module FP.Prelude.Lib where

import Data.IORef

import FP.Prelude.Core
import FP.Prelude.Effects
import FP.Prelude.Monads
import FP.Prelude.Lattice
import FP.Prelude.Morphism

import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Text as Text

infixr 1 =

-- # Char

lowerChar = Char.toLower

upperChar = Char.toUpper

-- # String

lower  𝕊  𝕊
lower = Text.toLower

upper  𝕊  𝕊
upper = Text.toUpper

-- examples: 
--     > alignLeftFill 'X' (𝕟 3) "c"
--     "cXX"
--     > alignLeftFill 'C' (𝕟 3) "ccccc"
--     "ccccc"
alignLeftFill      𝕊  𝕊
alignLeftFill c n s = s  𝕤 (replicate (n - (length s  n)) c)

alignLeft    𝕊  𝕊
alignLeft = alignLeftFill ' '

alignRightFill      𝕊  𝕊
alignRightFill c n s = 𝕤 (replicate (n - (length s  n)) c)  s

alignRight    𝕊  𝕊
alignRight = alignRightFill ' '

-- # Bool

cond  (a  𝔹)  (a  b)  (a  b)  a  b
cond p ft ff x = if p x then ft x else ff x

-- # Function

applyTo  a  (a  b)  b
applyTo x f = f x

-- # Stream

data MStream m a where MStream  s  (s  m (a,s))  MStream m a

streamState  s  MStream (StateT s Maybe) a  Stream a
streamState s₀ (MStream ss₀ f) = Stream (ss₀,s₀) $ \ (ss,s)  do
  ((a,ss'),s')  runStateT (f ss) s
  return (a,(ss',s'))

length  (ToFold a t)  t  
length = iter (const suc) (𝕟 0)

count  (ToFold a t)  (a  𝔹)  t  
count f = iter (\ x  if f x then suc else id) (𝕟 0)
nth  (ToFold a t)    t  Maybe a
nth n t = case foldlk ff (Right zero) t of
  Left x  Just x
  Right _  Nothing
    ff (Right i) x' k = if i == n then Left x' else k $ Right $ suc i
    ff (Left _) _ _ = error "internal error"

srepeat  a  Stream a
srepeat x = Stream () $ \ ()  Just (x,())

snaturals  Stream 
snaturals = Stream (𝕟 0) $ \ i  Just(i,suc i)
szip  Stream a  Stream b  Stream (a,b)
szip xs₁₀ xs₂₀ = Stream (xs₁₀,xs₂₀) $ \ (xs₁,xs₂)  do
  (x,xs₁')  unconsStream xs₁
  (y,xs₂')  unconsStream xs₂
  return ((x,y),(xs₁',xs₂'))

withIndex  Stream a  Stream (,a)
withIndex = szip snaturals

-- # List

head  [a]  Maybe a
head = fst ^ uncons

tail  [a]  Maybe [a]
tail = snd ^ uncons

bigProduct  [[a]]  [[a]]
bigProduct [] = [[]]
bigProduct (xs:xss) = do
  let xss' = bigProduct xss
  x  xs
  map (x:) xss'

mapHead  (a  a)  [a]  [a]
mapHead f xs₀ = list $ streamState True $ MStream xs₀ $ \ xs  do
  (x,xs')  abortMaybe $ uncons xs
  isfirst  get
  put False
  return $ if isfirst then (f x,xs') else (x,xs')

mapTail  (a  a)  [a]  [a]
mapTail f xs₀ = list $ streamState True $ MStream xs₀ $ \ xs  do
  (x,xs')  abortMaybe $ uncons xs
  isfirst  get
  put False
  return $ if isfirst then (x,xs') else (f x,xs')

firstN    [a]  [a]
firstN n₀ xs₀ = list $ streamState (𝕟 0) $ MStream xs₀ $ \ xs  do
  n  next
  when (n == n₀) abort
  abortMaybe $ uncons xs

filterMap   a b. (a  Maybe b)  [a]  [b]
filterMap f xs₀ = list $ Stream xs₀ $ loop
    loop  [a]  Maybe (b,[a])
    loop xs = do
      (x,xs')  uncons xs
      case f x of
        Nothing  loop xs'
        Just y  return (y,xs')

filter  (a  Bool)  [a]  [a]
filter f = filterMap $ \ x  if f x then Just x else Nothing

