ltk- Leksah tool kit

Safe HaskellNone



Module for making simple editors



noEditor :: alpha -> Editor alpha Source

An invisible editor without any effect

boolEditor :: Editor Bool Source

Editor for a boolean value in the form of a check button

boolEditor2 :: Text -> Editor Bool Source

Editor for a boolean value in the form of two radio buttons

enumEditor :: forall alpha. (Show alpha, Enum alpha, Bounded alpha) => [Text] -> Editor alpha Source

Editor for an enum value in the form of n radio buttons

clickEditor :: Bool -> Editor () Source

An Editor for nothing (which may report a click) in the form of a button

textEditor :: (Text -> Bool) -> Bool -> Editor Text Source

Editor for a Text in the form of a text entry

stringEditor :: (String -> Bool) -> Bool -> Editor String Source

Editor for a String in the form of a text entry

multilineStringEditor :: Editor Text Source

Editor for a multiline string in the form of a multiline text entry

intEditor :: (Double, Double, Double) -> Editor Int Source

Editor for an integer in the form of a spin entry

genericEditor :: (Show beta, Read beta) => Editor beta Source

Editor for for any value which is an instance of Read and Show in the form of a | text entry

fontEditor :: Editor (Maybe Text) Source

Editor for a font selection

colorEditor :: Editor Color Source

Editor for color selection

comboSelectionEditor :: Eq beta => [beta] -> (beta -> Text) -> Editor beta Source

Editor for the selection of some element from a static list of elements in the | form of a combo box

comboEntryEditor :: [Text] -> Editor Text Source

Like comboSelectionEditor but allows entry of text not in the list

staticListEditor :: Eq beta => [beta] -> (beta -> Text) -> Editor beta Source

Editor for the selection of some elements from a static list of elements in the | form of a list box

staticListMultiEditor :: Eq beta => [beta] -> (beta -> Text) -> Editor [beta] Source

Editor for the selection of some elements from a static list of elements in the | form of a list box with toggle elements

multiselectionEditor :: (Show beta, Eq beta) => Editor [beta] Source

Editor for the selection of some elements from a list of elements in the | form of a list box

fileEditor :: Maybe FilePath -> FileChooserAction -> Text -> Editor FilePath Source

Editor for the selection of a file path in the form of a text entry and a button, | which opens a gtk file chooser

otherEditor :: (alpha -> Text -> IO (Maybe alpha)) -> Editor alpha Source

An editor, which opens another editor You have to inject a value before the button can be clicked.

imageEditor :: Editor StockId Source

An Editor to display an image