module FP.Prelude.Lattice where

import FP.Prelude.Core

import qualified Prelude

-- 4: sums
infixr 4          -- (⊔) ∷ (Join a) ⇒ a → a → a
infix  4          -- (⊟) ∷ (Difference a) ⇒ a → a → a

-- 5: products
infixr 5          -- (⊓) ∷ (Meet a) ⇒ a → a → a

-- 6: relations
infix 6          -- (⊑⊒) ∷ (POrd a) ⇒ a → a → PartialOrdering
infix 6           -- (⊑) ∷ (POrd a) ⇒ a → a → 𝔹
infix 6           -- (⊒) ∷ (POrd a) ⇒ a → a → 𝔹
infix 6 ><         -- (><) ∷ (POrd a) ⇒ a → a → 𝔹

-- # Partial Orders

data PartialOrdering = PLT | PEQ | PGT | PUN

class POrd a where ()  a  a  PartialOrdering

fromOrdering  Ordering  PartialOrdering
fromOrdering = \case {LT  PLT;EQ  PEQ;GT  PGT}

()  (POrd a)  a  a  𝔹
x  y = case x  y of {PLT  True;PEQ  True;PGT  False;PUN  False}

()  (POrd a)  a  a  𝔹
x  y = case x  y of {PLT  False;PEQ  True;PGT  True;PUN  False}

(><)  (POrd a)  a  a  𝔹
x >< y = case x  y of {PLT  False;PEQ  False;PGT  False;PUN  True}

poCompareFromLte  (a  a  𝔹)  a  a  PartialOrdering
poCompareFromLte lte x y = case (lte x y,lte y x) of
  (True,True)  PEQ
  (True,False)  PLT
  (False,True)  PGT
  (False,False)  PUN

discretePO  (Eq a)  a  a  PartialOrdering
discretePO = poCompareFromLte (==)

-- # Lattice Kinds

class Bot a where bot  a 
class Join a where ()  a  a  a
class Top a where top  a
class Meet a where ()  a  a  a
class Dual a where dual  a  a
class Difference a where ()  a  a  a   

class (Bot a,Join a)  JoinLattice a
class (Top a,Meet a)  MeetLattice a
class (JoinLattice a,MeetLattice a)  Lattice a
class (Lattice a,Dual a)  DualLattice a

-- # Integer

instance POrd  where () = fromOrdering  compare
instance Join  where () = Prelude.max
instance Meet  where () = Prelude.min

-- # Natural

instance POrd  where () = fromOrdering  compare

instance Bot  where bot = 𝕟 0
instance Join  where () = Prelude.max
instance Meet  where () = Prelude.min
instance JoinLattice 

-- # NaturalTop

instance POrd ℕᵀ where 
  NInfinity  NInfinity = PEQ
  NInfinity  NFinite _ = PGT
  NFinite _  NInfinity = PLT
  NFinite x  NFinite y = x  y

instance Bot ℕᵀ where bot = 𝕟ᵀ 0
instance Join ℕᵀ where 
  NInfinity  _ = NInfinity
  _  NInfinity = NInfinity
  NFinite x  NFinite y = NFinite $ x  y
instance JoinLattice ℕᵀ
instance Top ℕᵀ where top = NInfinity
instance Meet ℕᵀ where 
  NInfinity  x = x
  x  NInfinity = x
  NFinite x  NFinite y = NFinite $ x  y
instance MeetLattice ℕᵀ
instance Lattice ℕᵀ

-- # Int

instance POrd 𝕀 where () = fromOrdering  compare

instance Bot 𝕀 where bot = Prelude.minBound
instance Join 𝕀 where () = Prelude.max
instance Top 𝕀 where top = Prelude.maxBound
instance Meet 𝕀 where () = Prelude.min
instance JoinLattice 𝕀
instance MeetLattice 𝕀
instance Lattice 𝕀

