-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: ToAsm.hs 291 2012-11-08 11:27:33Z heere112 $

module Lvm.Core.ToAsm (coreToAsm) where

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Lvm.Common.Id
import Lvm.Common.IdSet
import Lvm.Core.Expr
import Lvm.Core.Utils
import qualified Lvm.Asm.Data as Asm

import Lvm.Core.NoShadow  (coreRename)    -- rename local variables
import Lvm.Core.Saturate  (coreSaturate)  -- saturate constructors, instructions and externs
import Lvm.Core.Normalize (coreNormalize) -- normalize core, ie. atomic arguments and lambda's at let bindings
import Lvm.Core.LetSort   (coreLetSort)   -- find smallest recursive let binding groups
import Lvm.Core.Lift      (coreLift)      -- lambda-lift, ie. make free variables arguments

  coreToAsm: translate Core expressions into Asm expressions
coreToAsm :: NameSupply -> CoreModule -> Asm.AsmModule
coreToAsm supply
  = exprToTop 
  . coreLift
  . coreLetSort
  . coreNormalize supply2
  . coreSaturate supply1
  . coreRename supply0
    (supply0:supply1:supply2:_) = splitNameSupplies supply

exprToTop :: CoreModule -> Asm.AsmModule
exprToTop m
  = m{ moduleDecls = concatMap (asmDecl (externNames m)) (moduleDecls m) }

  top-level bindings

asmDecl :: IdSet -> Decl Expr -> [Decl Asm.Top]
asmDecl prim decl =
   case decl of 
      DeclValue x acc enc expr custom -> 
         let (pars,(lifted,asmexpr)) = asmTop prim expr
         in DeclValue x acc enc (Asm.Top pars asmexpr) custom : concatMap (asmLifted prim (declName decl)) lifted
      _ -> [fmap (error "asmDecl") decl]

asmLifted :: IdSet -> Id -> Bind -> [Decl Asm.Top]
asmLifted prim enc (Bind x expr)
  = let (pars,(lifted,asmexpr)) = asmTop prim expr
    in  DeclValue x (Defined False) (Just enc) (Asm.Top pars asmexpr) []
        : concatMap (asmLifted prim x) lifted

asmTop :: IdSet -> Expr -> ([Id], ([Bind], Asm.Expr))
asmTop prim expr
  = let (pars,expr') = splitParams expr
    in (pars,asmExpr prim expr')

splitParams :: Expr -> ([Id],Expr)
splitParams expr
  = case expr of
      Lam x e   -> let (pars,e') = splitParams e in (x:pars,e')
      _         -> ([],expr)

asmExpr :: IdSet -> Expr -> ([Bind],Asm.Expr)
asmExpr prim expr
  = case expr of
      Let binds e     -> asmLet prim binds (asmExpr prim e)
      Match x alts    -> let (lifted,asmalts) = asmAlts prim alts
                         in (concat lifted, Asm.Match x asmalts)
      atom            -> let asmatom = asmAtom atom []  -- handles prim ap's too
                         in case asmatom of
                              Asm.Ap x args  | elemSet x prim
                                              -> ([],Asm.Prim x args)
                              _               -> ([],asmatom)

asmAlts :: IdSet -> [Alt] -> ([[Bind]], [Asm.Alt])
asmAlts prim alts
  = unzip (map (asmAlt prim) alts)

asmAlt :: IdSet -> Alt -> ([Bind], Asm.Alt)
asmAlt prim (Alt pat expr)
  = let (lifted,asmexpr) = asmExpr prim expr
    in (lifted, Asm.Alt (asmPat pat) asmexpr)

asmPat :: Pat -> Asm.Pat
asmPat pat
  = case pat of
      PatCon con params -> Asm.PatCon (asmPatCon con) params
      PatLit lit        -> Asm.PatLit (asmLit lit)
      PatDefault        -> Asm.PatVar (idFromString  ".def")

asmPatCon :: Con a -> Asm.Con a
asmPatCon con
  = case con of
      ConId x          -> Asm.ConId x
      ConTag tag arity -> Asm.ConTag tag arity

asmLet :: IdSet -> Binds -> ([Bind], Asm.Expr) -> ([Bind], Asm.Expr)
asmLet prim binds (lifted,asmexpr)
  = case binds of
      NonRec (Bind x expr)
                -> if isAtomic prim expr
                    then (lifted, Asm.Let x (asmAtom expr []) asmexpr)
                    else (Bind x expr:lifted,asmexpr)
      Strict (Bind x rhs)
                -> let (liftedrhs,asmrhs) = asmExpr prim rhs
                   in  (lifted ++ liftedrhs,Asm.Eval x asmrhs asmexpr)
      Rec bs    -> let (lifted',binds') = foldr asmRec (lifted,[]) bs
                   in if null binds'
                       then (lifted',asmexpr)
                       else (lifted',Asm.LetRec binds' asmexpr)
    asmRec bind@(Bind x expr) (lft,bs)
      | isAtomic prim expr = (lft,(x,asmAtom expr []):bs)
      | otherwise          = (bind:lft,bs)

 atomic expressions & primitive applications

asmAtom :: Expr -> [Asm.Expr] -> Asm.Expr
asmAtom atom args
  = case atom of
      Ap e1 e2  -> asmAtom e1 (asmAtom e2 []:args)
      Var x     -> Asm.Ap x args
      Con con   -> Asm.Con (asmCon con) args
      Lit lit   | null args -> Asm.Lit (asmLit lit)
      Let binds expr
                -> asmAtomBinds binds (asmAtom expr args)
      _ -> error "CoreToAsm.asmAtom: non atomic expression (do 'coreNormalise' first?)"

asmCon :: Con Expr -> Asm.Con Asm.Atom
asmCon con 
  = case con of
      ConId x          -> Asm.ConId x 
      ConTag tag arity  -> assert (simpleTag tag) $ -- "CoreToAsm.asmCon: tag expression too complex (should be integer or (strict) variable"
                           Asm.ConTag (asmAtom tag []) arity
    simpleTag (Lit (LitInt _))  = True
    simpleTag (Var _)           = True
    simpleTag _                 = False

asmAtomBinds :: Binds -> Asm.Expr -> Asm.Expr
asmAtomBinds binds
  = case binds of
      NonRec (Bind x expr) -> Asm.Let x (asmAtom expr [])
      Rec bs               -> Asm.LetRec [(x,asmAtom expr []) | Bind x expr <- bs]
      _                    -> error "CoreToAsm.asmAtomBinds: strict binding as atomic expression (do 'coreNormalise first?)"

asmLit :: Literal -> Asm.Lit
asmLit lit
  = case lit of
     LitInt i    -> Asm.LitInt i
     LitDouble d -> Asm.LitFloat d
     LitBytes s  -> Asm.LitBytes s

  is an expression atomic ?

isAtomic :: IdSet -> Expr -> Bool
isAtomic prim expr
  = case expr of
      Ap e1 e2  -> isAtomic prim e1 && isAtomic prim e2
      Var x     -> not (elemSet x prim)
      Con (ConId _)    -> True
      Con (ConTag t _) -> isAtomic prim t
      Lit _   -> True
      Let binds e
                -> isAtomicBinds prim binds && isAtomic prim e
      _         -> False

isAtomicBinds :: IdSet -> Binds -> Bool
isAtomicBinds prim binds
  = case binds of
      Strict _  -> False
      _         -> all (isAtomic prim) (snd (unzipBinds (listFromBinds binds)))