{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- Module      :  Graphics.UI.Editor.Basics
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  <maintainer at leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- | Module for the basiscs of composing GUIs from editors

module Graphics.UI.Editor.Basics (
-- * Types
,   Setter
,   Injector
,   Extractor
,   Applicator
,   Editor
,   getStandardRegFunction
,   emptyNotifier
,   GUIEvent(..)
,   GUIEventSelector(..)
,   GtkRegFunc
,   Notifier(..)
,   GtkHandler

,   activateEvent
,   propagateEvent
,   allGUIEvents
) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as Gtk
import Data.Unique
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad

import Graphics.UI.Editor.Parameters
import Control.Event
import Data.Map (Map(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map  (delete,insert,lookup,empty)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import MyMissing (allOf)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Basic Types

-- | A type for getting a field of a record
type Getter alpha beta     =   alpha -> beta
-- | A type for setting the field of a record
type Setter alpha beta     =   beta -> alpha -> alpha

-- | A type for injecting a value into an editor
type Injector beta     =   beta -> IO ()
-- | A type for extracting a value from an editor
type Extractor beta    =   IO (Maybe beta)
-- | A type for the application of a value to be reflected in the GUI
type Applicator beta gamma  =   beta -> gamma ()

-- | A type to describe an editor.
-- alpha is the type of the individual field of the record
type Editor alpha  =   Parameters -> Notifier
                        -> IO(Widget, Injector alpha , Extractor alpha)

-- | A type for an event in the GUI
data GUIEvent = GUIEvent {
    selector :: GUIEventSelector
,   gtkEvent :: Gtk.Event
,   eventPaneName :: String
,   gtkReturn :: Bool -- ^ True means that the event has been completely handled,
                      --  gtk shoudn't do any further action about it (Often not
                      --  a good idea
instance Event GUIEvent GUIEventSelector where
    getSelector = selector

data GUIEventSelector =   Clicked
                    |   FocusOut
                    |   FocusIn
                    |   SelectionChanged
                    |   ButtonRelease
                    |   AfterKeyRelease
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum,Bounded)

instance EventSelector GUIEventSelector

allGUIEvents :: [GUIEventSelector]
allGUIEvents = allOf

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Implementation of GUI event system
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

--  | A type for handling an IO event
--  Returning True: The event has been handles
--  Returning False: Handling should proceed
type GtkHandler = Gtk.Event -> IO Bool

-- | A type for a function to register a gtk event
-- |
type GtkRegFunc = Widget  -> GtkHandler -> IO (ConnectId Widget)

-- | The widgets are the real event sources.
-- The GtkRegFunc is the function used to register the event.
-- The connectIds are set, when the event is activated, and
-- can be used to deactivate the event.
-- Or it is a propagated event and:
-- The Notifier List is a list of event sources, to which registrations
-- are propageted.
-- The last map is used to unregister propagated events properly
type GUIEventReg = ([ConnectId Widget],
                        ([Notifier], Map Unique [(Unique,Notifier)]))

-- | The event source in the gtk editor context
-- If the second argument is Left Handler the handler gets registered
-- If the second argument is Right Unique the handler will be removed
-- The returned unique value must be used for unregistering an event
newtype Notifier =   Noti (IORef (Handlers GUIEvent IO GUIEventSelector,
                                        Map GUIEventSelector GUIEventReg))

emptyNotifier :: IO Notifier
emptyNotifier                            =   do
    h <- newIORef (Map.empty,Map.empty)
    let noti      =  Noti h
    return noti

instance  EventSource Notifier GUIEvent IO GUIEventSelector where
    getHandlers (Noti pairRef)              =   do
        (h,_) <- readIORef pairRef
        return h

    setHandlers (Noti pairRef) h            =   do
        (_,r) <- readIORef pairRef
        writeIORef pairRef (h,r)