-- # Double

instance POrd 𝔻 where () = fromOrdering  compare

instance Bot 𝔻 where bot = 𝕤read "NInfinity"
instance Join 𝔻 where () = Prelude.max
instance Top 𝔻 where top = 𝕤read "-NInfinity"
instance Meet 𝔻 where () = Prelude.min
instance JoinLattice 𝔻
instance MeetLattice 𝔻
instance Lattice 𝔻

-- # Bool

instance POrd 𝔹 where () = fromOrdering  ()
instance Bot 𝔹 where bot = False
instance Join 𝔹 where () = ()
instance Top 𝔹 where top = True
instance Meet 𝔹 where () = ()
instance Dual 𝔹 where dual = not
instance JoinLattice 𝔹
instance MeetLattice 𝔹
instance Lattice 𝔹
instance DualLattice 𝔹

-- # Product

instance (POrd a,POrd b)  POrd (a,b) where () = poCompareFromLte $ \(a₁,b₁)(a₂,b₂)(a₁a₂)(b₁b₂)
instance (Bot a,Bot b)  Bot (a,b) where bot = (bot,bot)
instance (Join a,Join b)  Join (a,b) where (a₁,b₁)  (a₂,b₂) = (a₁  a₂,b₁  b₂)
instance (Top a,Top b)  Top (a,b) where top = (top,top)
instance (Meet a,Meet b)  Meet (a,b) where (a₁,b₁)  (a₂,b₂) = (a₁  a₂,b₁  b₂)
instance (Dual a,Dual b)  Dual (a,b) where dual (a,b) = (dual a,dual b)
instance (Difference a,Difference b)  Difference (a,b) where (a₁,b₁)  (a₂,b₂) = (a₁  a₂,b₁  b₂)
instance (JoinLattice a,JoinLattice b)  JoinLattice (a,b)
instance (MeetLattice a,MeetLattice b)  MeetLattice (a,b)
instance (Lattice a,Lattice b)  Lattice (a,b)
instance (DualLattice a,DualLattice b)  DualLattice (a,b)

-- # Maybe

instance (POrd a)  POrd (Maybe a) where
  Nothing  Nothing = PEQ
  Just _  Nothing = PUN
  Nothing  Just _ = PUN
  Just x  Just y = x  y

-- # Function

instance (Bot b)  Bot (a  b) where bot = const bot
instance (Join b)  Join (a  b) where (f  g) x = f x  g x
instance (Top b)  Top (a  b) where top = const top
instance (Meet b)  Meet (a  b) where (f  g) x = f x  g x
instance (Dual b)  Dual (a  b) where dual f = dual  f
instance (Difference b)  Difference (a  b) where (f  g) x = f x  g x

instance (JoinLattice b)  JoinLattice (a  b)
instance (MeetLattice b)  MeetLattice (a  b)
instance (Lattice b)  Lattice (a  b)
instance (DualLattice b)  DualLattice (a  b)

-- # Set

instance POrd (𝒫 a) where () = poCompareFromLte isSubsetOf
instance Bot (𝒫 a) where bot = EmptySet
instance Join (𝒫 a) where () = unionSet
instance Meet (𝒫 a) where () = intersectionSet
instance Difference (𝒫 a) where () = differenceSet
instance JoinLattice (𝒫 a)

-- # Dict

instance (POrd v)  POrd (k  v) where () = poCompareFromLte $ isSubdictOfBy ()
instance Bot (k  v) where bot = EmptyDict
instance (Join v)  Join (k  v) where () = unionWithDict ()
instance (Meet v)  Meet (k  v) where () = intersectionWithDict ()
instance (Join v)  JoinLattice (k  v)
instance (Difference v)  Difference (k  v) where () = differenceWithDict ()

dictJoin  (ToFold (k,v) t,Ord k,JoinLattice v)  t  k  v
dictJoin = iter (()  single) bot

mapKeyJoin  (Ord k₂,JoinLattice v)  (k₁  k₂)  k₁  v  k₂  v
mapKeyJoin f kvs = dictJoin $ map (mapFst f) $ list kvs

