Overview of key modules, roughly from highest- to lowest-level: * SymmSHE.hs, an implementation of a symmetric-key, somewhat-homomorphic encryption scheme that is essentially equivalent to the one from the toolkit paper [LPR'13]. * Cyc.hs, which defines an interface for using cyclotomic fields, rings R, and quotient rings Rq=R/qR; as well as many other commonly used operations, e.g., converting between rings, decoding and decomposing elements, modulus reduction/rounding, etc. etc. Cyc is a safe wrapper around the UCyc type, which exposes some representation-dependent operations. UCyc (and hence Cyc) is implemented using a generic Tensor (described below). * Tensor.hs, which defines a class that encapsulates all the necessary linear transformations for operating on representations of R- and Rq-elements, e.g., the CRT transform, converting between the powerful and decoding bases, generating error terms, etc. * RepaTensor.hs, which gives an implementation of the Tensor class based on the "repa" package, a highly optimized and parallelizable array library. * CTensor.hs, which gives an implementation of the Tensor class using a C backend via Haskell's FFI. * FiniteField.hs, which gives an unoptimized implementation of finite field arithmetic. To use this module, you will need an instance of IrreduciblePoly. These instances provide irreducible polynomials for various degrees and base fields. One instance is provided for characteristic 2 fields of size up to 2^32 in IrreducibleChar2.hs. * ZqBasic.hs, which is a basic implementation of Zq=Z/qZ arithmetic. * Factored.hs, which contains support code for "reifying" runtime-chosen integers as static types (mainly, the types q and m that are floating around as parameters of many other data types), and "reflecting" those types as integers back to the code.