{-| Module : Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Tensor.Repa.Common Description : A simple DSL for tensoring Repa arrays. Copyright : (c) Eric Crockett, 2011-2017 Chris Peikert, 2011-2017 License : GPL-2 Maintainer : ecrockett0@email.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX A simple DSL for tensoring Repa arrays and other common functionality on Repa arrays. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Tensor.Repa.RTCommon ( module R , module Data.Array.Repa.Eval , module Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed , Arr(..), repl, replM, eval, evalM, fTensor, ppTensor , Trans(Id), trans, dim, (.*), (@*), force , mulMat, mulDiag , scalarPow' , sumS, sumAllS ) where import Crypto.Lol.Prelude as LP hiding ((!!)) import Algebra.Additive as Additive (C) import Algebra.Ring as Ring (C) import Algebra.ZeroTestable as ZeroTestable (C) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..)) import Control.Monad.Identity () import Control.Monad.Random import Data.Array.Repa as R hiding (sumAllP, sumAllS, sumP, sumS, (*^), (+^), (-^), (/^)) import Data.Array.Repa.Eval hiding (one, zero) import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Unboxed import Data.Coerce import Data.Singletons import Data.Singletons.Prelude hiding ((:.)) import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U (replicate, replicateM) -- always unboxed (manifest); intermediate calculations can use -- delayed arrays -- | Indexed newtype for 1-dimensional Unbox repa arrays newtype Arr (m :: Factored) r = Arr (Array U DIM1 r) deriving (Eq, Show, NFData) -- the first argument, though phantom, affects representation -- CJP: why must the second arg be nominal? -- EAC: From https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Roles#Thesolution: -- "The exception to the above algorithm is for classes: all parameters for a class default to a nominal role." -- Arr is a synonym for Array, which is an associated data type to the class Source. The parameter `r` above -- corresponds to the parameter `e` in the definition of class Source, so it's role must be nominal. type role Arr nominal nominal -- | An 'Arr' filled with the argument. repl :: forall m r . (Fact m, Unbox r) => r -> Arr m r repl = let n = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m) in Arr . fromUnboxed (Z:.n) . U.replicate n {-# INLINABLE repl #-} -- | Monadic version of 'repl'. replM :: forall m r mon . (Fact m, Unbox r, Monad mon) => mon r -> mon (Arr m r) replM = let n = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m) in fmap (Arr . fromUnboxed (Z:.n)) . U.replicateM n {-# INLINABLE replM #-} instance (Fact m, Additive r, Unbox r) => Additive.C (Arr m r) where zero = repl zero (Arr a) + (Arr b) = Arr $ force $ R.zipWith (+) a b negate (Arr a) = Arr $ force $ R.map negate a {-# INLINABLE zero #-} {-# INLINABLE (+) #-} {-# INLINABLE negate #-} instance (Fact m, Ring r, Unbox r) => Ring.C (Arr m r) where one = repl one (Arr a) * (Arr b) = Arr $ force $ R.zipWith (*) a b fromInteger = repl . fromInteger {-# INLINABLE one #-} {-# INLINABLE (*) #-} {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-} instance (ZeroTestable r, Unbox r, Elt r) => ZeroTestable.C (Arr m r) where -- not using 'zero' to avoid Additive r constraint isZero (Arr a) = isZero $ foldAllS (\ x y -> if isZero x then y else x) (a R.! (Z:.0)) a {-# INLINABLE isZero #-} instance (Unbox r) => NFData (Array U DIM1 r) where -- EAC: Repa doesn't define any NFData instances, -- I'm hoping deepSeqArray is a reasonable approx rnf x = deepSeqArray x () instance (Unbox r, Random r, Fact m) => Random (Arr m r) where random = runRand $ replM (liftRand random) randomR = error "randomR nonsensical for Arr" -- | For a factored index, tensors up any function defined for (and -- tagged by) any prime power fTensor :: forall m r mon . (Fact m, Monad mon) => (forall pp . (PPow pp) => TaggedT pp mon (Trans r)) -> TaggedT m mon (Trans r) fTensor func = tagT $ go $ sUnF (sing :: SFactored m) where go :: Sing (pplist :: [PrimePower]) -> mon (Trans r) go spps = case spps of SNil -> return $ Id 1 (SCons spp rest) -> do rest' <- go rest func' <- withWitnessT func spp return $ rest' @* func' {-# INLINABLE fTensor #-} -- | For a prime power p^e, tensors up any function f defined for -- (and tagged by) a prime to @I_(p^{e-1}) \otimes f@ ppTensor :: forall pp r mon . (PPow pp, Monad mon) => (forall p . (Prime p) => TaggedT p mon (Trans r)) -> TaggedT pp mon (Trans r) ppTensor func = tagT $ case (sing :: SPrimePower pp) of pp@(SPP (STuple2 sp _)) -> do func' <- withWitnessT func sp let lts = withWitness valuePPow pp `div` withWitness valuePrime sp return $ Id lts @* func' {-# INLINABLE ppTensor #-} -- deeply embedded DSL for transformations and their various -- compositions -- (dim(f), f) where f operates on innermost dimension of array data Tensorable r = Tensorable !Int !