fof atom term v f m. (Literal fof atom, FirstOrderFormula fof atom v, PropositionalFormula fof atom, Term term v f, Atom atom term v, Ord fof, Monad m) =>
               fof -> SkolemT v term m (Set.Set (Failing Bool))
resolution3 fm =
    askolemize ((.~.)(generalize fm)) >>= return . Set.map (pure_resolution3 . list_conj) . (simpdnf :: fof -> Set.Set (Set.Set fof))
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- The Pelletier examples again.                                             
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

{- **********

let p1 = time presolution
 <<p ==> q <=> ~q ==> ~p>>;;

let p2 = time presolution
 <<~ ~p <=> p>>;;

let p3 = time presolution
 <<~(p ==> q) ==> q ==> p>>;;

let p4 = time presolution
 <<~p ==> q <=> ~q ==> p>>;;

let p5 = time presolution
 <<(p \/ q ==> p \/ r) ==> p \/ (q ==> r)>>;;

let p6 = time presolution
 <<p \/ ~p>>;;

let p7 = time presolution
 <<p \/ ~ ~ ~p>>;;

let p8 = time presolution
 <<((p ==> q) ==> p) ==> p>>;;

let p9 = time presolution
 <<(p \/ q) /\ (~p \/ q) /\ (p \/ ~q) ==> ~(~q \/ ~q)>>;;

let p10 = time presolution
 <<(q ==> r) /\ (r ==> p /\ q) /\ (p ==> q /\ r) ==> (p <=> q)>>;;

let p11 = time presolution
 <<p <=> p>>;;

let p12 = time presolution
 <<((p <=> q) <=> r) <=> (p <=> (q <=> r))>>;;

let p13 = time presolution
 <<p \/ q /\ r <=> (p \/ q) /\ (p \/ r)>>;;

let p14 = time presolution
 <<(p <=> q) <=> (q \/ ~p) /\ (~q \/ p)>>;;

let p15 = time presolution
 <<p ==> q <=> ~p \/ q>>;;

let p16 = time presolution
 <<(p ==> q) \/ (q ==> p)>>;;

let p17 = time presolution
 <<p /\ (q ==> r) ==> s <=> (~p \/ q \/ s) /\ (~p \/ ~r \/ s)>>;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Monadic Predicate Logic.                                                  
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let p18 = time presolution
 <<exists y. forall x. P(y) ==> P(x)>>;;

let p19 = time presolution
 <<exists x. forall y z. (P(y) ==> Q(z)) ==> P(x) ==> Q(x)>>;;

let p20 = time presolution
 <<(forall x y. exists z. forall w. P(x) /\ Q(y) ==> R(z) /\ U(w))
   ==> (exists x y. P(x) /\ Q(y)) ==> (exists z. R(z))>>;;

let p21 = time presolution
 <<(exists x. P ==> Q(x)) /\ (exists x. Q(x) ==> P)
   ==> (exists x. P <=> Q(x))>>;;

let p22 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P <=> Q(x)) ==> (P <=> (forall x. Q(x)))>>;;

let p23 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P \/ Q(x)) <=> P \/ (forall x. Q(x))>>;;

let p24 = time presolution
 <<~(exists x. U(x) /\ Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x) \/ R(x)) /\
   ~(exists x. P(x) ==> (exists x. Q(x))) /\
   (forall x. Q(x) /\ R(x) ==> U(x)) ==>
   (exists x. P(x) /\ R(x))>>;;

let p25 = time presolution
 <<(exists x. P(x)) /\
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~G(x) /\ R(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> G(x) /\ U(x)) /\
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x)) \/ (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x))) ==>
   (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x))>>;;

let p26 = time presolution
 <<((exists x. P(x)) <=> (exists x. Q(x))) /\
   (forall x y. P(x) /\ Q(y) ==> (R(x) <=> U(y))) ==>
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) <=> (forall x. Q(x) ==> U(x)))>>;;

