-- | Main module exporting the relevant functions
module Text.Madlibs (
                    -- * Parsers for @.mad@ files
                    , parseTokM
                    , runFile
                    , parseFile
                    , makeTree
                    -- * Functions and constructs for the `RandTok` data type
                    , run
                    , runText
                    , RandTok (..)
                    -- * Types associated with the parser
                    , Context
                    , SemanticError (..)
                    -- * Command-line executable
                    , runMadlang
                    ) where

import Text.Madlibs.Ana.Resolve
import Text.Madlibs.Ana.Parse
import Text.Madlibs.Ana.ParseUtils
import Text.Madlibs.Cata.Run
import Text.Madlibs.Cata.SemErr
import Text.Madlibs.Exec.Main
import Text.Madlibs.Internal.Types
import Text.Madlibs.Internal.Utils