-- Represent the special curses ACS_ characters as their Unicode codepoints, -- so that the rest of the program can handle them more easily. -- The codepoints were mostly taken from a discussion archived at: -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/1996Jul/0192.html module BoxChar where ch_ulcorner, ch_llcorner, ch_urcorner, ch_lrcorner :: Char ch_ulcorner = '\x2518' ch_llcorner = '\x2510' ch_urcorner = '\x2514' ch_lrcorner = '\x250C' ch_ltee, ch_rtee, ch_btee, ch_ttee :: Char ch_ltee = '\x251C' ch_rtee = '\x2524' ch_btee = '\x2534' ch_ttee = '\x252C' ch_hline, ch_vline, ch_plus :: Char ch_hline = '\x2500' ch_vline = '\x2502' ch_plus = '\x253C' ch_diamond :: Char ch_diamond = '\x25CA' ch_bullet :: Char ch_bullet = '\x2022' ch_larrow, ch_rarrow, ch_darrow, ch_uarrow :: Char ch_larrow = '\x2190' ch_rarrow = '\x2192' ch_darrow = '\x2193' ch_uarrow = '\x2191' ch_board :: Char ch_board = '\x25A6' ch_block :: Char ch_block = '\x25A0'