#include "tensorTypes.h" hDim_t ipow(hDim_t base, hShort_t exp) { #ifdef DEBUG_MODE ASSERT(exp >= 0); #endif hDim_t result = 1; while (exp) { if (exp & 1) { result *= base; } exp >>= 1; base *= base; } return result; } complex_t cmplxpow(complex_t base, hShort_t exp) { complex_t result = (complex_t){1,0}; while (exp) { if (exp & 1) { CMPLX_IMUL(result,base); } exp >>= 1; CMPLX_IMUL(base,base); } return result; } hInt_t qpow(hInt_t base, hShort_t exp, hInt_t q) { hInt_t result = 1; while (exp) { if (exp & 1) { result = (result*base)%q; } exp >>= 1; base = (base*base)%q; } return result; } // a is the field size. we are looking for reciprocal of b hInt_t reciprocal (hInt_t a, hInt_t b) { hInt_t fieldSize = a; hInt_t y = 1; hInt_t lasty = 0; while (b != 0) { hInt_t quotient = a / b; hInt_t tmp = a % b; a = b; b = tmp; tmp = y; y = lasty - quotient*y; lasty = tmp; } ASSERT (a==1); // if this one fails, then b is not invertible mod a // this actually returns EITHER the reciprocal OR reciprocal + fieldSize hInt_t res = lasty + fieldSize; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE ASSERT (0); ASSERT ((res >= 0) && (res < fieldSize + fieldSize)); hInt_t test = res * b % fieldSize; ASSERT (test == 1); #endif return res; } //for square transforms void tensorFuser (void* y, funcPtr f, hDim_t totm, PrimeExponent* peArr, hShort_t sizeOfPE, hInt_t q) { hDim_t lts = totm; hDim_t rts = 1; hShort_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeOfPE; ++i) { PrimeExponent pe = peArr[i]; hDim_t ipow_pe = ipow(pe.prime, (pe.exponent-1)); hDim_t dim = (pe.prime-1) * ipow_pe; // the totient of pe lts /= dim; (*f) (y, pe, lts, rts, q); rts *= dim; } } void tensorFuserCRT (void* y, crtFuncPtr f, hDim_t totm, PrimeExponent* peArr, hShort_t sizeOfPE, void** ru, hInt_t q) { hDim_t lts = totm; hDim_t rts = 1; hShort_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeOfPE; ++i) { PrimeExponent pe = peArr[i]; hDim_t ipow_pe = ipow(pe.prime, (pe.exponent-1)); hDim_t dim = (pe.prime-1) * ipow_pe; // the totient of pe lts /= dim; (*f) (y, lts, rts, pe, ru[i], q); rts *= dim; } } struct timespec tsSubtract (struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2) { /* Local variables. */ struct timespec result ; /* Subtract the second time from the first. */ if ((time1.tv_sec < time2.tv_sec) || ((time1.tv_sec == time2.tv_sec) && (time1.tv_nsec <= time2.tv_nsec))) { /* TIME1 <= TIME2? */ result.tv_sec = result.tv_nsec = 0 ; } else { /* TIME1 > TIME2 */ result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec - time2.tv_sec ; if (time1.tv_nsec < time2.tv_nsec) { result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + 1000000000L - time2.tv_nsec ; result.tv_sec-- ; /* Borrow a second. */ } else { result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec - time2.tv_nsec ; } } return (result) ; } struct timespec tsAdd (struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2) { /* Local variables. */ struct timespec result ; /* Add the two times together. */ result.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec + time2.tv_sec ; result.tv_nsec = time1.tv_nsec + time2.tv_nsec ; if (result.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L) { /* Carry? */ result.tv_sec++ ; result.tv_nsec = result.tv_nsec - 1000000000L ; } return (result) ; } const char *tsShow (struct timespec binaryTime, bool inLocal, const char *format) { /* Local variables. */ struct tm calendarTime ; #define MAX_TIMES 4 static char asciiTime[MAX_TIMES][64] ; static int current = 0 ; /* Convert the TIMESPEC to calendar time: year, month, day, etc. */ #ifdef VXWORKS if (inLocal) localtime_r ((time_t *) &binaryTime.tv_sec, &calendarTime) ; else gmtime_r ((time_t *) &binaryTime.tv_sec, &calendarTime) ; #else if (inLocal) calendarTime = *(localtime ((time_t *) &binaryTime.tv_sec)) ; else calendarTime = *(gmtime ((time_t *) &binaryTime.tv_sec)) ; #endif /* Format the time in ASCII. */ current = (current + 1) % MAX_TIMES ; if (format == NULL) { strftime (asciiTime[current], 64, "%Y-%j-%H:%M:%S", &calendarTime) ; sprintf (asciiTime[current] + strlen (asciiTime[current]), ".%06ld", (binaryTime.tv_nsec % 1000000000L) / 1000L) ; } else { strftime (asciiTime[current], 64, format, &calendarTime) ; sprintf (asciiTime[current] + strlen (asciiTime[current]), ".