-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: Saturate.hs 291 2012-11-08 11:27:33Z heere112 $

-- saturate all calls to externals, instructions and constructors.
-- pre: [coreNoShadow]
module Lvm.Core.Saturate (coreSaturate) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Lvm.Common.Id    
import Lvm.Common.IdMap
import Lvm.Core.Expr
import Lvm.Core.Utils

-- Environment: a name supply and a map from id to its arity
data Env    = Env NameSupply (IdMap Int)

uniqueId :: Env -> (Id, Env)
uniqueId (Env supply arities)
  = let (x,supply') = freshId supply
    in  (x,Env supply' arities)

findArity :: Id -> Env -> Int
findArity x (Env _ arities)
  = fromMaybe 0 (lookupMap x arities)

splitEnv :: Env -> (Env, Env)
splitEnv (Env supply arities)
  = let (s0,s1) = splitNameSupply supply
    in  (Env s0 arities, Env s1 arities)

splitEnvs :: Env -> [Env]
splitEnvs (Env supply arities)
  = map (`Env` arities) (splitNameSupplies supply)

-- coreSaturate
coreSaturate :: NameSupply -> CoreModule -> CoreModule
coreSaturate supply m
  = mapExprWithSupply (satDeclExpr arities) supply m
    arities = mapFromList [(declName d,declArity d) | d <- moduleDecls m, isDeclCon d || isDeclExtern d]

satDeclExpr :: IdMap Int -> NameSupply -> Expr -> Expr
satDeclExpr arities supply = satExpr (Env supply arities)

-- saturate expressions
satExpr :: Env -> Expr -> Expr
satExpr env expr
  = case expr of
      Let binds e
        -> let (env0,env1) = splitEnv env
           in  Let (satBinds env0 binds) (satExpr env1 e)
      Match x alts
        -> Match x (satAlts env alts)
      Lam x e
        -> Lam x (satExpr env e)
        -> let expr'  = satExprSimple env expr
           in addLam env  (requiredArgs env expr') expr'

satBinds :: Env -> Binds -> Binds
satBinds = zipBindsWith (\env x expr -> Bind x (satExpr env expr)) . splitEnvs

satAlts :: Env -> Alts -> Alts
satAlts = zipAltsWith (\env pat expr -> Alt pat (satExpr env expr)) . splitEnvs

-- don't saturate Ap, Var and Con here
satExprSimple :: Env -> Expr -> Expr
satExprSimple env expr
  = case expr of
      Let _ _     -> satExpr env expr
      Match _ _   -> satExpr env expr
      Lam _ _     -> satExpr env expr
      Ap e1 e2    -> let (env1,env2) = splitEnv env
                     in  Ap (satExprSimple env1 e1) (satExpr env2 e2)
      _           -> expr

-- Add lambda's

addLam :: (Num a, Enum a) => Env -> a -> Expr -> Expr
addLam env n expr
  = let (_,ids) = mapAccumR (\env2 _ -> let (x,env') = uniqueId env2 in (env',x)) env [1..n]
    in  foldr Lam (foldl Ap expr (map Var ids)) ids

requiredArgs :: Env -> Expr -> Int
requiredArgs env expr
  = case expr of
      Let _ _               -> 0
      Match _ _             -> 0
      Lam _ _               -> 0
      Ap e1 _               -> requiredArgs env e1 - 1
      Var x                 -> findArity x env
      Con (ConId x)         -> findArity x env
      Con (ConTag _ arity)  -> arity
      _                     -> 0