{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Data.Logic.Instances.PropLogic ( flatten , plSat0 , plSat ) where import Data.Logic.Classes.Atom (Atom) import Data.Logic.Classes.Combine (Combinable(..), Combination(..), BinOp(..)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Constants (Constants(fromBool, asBool)) import Data.Logic.Classes.FirstOrder (FirstOrderFormula) import Data.Logic.Classes.Formula (Formula(..)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Literal (Literal(..)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Negate (Negatable(..)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Pretty (HasFixity(fixity), Pretty(pretty), topFixity) import Data.Logic.Classes.Propositional (PropositionalFormula(..), clauseNormalForm', prettyPropositional, fixityPropositional, foldAtomsPropositional, mapAtomsPropositional) import Data.Logic.Classes.Term (Term) import Data.Logic.Harrison.Skolem (SkolemT) import Data.Logic.Normal.Clause (clauseNormalForm) import qualified Data.Set.Extra as S import PropLogic instance Negatable (PropForm a) where negatePrivate = N foldNegation normal inverted (N x) = foldNegation inverted normal x foldNegation normal _ x = normal x instance {- Ord a => -} Combinable (PropForm a) where x .<=>. y = EJ [x, y] x .=>. y = SJ [x, y] x .|. y = DJ [x, y] x .&. y = CJ [x, y] instance (Pretty a, HasFixity a, Ord a) => Formula (PropForm a) a where atomic = A foldAtoms = foldAtomsPropositional mapAtoms = mapAtomsPropositional instance (Combinable (PropForm a), Pretty a, HasFixity a, Ord a) => PropositionalFormula (PropForm a) a where foldPropositional co tf at formula = case formula of -- EJ [x,y,z,...] -> CJ [EJ [x,y], EJ[y,z], ...] EJ [] -> error "Empty equijunct" EJ [x] -> foldPropositional co tf at x EJ [x0, x1] -> co (BinOp x0 (:<=>:) x1) EJ xs -> foldPropositional co tf at (CJ (map (\ (x0, x1) -> EJ [x0, x1]) (pairs xs))) SJ [] -> error "Empty subjunct" SJ [x] -> foldPropositional co tf at x SJ [x0, x1] -> co (BinOp x0 (:=>:) x1) SJ xs -> foldPropositional co tf at (CJ (map (\ (x0, x1) -> SJ [x0, x1]) (pairs xs))) DJ [] -> tf False DJ [x] -> foldPropositional co tf at x DJ (x0:xs) -> co (BinOp x0 (:|:) (DJ xs)) CJ [] -> tf True CJ [x] -> foldPropositional co tf at x CJ (x0:xs) -> co (BinOp x0 (:&:) (CJ xs)) N x -> co ((:~:) x) -- Not sure what to do about these - so far not an issue. T -> tf True F -> tf False A x -> at x instance Constants (PropForm formula) where fromBool True = T fromBool False = F asBool T = Just True asBool F = Just False asBool _ = Nothing instance (PropositionalFormula (PropForm atom) atom, Pretty atom, HasFixity atom) => Pretty (PropForm atom) where pretty = prettyPropositional pretty topFixity instance (PropositionalFormula (PropForm atom) atom, HasFixity atom) => HasFixity (PropForm atom) where fixity = fixityPropositional pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)] pairs (x:y:zs) = (x,y) : pairs (y:zs) pairs _ = [] flatten :: PropForm a -> PropForm a flatten (CJ xs) = CJ (concatMap f (map flatten xs)) where f (CJ ys) = ys f x = [x] flatten (DJ xs) = DJ (concatMap f (map flatten xs)) where f (DJ ys) = ys f x = [x] flatten (EJ xs) = EJ (map flatten xs) flatten (SJ xs) = SJ (map flatten xs) flatten (N x) = N (flatten x) flatten x = x plSat0 :: (PropAlg a (PropForm formula), PropositionalFormula formula atom, Ord formula) => PropForm formula -> Bool plSat0 f = satisfiable . (\ (x :: PropForm formula) -> x) . clauses0 $ f clauses0 :: (PropositionalFormula formula atom, Ord formula) => PropForm formula -> PropForm formula clauses0 f = CJ . map DJ . map S.toList . S.toList $ clauseNormalForm' f plSat :: forall m formula atom term v f. (Monad m, FirstOrderFormula formula atom v, PropositionalFormula formula atom, Atom atom term v, Term term v f, Eq formula, Literal formula atom, Ord formula) => formula -> SkolemT v term m Bool plSat f = clauses f >>= (\ (x :: PropForm formula) -> return x) >>= return . satisfiable clauses :: forall m formula atom term v f. (Monad m, FirstOrderFormula formula atom v, PropositionalFormula formula atom, Atom atom term v, Term term v f, Eq formula, Literal formula atom, Ord formula) => formula -> SkolemT v term m (PropForm formula) clauses f = do (cnf :: S.Set (S.Set formula)) <- clauseNormalForm f return . CJ . map DJ . map (map A) . map S.toList . S.toList $ cnf