let p27 = time presolution
 <<(exists x. P(x) /\ ~Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) /\
   (forall x. U(x) /\ V(x) ==> P(x)) /\
   (exists x. R(x) /\ ~Q(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~R(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~V(x))>>;;

let p28 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) ==> (forall x. Q(x))) /\
   ((forall x. Q(x) \/ R(x)) ==> (exists x. Q(x) /\ R(x))) /\
   ((exists x. R(x)) ==> (forall x. L(x) ==> M(x))) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) /\ L(x) ==> M(x))>>;;

let p29 = time presolution
 <<(exists x. P(x)) /\ (exists x. G(x)) ==>
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> H(x)) /\ (forall x. G(x) ==> J(x)) <=>
    (forall x y. P(x) /\ G(y) ==> H(x) /\ J(y)))>>;;

let p30 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) \/ G(x) ==> ~H(x)) /\
   (forall x. (G(x) ==> ~U(x)) ==> P(x) /\ H(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x))>>;;

let p31 = time presolution
 <<~(exists x. P(x) /\ (G(x) \/ H(x))) /\ (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x)) /\
   (forall x. ~H(x) ==> J(x)) ==>
   (exists x. Q(x) /\ J(x))>>;;

let p32 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) /\ (G(x) \/ H(x)) ==> Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. Q(x) /\ H(x) ==> J(x)) /\
   (forall x. R(x) ==> H(x)) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) /\ R(x) ==> J(x))>>;;

let p33 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(a) /\ (P(x) ==> P(b)) ==> P(c)) <=>
   (forall x. P(a) ==> P(x) \/ P(c)) /\ (P(a) ==> P(b) ==> P(c))>>;;

let p34 = time presolution
 <<((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=>
    ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) <=>
   ((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=>
    ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))>>;;

let p35 = time presolution
 <<exists x y. P(x,y) ==> (forall x y. P(x,y))>>;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
--  Full predicate logic (without Identity and Functions)                    
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let p36 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. exists y. P(x,y)) /\
   (forall x. exists y. G(x,y)) /\
   (forall x y. P(x,y) \/ G(x,y)
   ==> (forall z. P(y,z) \/ G(y,z) ==> H(x,z)))
       ==> (forall x. exists y. H(x,y))>>;;

let p37 = time presolution
 <<(forall z.
     exists w. forall x. exists y. (P(x,z) ==> P(y,w)) /\ P(y,z) /\
     (P(y,w) ==> (exists u. Q(u,w)))) /\
   (forall x z. ~P(x,z) ==> (exists y. Q(y,z))) /\
   ((exists x y. Q(x,y)) ==> (forall x. R(x,x))) ==>
   (forall x. exists y. R(x,y))>>;;

{- ** This one seems too slow

let p38 = time presolution
 <<(forall x.
     P(a) /\ (P(x) ==> (exists y. P(y) /\ R(x,y))) ==>
     (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))) <=>
   (forall x.
     (~P(a) \/ P(x) \/ (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))) /\
     (~P(a) \/ ~(exists y. P(y) /\ R(x,y)) \/
     (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))))>>;;

 ** -}

let p39 = time presolution
 <<~(exists x. forall y. P(y,x) <=> ~P(y,y))>>;;

let p40 = time presolution
 <<(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,x))
  ==> ~(forall x. exists y. forall z. P(z,y) <=> ~P(z,x))>>;;

let p41 = time presolution
 <<(forall z. exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,z) /\ ~P(x,x))
  ==> ~(exists z. forall x. P(x,z))>>;;

{- ** Also very slow

let p42 = time presolution
 <<~(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> ~(exists z. P(x,z) /\ P(z,x)))>>;;

 ** -}

{- ** and this one too..

let p43 = time presolution
 <<(forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y))
   ==> forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)>>;;