-- # Lazy Set and Dict

instance (Ord a)  POrd (𝒫ᵇ a) where () = () `on` concretizeSet
instance Bot (𝒫ᵇ a) where bot = LazySet null
instance Join (𝒫ᵇ a) where LazySet xs  LazySet ys = LazySet $ xs  ys
instance JoinLattice (𝒫ᵇ a)
instance (Ord a)  Difference (𝒫ᵇ a) where 
  () = lazySet  (() `on` concretizeSet)

instance Monad 𝒫ᵇ where
  return = LazySet  single
  xs = f = joins $ map f xs
instance (Ord k,Eq v,JoinLattice v)  Eq (k  v) where (==) = (==) `on` concretizeDictJoin
instance (Ord k,Ord v,JoinLattice v)  Ord (k  v) where compare = compare `on` concretizeDictJoin
instance (Ord k,Show k,Show v,JoinLattice v)  Show (k  v) where show = chars  () "dictᵇ "  𝕤show  list  concretizeDictJoin
instance ToFold (k,v) (k  v) where fold = runLazyDictJoin
instance Singleton (k,v) (k  v) where single = lazyDictJoin  singleFold

instance (Ord k,POrd v,JoinLattice v)  POrd (k  v) where () = () `on` concretizeDictJoin
instance Bot (k  v) where bot = LazyDictJoin null
instance Join (k  v) where LazyDictJoin xvs  LazyDictJoin yvs = LazyDictJoin $ xvs  yvs
instance JoinLattice (k  v)
instance (Ord k,JoinLattice v,Difference v)  Difference (k  v) where () = lazyDictJoin  (() `on` concretizeDictJoin)

concretizeDictJoin  (Ord k,JoinLattice v)  k  v  k  v
concretizeDictJoin (LazyDictJoin kvs) = dictJoin kvs

lazyDictJoin  (ToFold (k,v) t)  t  k  v
lazyDictJoin = LazyDictJoin  fold

mapKeyLazyDictJoin  (k  k')  k  v  k'  v
mapKeyLazyDictJoin f = LazyDictJoin  map (mapFst f)  runLazyDictJoin

-- # Operations

joins  (JoinLattice a,ToFold a t)  t  a 
joins = iter () bot

meets  (MeetLattice a,ToFold a t)  t  a 
meets = iter () top

-- # AddBot

data AddBot a = Bot | AddBot a
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Functor AddBot where
  map _ Bot = Bot
  map f (AddBot x) = AddBot $ f x

instance Bot (AddBot a) where bot = Bot
instance (Join a)  Join (AddBot a) where
  Bot  x = x
  x  Bot = x
  AddBot x  AddBot y = AddBot $ x  y
instance (Top a)  Top (AddBot a) where top = AddBot top
instance (Meet a)  Meet (AddBot a) where
  Bot  _ = Bot
  _  Bot = Bot
  AddBot x  AddBot y = AddBot $ x  y
instance (Join a)  JoinLattice (AddBot a)
instance (MeetLattice a)  MeetLattice (AddBot a)
instance (Join a,MeetLattice a)  Lattice (AddBot a)

elimAddBot  b  (a  b)  AddBot a  b
elimAddBot b _ Bot = b
elimAddBot _ f (AddBot x) = f x

-- # AddTop

data AddTop a = AddTop a | Top
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Functor AddTop where
  map _ Top = Top
  map f (AddTop x) = AddTop $ f x

instance (Bot a)  Bot (AddTop a) where bot = AddTop bot
instance (Join a)  Join (AddTop a) where
  Top  _ = Top
  _  Top = Top
  AddTop x  AddTop y = AddTop $ x  y
instance Top (AddTop a) where top = Top
instance (Meet a)  Meet (AddTop a) where
  Top  x = x
  x  Top = x
  AddTop x  AddTop y = AddTop $ x  y
instance (JoinLattice a)  JoinLattice (AddTop a)
instance (Meet a)  MeetLattice (AddTop a)
instance (JoinLattice a,Meet a)  Lattice (AddTop a)