splitPrefix  (Eq a)  [a]  [a]  Maybe ([a],[a])
splitPrefix [] [] = Just ([],[])
splitPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x  y = do
    (prefix,postfix)  splitPrefix xs ys
    return (x:prefix,postfix)
  | otherwise = Nothing
splitPrefix [] ys = Just ([],ys)
splitPrefix _ _ = Nothing

prefixUntil   a. (a  𝔹)  [a]  ([a],[a])
prefixUntil _ [] = ([],[])
prefixUntil p (x:xs) 
  | p x = ([],x:xs)
  | otherwise =
      let (pre,post) = prefixUntil p xs
      in (x:pre,post)

uniques   a. (Ord a)  [a]  [a]
uniques xs₀ = list $ streamState null $ MStream xs₀ loop
    loop  [a]  StateT (𝒫 a) Maybe (a,[a])
    loop xs = do
      (x,xs')  abortMaybe $ uncons xs
      seen  get
      if x  seen 
        then loop xs' 
        else do
          modify $ insert x
          return (x,xs')

replicate    a  [a]
replicate n₀ x = list $ streamState (𝕟 0) $ MStream () $ \ ()  do
  n  next
  when (n == n₀) abort
  return (x,())

intersperse  a  [a]  [a]
intersperse xᵢ xs₀ = list $ streamState (True,Nothing) $ MStream xs₀ $ \ xs  do
  (isFirst,delay)  get
  if isFirst 
    then do
      put (False,delay)
      abortMaybe $ uncons xs
    else case delay of
      Nothing  do
        (x,xs')  abortMaybe $ uncons xs
        put (isFirst,Just x)
        return (xᵢ,xs')
      Just x  do
        put (isFirst,Nothing)
        return (x,xs)

buildN    a  (a  a)  [a]
buildN n₀ x₀ f = list $ streamState (𝕟 0) $ MStream x₀ $ \ x  do
  n  next
  when (n == n₀) abort
  return (x,f x)

upTo    []
upTo n = buildN n zero suc

-- # Iteration

applyN    b  (b  b)  b
applyN n i f = iter (const f) i (upTo n)

appendN  (Monoid a)    a  a 
appendN n x = applyN n null $ (x ) 

applyUntil  (a  a)  (a  a  𝔹)  a  a
applyUntil f p x =
  let x' = f x in
  x' `seq` if p x x' then x else applyUntil f p x'

applyUntilHistory  (a  a)  (a  a  𝔹)  a  [a]
applyUntilHistory f p x₀ = list $ Stream (Just x₀) $ \ xM  case xM of
  Nothing  Nothing
  Just x  Just
    ( x
    , let x' = f x in
      x' `seq` if p x x' then Nothing else Just x'

poiter  (POrd a)  (a  a)  a  a
poiter f = applyUntil f $ \ x x'  x'  x

poiterHistory  (POrd a)  (a  a)  a  [a]
poiterHistory f = applyUntilHistory f (\ x x'  x'  x)

collect  (Join a,POrd a)  (a  a)  a  a
collect f = poiter $ \ x  x  f x

collectN  (Join a,POrd a)    (a  a)  a  a
collectN n f x0 = applyN n x0 $ \ x  x  f x

collectHistory  (Join a,POrd a)  (a  a)  a  [a]
collectHistory f = poiterHistory $ \ x  x  f x

collectHistoryN  (Join a,POrd a)    (a  a)  a  [a]
collectHistoryN n f i = buildN n i $ \ x  x  f x

diffs  (JoinLattice a,Difference a,ToStream a t)  t  Stream a
diffs (stream  Stream s₀ f) = streamState bot $ MStream s₀ $ \ s  do
  xₚ  get
  (x,s')  abortMaybe $ f s
  put x
  return (x  xₚ,s')

collectDiffs  (POrd a,JoinLattice a,Difference a)  (a  a)  a  Stream a
collectDiffs f = diffs  collectHistory f

collectDiffsN  (POrd a,JoinLattice a,Difference a)    (a  a)  a  Stream a
collectDiffsN n f = diffs  collectHistoryN n f