 ** -}

let p44 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) ==> (exists y. G(y) /\ H(x,y)) /\
   (exists y. G(y) /\ ~H(x,y))) /\
   (exists x. J(x) /\ (forall y. G(y) ==> H(x,y))) ==>
   (exists x. J(x) /\ ~P(x))>>;;

{- ** and this...

let p45 = time presolution
 <<(forall x.
     P(x) /\ (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y)) ==>
       (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> R(y))) /\
   ~(exists y. L(y) /\ R(y)) /\
   (exists x. P(x) /\ (forall y. H(x,y) ==>
     L(y)) /\ (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y))) ==>
   (exists x. P(x) /\ ~(exists y. G(y) /\ H(x,y)))>>;;

 ** -}

{- ** and this

let p46 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) /\ (forall y. P(y) /\ H(y,x) ==> G(y)) ==> G(x)) /\
   ((exists x. P(x) /\ ~G(x)) ==>
    (exists x. P(x) /\ ~G(x) /\
               (forall y. P(y) /\ ~G(y) ==> J(x,y)))) /\
   (forall x y. P(x) /\ P(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> ~J(y,x)) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) ==> G(x))>>;;

 ** -}

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Example from Manthey and Bry, CADE-9.                                     
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let p55 = time presolution
 <<lives(agatha) /\ lives(butler) /\ lives(charles) /\
   (killed(agatha,agatha) \/ killed(butler,agatha) \/
    killed(charles,agatha)) /\
   (forall x y. killed(x,y) ==> hates(x,y) /\ ~richer(x,y)) /\
   (forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> ~hates(charles,x)) /\
   (hates(agatha,agatha) /\ hates(agatha,charles)) /\
   (forall x. lives(x) /\ ~richer(x,agatha) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\
   (forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\
   (forall x. ~hates(x,agatha) \/ ~hates(x,butler) \/ ~hates(x,charles))
   ==> killed(agatha,agatha) /\
       ~killed(butler,agatha) /\

let p57 = time presolution
 <<P(f((a),b),f(b,c)) /\
   P(f(b,c),f(a,c)) /\
   (forall (x) y z. P(x,y) /\ P(y,z) ==> P(x,z))
   ==> P(f(a,b),f(a,c))>>;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- See info-hol, circa 1500.                                                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let p58 = time presolution
 <<forall P Q R. forall x. exists v. exists w. forall y. forall z.
    ((P(x) /\ Q(y)) ==> ((P(v) \/ R(w))  /\ (R(z) ==> Q(v))))>>;;

let p59 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) <=> ~P(f(x))) ==> (exists x. P(x) /\ ~P(f(x)))>>;;

let p60 = time presolution
 <<forall x. P(x,f(x)) <=>
            exists y. (forall z. P(z,y) ==> P(z,f(x))) /\ P(x,y)>>;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- From Gilmore's classic paper.                                             
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let gilmore_1 = time presolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
      ((F(y) ==> G(y)) <=> F(x)) /\
      ((F(y) ==> H(y)) <=> G(x)) /\
      (((F(y) ==> G(y)) ==> H(y)) <=> H(x))
      ==> F(z) /\ G(z) /\ H(z)>>;;

{- ** This is not valid, according to Gilmore

let gilmore_2 = time presolution
 <<exists x y. forall z.
        (F(x,z) <=> F(z,y)) /\ (F(z,y) <=> F(z,z)) /\ (F(x,y) <=> F(y,x))
        ==> (F(x,y) <=> F(x,z))>>;;