%06ld", (binaryTime.tv_nsec % 1000000000L) / 1000L) ; } return (asciiTime[current]); } const char* timeformat = "%M:%S"; void getStats() { #ifdef STATS struct timespec total; printf("CRT Stats:\n"); printf("CRT_Rq times: Real:%s\tMono:%s\tProc:%s\tThread:%s\n", tsShow(crttime1, false, timeformat),tsShow(crttime2, false, timeformat),tsShow(crttime3, false, timeformat),tsShow(crttime4, false, timeformat)); printf("CTR_Rq: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", crtRqCtr, tsShow(crttime1, false, timeformat), crtInvRqCtr, tsShow(crtInvRqTime, false, timeformat)); printf("CTR_C: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", crtCCtr, tsShow(crtCTime, false, timeformat), crtInvCCtr, tsShow(crtInvCTime, false, timeformat)); printf("\nG Stats:\n"); printf("GPow_R: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", gprCtr, tsShow(gprTime, false, timeformat), giprCtr, tsShow(giprTime, false, timeformat)); printf("GPow_Rq: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", gprqCtr, tsShow(gprqTime, false, timeformat), giprqCtr, tsShow(giprqTime, false, timeformat)); printf("GDec_R: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", gdrCtr, tsShow(gdrTime, false, timeformat), gidrCtr, tsShow(gidrTime, false, timeformat)); printf("GDec_Rq: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", gdrqCtr, tsShow(gdrqTime, false, timeformat), gidrqCtr, tsShow(gidrqTime, false, timeformat)); printf("GCRT_Rq: %d\t%d\t%s\n", gcrqCtr, gicrqCtr, tsShow(gcrqTime, false, timeformat)); printf("GCRT_C: %d\t%d\t%s\n", gccCtr, giccCtr, tsShow(gccTime, false, timeformat)); printf("\nL Stats:\n"); printf("L_R: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", lrCtr, tsShow(lrTime, false, timeformat), lirCtr, tsShow(lirTime, false, timeformat)); printf("L_Rq: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", lrqCtr, tsShow(lrqTime, false, timeformat), lirqCtr, tsShow(lirqTime, false, timeformat)); printf("L_D: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", ldCtr, tsShow(ldTime, false, timeformat), lidCtr, tsShow(lidTime, false, timeformat)); printf("L_C: %d\t%s\t%d\t%s\n", lcCtr, tsShow(lcTime, false, timeformat), licCtr, tsShow(licTime, false, timeformat)); printf("\nBasic Stats:\n"); printf("Mul: %d\t%s\n", mulCtr, tsShow(mulTime, false, timeformat)); printf("Add: %d\t%s\n", addCtr, tsShow(addTime, false, timeformat)); total = tsAdd(crttime1, tsAdd(crtInvRqTime, tsAdd(crtCTime, tsAdd(crtInvCTime, tsAdd(gprTime, tsAdd(giprTime, tsAdd(gdrTime, tsAdd(gidrTime, tsAdd(gprqTime, tsAdd(giprqTime, tsAdd(gdrqTime, tsAdd(gidrqTime, tsAdd(gcrqTime, tsAdd(gccTime, tsAdd(lrTime, tsAdd(lirTime, tsAdd(lrqTime, tsAdd(lirqTime, tsAdd(ldTime, tsAdd(lidTime, tsAdd(lcTime, tsAdd(licTime, tsAdd(mulTime,addTime))))))))))))))))))))))); printf("\nTotal C Time: %s\n\n", tsShow(total, false, timeformat)); crtRqCtr = 0; crtInvRqCtr = 0; crtCCtr = 0; crtInvCCtr = 0; gprCtr = 0; gprqCtr = 0; gdrCtr = 0; gdrqCtr = 0; giprCtr = 0; giprqCtr = 0; gidrCtr = 0; gidrqCtr = 0; gcrqCtr = 0; gccCtr = 0; gicrqCtr = 0; giccCtr = 0; lrqCtr = 0; lrCtr = 0; ldCtr = 0; lcCtr = 0; lirqCtr = 0; lirCtr = 0; lidCtr = 0; licCtr = 0; mulCtr = 0; addCtr = 0; mulTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; addTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lrqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lrTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; ldTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lcTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lirqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lirTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; lidTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; licTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gprTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gprqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gdrTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gdrqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; giprTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; giprqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gidrTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gidrqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gcrqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; gccTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; crttime1 = (struct timespec){0,0}; crttime2 = (struct timespec){0,0}; crttime3 = (struct timespec){0,0}; crttime4 = (struct timespec){0,0}; crtInvRqTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; crtCTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; crtInvCTime = (struct timespec){0,0}; #endif fflush(stdout); }