# macrm [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/satosystems/macrm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/satosystems/macrm) This program is a replacement of macOS's `rm` command. Unlike `rm` command, this `macrm` command moves deleted files to trash. That is not just a move, of cause it is possible to undo. ## How to install ### Install via self build ```shell-session $ git clone https://github.com/satosystems/macrm.git ... $ cd macrm ... $ make install ... $ ``` ### Install via Homebrew ```shell-session $ brew install satosystems/tap/macrm ... $ ``` ### Install via Hackage ```shell-session $ stack install macrm ... $ ``` ## How to use It is same as `rm` command. Please see `macrm --help` for details.