 ** -}

let gilmore_3 = time presolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
        ((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> H(x))) ==> F(x,x)) /\
        ((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> H(z)) /\
        ==> F(z,z)>>;;

let gilmore_4 = time presolution
 <<exists x y. forall z.
        (F(x,y) ==> F(y,z) /\ F(z,z)) /\
        (F(x,y) /\ G(x,y) ==> G(x,z) /\ G(z,z))>>;;

let gilmore_5 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. exists y. F(x,y) \/ F(y,x)) /\
   (forall x y. F(y,x) ==> F(y,y))
   ==> exists z. F(z,z)>>;;

let gilmore_6 = time presolution
 <<forall x. exists y.
        (exists u. forall v. F(u,x) ==> G(v,u) /\ G(u,x))
        ==> (exists u. forall v. F(u,y) ==> G(v,u) /\ G(u,y)) \/
            (forall u v. exists w. G(v,u) \/ H(w,y,u) ==> G(u,w))>>;;

let gilmore_7 = time presolution
 <<(forall x. K(x) ==> exists y. L(y) /\ (F(x,y) ==> G(x,y))) /\
   (exists z. K(z) /\ forall u. L(u) ==> F(z,u))
   ==> exists v w. K(v) /\ L(w) /\ G(v,w)>>;;

let gilmore_8 = time presolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
        ((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,x)))) ==> F(x,x)) /\
        ((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,z))) /\
        ==> F(z,z)>>;;

{- ** This one still isn't easy!

let gilmore_9 = time presolution
 <<forall x. exists y. forall z.
        ((forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(y,x))
          ==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(z,u) /\ ~H(x,z))
             ==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(x,y))) /\
        ((forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(x,y))
         ==> ~(forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(z,u) /\ ~H(x,z))
             ==> (forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(y,x)) /\
                 (forall u. exists v. F(z,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(z,y)))>>;;

 ** -}

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Example from Davis-Putnam papers where Gilmore procedure is poor.         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let davis_putnam_example = time presolution
 <<exists x. exists y. forall z.
        (F(x,y) ==> (F(y,z) /\ F(z,z))) /\
        ((F(x,y) /\ G(x,y)) ==> (G(x,z) /\ G(z,z)))>>;;

*********** -}

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Example                                                                   
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

let gilmore_1 = resolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
      ((F(y) ==> G(y)) <=> F(x)) /\
      ((F(y) ==> H(y)) <=> G(x)) /\
      (((F(y) ==> G(y)) ==> H(y)) <=> H(x))
      ==> F(z) /\ G(z) /\ H(z)>>;;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Pelletiers yet again.                                                     
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

{- ************

let p1 = time resolution
 <<p ==> q <=> ~q ==> ~p>>;;

let p2 = time resolution
 <<~ ~p <=> p>>;;

let p3 = time resolution
 <<~(p ==> q) ==> q ==> p>>;;

let p4 = time resolution
 <<~p ==> q <=> ~q ==> p>>;;

let p5 = time resolution
 <<(p \/ q ==> p \/ r) ==> p \/ (q ==> r)>>;;

let p6 = time resolution
 <<p \/ ~p>>;;

let p7 = time resolution
 <<p \/ ~ ~ ~p>>;;

let p8 = time resolution
 <<((p ==> q) ==> p) ==> p>>;;

let p9 = time resolution
 <<(p \/ q) /\ (~p \/ q) /\ (p \/ ~q) ==> ~(~q \/ ~q)>>;;

let p10 = time resolution
 <<(q ==> r) /\ (r ==> p /\ q) /\ (p ==> q /\ r) ==> (p <=> q)>>;;

let p11 = time resolution
 <<p <=> p>>;;

let p12 = time resolution
 <<((p <=> q) <=> r) <=> (p <=> (q <=> r))>>;;

let p13 = time resolution
 <<p \/ q /\ r <=> (p \/ q) /\ (p \/ r)>>;;

let p14 = time resolution
 <<(p <=> q) <=> (q \/ ~p) /\ (~q \/ p)>>;;

let p15 = time resolution
 <<p ==> q <=> ~p \/ q>>;;

let p16 = time resolution
 <<(p ==> q) \/ (q ==> p)>>;;

let p17 = time resolution
 <<p /\ (q ==> r) ==> s <=> (~p \/ q \/ s) /\ (~p \/ ~r \/ s)>>;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Monadic Predicate Logic.                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let p18 = time resolution
 <<exists y. forall x. P(y) ==> P(x)>>;;