    myUnique _                              =   newUnique

    canTriggerEvent _ _                     =   True

    registerEvent o@(Noti pairRef) eventSel hand@(Left handler) =   do
        (handlers, ger)     <-  readIORef pairRef
        unique              <-  myUnique o
        newGer <- case Map.lookup eventSel ger of
                    Nothing -> return ger
                    Just (_,([],um))  -> return ger
                    Just (cids,(notifiers,um))  -> do
                        lu <-  mapM (\es -> registerEvent es eventSel hand)
                        let jl =  map (first fromJust)
                                        $ filter (isJust.fst)
                                            $ zip lu notifiers
                        let newUm = Map.insert unique jl um
                        return (Map.insert eventSel (cids,(notifiers,newUm)) ger)
        let newHandlers =   case eventSel `Map.lookup` handlers of
                                Nothing -> Map.insert eventSel
                                                [(unique,handler)] handlers
                                Just l  -> Map.insert eventSel
                                                ((unique,handler):l) handlers
        writeIORef pairRef (newHandlers,newGer)
        return (Just unique)
    registerEvent o@(Noti pairRef) eventSel (Right unique) =   do
        (handlers, ger) <- readIORef pairRef
        newGer <- case Map.lookup eventSel ger of
            Nothing -> return ger
            Just (cids,(notis,um))  ->
                case unique `Map.lookup` um of
                    Nothing ->  return ger
                    Just l  ->  do
                        mapM_  (\(u,es) -> registerEvent es eventSel (Right u)) l
                        let newUm = unique `Map.delete` um
                        return (Map.insert eventSel (cids,(notis,newUm)) ger)
        let newHandlers =   case eventSel `Map.lookup` handlers of
                                Nothing -> handlers
                                Just l -> case filter (\ (mu,_) -> mu /= unique) l of
                                            [] -> Map.delete eventSel handlers
                                            l  -> Map.insert eventSel l handlers
        writeIORef pairRef (newHandlers,newGer)
        return (Just unique)

-- | Propagate the event with the selector from notifier to eventSource
propagateEvent :: Notifier -> [Notifier] -> GUIEventSelector -> IO ()
propagateEvent (Noti pairRef) eventSources eventSel = do
    (handlers,ger) <- readIORef pairRef
    let newGer =    case Map.lookup eventSel ger of
                            Nothing -> Map.insert eventSel
                                        ([],(eventSources,Map.empty)) ger
                            Just (w,(notiList,unregMap)) -> Map.insert eventSel
                                (w,(eventSources ++ notiList,unregMap)) ger
    --now propagate already registered events
    newGer2 <- case eventSel `Map.lookup` handlers of
        Nothing     ->  return newGer
        Just hl     ->  foldM (repropagate eventSel) newGer hl
    writeIORef pairRef (handlers,newGer)
    repropagate :: GUIEventSelector
        ->  Map GUIEventSelector GUIEventReg
        ->  (Unique, GUIEvent -> IO GUIEvent)
        ->  IO (Map GUIEventSelector GUIEventReg)
    repropagate eventSet ger (unique,hand) =
        case Map.lookup eventSel ger of
            Just (cids,(notifiers,um))
                -> do
                    lu <-  mapM (\es -> registerEvent es eventSel (Left hand))
                    let jl =  map (first fromJust)
                                    $ filter (isJust.fst)
                                        $ zip lu notifiers
                    let newUm = Map.insert unique jl um
                    return (Map.insert eventSel (cids,(notifiers,newUm)) ger)
            _   ->  error "Basics>>propagateEvent: impossible case"

-- | Activate the event after the event has been declared and the
-- widget has been constructed
activateEvent :: Widget -> Notifier -> Maybe GtkRegFunc -> GUIEventSelector  -> IO()
activateEvent widget (Noti pairRef) mbRegisterFunc eventSel = do
    let registerFunc    =   case mbRegisterFunc of
                                Just f  ->  f
                                Nothing ->  getStandardRegFunction eventSel
    cid <- registerFunc widget (\ e -> do
                (hi,_) <- readIORef pairRef
                case Map.lookup eventSel hi of
                    Nothing -> return False
                    Just [] -> return False
                    Just handlers -> do
                        name <- widgetGetName widget
                        eventList <- mapM (\f -> do
                            let ev = GUIEvent eventSel e name False
                            f ev)
                                (map snd handlers)
                        let boolList = map gtkReturn eventList
                        return (foldr (&&) True boolList))
    (handerls,ger) <- readIORef pairRef
    let newGer      =   case Map.lookup eventSel ger of
                            Nothing ->  Map.insert eventSel ([cid],([],Map.empty))
                            Just (cids,prop) ->
                                        Map.insert eventSel (cid:cids,prop) ger
    writeIORef pairRef (handerls,newGer)

-- | A convinence method for not repeating this over and over again
getStandardRegFunction :: GUIEventSelector -> GtkRegFunc
getStandardRegFunction FocusOut         =   \w h -> w `onFocusOut` h
getStandardRegFunction FocusIn          =   \w h -> w `onFocusIn` h
getStandardRegFunction ButtonRelease    =   \w h -> w `onButtonRelease` h
getStandardRegFunction AfterKeyRelease  =   \w h -> w `afterKeyRelease` h
getStandardRegFunction Clicked          =   \w h -> do
        res     <-  onClicked (castToButton w) (do
                        h (Gtk.Event True)
                        return ())
        return (unsafeCoerce res)
getStandardRegFunction SelectionChanged =   error "yet not implemented"