{-| Module : BenchAppsCPPMain Description : Main driver for lol-apps benchmarks with CPP. Copyright : (c) Eric Crockett, 2011-2017 Chris Peikert, 2011-2017 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : ecrockett0@email.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Main driver for lol-apps benchmarks with CPP. -} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} module BenchAppsCPPMain where import Crypto.Lol import Crypto.Lol.Applications.Benchmarks import Crypto.Lol.Benchmarks import Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Tensor.CPP import Crypto.Random.DRBG main :: IO () main = do let o = defaultTableOpts Nothing pct = Proxy::Proxy CT bgv <- defaultBGVBenches pct (Proxy::Proxy TrivGad) (Proxy::Proxy HashDRBG) khprf <- defaultKHPRFBenches pct (Proxy::Proxy (BaseBGad 2)) mapM_ (prettyBenchesTable o) (bgv ++ khprf)