let p19 = time resolution
 <<exists x. forall y z. (P(y) ==> Q(z)) ==> P(x) ==> Q(x)>>;;

let p20 = time resolution
 <<(forall x y. exists z. forall w. P(x) /\ Q(y) ==> R(z) /\ U(w)) ==>
   (exists x y. P(x) /\ Q(y)) ==>
   (exists z. R(z))>>;;

let p21 = time resolution
 <<(exists x. P ==> Q(x)) /\ (exists x. Q(x) ==> P) ==> (exists x. P <=> Q(x))>>;;

let p22 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P <=> Q(x)) ==> (P <=> (forall x. Q(x)))>>;;

let p23 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P \/ Q(x)) <=> P \/ (forall x. Q(x))>>;;

let p24 = time resolution
 <<~(exists x. U(x) /\ Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x) \/ R(x)) /\
   ~(exists x. P(x) ==> (exists x. Q(x))) /\
   (forall x. Q(x) /\ R(x) ==> U(x)) ==>
   (exists x. P(x) /\ R(x))>>;;

let p25 = time resolution
 <<(exists x. P(x)) /\
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~G(x) /\ R(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> G(x) /\ U(x)) /\
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x)) \/ (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x))) ==>
   (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x))>>;;

let p26 = time resolution
 <<((exists x. P(x)) <=> (exists x. Q(x))) /\
   (forall x y. P(x) /\ Q(y) ==> (R(x) <=> U(y))) ==>
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) <=> (forall x. Q(x) ==> U(x)))>>;;

let p27 = time resolution
 <<(exists x. P(x) /\ ~Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) /\
   (forall x. U(x) /\ V(x) ==> P(x)) /\
   (exists x. R(x) /\ ~Q(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~R(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x) ==> ~V(x))>>;;

let p28 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) ==> (forall x. Q(x))) /\
   ((forall x. Q(x) \/ R(x)) ==> (exists x. Q(x) /\ R(x))) /\
   ((exists x. R(x)) ==> (forall x. L(x) ==> M(x))) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) /\ L(x) ==> M(x))>>;;

let p29 = time resolution
 <<(exists x. P(x)) /\ (exists x. G(x)) ==>
   ((forall x. P(x) ==> H(x)) /\ (forall x. G(x) ==> J(x)) <=>
    (forall x y. P(x) /\ G(y) ==> H(x) /\ J(y)))>>;;

let p30 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) \/ G(x) ==> ~H(x)) /\ (forall x. (G(x) ==> ~U(x)) ==>
     P(x) /\ H(x)) ==>
   (forall x. U(x))>>;;

let p31 = time resolution
 <<~(exists x. P(x) /\ (G(x) \/ H(x))) /\ (exists x. Q(x) /\ P(x)) /\
   (forall x. ~H(x) ==> J(x)) ==>
   (exists x. Q(x) /\ J(x))>>;;

let p32 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) /\ (G(x) \/ H(x)) ==> Q(x)) /\
   (forall x. Q(x) /\ H(x) ==> J(x)) /\
   (forall x. R(x) ==> H(x)) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) /\ R(x) ==> J(x))>>;;

let p33 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(a) /\ (P(x) ==> P(b)) ==> P(c)) <=>
   (forall x. P(a) ==> P(x) \/ P(c)) /\ (P(a) ==> P(b) ==> P(c))>>;;

let p34 = time resolution
 <<((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=>
   ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) <=>
   ((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=>
  ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))>>;;

let p35 = time resolution
 <<exists x y. P(x,y) ==> (forall x y. P(x,y))>>;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*  Full predicate logic (without Identity and Functions)                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let p36 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. exists y. P(x,y)) /\
   (forall x. exists y. G(x,y)) /\
   (forall x y. P(x,y) \/ G(x,y)
   ==> (forall z. P(y,z) \/ G(y,z) ==> H(x,z)))
       ==> (forall x. exists y. H(x,y))>>;;

let p37 = time resolution
 <<(forall z.
     exists w. forall x. exists y. (P(x,z) ==> P(y,w)) /\ P(y,z) /\
     (P(y,w) ==> (exists u. Q(u,w)))) /\
   (forall x z. ~P(x,z) ==> (exists y. Q(y,z))) /\
   ((exists x y. Q(x,y)) ==> (forall x. R(x,x))) ==>
   (forall x. exists y. R(x,y))>>;;