-- # Monads

many  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m a  m [a]
many aM = mconcat
  [ oneOrMore aM
  , return []

oneOrMore  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m a  m [a]
oneOrMore = uncurry (:) ^ oneOrMoreSplit

oneOrMoreSplit  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m a  m (a,[a])
oneOrMoreSplit aM = do
  x  aM
  xs  many aM
  return (x,xs)

twoOrMoreSplit  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m a  m (a,a,[a])
twoOrMoreSplit aM = do
  x1  aM
  (x2,xs)  oneOrMoreSplit aM
  return (x1,x2,xs)

manySepBy  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m ()  m a  m [a]
manySepBy uM xM = mconcat
  [ return []
  , do
      x  xM
      xs  manyPrefBy uM xM
      return $ x:xs

manyPrefBy  (Monad m,MonadMonoid m)  m ()  m a  m [a]
manyPrefBy uM xM = mconcat
  [ return []
  , do
      x  xM
      xs  manyPrefBy uM xM
      return $ x:xs

-- # Comonads

class Comonad (w    ) where
  extract  w a  a
  (=)  w a  (w a  b)  w b

kextract  (Comonad w)  (a  b)  w a  b
kextract f xW = f $ extract xW

kextract2  (Comonad w)  (a  b  c)  w a  w b  c
kextract2 f xW yW = f (extract xW) (extract yW)

instance Comonad ID where
  extract = runID
  xW = f = ID $ f xW

siphon  (Comonad w)  w a  b  w b
siphon xW y = xW = \ _  y

dance  (Functor m,Comonad w)  w (m a)  m (w a)
dance aMW = map (siphon aMW) $ extract aMW

-- # Endo

newtype Endo a = Endo {runEndo  a  a}
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
  null = Endo id
  ()  Endo a  Endo a  Endo a
  () = coerce (()  (a  a)  (a  a)  (a  a))

compose   a. [a  a]  a  a 
compose fs = coerce $ concat (coerce fs  [Endo a])

-- # EndoM

data EndoM m a = EndoM { runEndoM  a  m a }

instance (Monad m)  Monoid (EndoM m a) where
  null = EndoM return
  g  f = EndoM $ runEndoM g * runEndoM f

mcompose  (Monad m)  [a  m a]  a  m a
mcompose = runEndoM  concat  map EndoM

-- # EndoW

data EndoW w a = EndoW { runEndoW  w a  a }

instance (Comonad w)  Monoid (EndoW w a) where
  null = EndoW extract
  EndoW g  EndoW f = EndoW $ \ xW  
    let yW = xW = f
    in g yW

wcompose  (Comonad w)  [w a  a]  w a  a
wcompose = runEndoW  concat  map EndoW

-- # Compose

newtype (t  u) a = Compose { runCompose  t (u a) }
  ( Eq,Ord,POrd
  , Bot,Join,JoinLattice,Top,Meet,MeetLattice,Lattice

onComposeIso  (t (u a)  t (u b))  (t  u) a  (t  u) b 
onComposeIso f (Compose x) = Compose $ f x

-- # Annotated

data Annotated t a = Annotated 
  { annotatedTag  t
  , annotatedValue  a 

-- # Fixed

newtype Fixed f = Fixed { unfold  f (Fixed f) }

mapFixed  (Functor f)  (f  g)  Fixed f  Fixed g
mapFixed f (Fixed x) = Fixed $ f $ map (mapFixed f) x

-- # AnnotatedFixed

data AnnotatedFixed t f = AnnotatedFixed 
  { annotatedFixedTag  t
  , unfoldAnnotated  f (AnnotatedFixed t f)

-- # First

data First a = NotFirst | First a
instance Monoid (First a) where
  null = NotFirst
  NotFirst  xM = xM
  First x  _ = First x

first  Maybe a  First a
first Nothing = NotFirst
first (Just x) = First x

maybeFirst  First a  Maybe a
maybeFirst NotFirst = Nothing
maybeFirst (First x) = Just x

-- # Last

data Last a = NotLast | Last a
instance Monoid (Last a) where
  null = NotLast
  _  Last x = Last x
  xM  NotLast = xM

last  Maybe a  Last a
last Nothing = NotLast
last (Just a) = Last a

maybeLast  Last a  Maybe a
maybeLast NotLast = Nothing
maybeLast (Last a) = Just a

-- Proxy

data P a = P

-- MemoFix

memoFix   a b. (Ord a)  ((a  b)  (a  b))  (a  b)
memoFix ff = unsafePerformIO $ do
  tableRef  newIORef emptyDict
  let fun x = unsafePerformIO $ do
        table  readIORef tableRef
        case table # x of
          Nothing  do
            let y = ff fun x
            modifyIORef tableRef $ insertDict x y
            return y
          Just y  return y
  return fun

