lowgl- Basic gl wrapper and reference

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




OpenGL API Basically

The spec for OpenGL 3.2 is actually quite readable and is worth reviewing. The following is my synopsis of things which roughly coincide with the simplified OpenGL ES 2.0.


Objects may be created and destroyed by client code. They include:

Binding Targets

Objects are referenced with integers (called names in GL), so binding targets can be thought of as global variables to put those references. Many operations implicitly read from these globals to determine what the target object of the operation is. They include:

  • Vertex array binding target (for VAO)
  • Buffer binding targets (ARRAY_BUFFER and ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
  • Texture binding targets (TEXTURE_2D and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
  • Framebuffer binding target (for FBO)

(not binding targets but similar)

  • Shader program "in use"
  • Texture units
  • Current active texture unit
  • Image attachment points of an FBO

Shader Programs


The VAO is essential. At least one VAO must be created and bound to the vertex array binding target before rendering, before configuring a program's vertex attributes. Here is why: the VAO stores the association between vertex inputs in the program and a VBO from which to pipe input from. It also stores the format of the VBO data, which is otherwise just a big blob. Finally, the VAO stores the state of the element array binding target used for indexed rendering.

After installing a program with useProgram and binding a source VBO to the array buffer binding target (bindVBO) then the bound VAO can be updated (setVertexLayout) with new vertex attribute information. After this, the VBO can be rebound to configure a different set of inputs with a different source. Many VAOs can be created and swapped out to pipe vertex data in different ways to different programs (or the same program).

When a VAO is bound (bindVAO) it restores the state of the element array binding target. For this reason you can think of that binding target as simply being a function of the VAO itself rather than a separate global state.

Uniforms and Samplers (Textures)

Programs may also have uniform variables and "sampler uniforms" as input. Uniforms are accessible from the vertex or fragment shader part of the program but their values are fixed during the course of a rendering command. They can be set and reset with the setUniform family (ex. setUniform1f), which updates the current program object with new uniform values. Among other things, updating the uniforms each frame is the main way to animate a scene.

Samplers are textures that the shader can interpolate to get "in between" values. The texture a sampler uses is determined by the contents of the texture unit that that sampler points to. The sampler is a uniform with an integer type. This integer is the texture unit to use. The word texture should not be construed to mean a color image. Shaders can make use of many kinds of multi-dimensional data that happen to be available through the samplers.

Texture Objects and Texture Units

Before a shader can use a texture it must be assigned to a texture unit. First set the active texture unit to the desired unit number (setActiveTextureUnit) then bind the texture object to one of the two texture binding targets, depending on what kind of texture it is (2D or cubemap). Binding a texture has the side effect of assigning it to the active texture unit.

Custom Framebuffers

It is possible (and important in many techniques) to utilize an off-screen render target. To do this create an FBO (newFBO), bind it to the framebuffer binding target (bindFramebuffer) and attach a color image object (texture or renderbuffer object). If necessary a depth image or combination depth-stencil image can be attached as well. If no color image is attached then the FBO is incomplete and rendering will be an error. After rendering to an FBO any textures that were attached can be used in a second pass by assigning them to a texture unit. Watch out for feedback loops accidentally sampling a texture that is also being rendered to at the same time!

A renderbuffer object is a minor character to be used when you do not expect to use the results of rendering but need an image anyway. For example you may need a depth buffer to do depth testing, or you may want to ignore the (required for rendering to work at all) color buffer.

Images and Image Formats

FBOs have attachment points for images. A texture serves as an image and a renderbuffer object serves as an image. Images have an "internal format" which describes the size and interpretation of pixel components. There are seven internal formats, five of which are color image formats such as grayscale and RGB. The other two are the depth buffer format and the combination depth-stencil format. RBOs (newRBO) and empty textures (newEmptyTexture2D, newEmptyCubeMap) can be created with any of these formats.

(The above is a gross simplification of OpenGL's image formats. I should probably revise, because it may greatly improve performance to use some of the 16-bit color formats rather than 32. Also HDR color format.)

Depth Testing and Stencil Testing

The depth test and stencil test use extra buffers in parallel with the color buffer to cause regions of pixels to not show. It does this by making a comparison between the depth each pixel and the value present in those buffers, then updating the buffers as necessary. The stencil test in particular has many configurable options. See the respective modules for the Graphics.GL.Low.Depth and Graphics.GL.Low.Stencil tests.