(*** This one seems too slow

let p38 = time resolution
 <<(forall x.
     P(a) /\ (P(x) ==> (exists y. P(y) /\ R(x,y))) ==>
     (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))) <=>
   (forall x.
     (~P(a) \/ P(x) \/ (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))) /\
     (~P(a) \/ ~(exists y. P(y) /\ R(x,y)) \/
     (exists z w. P(z) /\ R(x,w) /\ R(w,z))))>>;;


let p39 = time resolution
 <<~(exists x. forall y. P(y,x) <=> ~P(y,y))>>;;

let p40 = time resolution
 <<(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,x))
  ==> ~(forall x. exists y. forall z. P(z,y) <=> ~P(z,x))>>;;

let p41 = time resolution
 <<(forall z. exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,z) /\ ~P(x,x))
  ==> ~(exists z. forall x. P(x,z))>>;;

(*** Also very slow

let p42 = time resolution
 <<~(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> ~(exists z. P(x,z) /\ P(z,x)))>>;;


(*** and this one too..

let p43 = time resolution
 <<(forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y))
   ==> forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)>>;;


let p44 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) ==> (exists y. G(y) /\ H(x,y)) /\
   (exists y. G(y) /\ ~H(x,y))) /\
   (exists x. J(x) /\ (forall y. G(y) ==> H(x,y))) ==>
   (exists x. J(x) /\ ~P(x))>>;;

(*** and this...

let p45 = time resolution
 <<(forall x.
     P(x) /\ (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y)) ==>
       (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> R(y))) /\
   ~(exists y. L(y) /\ R(y)) /\
   (exists x. P(x) /\ (forall y. H(x,y) ==>
     L(y)) /\ (forall y. G(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y))) ==>
   (exists x. P(x) /\ ~(exists y. G(y) /\ H(x,y)))>>;;


(*** and this

let p46 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) /\ (forall y. P(y) /\ H(y,x) ==> G(y)) ==> G(x)) /\
   ((exists x. P(x) /\ ~G(x)) ==>
    (exists x. P(x) /\ ~G(x) /\
               (forall y. P(y) /\ ~G(y) ==> J(x,y)))) /\
   (forall x y. P(x) /\ P(y) /\ H(x,y) ==> ~J(y,x)) ==>
   (forall x. P(x) ==> G(x))>>;;


(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Example from Manthey and Bry, CADE-9.                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let p55 = time resolution
 <<lives(agatha) /\ lives(butler) /\ lives(charles) /\
   (killed(agatha,agatha) \/ killed(butler,agatha) \/
    killed(charles,agatha)) /\
   (forall x y. killed(x,y) ==> hates(x,y) /\ ~richer(x,y)) /\
   (forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> ~hates(charles,x)) /\
   (hates(agatha,agatha) /\ hates(agatha,charles)) /\
   (forall x. lives(x) /\ ~richer(x,agatha) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\
   (forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\
   (forall x. ~hates(x,agatha) \/ ~hates(x,butler) \/ ~hates(x,charles))
   ==> killed(agatha,agatha) /\
       ~killed(butler,agatha) /\

let p57 = time resolution
 <<P(f((a),b),f(b,c)) /\
   P(f(b,c),f(a,c)) /\
   (forall (x) y z. P(x,y) /\ P(y,z) ==> P(x,z))
   ==> P(f(a,b),f(a,c))>>;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* See info-hol, circa 1500.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let p58 = time resolution
 <<forall P Q R. forall x. exists v. exists w. forall y. forall z.
    ((P(x) /\ Q(y)) ==> ((P(v) \/ R(w))  /\ (R(z) ==> Q(v))))>>;;

