Build #3 for lojysamban-
Package | lojysamban- |
Install | DependencyFailed lojbanParser- |
Docs | NotTried |
Tests | NotTried |
Time submitted | 2015-09-29 21:25:49.185031 UTC |
Compiler | ghc-7.10.2 |
OS | linux |
Arch | x86_64 |
Dependencies | yjtools-0.9.18, lojbanParser-, base- |
Flags | none |
Code Coverage
No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.
Build log
[view raw]
Resolving dependencies... Configuring lojbanParser- Building lojbanParser- Preprocessing library lojbanParser- [1 of 6] Compiling Pos ( src/Pos.hs, dist/build/Pos.o ) src/Pos.hs:8:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:8:24: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:9:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:9:24: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:10:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:10:23: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:11:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:17:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:18:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:19:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:23:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:24:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:28:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:29:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:33:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:41:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:42:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:42:13: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:43:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:44:1: Warning: Tab character src/Pos.hs:45:1: Warning: Tab character [2 of 6] Compiling Parse ( src/Parse.hs, dist/build/Parse.o ) src/Parse.hs:49:10: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration from the context (Derivs d) bound by the instance declaration at src/Parse.hs:49:10-37 In the instance declaration for ‘Monad (Parser d)’ src/Parse.hs:123:18: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for optional :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (Maybe v) at src/Parse.hs:122:13-56 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the first argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘(do { v <- p; return (Just v) })’ In the expression: (do { v <- p; return (Just v) }) </> return Nothing src/Parse.hs:135:16: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for many :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:134:9-46 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the first argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘(do { v <- p; vs <- many p; return (v : vs) })’ In the expression: (do { v <- p; vs <- many p; return (v : vs) }) </> return [] src/Parse.hs:143:16: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for many1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:142:10-47 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the expression: do { v <- p; vs <- many p; return (v : vs) } In an equation for ‘many1’: many1 p = do { v <- p; vs <- many p; return (v : vs) } src/Parse.hs:150:20: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for sepBy1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vsep -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:149:11-65 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the expression: do { v <- p; vs <- many (do { psep; p }); return (v : vs) } In an equation for ‘sepBy1’: sepBy1 p psep = do { v <- p; vs <- many (do { psep; p }); return (v : vs) } src/Parse.hs:157:34: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a use of ‘return’ from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for sepBy :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vsep -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:156:10-64 In the second argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘return []’ In the expression: sepBy1 p psep </> return [] In an equation for ‘sepBy’: sepBy p psep = sepBy1 p psep </> return [] src/Parse.hs:161:27: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for endBy :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vend -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:160:10-64 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the first argument of ‘many’, namely ‘(do { v <- p; pend; return v })’ In the expression: many (do { v <- p; pend; return v }) src/Parse.hs:165:29: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for endBy1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vend -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:164:11-65 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the first argument of ‘many1’, namely ‘(do { v <- p; pend; return v })’ In the expression: many1 (do { v <- p; pend; return v }) src/Parse.hs:173:23: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for sepEndBy1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vsep -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:172:14-68 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- sepBy1 p psep In the expression: do { v <- sepBy1 p psep; optional psep; return v } In an equation for ‘sepEndBy1’: sepEndBy1 p psep = do { v <- sepBy1 p psep; optional psep; return v } src/Parse.hs:177:22: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for sepEndBy :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d vsep -> Parser d [v] at src/Parse.hs:176:13-67 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- sepBy p psep In the expression: do { v <- sepBy p psep; optional psep; return v } In an equation for ‘sepEndBy’: sepEndBy p psep = do { v <- sepBy p psep; optional psep; return v } src/Parse.hs:185:29: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for chainl1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (v -> v -> v) -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:183:12-69 In a stmt of a 'do' block: f <- psep In the first argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘(do { f <- psep; v <- p; psuffix (f z v) })’ In the expression: (do { f <- psep; v <- p; psuffix (f z v) }) </> return z src/Parse.hs:189:15: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for chainl1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (v -> v -> v) -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:183:12-69 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the expression: do { v <- p; psuffix v } In the expression: let psuffix z = (do { f <- psep; .... }) </> return z in do { v <- p; psuffix v } src/Parse.hs:194:38: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a use of ‘return’ from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for chainl :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (v -> v -> v) -> v -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:193:11-73 In the second argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘return z’ In the expression: chainl1 p psep </> return z In an equation for ‘chainl’: chainl p psep z = chainl1 p psep </> return z src/Parse.hs:199:22: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a do statement from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for chainr1 :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (v -> v -> v) -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:198:12-69 In a stmt of a 'do' block: v <- p In the first argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘(do { v <- p; f <- psep; w <- chainr1 p psep; return (f v w) })’ In the expression: (do { v <- p; f <- psep; w <- chainr1 p psep; return (f v w) }) </> p src/Parse.hs:207:38: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a use of ‘return’ from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for chainr :: Derivs d => Parser d v -> Parser d (v -> v -> v) -> v -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:206:11-73 In the second argument of ‘(</>)’, namely ‘return z’ In the expression: chainr1 p psep </> return z In an equation for ‘chainr’: chainr p psep z = chainr1 p psep </> return z src/Parse.hs:277:18: Could not deduce (Applicative (Parser d)) arising from a use of ‘fail’ from the context (Derivs d) bound by the type signature for unexpected :: Derivs d => String -> Parser d v at src/Parse.hs:276:15-46 In the expression: fail ("unexpected " ++ str) In an equation for ‘unexpected’: unexpected str = fail ("unexpected " ++ str) src/Parse.hs:345:15: Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Applicative (Parser d) (Use FlexibleContexts to permit this) When checking that ‘p’ has the inferred type p :: forall d. (Applicative (Parser d), Derivs d) => [Char] -> Parser d String In an equation for ‘string’: string str = p str <?> show str where p [] = return str p (ch : chs) = do { char ch; .... } Failed to install lojbanParser- Configuring yjtools-0.9.18... Building yjtools-0.9.18... Preprocessing library yjtools-0.9.18... [1 of 7] Compiling Data.Tuple.Tools ( Data/Tuple/Tools.hs, dist/build/Data/Tuple/Tools.o ) Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:2:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:3:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:4:1: Warning: Tab character [2 of 7] Compiling Data.IORef.Tools ( Data/IORef/Tools.hs, dist/build/Data/IORef/Tools.o ) Data/IORef/Tools.hs:2:1: Warning: Tab character [3 of 7] Compiling Data.Bool.Tools ( Data/Bool/Tools.hs, dist/build/Data/Bool/Tools.o ) Data/Bool/Tools.hs:10:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Bool/Tools.hs:13:1: Warning: Tab character [4 of 7] Compiling Data.Function.Tools ( Data/Function/Tools.hs, dist/build/Data/Function/Tools.o ) [5 of 7] Compiling Data.List.Tools ( Data/List/Tools.hs, dist/build/Data/List/Tools.o ) [6 of 7] Compiling Control.Applicative.Tools ( Control/Applicative/Tools.hs, dist/build/Control/Applicative/Tools.o ) [7 of 7] Compiling Control.Monad.Tools ( Control/Monad/Tools.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Tools.o ) Control/Monad/Tools.hs:36:1: Warning: Tab character Control/Monad/Tools.hs:39:1: Warning: Tab character In-place registering yjtools-0.9.18... Running Haddock for yjtools-0.9.18... Running hscolour for yjtools-0.9.18... Preprocessing library yjtools-0.9.18... Preprocessing library yjtools-0.9.18... Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:2:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:3:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:4:1: Warning: Tab character Data/IORef/Tools.hs:2:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Bool/Tools.hs:10:1: Warning: Tab character Data/Bool/Tools.hs:13:1: Warning: Tab character Control/Monad/Tools.hs:36:1: Warning: Tab character Control/Monad/Tools.hs:39:1: Warning: Tab character Haddock coverage: 0% ( 0 / 4) in 'Data.Tuple.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header curry3 (Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:7) uncurry3 (Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:10) rotate (Data/Tuple/Tools.hs:13) 0% ( 0 / 2) in 'Data.IORef.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header atomicModifyIORef_ (Data/IORef/Tools.hs:7) 0% ( 0 / 4) in 'Data.Bool.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header &&& (Data/Bool/Tools.hs:7) ||| (Data/Bool/Tools.hs:7) whether (Data/Bool/Tools.hs:15) 0% ( 0 / 6) in 'Data.Function.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header const2 (Data/Function/Tools.hs:13) const3 (Data/Function/Tools.hs:16) applyWhen (Data/Function/Tools.hs:19) applyUnless (Data/Function/Tools.hs:22) apply2way (Data/Function/Tools.hs:25) 0% ( 0 / 8) in 'Data.List.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header takeUntil (Data/List/Tools.hs:12) dropUntil (Data/List/Tools.hs:13) mulLists (Data/List/Tools.hs:23) defaultElem (Data/List/Tools.hs:27) isIncludedElem (Data/List/Tools.hs:31) setAt (Data/List/Tools.hs:34) modifyAt (Data/List/Tools.hs:37) 0% ( 0 / 2) in 'Control.Applicative.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header <.> (Control/Applicative/Tools.hs:6) 0% ( 0 / 14) in 'Control.Monad.Tools' Missing documentation for: Module header ifM (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:19) whenM (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:23) unlessM (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:23) doWhile_ (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:27) doWhile (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:33) doUntil_ (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:27) doUntil (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:33) for_ (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:41) for (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:46) filterM (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:51) repeatM (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:59) repeatM_ (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:62) skipRet (Control/Monad/Tools.hs:65) Documentation created: dist/doc/html/yjtools/index.html, dist/doc/html/yjtools/yjtools.txt Creating package registration file: /tmp/pkgConf-yjtools-0.9608413784756898537.18 Installing library in /home/builder/hackage-server/build-cache/tmp-install/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/yjtools-0.9.18-DCDBdNeBkiI51TGHEiAy8k Registering yjtools-0.9.18... Installed yjtools-0.9.18 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: lojbanParser- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 lojysamban- depends on lojbanParser- which failed to install.
Test log
No test log was submitted for this report.