-- -- instance (Functor t, Functor u) ⇒ Functor (t :.: u) where map = onComposeIso . map . map
-- -- instance (Functorial JoinLattice t, Functorial JoinLattice u) ⇒ Functorial JoinLattice (t :.: u) where
-- --   functorial ∷ forall a. (JoinLattice a) ⇒ W (JoinLattice ((t :.: u) a))
-- --   functorial =
-- --     with (functorial ∷ W (JoinLattice (u a))) $
-- --     with (functorial ∷ W (JoinLattice (t (u a)))) $
-- --     W
-- -- instance (Eq a) ⇒ Eq (Stamped a f) where (==) = (==) `on` stampedID
-- -- instance (Ord a) ⇒ Ord (Stamped a f) where compare = compare `on` stampedID
-- -- 
-- -- instance (Functorial Eq f) ⇒ Eq (Fix f) where
-- --   Fix x == Fix y = with (functorial ∷ W (Eq (f (Fix f)))) $ x == y
-- -- instance (Functorial Eq f, Functorial Ord f) ⇒ Ord (Fix f) where
-- --   Fix x `compare` Fix y = with (functorial ∷ W (Ord (f (Fix f)))) $ x `compare` y
-- -- 
-- -- stripStampedFix ∷ (Functor f) ⇒ StampedFix a f → Fix f
-- -- stripStampedFix (StampedFix _ f) = Fix $ map stripStampedFix f
-- -- instance (Eq a)           ⇒ Eq (StampedFix a f)           where (==)     = (==)     `on` stampedFixID
-- -- instance (Ord a)          ⇒ Ord (StampedFix a f)          where compare  = compare  `on` stampedFixID
-- -- instance (POrd a) ⇒ POrd (StampedFix a f) where pcompare = pcompare `on` stampedFixID
-- -- 
-- -- -- }}}
-- -- 
-- -- 
-- -- -- ListSetWithTop {{{
-- -- 
-- -- listSetWithTopElim ∷ b → (ListSet a → b) → ListSetWithTop a → b
-- -- listSetWithTopElim i f = \case { ListSetTop → i ; ListSetNotTop xs → f xs }
-- -- 
-- -- instance Buildable a (ListSetWithTop a) where 
-- --   nil = ListSetNotTop nil 
-- --   _ & ListSetTop = ListSetTop
-- --   x & ListSetNotTop xs = ListSetNotTop $ x & xs
-- -- instance Bot (ListSetWithTop a) where bot = ListSetNotTop nil
-- -- instance Join (ListSetWithTop a) where
-- --   ListSetTop ⊔ _ = ListSetTop
-- --   _ ⊔ ListSetTop = ListSetTop
-- --   ListSetNotTop x ⊔ ListSetNotTop y = ListSetNotTop $ x ⧺ y
-- -- instance Top (ListSetWithTop a) where top = ListSetTop
-- -- instance Meet (ListSetWithTop a) where
-- --   ListSetTop /\ x = x
-- --   x /\ ListSetTop = x
-- --   ListSetNotTop x /\ ListSetNotTop y = ListSetNotTop $ x ⧺ y
-- -- instance (Ord a) ⇒ Difference (ListSetWithTop a) where
-- --   ListSetTop \\ ListSetTop = nil
-- --   ListSetTop \\ ListSetNotTop _ = ListSetTop
-- --   ListSetNotTop _ \\ ListSetTop = nil
-- --   ListSetNotTop xs \\ ListSetNotTop ys = fromSet $ toSet xs \\ toSet ys
-- -- instance Monoid (ListSetWithTop a) where { null = bot ; (⧺) = (⊔) }
-- -- instance JoinLattice (ListSetWithTop a)
-- -- instance MeetLattice (ListSetWithTop a)
-- -- instance MonadBot ListSetWithTop where mbot = bot
-- -- instance MonadPlus ListSetWithTop where (<+>) = (⊔)
-- -- instance MonadTop ListSetWithTop where mtop = top
-- -- instance MonadAppend ListSetWithTop where (<⧺>) = (⊔)
-- -- instance Unit ListSetWithTop where unit = ListSetNotTop . single
-- -- instance Bind ListSetWithTop where
-- --   ListSetTop >>= _ = ListSetTop
-- --   ListSetNotTop xs >>= f = joins $ map f xs
-- -- instance Functor ListSetWithTop where map = mmap