let p59 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. P(x) <=> ~P(f(x))) ==> (exists x. P(x) /\ ~P(f(x)))>>;;

let p60 = time resolution
 <<forall x. P(x,f(x)) <=>
            exists y. (forall z. P(z,y) ==> P(z,f(x))) /\ P(x,y)>>;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* From Gilmore's classic paper.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let gilmore_1 = time resolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
      ((F(y) ==> G(y)) <=> F(x)) /\
      ((F(y) ==> H(y)) <=> G(x)) /\
      (((F(y) ==> G(y)) ==> H(y)) <=> H(x))
      ==> F(z) /\ G(z) /\ H(z)>>;;

(*** This is not valid, according to Gilmore

let gilmore_2 = time resolution
 <<exists x y. forall z.
        (F(x,z) <=> F(z,y)) /\ (F(z,y) <=> F(z,z)) /\ (F(x,y) <=> F(y,x))
        ==> (F(x,y) <=> F(x,z))>>;;


let gilmore_3 = time resolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
        ((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> H(x))) ==> F(x,x)) /\
        ((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> H(z)) /\
        ==> F(z,z)>>;;

let gilmore_4 = time resolution
 <<exists x y. forall z.
        (F(x,y) ==> F(y,z) /\ F(z,z)) /\
        (F(x,y) /\ G(x,y) ==> G(x,z) /\ G(z,z))>>;;

let gilmore_5 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. exists y. F(x,y) \/ F(y,x)) /\
   (forall x y. F(y,x) ==> F(y,y))
   ==> exists z. F(z,z)>>;;

let gilmore_6 = time resolution
 <<forall x. exists y.
        (exists u. forall v. F(u,x) ==> G(v,u) /\ G(u,x))
        ==> (exists u. forall v. F(u,y) ==> G(v,u) /\ G(u,y)) \/
            (forall u v. exists w. G(v,u) \/ H(w,y,u) ==> G(u,w))>>;;

let gilmore_7 = time resolution
 <<(forall x. K(x) ==> exists y. L(y) /\ (F(x,y) ==> G(x,y))) /\
   (exists z. K(z) /\ forall u. L(u) ==> F(z,u))
   ==> exists v w. K(v) /\ L(w) /\ G(v,w)>>;;

let gilmore_8 = time resolution
 <<exists x. forall y z.
        ((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,x)))) ==> F(x,x)) /\
        ((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,z))) /\
        ==> F(z,z)>>;;

(*** This one still isn't easy!

let gilmore_9 = time resolution
 <<forall x. exists y. forall z.
        ((forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(y,x))
          ==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(z,u) /\ ~H(x,z))
             ==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(x,y))) /\
        ((forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(x,y))
         ==> ~(forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\ G(z,u) /\ ~H(x,z))
             ==> (forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(y,x)) /\
                 (forall u. exists v. F(z,u,v) /\ G(y,u) /\ ~H(z,y)))>>;;


(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Example from Davis-Putnam papers where Gilmore procedure is poor.         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let davis_putnam_example = time resolution
 <<exists x. exists y. forall z.
        (F(x,y) ==> (F(y,z) /\ F(z,z))) /\
        ((F(x,y) /\ G(x,y)) ==> (G(x,z) /\ G(z,z)))>>;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The (in)famous Los problem.                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let los = time resolution
 <<(forall x y z. P(x,y) ==> P(y,z) ==> P(x,z)) /\
   (forall x y z. Q(x,y) ==> Q(y,z) ==> Q(x,z)) /\
   (forall x y. Q(x,y) ==> Q(y,x)) /\
   (forall x y. P(x,y) \/ Q(x,y))
   ==> (forall x y. P(x,y)) \/ (forall x y. Q(x,y))>>;;

************* -}