{-# OPTIONS -Wall -O2

module Graphics.UI.LUI.Image
    (-- The compositional interface:
    -- The implementational interface
    ) where

import qualified Graphics.UI.HaskGame as HaskGame
import qualified Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Font as Font
import qualified Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Rect as Rect
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame(Surface)
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Vector2(Vector2(..))
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Color(Color)
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Font(Font)
import Graphics.UI.HaskGame.Rect(Rect(..))
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..))

type BBox = Maybe Rect

-- bboxFromSize :: Vector2 Int -> BBox
-- bboxFromSize size = BBox $ Rect.makeRect (Vector2 0 0) size

-- onBBoxRect :: (Rect -> Rect) -> BBox -> BBox
-- onBBoxRect _ BBoxInf = BBoxInf
-- onBBoxRect f (BBox r) = BBox $ f r

-- unionBBox :: BBox -> BBox -> BBox
-- BBoxInf `unionBBox` _       = BBoxInf
-- _       `unionBBox` BBoxInf = BBoxInf
-- BBox r1 `unionBBox` BBox r2 = BBox $ r1 `unionRects` r2

intersectBBox :: BBox -> BBox -> BBox
Nothing   `intersectBBox` b2        = b2
b1        `intersectBBox` Nothing   = b1
(Just r1) `intersectBBox` (Just r2) = Just $ r1 `Rect.intersect` r2

-- Image semantically represents an infinite map from pixel index to
-- color.
data Image = Image { imageDraw :: Surface -> Vector2 Int -> BBox -> IO () }

render :: Image -> Surface -> Vector2 Int -> IO ()
render image surface pos = imageDraw image surface pos Nothing

instance Monoid Image where
    mempty = Image (const . const . const . return $ ())
    Image xdraw `mappend` Image ydraw = Image draw
          draw surface pos bbox = xdraw surface pos bbox >>
                                  ydraw surface pos bbox

-- Re-export this to go along with text below
textSize :: Font -> String -> Vector2 Int
textSize = Font.textSize

cropBlit :: Surface -> Vector2 Int -> Rect -> Surface -> IO ()
cropBlit dest destPos destCropRect src =
    HaskGame.blitPart dest finalTopLeft src srcRect
      srcRect = Rect.make (finalTopLeft - requestedTopLeft) (Rect.getSize finalDest)
      finalTopLeft = Rect.getTopLeft finalDest
      finalDest = requestedDest `Rect.intersect` destCropRect
      requestedTopLeft = Rect.getTopLeft requestedDest
      requestedDest = Rect.make destPos srcSize
      srcSize = HaskGame.surfaceSize src

text :: Color -> Font -> String -> Image
text color font str = Image draw
      draw surface pos bbox = do
        textSurface <- Font.renderText font str color
        maybe (HaskGame.blit surface pos)
              (cropBlit surface pos) bbox $ textSurface

rect :: Color -> Vector2 Int -> Image
rect color size = Image draw
      draw surface pos bbox =
        let origRect = Rect.make pos size
            finalRect = Rect.trunc $ maybe origRect (origRect `Rect.intersect`) bbox
        in HaskGame.fillRect surface finalRect color

move :: Vector2 Int -> Image -> Image
move delta (Image xdraw) = Image draw
      draw surface pos = xdraw surface (delta + pos)

cropRect :: Rect -> Image -> Image
cropRect r = move topLeft .
             crop size .
             move (-topLeft)
      (topLeft, size) = Rect.toVectors r

crop :: Vector2 Int -> Image -> Image
crop cropSize (Image xdraw) = Image draw
      draw surface pos bbox = xdraw surface pos $
                              Just (Rect.make pos cropSize) `intersectBBox` bbox