Scissor Test

The scissor test, if enabled (enableScissorTest), disallows all rendering outside of a rectangle region of the window called the scissor box.

Coordinate Systems (Mappings)

There are three transformation mechanisms which work together to get raw vertex data from VBOs to rasterized primitives somewhere on the window. You can imagine four coordinate systems between these three transformations if you want to.

  • The vertex shader takes vertex positions as specified in vertex attributes to clip space. This is how the client code specifies a camera, movement of objects, and perspective.
  • The perspective division or "W-divide" takes vertices from clip space and maps them to normalized device coordinates (NDC) by dividing all the components of the vertex by that vertex's W component. This allows a perspective effect to be accomplished in the shader by modifying the W components. You can't configure this W-division; it just happens. Note that if W = 1 for all vertices then this step has no effect. This is useful for orthographic projections. The resulting geometry will be clipped to a 2x2x2 cube centered around the origin. You can think of an XY plane of this cube as the viewport of the final 2D image.
  • The configurable viewport transformation (setViewport) will then position the viewport somewhere in the window. This step is necessary because your window is probably not a 2x2 square. The viewport transformation is configured by specifying a rectangular region of your window where you want the image to map to. The default setting for this is to fill the entire window with the viewport. If you didn't previously account for your aspect ratio then this will have the effect of squishing the scene, so you need to compensate in the vertex shader.

Rendering Points, Lines, and Triangles

The draw family (ex. drawTriangles) of commands commissions the rendering of a certain number of vertices worth of primitives. The current program will get input from the current VAO, the current texture units, and execute on all the potentially affected pixels in the current framebuffer. Vertexes are consumed in the order they appear in their respective source VBOs. If the VAO is missing, the program is missing, or the current framebuffer has no color attachment, then rendering will not work.

The drawIndexed family (ex. drawIndexedTriangles) of commands carries out the same effects as the non-indexed rendering commands but traverses vertices in an order determined by the sequence of indexes packed in the ElementArray currently bound to the element array binding target. This mainly allows a huge reuse of vertex data in the case that the object being rendered forms a closed mesh.


The hello world program shows a white triangle on a black background. It uses the packages `GLFW-b' and `monad-loops'. Note that it forces a 3.2 core profile when setting up the context through GLFW.

module Main where

import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM_)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V

import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Graphics.GL.Low

-- GLFW will be the shell of the demo
main = do
  GLFW.windowHint (GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3)
  GLFW.windowHint (GLFW.WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 2)
  GLFW.windowHint (GLFW.WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True)
  GLFW.windowHint (GLFW.WindowHint'OpenGLProfile GLFW.OpenGLProfile'Core)
  mwin <- GLFW.createWindow 640 480 "Hello World" Nothing Nothing
  case mwin of
    Nothing  -> putStrLn "createWindow failed"
    Just win -> do
      GLFW.makeContextCurrent (Just win)
      GLFW.swapInterval 1
      (vao, prog) <- setup -- load and configure objects
      whileM_ (not <$> GLFW.windowShouldClose win) $ do
        draw vao prog -- render
        GLFW.swapBuffers win

setup = do
  -- establish a VAO
  vao <- newVAO
  bindVAO vao
  -- load shader program
  vsource <- readFile "hello.vert"
  fsource <- readFile "hello.frag"
  prog <- newProgram vsource fsource
  useProgram prog
  -- load vertex data: three 2D vertex positions
  let blob = V.fromList
        [ -0.5, -0.5
        ,    0,  0.5
        ,  0.5, -0.5 ] :: V.Vector Float
  vbo <- newVBO blob StaticDraw
  bindVBO vbo
  -- connect program to vertex data via the VAO
  setVertexLayout [Attrib "position" 2 GLFloat]
  return (vao, prog)

draw vao prog = do
  clearColorBuffer (0,0,0)
  bindVAO vao
  useProgram prog
  drawTriangles 3

The vertex shader file looks like

#version 150

in vec2 position;

void main()
   gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);

And the corresponding fragment shader file

#version 150

out vec4 outColor;

void main()
  outColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

And the output should look like