-- -- instance Product ListSetWithTop where (<*>) = mpair
-- -- instance Applicative ListSetWithTop where (<@>) = mapply
-- -- instance Monad ListSetWithTop
-- -- 
-- -- -- }}}
-- -- 
-- -- -- SetWithTop {{{
-- -- 
-- -- data SetWithTop a = SetTop | SetNotTop (Set a) deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- -- 
-- -- setWithTopElim ∷ b → (Set a → b) → SetWithTop a → b
-- -- setWithTopElim b _ SetTop = b
-- -- setWithTopElim _ f (SetNotTop x) = f x
-- -- 
-- -- setFromListWithTop ∷ (Ord a) ⇒ ListSetWithTop a → SetWithTop a
-- -- setFromListWithTop ListSetTop = SetTop
-- -- setFromListWithTop (ListSetNotTop xs) = SetNotTop $ fromList $ toList xs
-- -- 
-- -- listFromSetWithTop ∷ SetWithTop a → ListSetWithTop a
-- -- listFromSetWithTop SetTop = ListSetTop
-- -- listFromSetWithTop (SetNotTop xs) = ListSetNotTop $ fromSet xs
-- -- 
-- -- instance (Ord a) ⇒ POrd (SetWithTop a) where
-- --   SetTop       `pcompare` SetTop       = PEQ
-- --   SetTop       `pcompare` _            = PGT
-- --   _            `pcompare` SetTop       = PLT
-- --   SetNotTop xs `pcompare` SetNotTop ys = xs `pcompare` ys
-- -- instance Bot (SetWithTop a) where bot = SetNotTop empty
-- -- instance (Ord a) ⇒ Buildable a (SetWithTop a) where
-- --   nil = bot
-- --   _ & SetTop = SetTop
-- --   x & SetNotTop xs = SetNotTop $ x & xs
-- -- instance Difference (SetWithTop a) where
-- --   SetTop \\ SetTop = bot
-- --   SetTop \\ SetNotTop _ = SetTop
-- --   SetNotTop _ \\ SetTop = bot
-- --   SetNotTop xs \\ SetNotTop ys = SetNotTop $ xs \\ ys
-- -- instance Join (SetWithTop a) where
-- --   SetTop ⊔ _ = SetTop
-- --   _ ⊔ SetTop = SetTop
-- --   SetNotTop x ⊔ SetNotTop y = SetNotTop $ x ⊔ y
-- -- instance Top (SetWithTop a) where top = SetTop
-- -- instance Meet (SetWithTop a) where
-- --   SetTop /\ x = x
-- --   x /\ SetTop = x
-- --   SetNotTop x /\ SetNotTop y = SetNotTop $ x /\ y
-- -- instance MonadBot SetWithTop where mbot = bot
-- -- instance MonadPlus SetWithTop where (<+>) = (⊔)
-- -- instance MonadTop SetWithTop where mtop = top
-- -- instance Product SetWithTop where 
-- --   SetTop <*> _ = SetTop
-- --   _ <*> SetTop = SetTop
-- --   SetNotTop xs <*> SetNotTop ys = SetNotTop $ xs <*> ys
-- -- instance Bind SetWithTop where
-- --   SetTop >>= _ = SetTop
-- --   SetNotTop xs >>= f = joins $ setMap f xs
-- -- 
-- -- instance JoinLattice (SetWithTop a)
-- -- instance MeetLattice (SetWithTop a)
-- -- 
-- -- -- }}}
-- -- 
-- maybeToList ∷ ∀ m a. (Functor m) ⇒ MaybeT m a → ListT m a
-- maybeToList aM = ListT $ ff ^$ runMaybeT aM
--   where
--     ff ∷ Maybe a → [a]
--     ff Nothing = []
--     ff (Just a) = [a]

-- -- # Set --
-- transposeSet ∷ 𝒫 (𝒫 a) → 𝒫 (𝒫 a)
-- transposeSet aMM = loop $ list $ stream aMM
--   where
--     loop ∷ [(𝒫 a)] → 𝒫 (𝒫 a)
--     loop [] = EmptySet
--     loop (s:ss) =
--       learnSet s (loop ss) $
--       set $ map set $ transpose $ map list $ s:ss
-- setBigProduct ∷ 𝒫 (𝒫 a) → 𝒫 (𝒫 a)
-- setBigProduct s = case remove s of
--   Nothing → set $ single bot
--   Just (xs,xss) → learnSet xs null $
--     let xss' = setBigProduct xss
--     in xs ≫=* \ x →
--        mapSet (insert x) xss'