(forall rep . Source rep r => Array rep DIM2 r -> Array D DIM2 r) -- transform component: a Tensorable with particular I_l, I_r type TransC r = (Tensorable r, Int, Int) -- full transform: sequence of zero or more components -- | a DSL for tensor transforms on Repa arrays data Trans r = Id !Int -- ^| identity sentinel | TSnoc !(Trans r) !(TransC r) -- ^| (function) composition of transforms dimC :: TransC r -> Int dimC (Tensorable d _, l, r) = l*d*r {-# INLINABLE dimC #-} -- | Returns the (linear) dimension of a transform dim :: Trans r -> Int dim (Id n) = n dim (TSnoc _ f) = dimC f -- just use dimension of head {-# INLINABLE dim #-} -- | smart constructor from a Tensorable trans :: Int -> (forall rep . Source rep r => Array rep DIM2 r -> Array D DIM2 r) -> Trans r trans d f = TSnoc (Id d) (Tensorable d f, 1, 1) {-# INLINABLE trans #-} -- | compose transforms (.*) :: Trans r -> Trans r -> Trans r f .* g | dim f == dim g = f ..* g | otherwise = error $ "(.*): transform dimensions don't match " LP.++ show (dim f) LP.++ ", " LP.++ show (dim g) where f' ..* (Id _) = f' -- drop sentinel f' ..* (TSnoc rest g') = TSnoc (f' ..* rest) g' {-# INLINABLE (.*) #-} -- | tensor/Kronecker product (otimes) (@*) :: Trans r -> Trans r -> Trans r -- merge identity transforms (Id n) @* (Id m) = Id (n*m) -- Id on left or right i@(Id n) @* (TSnoc g' (g, l, r)) = TSnoc (i @* g') (g, n*l, r) (TSnoc f' (f, l, r)) @* i@(Id n) = TSnoc (f' @* i) (f, l, r*n) -- no Ids: compose f @* g = (f @* Id (dim g)) .* (Id (dim f) @* g) {-# INLINABLE (@*) #-} evalC :: (Unbox r) => TransC r -> Array U DIM1 r -> Array U DIM1 r evalC (Tensorable d f, _, r) = force . unexpose r . f . expose d r {-# INLINABLE evalC #-} -- | Creates an evaluatable Haskell function from a tensored transform eval :: (Unbox r) => Tagged m (Trans r) -> Arr m r -> Arr m r eval x = coerce $ eval' $ untag x where eval' (Id _) = id eval' (TSnoc rest f) = eval' rest . evalC f {-# INLINABLE eval #-} -- | Monadic version of 'eval' evalM :: (Unbox r, Monad mon) => TaggedT m mon (Trans r) -> mon (Arr m r -> Arr m r) evalM = fmap (eval . return) . untagT {-# INLINE evalM #-} -- | maps the innermost dimension to a 2-dim array with innermost dim d, -- for performing a I_l \otimes f_d \otimes I_r transformation expose :: (Source r1 r) => Int -> Int -> Array r1 DIM1 r -> Array D DIM2 r expose !d !r !arr = let (Z :. sz) = extent arr f (Z :. i :. j) = let imodr = i `mod` r in (Z :. (i-imodr)*d + j*r + imodr) in backpermute (Z :. sz `div` d :. d) f arr {-# INLINABLE expose #-} -- | inverse of expose unexpose :: (Source r1 r) => Int -> Array r1 DIM2 r -> Array D DIM1 r unexpose !r !arr = let (Z :. sz :. d) = extent arr f (Z :. i) = let (idivr,imodr) = i `divMod` r (idivrd,j) = idivr `divMod` d in (Z :. r*idivrd + imodr :. j) in backpermute (Z :. sz*d) f arr {-# INLINABLE unexpose #-} -- | general matrix multiplication along innermost dim of v mulMat :: (Source r1 r, Source r2 r, Ring r, Unbox r, Elt r) => Array r1 DIM2 r -> Array r2 DIM2 r -> Array D DIM2 r mulMat !m !v = let (Z :. mrows :. mcols) = extent m (sh :. vrows) = extent v f (sh' :. i) = sumAllS $ R.zipWith (*) (slice m (Z:.i:.All)) $ slice v (sh':.All) in if mcols == vrows then fromFunction (sh :. mrows) f else error "mulMatVec: mcols != vdim" {-# INLINABLE mulMat #-} -- | multiplication by a diagonal matrix along innermost dim mulDiag :: (Source r1 r, Source r2 r, Ring r) => Array r1 DIM1 r -> Array r2 DIM2 r -> Array D DIM2 r mulDiag !diag !arr = fromFunction (extent arr) f where f idx@(_ :. i) = (arr ! idx) * (diag ! (Z:.i)) {-# INLINABLE mulDiag #-} -- misc Tensor functions -- | Embeds a scalar into a powerful-basis representation of a Repa array, -- tagged by the cyclotomic index scalarPow' :: forall m r . (Fact m, Additive r, Unbox r) => r -> Arr m r scalarPow' = coerce . go (proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m)) where go n !r = let fct (Z:.0) = r fct _ = LP.zero in force $ fromFunction (Z:.n) fct {-# INLINABLE scalarPow' #-} -- | Forces a delayed array to a manifest array. force :: (Shape sh, Unbox r) => Array D sh r -> Array U sh r force = computeS --force = runIdentity . computeP {-# INLINABLE force #-} -- copied implementations of functions we need that normally require -- Num -- | Sum the inner-most dimension of an array sequentially sumS :: (Source r a, Elt a, Unbox a, Additive a, Shape sh) => Array r (sh :. Int) a -> Array U sh a sumS = foldS (+) LP.zero {-# INLINABLE sumS #-} -- | Sum all array indices to a scalar sequentially sumAllS :: (Shape sh, Source r a, Elt a, Unbox a, Additive a) => Array r sh a -> a sumAllS = foldAllS (+) LP.zero {-# INLINABLE sumAllS #-}